Radio daily (Jan-Mar 1938)

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FCC Economic Report Free Competition UrgedCooperation is Offered in Promoting Improvement -Would Change Financial Reports NBC DAYTIME REVENUE UP 34 PER CENT IN ’37 NBC daytime revenue during the year just closed reached the all-time dollar volume figure of $10,368,566, up 34 per cent over 1936. Daytime figure has been climbing steadily since 1933, the depression point in radio. American Home Products, Procter & Gamble, Sterling Products placed ( Continued on Page 5) Stanton, Dannenbaum Jr. Get Promotions at WDAS Philadelphia — Patrick J. Stanton, general manager of WDAS, has been elected vice-president. A. W. Dannenbaum Jr., son of the owner, has been appointed sales manager. He has been handling these duties since Stanley H. Chambers left four months ago to become advertising manager of Bourjois Inc. Peco Gleason at WRTD As Chief of Production Richmond — Peco Gleason, formerly chief announcer and sports commentator for Charlottesville’s WCHV and the Virginia Broadcasting System, program director for WBIG in Greensboro, N. C., and special events ( Continued on Page 3) Maizlish Closes Deals Harry Maizlish, manager of KFWB, Los Angeles, the key station in the California Radio System, left New York for the coast on Saturday after closing several important deals involving both business and new shows. On his way west, Maizlish will stop off in Chicago for further business negotiations. Time Service Rock Island, 111. — Western Union, which has been receiving hundreds of requests weekly for correct time and wants to be relieved of the bother, has accepted help from WHBF. When requests are received now, W.U. gives the time and then tells the caller to listen hereafter to correct time signals on WHBF — and gives the various periods of such broadcasts. WSAU’s First Year Wausau, Wis. — WSAU, which celebrates its first anniversary on Ian. 30, received 32,163 pieces of fan mail up to early part of last week. Wayne W. Cribb, general manager, considers that a pretty good showing for a 100-watter in slightly less than a year's time since its debut. Goal for 1938 is over 45,000. COPYRIGHT FEES REFLECT HIGHER CANADIAN ACTIVITY Toronto — Report of the Copyright Appeal Board, which fixes the fees, charges or royalties which may be collected by Canadian Performing Right Society during 1938, shows that the society is entitled to collect license fees from broadcasting sta( Continued on Page 8) Admiracion Considering Spots in New Campaign Admiracion Laboratories Inc., Harrison, N. J., which has started an extensive newspaper-magazine campaign on its Foamy Oil Shampoo, is also considering a spot series along with magazine and newspaper additions. Chas. Dallas Reach Co., Newark, is the agency. Canada Raises License Ottawa — Canada’s radio receiving set license fee for the year beginning April 1 has been increased to $2.50 a year, against $2 at present, it is announced by Hon. C. D. Howe, minister of transport. LEAP from sixth to first place in its CBS billings for 1937 reveals Ruthrauff & Ryan agency as nearly $1,000,000 ahead of second-place holder Benton & Bowles, which came up from fourth place . . . others billing more than $1,000,000 on the same network were N. W. Ayer, NewellEmmett, BlackettSample -Hummert, Lord & Thomas, F. Wallis Armstrong and Neisser-Myerhoff . . . several other agencies were just below the round figure mark . . . Food and food A. T. & T. TEST SERIES ON WMAS, SPRINGFIELD Springfield, Mass. — American Telephone & Telegraph Co. is sponsoring a series over WMAS intended as a test to find out if radio advertising will pay. Depending on the results of the 26-week trial, company is expected to do nation-wide radio advertising. The series consists of three programs a day, six days a week. Two ( Continued on Page 2) FCC Hearing Ordered On WLW Power Renewal Washington Bureau, RADIO DAILY Washington — WLW’s application for renewal of 500,000 watts experimental power will have to go through a formal FCC hearing for the first time since the power was granted four years ago, according to an order last week by Commissioner George Henry Payne. A change in FCC rules recently instituted by Chairman ( Continued on Page 2) Plan Paint Campaign M. Ewing Fox Co., New York, has appointed Redfield-Johnstone Inc. to direct its advertising on Muralite, Raymura and other paints. Radio is among media under consideration. Leonard Black is account executive. beverage accounts led the industry groups on CBS, increasing its expenditures over 1936 by over 24 per cent. . . . NBC average sponsor outlay for the year 1936 was found to show an increase of 24.4 per cent, the figures being based on 134 accounts . . . drugs and toilet goods led the industry field, up 19.3 per cent, with food and food beverages running second ... In the meantime, both ( Continued on Page 2) By GEORGE W. MEHRTENS Washington Bureau, RADIO DAILY Washington — Encouraging the industry to continue organizing competitive networks, particularly state and regional, and declaring that while the industry can be improved, it should be given the opportunity to do so with the cooperation and guidance of the FCC, Chairman Frank R. McNinch today released the long delayed and much awaited report on social and economic aspects of broadcasting prepared by Commissioner T. A. M. Craven. The report was submitted solely as a basis of discussion, from which study and action can be taken by ( Continued on Page 3) ERWIN, WA8EY&C0. LED IN BUSINESS ON MUTUAL Erwin, Wasey & Co. placed more business on the Mutual web last year than any other advertising agency, MBS agency figures just compiled reveal. Close runner-up is Brooke, Smith, French & Dorrance. The leader placed $224,611, the runner-up $224,229. Ruthrauff & Ryan, which was first on the CBS agency list, is ( Continued, on Page 8) Sales Directors to Meet Next Saturday in Albany Syracuse — A one-day meeting of Broadcast Sales Directors of New York State will be held next Saturday starting at 10 a.m. in the Hotel (Continued on Page 5) ☆ THE WEEK IN EAEIC ☆ ; . . . Ruthrauff & Ryan Billings — By M. H. SHAPIRO