Radio daily (Jan-Mar 1938)

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Friday, January 28, 1938 5 LARRY “BUSTER” CRABBE, Paramount star, made his debut as a vocalist when he guested for George Jay’s “Hollywood Matinee” Wednesday. Crabbe was also interviewed. Jay’s guest on Monday was Virginia Verrill. KHJ will broadcast the highlights of the Third Annual Los Angeles Realty Board banquet Friday night at 9:15-9:45, with brief talks by Governor Merriam and Mayor Shaw scheduled, and Paul Whiteman’s band, Donald Novis, Eddy Rio and Jackie Serley providing the lighter moments. A new juvenile program featuring the Cooper Twins, Charlotte and Shirley, will be heard on KFWB each Tuesday and Thursday at 5: 15 p.m. Frances Faye, juvenile accordionist on the KNX “Marco Juvenile Revue,” leaves this week for further study in New York, and continues on to Milan, Italy, this summer to perfect herself on her chosen instrument. Bill Kelso, KMTR special events announcer, will bring J. H. Hanson, in charge of Federal Bureau of InI vestigation activities in Southern j California, to the KMTR mike this ; week in a new series of interviews of interesting personalities. Latest KFWB promotion is a “Bellj Hop Derby.” Mobile unit will follow two “front” boys from each of j the Hollywood hotels in a sprint I down the boulevard carrying a tray I of filled water glasses on Thursday | afternoon. Hugh Herbert will award the $50 prize to the boy who breaks the tape with the least water missI ing. The Broadcasting Service Associa! tion Ltd., Sydney, Australia, has exercised options on the Raymond R. Morgan Co. “Drums” program for J New Zealand. Had previously bought the transcribed series for Australia. Greetings from Radio Daily January 28 Irene Beasley Don Briggs Frank Healy January 29 Joy Hodges Florence Muzzy Joe Parker January 30 Ida Bailey Allen Renwicke Carey Dr. Walter Damrosch Frank Marx Joseph Gallicchio Charles Haubiel Lawrence W. Lowman RADIO DAILY CCCHESTCAS MUSIC HERBIE KAY plays a tour of midwest one-nighters on leaving the Drake Hotel, then drives to California to join his wife, Dorothy Lamour. Band about set to go into Cocoanut Grove. Latest word on the Eddy Duchin itinerary is that he’ll leave Chicago for the coast in time to do his next Tuesday Elizabeth Arden Mutual broadcast from Los Angeles. Mischa Violin, associate director and conductor of the Radio City Music Hall Symphony Orchestra, will conduct this Sunday’s broadcast of the Music Hall program over NBCBlue network at 12:30 p.m. Jack Russell’s band has been added to WGN-Mutual list, broadcasting from Melody Mill in North Riverside, Chicago. Band is first, in addition to Kay Kyser and Ennio Bolognini who stayed on at $100 a week, to pitch up the service charge. Carl Hoff, musical director for the “Watch The Fun Go By” series, begins his fifth term as “Hit Parade” batoneer on Feb. 12. Hoff has been granted permission to take a leave of absence following his first ciggie broadcast to fulfill a vaude commitment which he made previously with A1 Pearce and his gang. Following the six-week road booking, Hoff returns to New York with the Pearce show and resumes on “Hit Parade” for the nine weeks remaining in his contract with Luckies. Frankie Masters’ band which plays for Household Finance’s “It Can Be Done,’’ will play for the President’s Ball at Grand Rapids, Mich., Saturday. Bill McCune and his Staccato Styled Music, heard from the Hotel Bossert in Brooklyn Heights, is the only band in the Martin Block WNEW poll that does not make records for any specific company. McCune has been and is heard over WOR-Mutual and recently was voted second best band in a poll taken in Westchester County. There are several commercials in store for the McCune Men. They return to the air next month. Emile Petti and his Everglades Club Orchestra are airing nightly over WJNO, West Palm Beach. Val Ernie and his orchestra also airing nightly from the Patio. Charlet Cellers’ trio is airing daily over WJNO from the Royal Worth Hotel. Emil Coleman will play the third and final Junior Assembly at the Ritz-Carlton on Feb. 4, and thus becomes the first maestro to be engaged twice in the same season for these super-swank Junior League affairs. In connection with music for this turn-out, Coleman has been asked to keep any swing or Big Apple stuff under wraps. WPEN’s late evening dance parade includes four bajids from various night clubs, Johnny Graff, LeRoy McCoy, Bobby Morro and Pedro Blanc. Charlie Agnew, Chicago bandmaster who rose to prominence at Merry Garden ballroom, has come home replacing Stan Norris. Merry Garden has switched from NBC to WCFL with its remote broadcasts. OMAHA Harold “Had” Hughes, KOIL announcer, has been appointed program director. He succeeds Bob Cunningham, resigned. Eddie Butler, KOIL organist, has been named staff organist for WOW. KOIL has started a new drama series, “The Foreign Legion,” directed by Arthur Faust, dramatic director. SAN ANTONIO Billy Carmen and his orchestra now airing regularly over KONO. Howard W. Davis, KMAC station manager, spoke over WOAI Monday against increased taxes. Fritz Kuler, former KABC announcer, recently added to the spieling staff at KTSA. Newspaper Puzzles Vogue of newspaper puzzles doubled on the radio recently in a promotion over WNBF, Binghamton, N. Y. Sponsor placed the puzzles in evening paper, asked contestants to phone their answers to the radio station. Subsequent conversation was aired. KANSAS CITY James E. Gardner of KMBC technical staff is father of a girl. Mother of Harry W. Clifford, KXBY manager, was buried Monday. Owen Balch, KCKN special events man, is handling commercial series for Anchor Building & Loan in connection with opening of firm’s new quarters. Dick Smith is producing “Today’s Favorites”, new musical program for Missouri Electric Co., over WHB. Sign Syndicated Promotion Four more stations, bringing the total to ten, have contracted for the syndicated local promotion service initiated by Adrian James Flanter. Stations are WAAB, Boston; WBNS, Columbus; WPTF, Raleigh, and WBTM, Danville. Promotion pieces which bear the station’s imprint are sold on a three, six, or 12 months basis. In a competitive market, the service is sold to only one station. Girl for Craig McDonnell Craig McDonnell, actor, is the father of a seven-pound daughter born yesterday at Doctor’s Hospital. DEL OWEN, director of John Blair Productions, has been named musical director of the Cavalcade of Flight being staged in connection with the International Air Show starting here this week-end. Owen will direct the orchestra which will be heard over WGN-Mutual afternoons and evenings. Ken Ellington, CBS announcer and commentator, has been assigned to handle special events on WBBM along with Hal Burnett, in charge of publicity. In a dedicatory service WLS listeners heard for the first time on its Dinnerbell program the full collection of dinner bells which listeners have sent to the station. Some of these are more than a century old and were brought to the middle west in covered wagons. Evelyn Reese, free lance actress, held up and robbed of fur coat and cash on way home from participation in broadcast at WSBC. Jimmy Patt, director of special events for CBS, to Lincoln, 111., to set up plans for a Lincoln’s birthday broadcast over the network. Then he went to Kansas City to spend a few days with home folks. Bret Morrison. Campana “Grand Hotel” announcer, has affixed his signature to 105-week contract for Pillsbury’s “Woman in White” series. Jackie Heller got back to NBC just in time to fill in for Jack Baker who is confined to home with illness. Heller is working on Baker’s show at 5:35 p.m. daily and on Club Matinee. It’s a boy at the Bill Lawrences of NBC. Harold Safford, the DeZurik sisters and Pokey Martin back from Louisville where they participated in WHAS flood anniversary show. Bob Opper, sound effects man on Campana’s “First Nighter,” has named his new daughter Barbara Joy for Barbara Luddy, star of the show. Joseph A. McDonald, NBC legal department head, has gone to New York on business for a week. Announcer Ed Allen of WGN and Mutual is vacationing in Hollywood. Dolores Gillen has joined lineup of "Fibber McGee” show. Marion Jordan (Molly) continues under supervision of physician at hospital. WENR promotion department has issued a folder plugging the Club Matinee broadcast with special attention-calling to the headliners Ransom Sherman, Annette King, Johnnie Johnston, Jack Baker and Fran Allison. KEM /VVjSiCAL. AWRawaDoG __ • -To C* AN AO A