Radio daily (Jan-Mar 1938)

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4 Wednesday, February 2, 1938 RADIO DAILY AGENCIES COMPTON ADVERTISING INC. has been appointed to handle direct sales promotion and advertising for Permutit Co. (water conditioning equipment) . Guy Richards is account executive. CHARLES W. HOYT CO., as a result of a training course for juniors conducted last year, has made the following appointments: Richard. Pratt, assistant in radio department; William Morriss, research department, and H. M. Howlett, assistant in contract department. Miss Cecil Billings has joined the copy staff. RICHARD FOLEY AGENCY, Philadelphia, will handle Krumm Maca ; roni account. McKEE, ALBRIGHT & IVEY, Philadelphia, is handling Pine Bros. Inc. (proprietary remedies) . SIMMONDS & SIMMONDS INC., Chicago, has absorbed Phil W. Tobias & Associates, this 30 year old agency to operate under the S&S name with Phil W. Tobias as new president, F. M. Simmonds Jr. as vice-president and C. O. Brewer as secretary-treasurer. Jack Wendt has joined new agency as account executive and Frank Duffy and Fred Schwenn, formerly with Tobias, are joining new outfit in research and copy departments. ROE FOWLER, formerly with Charles Daniel Frey agency, has joined the writing staff of Needham, Louis & Brorby, Chicago. ALBERT G. DEGEN has left H. W. Kastor & Sons, Chicago, for local sales office of True Story magazine. MAURICE ELGUTTER has joined Aubrey, Moore & Wallace Inc., Chicago. He was formerly with P. P. Willis Corp. EVANS ASSOCIATES, Chicago, has landed the Haskelite Mfg. Corp. account, makers of plywood and other construction materials. MYRON P. KIRK, formerly vicepresident in charge of radio, Ruthrauff & Ryan Inc., has been made vice-president in charge of radio for Famous Artists Corp. and its affiliated corporations, H. E. EdingtonF. W. Vincent Inc., Feldman-Blum Corp. and the Charles Kenneth Feldman Corp., Hollywood. Appalachian Games on WOPI Bristol, Tenn. — W. A. Wilson, g.m. of WOPI, has arranged to air the 1938 baseball games of the Appalachian League from the various cities in the circuit. Ringson Managing WRDW Augusta, Ga. — W. R. Ringson, formerly with Georgia Theater Service Corp., Atlanta, has been named manager of WRDW here. WILLIAM SCOTT I and The Sweetheart Rhumba Quartet (instrumentalists) Featured by Manhattan Soap Co. W E A F Thurs. 9:30 A M. and 6:35 P.M. Fri. 9:30 A M. Excl. Mgt. Ben B. Lipset 607— 5th Ave., N.Y.C. PLaza 3-6268 • • • PERSONAL Postcards To: Ray Block: According to the press releases of the previous editions you've just written a tune called "In My Little Red Book". Did you know that Lew ("That Old Feeling") Brown wrote a tune using that title in 1933 — for the then columnist, Paul Yawitz? .... Phillips H. Lord: On last week's "We, The People" a hypnotist made an air appearance. Your office again oked this story — but we went backstage before (and after) the broadcast and asked the man to make us unconscious or place us under his power. He refused!. . . .Benny Goodman: The Paradise Cabaret is anxious to set a deal for you and that swing band at $6,000 per week— and do away with the girl show if necessary. .... Tommy Dorsey: Why won't you admit to that Universal Picture deal — when we've seen correspondence stating that your part was to be enlarged? George W. Hill: B. A. Rolfe. who was on your "Okay America" series, has a new band together now and calls it "floating rhythm" .... CCCHESTCAS MUSIC FERDE GROFE will conduct his second annual Carnegie Hall concert on March 25. He also will appear on RCA “Magic Key” March 20. Both deals set by Consolidated Radio Artists. Benny Goodman and Tommy Dorsey lead, with Guy Lombardo third and Horace Heidt fourth, in the third annual popularity poll conducted by Martin Block of the WNEW “Make Believe Ballroom.” Nearly 200,000 votes were cast by radio listeners in this contest, which has just closed. No prizes were offered to listeners. George Hessberger and his Bavarian orchestra have been set by CRA to open at the Alpine Village at Cleveland on Feb. 22. Engagement is for six months. • • • FCCommissioner McNinch: Here’s a story we’re sure you’ll like Goodwill has always been fostered by KV1, Seattle Tacoma, by handling telephone complaints of interference through the proper channels with Amateur, Radio Service Men and Power Company organizations Chief Engineer J. W. Wallace being either an active or honorary member in all One morning this week a friendly listener called, wishing to get in touch with son-in-law, amateur radio operator W7BAY in Helena, Montana. The call was passed on to KVI Transmitter Engineer Lew North, W7BHE, at his home near the transmitter on Vashon Island. He went on the air, heard W7BAY in Helena on the “Breakfast Club" amateur circuit, and contacted him direct on 75 meter phone, to the delight and satisfaction of all W7BHE, by the way, uses the distinguishing words W -7 “Bacon” “Ham” and “Eggs” as identification! Sounds like a natural for any Service “Breakfast Club”! • • • Mark Wamow: A bow from the hips and an affectionate embrace to you for finding an opening for Dave Kent with your Circle Music Co., where "Toy Trumpet" is quite the thing .... Lenox Lohr: Hereafter NBC will end all educational shows with "This has been an NBC Educational Feature". .. .Darryl Zanuck: At Casa Manana's "informal" nite, a singer, knowing that Sidney Lanfield, one of your top-notch directors, was present, dedicated a song "for you. Chief" — when there's only one "chief" — you — and you don't want him! Jack ("Disappointed and Disgusted") Bregman: Hear that Judy Garland is great with Fannie Brice in "Everybody Sings" .... Harry Conn: Your show has but three more shots to do. CBS is working out an hour show to take up that period opposite Don Ameche .... Charlie McCarthy: The nation is rapidly falling in love with "Dopey", one of the Seven Dwarfs .... David Sarnoff: Over at CBS two page boys. Sonny Diskin and Mike Campbell, were promoted — Sonny going into sales promotion and the latter into station relations — making a total of 12 page boys lifted to civvies. .. .Roy Wilson: Colonel Jack Major now has his own phone number and asks to be called up "if anything turns up where a fellow can have fun or make money" .... George D. Lottman: Correcting an error — by "reorganizing your coast office" we should have added that your staffs would be increased. • • • Bob Trout: A great undertaking has been completed in your behalf at WNBX in the snow capped hills of Springfield, Vt When Lindy Lindquist, program director, met you at the railway station in bearskin coat and hat, whisking you to the studio in an old-time Vermont snow cutter, you seemed to doubt that he was partaking of true northern customs. You declined to believe differently until shown a polar bear. Here’s the surprise — the recent January thaw has broken up the ice in Vermont streams. Great chunks have pyramided in the local black river. Would you believe it, polar bears came down with the ice flow? “Dormitory Girl,” a new song written by a member of the Austin Hall Choir at the University of Washington, was not only broadcast for the first time but sung in public for the first time over KVI, Seattle -Tacoma, when the station gave a preview of the “Varieties,” annual University musical show. Excerpts from other featured acts rounded out the preview program. Art Kassel, missing from Chicago for three years, will open at the Bismarck Hotel Walnut Room on Feb. 9 following Eddie Varzos. Gene Marvey, tenor formerly on the Bisodol show, is headlining with Sterling Young’s ork at Boulevard Room of Stevens Hotel, Chicago. Allan Grant, NBC pianist, is bringing out a second series of musical Candid Camera Sketches. This published series will include: “Jade,” “In a Tearoom,” “Lantern Parade,” “Barcarolle,” “Spanish Serenade,” “Waltz for Two Pianos,” “Lake Louise” and “A Fairy Tale.” Bernie Cummins is to follow Shep Fields in Empire Room of Palmer House starting Feb. 24. Veloz and Yolanda will be succeeding attraction and Guy Lombardo is set for spring appearance. Hal Kemp and his ork will play at the St. Louis University prom, St. Louis, Feb. 21. ! UNIVERSAL HAND SET for transreceivers, 'phones and inter-systems, Hi output quality microphone. Microphone Division UNIVERSAL MICROPHONE CO. LTD. 424 WARREN LANE INCLEWOOD, CALIF., U. S. A.