Radio daily (Jan-Mar 1938)

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4 Monday, February 14, 1938 250 IN WASHINGTON FOR NAB CONVENTION (Continued from Page 1) ing managing director, who will officially deliver his message today. At the conclusion of Baldwin’s speech, delegates will hear the report of Harold V. Hough, treasurer. Report of Committee on Reorganization and discussion of reorganization report are scheduled for this afternoon. Tomorrow there will be continued discussion of the reorganization committee report. If report is adopted, the chair will announce procedure and order of business to follow. Later on Tuesday delegates will hear address of Commissioner T. A. M. Craven, and then report of district elections. Tomorrow evening the Annual Banquet will be held at 7 o’clock in the Grand Ballroom of the Willard. Wednesday will bring reports of the Nominating Committee, Joint Committee on Radio Research, by Arthur B. Church; Report of Sales Managers’ Committee by L. H. Avery; Report of Engineering Committee by Paul Loyet, Report of Resolutions Committee, and adjournment Meeting of newly elected board of directors will be held immediately after close of convention. Delegates who either are on hand or have signified intention of attending include: John J. GiUin Jr., and Wm. Ruess, WOW; Marie W. Vandergrift and M. F. Rubin, WPAY; Norman Reeds and Wm. H. Appleby, WPG; Richard H. Mason, WPTF; F. W. Borton, WQAM; George E Joy, and Louis N. Persio, WRAK; Jim Woodruff Jr., WRBL; Frank Russell and Fred Shawn, WRC; Hoyt B. Wooten, WREC; Clarence Cosby, Lloyd Thomas, and A. E. Fuller, WROK; Garland Powell, WRNF; J. Roy McLennan and Frank M. Stearns, WSAL; Gene T. Dyer and L. A. Sanford, WSBC; N. L. O’Neil and Gordon Gray, WSJA; H. Whillahan, WSMB; Otto M. Schlabach and Chas. F. Callaway, WKBH; W. P. Williamson Jr., WKBN; C. G. Moss, WKBO; James F. Hopkins, WJBK. Basse A. Beck and Melvin Lahr, WKOK; John McCormick and M. R. Runyon, WKRC; John E. Fetzer, WKZO; Gilmore N. Nunn and Winston L. Clarke, WLAP; Stanley N. Schultz, WLAW; W. S. Craig, WLBC; B. D. Butler and Glenn Snyder, WLS; Edward A. Allen and Philip P. Allen, WLVA; K. H. Berkeley and Otto Brandt, WMAL; W. W. Smith and K. Kiggins, WMAQ; E. K. Cargill and W. E. Cobb, WMAZ; E. A. Wooten and H. M. Steed, WMBC; John W. Potter and Alexander Sherwood, WHBF; Hiram Y. Bom and H. P. Furstenau, WHBL; E. A. Alburty and H. B. Wooten, WHBQ; James A. Wagner, WHBY. E. J. Gluck, WSOC; J. H. Ryan and E. F. Flanigan, WSPD; Quincy A. Brackett and Lewis B. Breed, WSPR; Harold H. Meyer, WSUN; John J. Storey, WTAG; L. B. Wailes and B. F. McClancy, WTAM; Campbell Arnoux and John H. New, WTAR; Clarence T. Hofman, WTCB; Cedric F. Foster, and Norbert O'Brien, WTHT; D. A. Read, WTIC; Walter J. Damm and Don Albert, WTMJ; William H. West and Lester E. Cox, WTMV; Davis Keane and Dr. George F. WALT FRAMER Producer Originator “THE BLESSED EVENTER” Daily 10:30 A. M. Over WWSW Pittsburgh, Pa. RADIO DAILY ☆ THE WEEK IN EAEIO ☆ . . . Baldwin's Swan Song ( Continued from Page 1) he might have been considered more strongly for a good NAB berth , . . Baldwin may or may not be right in some of his beliefs, but the fact remains that a great many broadcasters certainly do not agree with him . . . being a broadcaster himself, he should never have said anything that may be used against the industry, especially at a time when adverse legislation is the greatest fear harbored by the radio men with investments, large or small . . . FCC Commissioner T. A. M. Craven, in a CBS network talk, opposed government operation of radio, the system in use having “proved beyond question to be the best for our country” . . . for the government to operate all broadcast facilities would be in conflict with the principles of democracy, he further stated . . . Ascap suit to test the Florida antiAscap law will be tried in New Courrier, WWAE; W. J. Scripps and Harry Bannister, WWJ; Vincent F. Callahan and J. D. Bloom Jr., WWL; George W. Smith and Paul J. Miller, WWVA; Edgar L. Bill and Charles C. Caley, WMBD; D. H. Poyner and C. Blair, WMBH; Frank King and Glenn Marshall Jr., WMBR. H. W. Slavick, WMC; Wayne M. Nelson and E. Z. Jones, WMFR; O. J. Ketchner and R. C. Warden, WMMN; S. D. Quarton and W. B. Quarton, WMT; John Shepard 3rd and R. L. Harlow, WNAC; Ted Mathews, WNAX; H. V. Akerberg, WNBC; C. N. Mastin and Harry Trenner, WNBF; B. F. Fisher and Hugh A. L. Halff, WOAI; Clark Luther and Paul Loyeh, WOC; W. B. Dolph, WOL; T. C. Streibert, WOR; L. A. Benson and E. P. Shutz, WIL; Hal Leyshon and Martin Wales, WIOD; Benedict Gimbel Jr., WIP; Robert E. Bausman, WIRE; G. Richard Shafto, WIS. Kern Tips, KPRC; J. M. Mooney and M. B. Campbell, WFAA; Joseph A. Lang and Paul Hanon, WGAB; Roy Thompson, WFBG; Samuel H. Cook and Chas. F. Phillips, WFBL; Hope H. Barroll Jr. and Harold W. Bachelder, WFBR; Howard M. Loeb, WFDF; Donald Withycomb and S. R. Rosenbaum, WFIL; Walter Tison and H. H. Baskin, WFLA; Walter B. Fraser, and R. M. Tigart, Manager, WFOY ; Hal A. Saville and Richard Mawson, WBAX; Edgar H. Twamlly, WBEN. Edney Ridge and J. M. Bryon, WBIG; R. A. Bored and W. I. Orr, WBNS; W. W. Behrman and Clarence Leich, WBOW; ! J. C. Bell and K. G. Marshall, WBRC; William Schudt Jr. and Harry Butcher, WBT; J. A. Holman and S. D. Gregory, WBZ; Leonard Kapner, WCAE; J. Thomas Lyon and L. M. Milbume, WCAO; Colonel H. Nelson Jackson, WCAX; Earl H. Gammons, WCCO; H. K. Carpenter and C. M. Everson, WCLE; 1 Sam C. Fantle Jr., KSOO; E. L. Finley and R. F. Bjorn, KSRO; Stanley E. Hubbard and Paul Spearman, KSTP. Edward E. Bishop and Edward E. Edgar, WGH; W. Ward Darrell and S. D. Gregory, WGL; I. R. Lounsberry and L. H. Avery, WGR-WKBW; H. W. Wilson and Ben Farmer, WGTM; Kolin Hager and J. H. Norton, WGY; E. A. Hanover and William Fay, WHAM; Barry Bingham and Mark Ethridge, WHAS; L. H. Bailey and W. P. Ogelsby, WHAT; Donald Dwight Davis and Dwight T. Schilling, WHB; Sidney H. Bliss and John Dixon, WCLO; Kenneth B. Johnson and C. Robert Thompson, WCOL. John Howard and M. Watters, WCPO; H. Dean Fitzer, WDAF; Barney Lavin, WDAY; Ray P. Jordan and F. D. Kesler, WDBJ; Harold P. Danforth, WDBO; J. F. Jarman Jr., WDNC; Franklin Doolittle, WDOC; J. C. Uhalt, WDSU; Edgar R. Bill, WDZ; A. H. Morton and W. S. Hedges, WEAF; R. L. Harlow, WEAN; 1 Inglis M. Taylor, WEBQ; Avery Wynne Orleans, March 3 . . . WOR began active experiments with transmission of facsimile, using the W. G. H. Finch method and garnering considerable space in the daily papers as well . . . Year-’round advertisers are increasing, according to NBC statistics . . . Several members of Local 802 of the AFM filed suit against the local to stop enforcing its $54 top earning fees for free-lance musicians. . . . Sesac let out a squawk over the inaccuracy of the NAB report on its catalog . . . Canadian broadcasters held their meet early in the week behind closed doors, but the main argument appears against the CBC and how to get more American commercials . . . RCA net for 1937 reached the 9 million dollar mark... goodly share of it coming from NBC ...CBC incidentally reported a profit for its Canadian network of $128,819 I the past year and B. W. Frank, WEED; H. E. Fellows, WEEI; John V. L. Hogan and Elliott M. Sanger, WQXR; M. E. Tompkins and Loren Watson, Associated Music Pub.; Jan G. Bailey and C. M. Jansky, Jansky & Bailey. Clarence Wheeler, WHE; Leonard Reinsch, WNIO; H. K. Carpenter and C. M. Everson, WHK; J. O. Maland, WHO; Joseph Lang, WHOM; Joseph W. Mason and John M. Davis, WBG; Roy Radner, WIBM; Ben Ludy and E. C. Nash, WIBW; Gene T. Dyer, WGES; Oliver Morton, WENR; John T. Calkins, WESG; A. S. Foster, WEW. G. W. Grignon and R. N. Wehl, WISN; John J. Boyle and Mortimer L. Burbank, WJAR; J. F. Hopkins, WJBR; H. Vernon Anderson and Charles P. Manship Jr., WJBO; Wiley Harris and Allen Lacy, WJDX; Leo Fitzpatrick, WJR; Harry Butcher and A. D. Willard Jr., WJSV; H. C. Wilder and H. L. Lohnes, WJTN; S. W. Townsend and John F. Weisner, WJN; A. L. Ashby and P. J. Hennessey Jr., WJZ; Clair McCullough, WGAL; John F. Patt, WGAR; Laurence Leich and W. W. Behrman, WGAF; Frank Megargee and George Coleman, WGBI. Richard O. Lewis, KTAR; Sam H. Bennett, KTAT; Ed. Craney, KGIR; Harould Hough, WBAP; D. A. Kahn, KTOK; B. F. Orr, KTRH; Karl O. Wyler, KTSM; Ben S. Fisher, KVOD; William B. Way, KVOO; W. B. Greenwald, KWBG; Robert T. Convey and C. G. Cosby, KWK; John D. Ewing and John C. McCormack, KWKH; T. W. Symons Jr. and T. W. Symons 3rd, KXL; A. J. Mosby, KGVO; Lewis Allen Weiss, KHJ; Ralph R. Brunton and C. L. McCarthy, KJBS; B. F. Fisher, KJR. F. W. Thurston and L. F. Brokover, Gen. Electric; P. L. Deutsch and A. J. Kendrick, World Broadcasting; W. E. Hutchinson, WAAF; P. H. La Stayo, LANG -WORTH Largest Tax-Free musical Library in The World On Demonstration Now Hotel Willard-930-31 AGRAP-C10 AFFILIATION INDICATED IN BALLOTING ( Continued from Page 1) votes cast by committee members whereby the CIO held a large majority. A swing toward the more conservative AFRA, and votes demanding independence for AGRAP, are cutting heavily into pre-ballot forecasts. Temporary agreements between AGRAP and several radio stations which were due for negotiation have been extended until the duration of the balloting. WAAT; Allen T. Simmons, WADC; Jess Swicegood and Lamdin Kay, WAGA; Ronald B. Woodyard, WALR; Maurice Coleman, WATL; Harold Thomas, WATR; Nathan Lord and George W. Norton Jr., WAVE; Fred A. Palmer, KOY; Lloyd Yoder and H. A. Woodman, KPO. Arthur B. Church and J. Leslie Fox, KMBC; C. W. Meyers, KOIN; J. C. Liner Sr., KMLB; Herb Hollister, KANS; Merle S. Jones and Ken W. Church, KMOX; Donald W. Thornburgh, KNX; R. H. Owen and P. J. Merryman, KOA; Don Searle, KOIL; Bert Fisher, KOMO; James C. Wallace and Lawrence King, KAST; Ellis Atteberry, KCKN; S. D. Gregory and A. E. Nelson, KDKA; S. S. Fox, KDYL; Calvin J. Smith, KFAC; K. W. Pyle and Lester E. Fox, KFBI; Gene O’Fallon and Frank Bishop, KFEL; Dalton Le Masurier, KFJM; Lawrence W. McDowell, KFOX; James R. Curtis and H. C. Hohnson, KFRO; R. V. Hamilton and C. H. Thomas, KFRU; Herman K. Hohenstorm, KFVO; Oscar C. Hirsch, KFVS. C. L. McCarthy and Ralph R. Brunton, KQW; Arthur Westlund, KRE; O. L. Taylor, KRGV; L. M. Sepaugh and R. B. Lanford, KRMD; Luther L. Hill and Craig R. Lawrence, KRNT; Gregory Gentling and Earl Gammons, KROC; Robert E. Priebe and P. K. Leberman, KRSC; R. H. Laubengayer, KSAL; Edward W. Hamlin, KSD; Philip G. Lasky and Wesley I. Dumm, KFSO; Gardner Cowles Jr. and Luther L. Hill, KSO; B. C. Thomson and Bob Elliston, KFTR; Dewitt Landis and O. L. Taylor, KFVO; P. J. Meyer and F. Fitzsimmonds, KFYR; C. Merwin Dobyns and John A. Dobyns, KGER; Ben S. McGlashan, KGFJ; John J. Gillin Jr., WOW; H. J. Powell, KGGF; F. C. Eighmey and Lee P. Loomis, KGLO; O. L. Taylor, KGNC; J. C. Denous and N. C. Petersen, KGNO; Leslie Joy and F. E. Chizzini, NBC Thesaurus. “As the Jewish Market Goes — So Goes New York” Listen in over Station WMCA To the following programs: ZION VARIETY SHOW Mondays at 7:30 P. M. LET’S SUNG TOGETHEII TIIE SONGS OF ISRAEL Wednesdays at 7:30 P. M. MOLLY PICON in ”1 Give You My Life*’ Fridays at 7:30 P. M. Judge for yourself ADVERTISERS BROADCASTING CO. 205 East 42nd Street, New York, N. Y. MUrrav Hill 4-1364