Radio daily (Jan-Mar 1938)

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AFM Asks Small Station Minimum Union Board in Parley With Phil Loucks 9 Who Reverses Former NAB Stand Regarding Small Outlets TEXACO SUMNER CAMPAIGN IN CO-OP WITH DEALERS Texaco’s cooperative transcription series will be a summer campaign. Agency, Buchanan & Co., is preparing three different sets of disks. Local dealer will select the series he wishes to use. Disks will be quarterhours, using evening time and airing twice weekly in most instances. Another Anti-Ascap Bill Is Introduced at Albany Albany — Assemblyman R. Foster Piper of Buffalo has introduced an anti-Ascap bill in the assembly. Measure proposes that any combination of authors, composers or publishers, or owners of copyrighted vocal or instrumental music, be declared unlawful if formed for the purpose of fixing license fees for performances by singers, actors or ( Continued on Page 3) Nearly 100% Membership In Pacific AFRA Chapter San Francisco — Pacific and Northwest Chapter of the AFRA reports progress in its negotiations with several stations, including KJBS, KQW, KFPY, KGW-KEX and KGGC, located within its jurisdiction. Membership is declared to be nearly 100 per cent and to date all conferences ■ have been on a friendly basis. One accomplishment here is the action by the membership in getting ( Continued on Page 3) Benny East for Week Jack Benny is planning to come east for a week at the end of this —i month, with his NBC broadcasting originating in New York at the time. Heavy on News Montgomery, Ala. — Depending almost exclusively on radio, the Teague Hardware Co., wholesale house of Montgomery, reaches dealers and the general public with 25 programs each week. Twenty -four of the programs are newscasts, aired by WSFA. Four INS newscasts are broadcast daily. Programs have been running for more than a year. Indian Admiration San Francisco — Recent visitor to NBC here, Roderick Davis, fullblooded Thimishian Indian visitor from Metlakatla, Alaska, talked interestingly and earnestly about top-hatted, monocled Charlie McCarthy. "I sure would like to take that fellow back with me," Davis sighed. "What a totem pole top he'd make!" NBC COMMERCIAL LIST SHOWS INCREASE AHEAD NBC compilation of programs fading from the network and new programs to come on the Red and Blue webs show that through May, 1938, NBC will gain one-half hour per week in new business. Survey was completed yesterday and includes all ( Continued on Page 3) Herring's Review Board Not To Be Compulsory Washington Bureau, RADIO DAILY Washington — Senator Clyde L. Herring, who expects to have the first draft of his measure to create a radio board of review completed within a week, told RADIO DAILY yesterday that “this is not a censorship measure; (Continued on Page 3) Gen. Electric Switch General Electric will move its Monday night Phil Spitalny “Hour of Charm” broadcast up one-half hour to the 9-9:30 p.m. spot on NBCRed network beginning March 14. Spot was formerly occupied by Fibber McGee, switched to Tuesday nights. Station set-up remains as is. CBS within the next month will inaugurate three new commercials which will run at least through the spring and summer months. The NBC Household Finance show, “It Can Be Done”, featuring Edgar Guest, will switch to CBS on April 6 at 10:30-11 p.m., taking the Hudson “Hobby Lobby” repeat period which is signing off the air. Household has AS LIVE SHOW ON COAST West Coast Bureau, RADIO DAILY Los Angeles — Gruen Watch Co. program to be supplied by Warner Bros.-Transamerican will be called “Encore Theater of the Air,” presented by a new Warner project, The Academy of Acting, and originating at KFWB here Friday at 9 p.m. PST for an initial run of 13 (Continued on Page 2) Chi Musicians Lost $150,000 in Wages Chicago — Since start of the transcribed music fight, Chicago musicians have lost about $150,000 in wages, while a lot of recording work was taken out of here to other jurisdictions, it is admitted by James C. (Continued on Page 3) Ethridge Not Candidate Louisville — Following the meeting of NAB Executive Committee here with Mark Ethridge of WHAS as temporary chairman, Ethridge told RADIO DAILY that he’s not considering the post of paid president of NAB and that other members of committee understood his position. Ethridge said he is primarily a newspaperman and wishes to continue his present status as g.m. of CourierJournal and Louisville Times. used NBC for the past seven years. BBD&O has the account. Joe Lowe Corp. (Popsicle) will begin “Popeye”, from the cartoon strip, on May 2, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, 6:15-6:30 p.m. Blackett Sample Hummert is the | agency. The Griffin show gets under way j on April 19 at 10-10: 30 p.m. Talent (Continued on Page 3) Executive Board of the AFM informed Phil G. Loucks yesterday that it expected the small stations, which are more dependent than anyone else on records and transcriptions, to come into the fold and make a deal relative to the hiring of musicians on a basis similar to that of the IRNA. This means that outlets with gross receipts somewhat above $15,000 annually will be expected to hire an organist or pianist as the minimum requirement, all according to the wage scale of the AFM local within (Continued on Page 3) RED-BLUE STATION TIME IS OPENED UP BY NBC NBC effective immediately is offering sponsors its restricted time periods (station time) on both the Red and Blue networks. Theoretically, web is allowing the client to select his own network out of the 144 stations which are affiliated with the net. Plan will work thus: client wants the Red network, so the station rela ( Continued on Page 3) Eugene Thomas Appointed Sales Manager at WOR Eugene S. Thomas, yesterday was appointed sales manager of WOR by Frank Braucher, vice-president in charge of sales. Thomas has been assistant sales manager for the past two years and joined WOR in 1934 in the sales promotion department. Musical Respect Detroit — Playing of "Annie Laurie", "Loch Lomond" and other traditional songs of the heart to swing rhythm has been barred at WIR. Edict came from Leo Fitzpatrick, g.m., after a swing arrangement of "Annie Laurie" brought a flood of protests. P.S. — Station has a batch of nice, expensive swing arrangements for sale cheap. Three New Commercials Start Over CBS in Month