Radio daily (Jan-Mar 1938)

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2 Tuesday, March 15, 1938 Vol. 3, No. 51 Tues., Mar. 15. 1938 Price 5 Cts. JOHN W. ALICOATE : : : PubUsher DON CARLE GILLETTE : : : Editor MARVIN KIRSCH : : Business Manager Published daily except Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays at 1501 Broadway, New York, X. Y., by Radio Daily Corp. J. W. Alicoate, President and Publisher; Donald M. Mersereau. Treasurer and General Manager; Chester B. Bahn, Vice-President j Charles A. Alicoate, Secretary; M. H. Shapiro, Associate Editor. Terms (Post free) United States outside of Greater New York, one year, $5 ; foreign, year, $10. Subscriber should remit with order. Address all communications to RADIO DAILY, 1501 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Phone Wisconsin 7-6336, 7-6337, 7-6338. Cable address: Filmday, New York. Hollywood, Calif. — Ralph Wilk, 6425 Hollywood Blvd. Phone Granite 6607. Entered as second class matter April 5, 1937, at the postoffice at New York, N. Y., under the act of March 3, 1879. FINANCIAL i. ( Monday , Mar. 14) __ NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANCE Net High Low Close Chg. Am. Tel. & Tel 130'2 130 130% + 13 ‘A CBS A 16% 163/4 163/4 Crosley Radio 75/g 7% TVs + Vs Cen. Electric 38% 38' 8 38% + Vs RCA Common 6% 6 Vs 6% -j Vs RCA First Pfd 48% 46% 4714 — % Stewart Warner ... 8% 8% 8% + Vs Westinghouse 92% 90% 90% + % NEW YORK CURB EXCHANCE Majestic 1 1 1 OVER THE COUNTER Bid Asked Stromberg Carlson 4% 5% WBAP Hot for Rodeos Fort Worth, Texas — Between March 11-20, Station WBAP will carry 17 remote broadcasts from the Rodeo being held in connection with the Southwestern Exposition and Fat Stock Show in Fort Worth on those dates. The “Hired Hand” of WBAP, otherwise known as Harold Hough, general manager of WBAP, will alternate with staff announcers in giving word picture of this championship rodeo. The annual rodeo and the New Year’s Holiness broadcasts, are now the only two events certain to bring out the “Hired Hand” as an announcer. CBS Signs Pat Ballard Pat Ballard, radio script and songwriter, yesterday signed a management contract with Columbia Artists, Inc. Ballard is currently engaged in writing special song material for the Ben Bemie show and is also writing material for Horace Heidt’s Alemite program, under an arrangement with Music Corporation of America. WROK « THE RADIO VOICE OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS AND SOUTHERN WISCONSIN ROCKFORD, ILL. KELLY-SMITH RADIO DAILY NETWORK SONG FAVORITES Following is an accurate list of performances for the week ending March 13, covering songs played from 5 p.m. to 1 a.m. on CBS and two NBC networks. Only compositions played 15 times or more are included. This listing is a regular Tuesday feature in RADIO DAILY. Selection Publisher Times Played Please Be Kind (Harms Inc.) 27 You're An Education (Remick Music Corp.) 25 Goodnight Angel (Irving Berlin Inc.) 24 Thanks For The Memory (Paramount Music Corp.) 24 Tipitin (Leo Feist Inc.) 23 I Double Dare You (Shapiro-Bernstein Inc.) 22 How Dja Like To Love Me (Famous Music Inc.) 20 I Can Dream Can't I? (Mario Music Corp.) 20 More Than Ever (Miller Music Inc.) 20 Sweet As A Song (Robbins Music Corp.) 20 Whistle While You Work (Irving Berlin Inc.) 20 Heigh Ho (Irving Berlin Inc.) 18 In My Little Red Book (E. B. Marks Music Co.) 18 Let's Sail To Dreamland (Larry Spier Inc.) 18 At A Perfume Counter (Donaldson. Douglas & Gumble) 16 Dipsy Doodle (Lincoln Music Corp.) 16 I See Your Face Before Me (Crawford Music Corp.) 16 Love Walked In (Chappell and Co.) 16 It's Wonderful (Robbins Music Corp.) 15 Ban on "Molly" Rescinded Chicago — Ban on Fibber McGee’s “Good Night, Molly” as signoff for show has been rescinded and will be in evidence again from now until Molly who is Marian Jordan, Jim’s wife, recovers and is back on air. Fibber words, it was explained, do not violate letter of FCC rule which prohibts use of broadcasting channels for private communication between individuals. Molly, it was contended, is name of character in show, not Jim Jordan’s wife. WIS Promotes Shafto Charlotte, N. C. — W. Frank Hipp, retiring president of WIS, Charlotte, last Friday night announced at a special dinner that G. Richard Shafto, general manager and vicepresident, has been elected to the presidency. Shafto remains general manager while Hipp becomes vicepresident and chairman of the board of directors. B STRATEGICALLY LOCATED OFFICES MANNED BY SEASONED RADIO MEN who will gladly place their radio experience and market knowledge at your dhposal to assist you in your radio plans whether or not you contemplate entering any of the markets represented by John Blair & Co. CHICACO NEW YORK DETROIT SAN FRANCISCO LOS ANCELES SEATTLE OXOL Buys 14 Spots J. L. Prescott, through BBD&O, has placed live spot announcements on 14 stations in the east and midwest. Plugs, for Oxol, are being aired once a day, five times weekly. Stations are: WNAC, WCKY, WOR, WCAU, WHAM, WGBI, WBNS, WJAR, WGAR, WMAQ. WGY. KDKA, KWK and WRVA. cominc and coinc HOPE H. BARRELL, JR., manager, and PURNELL H. GOULD, commercial manager, both of WFBR, Baltimore, are in town. E. P. H. JAMES, sales promotion manager of NBC returns today from Erie, Pa. where he addressed the Advertising Club dinner there last night. SUZANNE MARIE BERTIN, French singer and wife of Joseph Noblot, French shipowner, will arrive in New York today on the lie de France. OLIVER WAKEFIELD leaves for England on March 25 to fill two personal appearance engagements. FOX CASE, CBS Press and Special Events Head for the Coast, Announcer DON FORBES, and Engineers HAROLD PEERY and HARRY SPEARS due back in Hollywood today from Sun Valley, Idaho where they handled the International Ski Races broadcast. IRVING FOGEL, head of the Hollywood radio production firm bearing his name, is in New York on a two weeks’ business trip. JAMES PETRILLO, head of Chicago AFM local, leaves here for Chicago tonight. HARRY STONE, WSM manager, is spending ten days with friends at Silver Springs, Fla. JOHN G. “JAP” CUDE, manager of CBS station relations, is off on a ten-day trip through the southwest. Rural Survey Closed Says Joint Committee ( Continued from Page 1) will have been completely reorganized and work more closely with the committee. For the past year the ass’n has not concerned itself with any of the committee work. Conferences on “method studies” have been going on regularly. Another meeting is scheduled for latter in the week. OINTOF^URCHASE at the retailers counter.#, that’s where the final decision is made.. • •where retailer meets customer • • • • that’s why a retailer is judge and jury of advertising results • . • • retailers in Michigan’s eight major markets prefer, by actual experience, the j. . ; ^ Michigan Radio Network WXYZ KEY STATION w_ PfN U . DETROIT MICHIGAN The Paul H. Raymer Co., Representative