Radio daily (Jan-Mar 1938)

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•IX profitable years on tke air Many con ^ tinuous Advertisers . . Positive Proof that tbe £N Programs pay large Dividends! / THOSE few words tell tbe story of Sponsors \\ who appreciate that to reach our rich “Friendly \ \ Family” of 2,500,000 ItaloAmericans there is %_ 1 ^ only one way— the Italian way! }>, \ NO matter what you sell — our Program and \ \ Merchandising Departments can be of great help to you in so popularizing your Product that it be^k comes a permanent part of the Friendly Family that lives with us every day of the year! , by such service are you Keyed to Sales to ■ ^k Italo-Americans, who spend over a Billion Dollars annually! Italo-American Market NEW YORK • 1000 WATTS WPEIM PHILADELPHIA • 1000 WATTS THE INTERNATIONAL BROADCASTING CORPORATION NEW YORK CITY WBIL NEW YORK • 5000 WATTS