Radio daily (Jan-Mar 1938)

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2 Tuesday, March 22, 1938 RADIO DAILY Vol. 3, No. 56 Tues., Mar. 22, 1938 Price 5 Cts. JOHN W. ALICOATE : : : Publisher DON CARLE GILLETTE : : : Editor MARVIN KIRSCH : : Business Manager Published daily except Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays at 1501 Broadway, New York, N. Y., by Radio Daily Corp. J. W. Alicoate, President and Publisher; Donald M. Mersereau, Treasurer and General Manager; Chester B. Bahn, Vice-President ; Charles A. Alicoate, Secretary; M. H. Shapiro, Associate Editor. Terms (Post free) United States outside of Greater New York, one year, $5 foreign, year, $10. Subscriber should remit with order. Address all communications to RADIO DAILY, 1501 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Phone Wisconsin 7-6336, 7-6337, 7-6338. Cable address: Filmday, New York. Hollywood, Calif.— Ralph Wilk, 6425 Hollywood Blvd. Phone Granite 6607. Entered as second class matter April 5, 1937, at the postoffice at New York, N. Y., under the act of March 3, 1879. FINANCIAL (.Monday, Mar. 21) Am. CBS CBS Cen. RCA Tel. A . B . Stewart Warner Zenith Hazeltine Corp. Net High Low Close Chg. .1281/4 1251/4 1255/g — lVs 16 153/4 1544 + Vi 153/4 153/4 153/4 + 3/4 373/g 36% 36% — 5/8 . 6 5% 5Vr 4634 46 463/4 + l'/4 8 1/4 8 1/4 8'/4 2 Vs 87 5 'a 841/4 841/4 — 133/4 131/2 131/2 + Vo CURB EXCHANCE . 15V? 15 V? 151/2 + Va • 5/s % Vs OVER THE COUNTER Bid Asked Stromberg Carlson 45/g 55/g Keegan Leaves Chi. NBC Chicago — Howard Keegan, veteran NBC production director, is leaving April 1, to become production director for Carl Wester & Co., radio production firm which handles S. C. Johnson’s “attorney at law” and Pillsbury’s “Woman in White.” Keegan, former WCFL program manager, produced “Lights Out”, “Girl Alone” and Edgar Guest’s “It Can Be Done”, among others, at NBC. Buys More McClatchy News Sacramento — McClatchy stations KFBK, Sacramento and KMJ, Fresno have been added to stations releasing three daily news casts by John B. Hughes to supplement the present outlet over the Don Lee network. The 18-a-week news broadcasts by Hughes are under sponsorship of Borden’s Dairy Delivery, San Francisco. WROK THE RADIO VOICE OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS AND SOUTHERN WISCONSIN ROCKFORD, ILL. KELLY-SMITH NETWORK SOM. FAVORITES Following is an accurate list of performances for the week ending March 19, covering songs played from 5 p.m. to 1 o.m. on CBS and two NBC networks. Only compositions played 15 times or more are included. This listing is a regular Tuesday feature in RADIO DAILY. Selection Publisher Times Played It's Wonderful (Robbins Music Corp.) 29 Love Walked In (Chappell & Co.) 29 Tipitin (Leo Feist, Inc.) 27 You're An Education (Remick Music Corp.) 26 More Than Ever (Miller Music, Inc.) 25 Sweet As A Song (Robbins Music Corp.) 23 Goodnight Angel (Irving Berlin, Inc.) 22 Thanks For The Memory (Paramount Music Corp.) 22 I Double Dare You (Shapiro Bernstein Corp.) 20 Let's Sail To Dreamland (Larry Spier, Inc.) 20 Please Be Kind (Harms, Inc.) 20 Whistle While You Work (Irving Berlin, Inc.) 20 How Dja Like To Love Me (Famous Music Corp.) 19 Dipsy Doodle (Lincoln Music Corp.) 17 Heigh Ho (Irving Berlin, Inc.) 16 I Fall in Love With You Every Day (Famous Music Corp.) 16 I See Your Face Before Me (Crawford Music Corp.) 16 Always And Always (Leo Feist, Inc.) 15 cominG and come ROLAND MARTINI, vice-president in charge of radio for the Cardner Advertising Co., arrives in Los Angeles from New York, today. WILLIAM S. PALEY, president of CBS, returned from the west coast yesterday. MILTON BERLE left Hollywood yesterday by plane to return to the bedside of his father who is seriously ill. CLIFF SAMUELSON and BRAD ROBINSON of General Mills in New York to line up Cold Medal Hour, and baseball schedule. SYLVESTER Q. CANNON, president of the Radio Service Corporation of Utah, (KSL) has returned to his desk from a vacation in California. WALTER WOOLF KING, arrives tomorrow morning from the Coast to join Eddie Cantor. MRS. CHARLES B. KNOX, president of Knox Gelatine Co., arrives here today on the Aquitania. MRS. JOHN T. DORRANCE, wife of the late Campbell Soup head, also arrives today on the Aquitania. JOHN SHEPARD III, of Yankee and Colonial Networks, and MRS. SHEPARD returns today from a West Indian cruise. A. WARD WHEELOCK of the agency bearing his name, arrives today on the Aquitania. Congressmen Still Want Their Own Investigation (Continued from Page 1) radio industry by the FCC was in the public interest and would be conducted primarily to look into the activities of chain broadcasting companies. “I realize that the investigation we propose,” McNinch stated, “Does not line up exactly with what is in the minds of many members of Congress but we shall definitely go into the social and economic aspects of the radio broadcasting industry,” McNinch’s statement was prompted by a previous statement made by Congressman Richard Wigglesworth, Massachusetts Republican, who describing the proposed FCC investigation as “an investigation by seven members of the Commission of the work of four members of the Commission in the broadcasting field,” let loose a blast against the FCC. “No one,” Wigglesworth said, “Can consider the evidence available today without feeling that those administering these acts have failed to achieve any one of these objectives and that a virtual monopoly of the industry exists in the hands of the three big broadcasting companies of the nation, Columbia, Mutual and National.” Commander T. A. M. Craven, who first suggested the investigation and in this resolution provided for a threeman board to conduct it was in accord with the sympathies expressed by Chairman McNinch. “For my part,” Craven said, “I shall see that the investigation goes right to the facts.” At the National Association of Broadcasters it was not possible to reach Philip Loucks for a statement. Congressman Lawrence Connery, Massachusetts Democrat, sponsor of the House resolution, introduced by his late brother to investigate the FCC and the radio industry together, ( Continued on Page 8) Baseball Plans Okayed By Atlantic Refining Co. (Continued from Page 1) der combined sponsorship of Atlantic and Kellogg in International and Piedmont leagues, WHEC, WEBR, WSOC, WRTD, WSJS, WRDW. Baltimore games will be aired under joint sponsorship of Atlantic and General Mills with station and announcer as yet unselected; WOKO and WABY, for Atlantic Refining, Washington Senator games; WJAS, Sports summaries. Remaining two leading sponsors of baseball play-by-play accountings, Kellogg and General Mills, both have not as yet released their schedules for the coming season. Clifford Samuelson and Brad Robinson, representing General Mills, are now in New York completing arrangements. Arthur H. Samuels' Services Arthur H. Samuels, WOR Executive Producer, died Sunday morning at Doctors’ Hospital following a short illness. Samuels, who was 49 years old, had been associated with WOR since October, 1937. Funeral services, held yesterday, were attended by Frank Braucher and Theodore Streibert, WOR vice-presidents, Alexander Woollcott, Maurice Gest, Olga Baclanova and Pat Barnes and others. Another Ulay to Tell the KUOO Story! RUDY VALLEE will be in New York today after his picture-making on the coast. TOMMY RIGGS arrives with him. JACK PEARL is also among the Hollywood arrivals in New York today. PAULINE SWANSON, head of the Los Angeles Fizdale office in New York on two week trip. LAWTON CAMPBELL, Ruthrauff & Ryan vice-president, arrived on the coast yesterday for a huddle with Tiny Ruffner, v.-p., in charge of Hollywood office. Goodrich Tire on KSFO San Francisco — The Goodrich Tire and Rubber Company of Akron, Ohio have placed a summer spot announcement campaign on KSFO, CBS outlet in San Francisco. This Ruthrauff & Ryan account will use five nighttime spot announcements beginning April 1. Sales fo Ok! om a • Babson and other economic authorities point to Oklahoma where business men, in all lines, report good volume . . . and WKY OKLAHOMA CITY Representative — The Katz Agency. Inc^