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Tuesday, March 22, 1938
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gross network has billed in its history.
March revenues for the networks, it is expected will be very good. CBS will report the largest first quarter in its history. NBC is holding its ground. Network has had some cancellations but new business already booked will more than make up for the loss.
Lawmakers Still Seek
To Investigate Radio
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declared the FCC investigation would not in any way affect his intentions to press for passage of his brother’s resolution.
The Mutual Broadcasting System announced Sunday that it welcomes the decision of the Federal Communications Commission to make a thorough investigation of the operations of broadcasting chains, and pledged wholehearted cooperation.
The Mutual network made public a message telegraphed Sunday to the Hon. Frank R. McNinch, chairman of the Commission: “Having learned of the action taken yesterday by the Federal Communications Commission in voting for an inquiry covering the thirteen points on chain broadcasting operations, please be advised that we offer fullest cooperation. We place our personnel and records at the disposal of the commission and await notification as to how best we may cooperate.”
The telegram was jointly signed by Alfred J. McCosker, chairman of the board, and W. E. Macfarlane, president.
CBS already issued a statement which appeared exclusively in RADIO DAILY last Friday. President Paley then stated that he could not see any “monopoly” in the setup of CBS. NBC up to late yesterday afternoon would issue no statement.
"Because in America Radio is free, we have the largest radio audiences, and so the finest programs in all the world. Compared with the number of radios per thousand of population in the U.S., the public's use of radio in Great Britain (where radio is government owned and listeners are taxed), is 50 per cent. In France, with government operation and listener registry, 25 per cent In Germany, taxed and muzzled, 30 per cent. And in Italy, taxed and muzzled. 10 per cent."
THE new announcer on the staff at KWK is Foster Brooks, who came from WHAS, Louisville. Foster has had a vast and varied background of experience in radio.
Midnight-to-Dawn Review, heard on KSL. Salt Lake City, each Saturday night and Sunday morning celebrates its second year, March 28. The night owl session begins at 1 a.m. and winds up at 8 a.m. Music, news and drama are included on the program which services KSL’s Pacific Coast and Ocean areas with an allnight program without any commercials. Salutes to neighboring cities, states and civic organizations are often made during the program. Station, incidentally, has sold 1,000 spot announcements to the Blair Motor Co. Ed. Broman, is account executive for the spots which will run three-a-day for a year.
Mrs. Elma Latta Hackett, KSFO’s “Friendly Homemaker,” heard five times weekly in the early morning, has had two of her large national accounts renew their contracts. United States Products Corporation, makers of Signet Fruit Juices, have signed to continue through Long Advertising Agency of San Jose, California. N. W. Ayer & Son of Philadelphia has renewed for Golden State Company, Ltd.
Henry Effertz has been added to the announcing staff of KCMO, according to Larry Sherwood, general manager of the station. Effertz has been associated with the Kansas City Resident Theater.
New England Radio Corporation has failed to obtain permit to operate a Bridgeport, Conn., 250-watt station on the 1190 band, to be vacated by WATR, Waterbury, when it goes fulltime.
Judson Edwards and Jess McCowan, KSO-KRNT transmitter engineers, doubled in brass as firemen last week and found themselves reported as heroes in the Des Moines Register and Tribune. While at their post at the transmitter, about a mile north of the city limits, the engineers saw flames coming from a near-by home. They ran to the house, forced an entrance and found a well-started blaze creeping around the living room. Using a pail and a small washtub which they found, the engineers managed to put the fire out after 15 minutes of feverish activity.
WSGN’s special events combination went into action last week when notice came that a tornado had played havoc in the Mulga coal mine district 12 miles from Birmingham, Alabama. Within 10 minutes after word was received at the studio, the WSGN boys were making preparations to go into the storm area for a
possible broadcast. Atmospheric conditions were bad, but Paul Cram got out the short-wave transmitter, WAXD, and all other radio equipment was hastily assembled.
KGVO, Missoula, Montana, is looking to the future of its announcing staff, by the organization of a class for Cub Announcers, under the guidance of Chief Announcer Verne Sawyer and Production Manager, James Alden Barber. Members of the class in announcing are recruited from the law, public speaking and dramatic departments of the University of Montana.
Mitchell Joining WBCM
Toledo, O. — Lester Mitchell, program director of WTOL since that station opened recently, has resigned to become production manager and program director for WBCM, Bay City, and WHAL, Saginaw, Mich., both part of the Michigan Radio Network.
"Hit Parade" Renewal
American Tobacco Co. will renew the Hit Parade programs heard over CBS Saturdays, 10-10:45 p.m. for 13 weeks effective May 7. Lord & Thomas has the account.
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(as they did in Berlin some years ago) and that “irrevocable instructions” were on the way. The instructions presumably apply to the quarterly checks ASCAP sends to the AKM for public performance here of the Austrian catalogs.
ASCAP general manager, John G. Paine figures all diplomatic relations between ASCAP and Staatlich Genehmigte Gesellschaft der Autoren, Komponisten und Musikverleger (AKM) is severed for the time being.
Up in Albany, however, N. Y. State Legislature adjourned without putting through proposed Anti-ASCAP measures.
AFRA Will Seek FCC Aid In Reinstating KSD Hand
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charged Peley following a printed list of AFRA local officers, of which Peley was noted as a board member. Preliminary investigations by AFRA have not disclosed any further reasons or any cause for the lay off. Peley has been associated with KSD for the past 5 years, and has been in the industry for 15 years.
The NLRB is expected to set a hearing date on the case sometime today.
Film Recording • Commercial and Theatrical Pictures ♦ Transcriptions
33 W. 60th St., N. Y. C.
COlumbus 5-7366-7
Mr. C. Lawton Campbell Ruthrauff & Ryan, Inc.
405 Lexington Ave., N. Y. C.
My dear Mr. Campbell:
“The proof of the pudding is in the eating.’’ We are not asking anyone to eat our records — but we are asking them to listen to one.
We have been claiming for some time now that we make superior recordings simply because our studios are the last word in “up-to-date-ness” and our engineers are thoroughly efficient. It has been proved to others. Won’t you let us prove it to you?
A telephone call will bring a sample to your office.
Very truly yours,
JlX\v W
Sales Manager.