Radio daily (Jan-Mar 1938)

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Indies Convening Today VOL. 3, NO. GO NEW YORK. N. Y.. MONDAY, MARCH 28, 1938 FIVE CENTS r ! ANNUAL REPORT OF CBS TO BE AIRED BY PALEY William S. Paley, CBS president, will make one of his rare appearances before the microphone on April 5, 10 p.m., when he reads the CBS 1937 stockholders report to the radio audience. Copies of the report will have already been mailed to stockholders. Paley said he decided to put the report on the air because of the widespread general interest in broadcasting and added that he hoped to stimulate public thinking about broadcasting by discussing industry problems with the audience just as frankly as he does with CBS’s own stockholders. WBAP's New Sustainer Heard From State Prison Fort Worth— A literal “Prisoner’s Song” was broadcast by WBAP from the Texas State Penitentiary. Program will be a regular half hour Wed. sustainer and is produced by inmates whose announcement was “Hello world, welcome to 30 minutes behind the Walls.” The inaugural session was officially opened by Governor Allred and was ( Continued, on Page 8) B-S-H Agency to London Chicago — Blackett-Sample-Hummert agency has formed an English company under the title BlackettSample-Hummert, Ltd., with headquarters in London to handle European business. Hill Blackett, president of the firm, now in Europe. A resident manager will be appointed. Kirby Hawkes, radio director of the agency, has returned from a month’s trip to England. Carnegie’s Troubles Chicago — Dale Carnegie, concluding his broadcast here one evening, walked out into the foyer and smacked into a score of NBC production directors, announcers and salesmen! For an hour he was forced to answer questions on how to win friends and influence people. Salesmen, especially, wanted dope on the influence angle. Brooder Snatching Charlotte, N. C. — WBT aired what is believed to be the youngest radio performer. Program, titled "Peeps of Spring'' and heard from a local hatchery, brought to the mike the cheep of a baby chick just two seconds old. "Guest spot" was shared by a duckling. FORTUNE NEWS SURVEY REVEALS ETHER POWER Although newspapers retain a lead of two to one over radio as “the source of the nation’s news,” the lead is even smaller than it seems, according to Fortune Magazine’s Quarterly Survey of Public Opinion, which points out that the sole function of newspapers is to purvey news whereas radio is primarily devoted to entertainment. Survey as published in the April issue of Fortune, reveals radio as being the favorite news source of 23.5 per cent of a ( Continued, on Page 2) FCC Members Decry Lease Of Station to Ad Agency Washington Bureau, RADIO DAILY Washington — Federal Communications Commission split four to three in approving the renewal of the operating license of WCAN, municipal station in Camden, N. J. Assailing the arrangement by which Camden leased its station to an advertising agency as a flat violation of ( Continued on Page 3) Non-Network Stations to Decide Action On AFM Demands As Musicians Use Disk Threat; NAB Board Meet N.Y. RACING STARTS APR. 16 ON BOTH CBS AND WOR CBS will start off the New York State racing season on Apr. 16 by broadcasting the running of the Baumonok Handicap from Jamaica. Bryan Field, New York Times turf expert, will be at the microphone. Network last year bought the ex( Continued on Page 8) Facsimile Safeguarded CBC Assures Parliament Montreal — The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation has “hedged around any possible issue of (facsimile) license for other than experimental purposes and there will be no alienation of the public domain in that field,” according to L. W. ( Continued on Page 8) Manhattan Soap Account Expanding With Disks Los Angeles — Manhattan Soap Co., sponsor of Thomas Conrad, commentator, on KNX locally, have completed plans to increase stations materially in the immediate future. To date 18 stations have been lined up to begin immediately with a possibility of ( Continued on Page 8) * THE WEEK IN EAEIC ☆ . . . Petrillo Nixes NAPA By NORMAN WEISER JAMES C. PETRILLO, head of the Chicago AFM local and a member of the AFM Executive Board, after having given serious thought to local obligations has decided against accepting the reported $100,000 a year position offered him by NAPA. Although Petrillo as yet has made no public statement, it is believed that he will definitely refuse shortly. It is also understood that Pres. Jos. Weber of AFM frowned upon the deal for various reasons .... After a thorough going over by the IRNA Special Advisory Committee, their accountants and officials of the AFM, a formal exchange of contracts between IRNA and AFM was completed. Contracts with Plan of Settlement attached to each were taken out of escrow and totaled 248 out of a possible 273 network affiliated, but independently owned stations. The few holdout stations are gradually being worked out Transcription manufacturers and AFM Board meeting was postponed until tomorrow due to illness of Pres. Weber. Meeting at that time will ( Continued on Page 2) Approximately 150 members of the Independent Broadcasters of the NAB will be in attendance today at the special meeting to be held at the Hotel New Yorker where the nonnetwork stations will seek to work out a solution and method of procedure in dealing with the American Federation of Musicians’ demand that more musicians be put to work in broadcasting stations. Independent stations have already been advised ( Continued on Page 3) ASKED IN ECC PROBE Washington — Distribution of questionnaires by the FCC to every radio station in the country regardless of size, frequency or ownership requiring an answer by April 25 on its financial status as of Dec. 31, 1937, was started over the weekend. Questionnaire calls for a complete accounting of financing, receipts and expenditures, and is the first step in the FCC radio investigation. Each licensee operating two or more stations is required to submit a ( Continued on Page 8) General Electric's Net Shows a 45 Percent Rise Schenectady — General Electric netted $63,546,762 for 1937, compared with $43,947,166 in 1936, an up of 45 per cent. This was equivalent to $2.21 a share of common stock, against ( Continued on Page 3) Stimulant Raleigh, N. C. — To stimulate the scripting and producing of new programs, other than those included in the regular continuity assignments, cash bonuses are now being paid members of WPTF's program department for every new radio show authored, auditioned for a sponsor, and sold for air presentation.