Radio daily (Jan-Mar 1938)

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I Indies Win AFM Respite Non-Network Outlets Get Until Apr. 20 To Gather Data For Negotiations ; Committee Seeks NAB Aid SOUTHERN GROUP MEETS TO DISCUSS PROGRAMS Louisville — Many of the nation’s leading educators, radio specialists, and sociologists will converge upon the little Kentucky mountain hamlet of Gander, the last week-end in April, to hear mountaineers discuss radio programs, and participate in forums relating to education by radio. The occasion will be the first annual conference of the 27 directors of the Radio Listening Centers that the University of Kentucky has established in the eastern Kentucky hills. The purpose of the conference is to (.Continued on Page 2) Action Against Gibbons Is Settled Out of Court Three suits filed by Charles O. Locke, script writer, against Benton & Bowles Inc., Colgate-PalmolivePeet Co., and Flloyd Gibbons, asking $250,000 damages against each defendant, have been discontinued. Litigation was settled out of court and no money was paid. Locke instituted the suits in Jan. 1937, charging Gibbons had damaged his reputation as a careful workman by over-dramatizing a script written by Locke describing the Ohio river ( Continued on Page 2) KGGM Signed by CBS KGGM, Albuquerque, owned by the New Mexico Broadcasting Co. has signed up with CBS. Rate will be $125 per hour and station will join the network before fall. A. R. Hebenstreit, owner of the station, negotiated the deal. KGGM is a 1,000 watter operating on 1230 kcs. It is the 114th CBS outlet and is the only station web has in New Mexico. AERA DROPS CHARGES IN KSD LABOR DISPUTE American Federation of Radio Artistes yesterday announced that charges filed with the NLRB against station KSD in behalf of Richard Pavey have been dropped due to the reinstatement of Pavey with all rights and privileges to take place as of May 4 with full back pay. The Pulitzer Publishing Co., owners of KSD, have been notified of AFRA’s action by special communication from Henry Jaffe, general counsel. Court's Decision Voids Songwriter's Contract Exclusive-writer contracts between publishers and songwriters of the average type which virtually guarantees the writer nothing were declared inequitable by N. Y. Supreme Court Justice William Miller who dismissed the action brought by Joe Davis, Inc., publisher, against Brunswick Records, Inc., Master Records, (Continued on Page 2) Gene Furgason To Move Main Offices To New York Gene Furgason will headquarter in New York in place of Chicago after May 1. The station rep. exec, is now contacting stations he represents on the west coast and Cliff Sleininger will leave the Chicago office to work with Jim Wade until Furgason returns. Ford Sun. Concert Hour Starts Final 13 Weeks The Ford Sunday Evening Hour will enter its final 13-week session of the current season Sunday, and will feature Jose Iturbi as conductor in place of Sir Ernest MacMillan. Nelson Eddy will appear as soloist for the one broadcast only. Program, which fades from the air annually, is usually replaced by another Ford airing, but as yet no plans have been made to retain the Sunday night spot for the fall. LEVY REJOINING NAB PRAISES ASCAP PACT Phila. — Return of station WCAU to membership in NAB signified last week by both Dr. Leon Levy, Pres, of WCAU and Isaac Levy. The former issued a statement yesterday in which he criticised the paragraph in the NAB circular asking stations “not to join if they are satisfied with the present Ascap contract”. The statement read in part: “My brother and I believe that the author of that paragraph has not been fair with the broadcasters inasmuch as they fail to fully explain the meaning of ‘satisfied with the present Ascap contract’. Perhaps its author is the one who urged the broadcasters to (Continued on Page 2) Paramount May Sponsor Air Show to Plug Flicker West Coast Bureau, RADIO DAILY Hollywood — Paramount studios is considering sponsoring a 13-week air production to tie in with its flicker, “Men With Wings”. If plans go through Bob Redd will produce the show, which will bow out about the time the film is released nationally. In its most revolutionary move of recent years, NBC yesterday announced details of its revision of the entire supplementary groups set-up; to wit: on and after Apr. 15, all sups become available to both the Red and Blue networks. Even the Pacific Coast stations will lose their former identities, being known as groups 14 and 15 hereafter. Network for the past few years has spent much money on impressing it upon the public that NBC owns two national networks, but new ruling, to all practical purposes, makes it one (Continued on Page 3) Committee representing the Independent Broadcasters of the NAB paid a visit to the AFM Executive Board yesterday and came away with a definite truce until April 20, after which negotiations will get under way for the purpose of establishing a yardstick upon which to gauge methods of putting back additional musicians to work in the non-network outlets. Headed by Lloyd C. Thomas of WROK, the committee put their cards on the table and explained the problems as they confronted the nonnetwork stations and expressed a willingness to work together with the AFM and make a deal as soon as time (Continued on Page 3) EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS UNDER NEW WBBM DEP’T Chicago— -H. Leslie Atlass, vicepresident of CBS, has announced creation of a local department of education for WBBM with Mrs. Lavinia S. Schwartz, prominent in Chicago civic, social and educational activities, as director. Mrs. Schwartz will supervise such programs as “Your Neighbor and Mine” sponsored by Chicago Council of Social (Continued on Page 2) Grobe With De Clerque Chicago — Albert J. Grobe who recently resigned as space buyer for Reincke, Ellis Younggreen and Finn agency, has joined Henry De Clerque, Chicago rep firm. Fast Thinking' Resorting to originality when suddenly confronted with 15-minutes to fill and no program at the World's Fair grounds, Richard Brooks, WNEW commentator, filled the time with a complete description of the site from a miniature exposition model on the desk of Commissioner Grover Whelan. NBC Supp. Groups Lose Identity In Network’s Interchange Plan