Radio daily (Jan-Mar 1938)

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4 Wednesday, March 30, 1938 KFI initials a new remote from the Ambassador Mon. night at 9, with the advent of “Reminiscing at the Cocoanut Grove,” an idea of Walter Johnson of MCA which employs Stanley Smith as emcee and a peripatetic mike through which diners may request old old favorites from Herbie Kay and the orchestra. Contest angle attached awards free meals at the Grove to letter-writers requesting oldies and giving most interesting sentimental reasons for the number lingering in their memory. The Los Angeles Adult Evening College now has a Friday night program on KFAC at 9:30, with students offering tabloid radio dramatizations of old time stage successes. Current week’s presentation was “Coquette.” Eddie Lyon returns to the announcing staff of KMPC after having been three months or so with KHJ-Don Lee. Fruit Growers Campaign California Fruit Grower’s Exchange will sponsor a $2,000,000 advertising campaign during the coming season in behalf of Sunkist Oranges and Lemons it was learned yesterday with radio set for a major slice of the money. Although plans are still in the formative stage, it is believed that campaign will be run nationally via spot announcements. Continuity will give reasons why sponsor’s products are best, and will receive major plugging throughout the season from all media. Percy Winner on WQXR Percy Winner, journalist and commentator, will go on the air for WQXR on Tue. and Fri. from 6: 45 to 7 p.m. as a “news analyst” to answer the questions of listeners based upon events in the news. Winner, a former foreign correspondent, was until recently director of the International Division of the National Broadcasting Company in charge of short wave services. He was also a national political commentator for CBS during the last presidential campaign. Wax "Veteran Pilot" Chicago — Blackett -Sample -Hummert agency has waxed a new dramatic serial, “Veteran Pilot,” an aviation story. Show uses a cast of 18 persons. Production was handled by Fritz Blocki. LISTEN TONITE TO DORIS RHODES 6:05 P. M. WABC-CBS Network MANAGEMENT COLUMBIA ARTISTS, INC. RADIO DAILY • • • PERSONAL Postcards Tc: Donald Flamm, prexy of WMCA: Understand that you are lining up the alumni to be guests on the initial show from your new studios. Hope you won't forget to invite A. L. Alexander, who was part and parcel of your outlet during the earlier days . . .Edgar Bergen: Mae West will receive $12,500 per week when she appears on the stage of the Loew's State .... Toots (Tavern) Shorr: Lennie Kleckner, son of the proprietor of Dave's Blue Room, became a press agent yesterday. . . .Abe Lyman: Your manager, Harry (Whipperwhill) Weinstein, must defend himself in Jersey for smacking a guy's car last summer. .. .Harry Von Zell: "You'll return to the Gulf series with Baker who'll have Ed Smalle's Seven G's on the show also. . . .Vincent Travers: Robert Golden, musical director for WCAU, Philly — the spot you had, will do six shots on the Penn State "On Parade" commercial. . . .Phil Harris: Leah Ray, who vocalized with your band until the Big Chance — and the other day married Sonny Werblin of MCA — didn't have a honeymoon. Her husband was at the office yesterday .... Walter Winchell: Gabriel Heatter's daughter Maida, joins our humble racket this week — doing a column about the fashions worn by celebrities in hot spots — with her own illustrations! • • • Stan Shaw: Recently in another part of this paper you were referred to as having the most entertaining show on the air today. Well, we just got word from KVOO, Tulsa, stating that their “The Oil Night Club” ( which has Glenn Condon, who was founder and editor of the Vaudeville News, as conductor) was just as entertaining and received mail from all parts of the world. Glenn is assisted by Dr. Henri Clayton and the show’s on weekly, using records the first half hour and bands the balance of the time. Seems they have loads of fun entertaining all night workers in those thar’ parts. .. .We just received a “fully paid up” life membership in the club and now awaiting “our change” for the “dues”! • • • Janet Gaynor: Charles Farrell, who appeared in "Seventh Heaven" and other flickers with you, has been offered the lead role in a dramatization of a series of romantic playlets under the sponsorship of a NY cosmetic concern .... Harry Cohn: Without material the greatest comics can lay eggs — the same as the greatest writers must be comics. Best example is the combo of Benny and Fred Allen Sun. — sans material . . . .Fannie Brice: Writer Sam Moore and Announcer Ted Pearson have been renewed for the balance of the "Good News" series .... Doris Rhodes: You should be dubbed "CBSiren". ... Lawrence Lowman: Understand that your CBStaff is raving about a script musical show called "Manhattan Symphony" but budget matters may prevent it from going sustaining.... Gene Krupa: The other a.m. Jackie Cooper, the kid star, jammed with Louis Prima's band at the Famous Door and Ramona said he was sensational!.... Goodman Ace: Understand that you've been taking elocution lessons — in the hope that you'll be called upon to make a speech for the newsreels — as a sweepstakes winner. • • • Ely Culbertson: Ellis Atterberry, general manager for KCKN, Kansas City, and his wife have introduced the new Royal bridge played with 65 cards out in their city.... Guy Lombardo: Ralph Slade, genial maestro of “the sweetest band in Iowaland,” took a trip to Chicago the other day and came back with a new Celeste tucked away in the back seat. Don Wilson, pianist with the band featured over WMT of the Iowa Network, was given the task of tinkling the bells.... As a result Slade is flooded with requests from dancers to examine the instrument whenever and wherever he plays. .. .Band found it necessary to move Celeste playing Wilson up to the front of the platform in order not to interrupt the band while rubber-necks gazed on the bell-ringer! FANS IN CHICAGO stadium attending Joe Louis-Harry Thomas fight Friday, April 1, will hear a broadcast over NBC of the Apostoli-Glenn Lee fight from New York from 9 to 10 before the Chicago affair starts. The Louis-Thomas fight then will be piped east for New York audience at Madison Square Garden fight. “Empires of the Moon,” new dramatic series, will be introduced on April 10. William Hodapp, former instructor in acting, drama writing, poetry and scenario writing, and now member of NBC continuity division, is the author. Charlie Lyon, NBC announcer, and wife leave April 5 for ocean trip to Bahamas, Venezuela, Porto Rico and Panama. They will be gone three weeks. A young lady purred up to Boris Karloff the other evening and inquired, “What is the theme song of “Lights Out”? “Gong With the Wind Machine,” Karloff answered unsmilingly. Martha Perry is gal singer with Lou Breese outfit which breezes into Chez Paree along with Harry Richman next Thursday evening. Spot has an NBC wire. More than 2,000 “Breakfast Club” fans wrote in following Don McNeill’s recent handling of show from his bed at home suggesting that he always do it that way. Don is for the idea but execs have vetoed suggesting since it involves wire charges from studios a considerable stretch to his home. Evelyn Eby and Reginald Bedford, two-piano team of Saskatoon, Sask., making guest appearance on NBC Jamboree here. They made their American bow in concert hall here week ago to plaudits of local music critics. Charles Hotchkiss of NBC local sales staff and Carol Jaquith of Los Angeles to be married Saturday, April 2. "True or False" Adds CFCF “True or False”, Monday night Mutual show sponsored by J. B. Williams, has added CFCF, Montreal, to its list of stations. Makes the first Mutual commercial on the CBC. AVAILABLE 13 Years Radio Experience! ANYWHERE IN THE U. S. • LOCAL STATION— MAJOR NETWORK — MUSIC — PRODUCTION — PROGRAMMING — COPYRIGHT — SELLING — CONTINUITY — CONDUCTING-ANNOUNCING. Write or Wire Box A-160, RADIO DAILY 1501 Broadway New York City