Radio daily (Jan-Mar 1938)

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Wednesday, March 30, 1938 7 RADIO DAILY F. C. C. ACTIVITIES SEATTLE KOL has put on a new serial entitled “Of Human Lives,” which is scheduled for indefinite run. Written by Janes Estes, staged by the Campus Radio Players, and directed by Ted Bell. Dramatizations are of actual cases on file, the first “Of Human Lives” being from records of the Travelers Aid Society. KIRO has launched “Feminine Forum” with Helen Malloy, as a daily 2 p.m. feature, — the comprehensive forum program bringing to “Every Woman” food fashions, home planning and a mass of interesting personalities. KAST of Astoria, Ore. sponsored the recent Spring Show and Merchandise Prevue for the merchants of Astoria, presenting “Kast Stars of Rime and Rhythm” in a program of unusual entertainment. All leading merchants of the Oregon seaside city cooperated with the KAST event which was under direction of Miss Violet Bakkensen. With the Spring gardening season in the air, the Fisher Flouring Mills, a leading fiour mill of Seattle, has launched a new advertising campaign by means of which garden seeds are furnished those sending tops of packages of products with nominal fee. New Carlin Aide Austen Croom-Johnson of the NBC production department has been promoted to assistant to Phil Carlin. EXAMINERS’ RECOMMENDATIONS KTSM, El Paso, Tex. CP to change frequency and hours of operation and increase power to 1350 kc., 500 watts, unlimited, be denied. KSRO, Santa Rosa, Calif. CP to change power and hours of operation to 100 watts, 250 watts LS., unlimited, be granted. 1310 kc. Piedmont Broadcasting Corp., Salisbury, N. C. CP for new station. 1500 kc., 100 watts, 250 watts LS., unlimited, be granted. WDNC, Durham, N. C. CP to change frequency and increase power to 600 kc., 1 KW., be denied, unlimited. W. H. Kindig, Hollywood, Cal. CP for new station. 710 kc., 500 watts, limited, be denied. Warren B. Worchester, San Diego, Cal. CP for new station to be operated on a regional assignment be denied. J. T. Griffen, Fort Smith, Ark. CP for new station. 880 kc., 1 KW., daytime, be dismissed. Wilson Leaves Hearst Chicago — Kurt Wilson, formerly of Hearst Radio, New York City, has resigned from International Radio Sales staff here, Naylor Rogers, manager, announced. Wilson, who returned to New York is replaced by R. F. Kopf, associated with Barron Collier office here. Kopf is a brother of Harry Kopf, NBC salesman. WDAS, Philadelphia, Pa. Mod. of license to change power to 250 watts, unlimited. Orville W. Lyerla, Herrin, 111. CP for new station. 1310 kc., 100 watts, 250 watts LS., unlimited. United Theaters, Inc., San Juan, P. R. CP for new station. 580 kc., 1 KW., unlimited. Sumter Radio Broadcasting Co., Sumter, S. C. CP for new station. 1420 kc., 250 watts, daytime. KPAC, Port Arthur, Tex. CP to change frequency and hours of operation to 1220 kc., unlimited, 500 watts. WLAK, Lakeland, Fla. Authority to transfer control of corp. from J. P. Marchant, D. J. Carey, D. B. Ralls to David E. Smiley, 35 shares common stock, and L. S. Mitchell, 5 shares. CALL LETTERS ASSIGNED Port Huron Broadcasting Co., Port Huron, Mich. New broadcast station. WHLS. HEARINGS SCHEDULED Okla. Election Cash Oklahoma City — Advance time purchases by politicians indicate radio stations will reap considerable sales. Local stations and those in Tulsa are particularly heavily booked, though the campaign has not as yet really started. A particularly hot Governor’s race will call for large time purchases by all candidates. OKLAHOMA First broadcasts over KTOK’s of NBC-Blue has been set definitely for May 1st, according to Joseph W. Lee, general manager. NBC network splits on that date with WKY retaining the Red only. Mickey Reynolds new organist on KOMA’s new Hammond Electric Organ. B. M. Grotkop, KOMA salesman, doubling as Ben Rich on “Two Minutes Is Yours” program. John Schaffer from Lincoln due in at WKY to take over special events work. Willis Sisters being sponsored on fifteen minute spot weekly over KFXR (Oklahoma City). Charley Maloney in new fifteen minute spot on KFXR. Streamlining "Martha" Chicago — WGN singing chorus and concert orchestra under Henry Weber to present streamlined radio version of Von Flotow’s opera “Martha” on Mutual on May 2. Special dialog being written under direction of Lou Jackobson which will be presented by dramatic cast. Attilio Baggiore, Kathryn Witwer and Mark Love to be soloists. Theresa Wilson Back Theresa Wilson of the CBS publicity department returned to her desk yesterday after a two-week illness. APPLICATIONS RECEIVED WAYX, Waycross, Ga. Vol. assignment of license and CP to Jack Williams. 1200 kc., 100 watts, CP for 250 watts LS., unlimited. James F. Hopkins, Inc., Ann Arbor, Mich. CP for new station. 1400 kc., 250 watts, unlimited. March 31 : Curtis Radiocasting Corp., Richmond, Ind. CP for new station. 1420 kc., 100 watts, 250 watts LS., unlimited. APPLICATIONS RETURNED Navajo-Apache Broadcasting Co., Holbrook, Ariz. CP for new station. 200 watts, daytime. CLOTH BOUND • 960 Pages Weight 4 Lbs. COVERS RADIO FROM EVERY ANGLE Radio Annual JUST OFF THE PRESSES is Notv Being Delivered Complintentary to Radio Daily Subscribers • Your Chech for $5.00 Covering a Year’s Subscription to Radio Daily Will Bring You a Copy of Rttdio Annual By Return Wail