Radio daily (Jan-Mar 1938)

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8 Wednesday, March 30, 1938 PHILADELPHIA Busy man Don Withycomb, WFIL’s g.m. is a member of the United Campaign Committee, and member of the Penna. Committee for the Celebration of the Ratification of the Constitution and also on the committee for the observance of the 300th anniversary of the birth of the commonwealth. C. Warwick Ogelsby, is now airing a new program over WHAT, called "Sports Parade.” The Three Marshalls, a new vocal trio, are now being featured weekly over WCAU with Bob Golden’s band. “In the Music Room” featuring the tenor solos of Rodger Williams and a string and piano ensemble goes over the NBC network via KYW. Edward Wallis has now taken on the job of dramatic supervisor at WIP, in conjunction with his other jobs. Frank Unterberger, WDAS chief engineer is now readying the station’s new gain control for the master control room. Gladys Norman will now be heard on WFIL’s dramatization “Hall of Fame” program. Milton Laughlin, program director of WHAT, brings a new band to the airlanes in presenting Donn Darpino and his orchestra. Charles P. Shoffner, who broadcasts “Topics in Season” over WCAU, will celebrate his 15th anniversary on the air. Dan Munster, the newest addition to KYW announcing staff, rose from the ranks of page boy within three months. Marx Loeb, WIP assistant program director, has just started a new series of programs called “Swing It”. Buddy DeFranko, winner of the Tommy Dorsey amateur contest, is a member of WCAU’s Bandbusters. “The Happy Clarks” are heard again in the early morning hours over KYW. Mutual's Transatlantic Mutual will air a transatlantic broadcast from Rome today at 1:301:45 p.m. Program will consist of an English summary of Mussolini’s address. CNE MINUTE INTERVIEW FR. PAUL SCHULTE, O.M.I. "If used for humanity, the two greatest forces for good in our world of today are the radio and the airplane. This I know well because the radio itself and its listening audiences have helped me and the 'Squadron of the Flying Priest' to carry on our work by airplane, enabling us to reach in a few hours, those corners of the earth formerly almost unreachable. . .separated from us by weeks of hard journeying. And I know, too, that we have only begun to dream of the real future of air communication and air travel." RADIO DAILY * Ctiast-ta-Cbast * RICHARD BROOKS, WNEW commentator, will make a tour of 1939 New York’s World Fair grounds tomorrow, in one of the airings from the site of the Fair. Brooks, who will interview executives and visiting celebrities during the progress of the fair for WNEW, will be conducted on the tour by W. Earle Andrews, general manager. “Your Answer Please” a new program of the quiz type is now heard on WSAL, Salisbury, Maryland. Freshmen compete with seniors from the local State Teachers College. Charlotte Lansing, lyric soprano, and Glenn Darwin, Metropolitan baritone, will be presented in a new series of half-hour programs with Josef Honti and the NBC Concert Orchestra beginning Sun. April 3, from 3:00 to 3:30 p.m., EST, over the NBC-Blue Network. KSFO. CBS outlet in San Francisco, will originate a coast-to-coast Church of the Air which will present Rever end Clarence Reed, pastor of the First Unitarian Church of Oakland. Kay and Buddy Arnold, WMCA duo, will substitute for the Novelaires Trio on the Wheaties “Grandstand and Bandstand” program for one week. Program is heard daily from 2:30-5:30 p.m. on WMCA. American Tobacco Co. (Roi-Tan cigars ) on Apr. 7, 10-10: 15 p.m., will start “Man to Man Sports” on five CBS Pacific coast stations. Program is signed for 13 weeks and will originate from KNX. Lawrence Gumb inner Adv. Agency has the account, which is resuming the campaign left off early last winter. Consolidated Cigar Co. (44 Cigar), through Erwin, Wasey & Co., has started 35-word chain break announcements on four New York state stations (WIBX, WBEN, WSYR, WHEC). Campaign will run for 10 weeks with 10 plugs being aired weekly. N IE W IE IU Jf II N IE I Jf KSFO, San Francisco: United States Products Corp. (fruit juice), Friendly Homemaker participating program, through Long Advertising Service; Golden State Co., Friendly Homemaker participating program, through N. W. Ayer & Son; Goodrich Tire & Rubber Co., announcements, through Ruthrauff & Ryan; Lever Bros. (Spry), announcements, through Ruthrauff & Ryan; Elmer Bros. Nursery (flowers), 5-minute program, through Allied Advertising Agencies. WGY, Schenectady: Canada Dry Ginger Ale, announcements, through J. M. Mathes, Inc.; Fred A. Danker (florist), garden talk program, through DeRouville Aeency; Fowler’s Department Store, Market Basket participating programs, through DeRouville Agency; Industrial Engineering Corp. (correspondence school), announcements; McManus & i Riley, Style Reporter program, I through Leighton & Nelson; Myers Children Shop, announcements, through Leighton & Nelson; Ballston Spa, announcements; West Disinfectant, household chat program, through Moser & Cottins; SoconyVacuum Oil Co., musical program. WEW, St. Louis: Old Vienna Products, Clarke Harris, commentator, renewal. WFIL, Philadelphia: Richmond Bros. Co., announcements, through McCann-Erickson; Gardner Nursery Co. (seeds), announcements, through Northwest Advertising Co.; Gulf Oil Co., announcements, through Young & Rubicam; Alexander Co., announcements, through John Faulkner Co. WSPR. Springfield, Mass.; Hampden Savings Bank, announcements; Goodrest Trading Co. (mattresses) , announcements; Bond Bakers (bread), announcements; A. V. Rivest Oil Co., announcements; Foot Health Headquarters (Health Spot shoes) , announcements; Hampden Lumber Co., ETs; Hotel Stonehaven, announcements; Old Gold Shop (jewelry) , announcements. WMAQ, Chicago: Williamson Candy Co. (O’Henry), announcements, through John H. Dunham Co.; Chicago & Northwestern Railroad, “Suburban Hour” renewal, through Caples Co. WGN, Chicago: General Mills Inc., “Get Thin to Music” program, through Blackett-Sample-Hummert; Mangel’s of the East, Inc., time signals, through MacDonald Potter agency. CKWX, Vancouver, National Biscuit & Confection Co. (Zip) , announcements. WAAB, Boston: RKO Theaters, announcements, through David Malkiel; Portable Typewriter Co., announcements. WFAA, Dallas and WBAP, Fort Worth: General Cigar Co., announcements. SAN ANTONIO Sid and Jim, comics, are doing a turn on KABC’s “Swing-Co-Pation” program sponsored by Todds Toggery. Patrick Baxter is now in the commercial department at Alamo Broadcasting Co. Secretary Louise Shankling is the only fem red-head here, the other gent is station manager Howard Davis of KMAC. KTSA Program Director Paul Girard has returned from a trade trip tour of the Rio Grande Valley. Miss Mary Schmick, secretary, and Billy Bartz, office boy, back after winning a battle with old man flu. Vernon Geyer, KMAC staff organist and recording artist, will make a new group of records for Victor here April 4-5. Herman Waldman’s combo follows Johnnie Fielder’s ork into the Olmos Night Club this month. They will get a wire. Johnny Alderman of KABC is doing the color between the wrestling matches at the Walkathon arena, Wednesday evenings, while Charley Belfi is handling the hold-by-hold account. Orson Welles Auditions Mercury Theater Troupe Orson Welles, young radio actor, has organized the first Radio Group theater in the industry, and has built a program around the group which is to be known as the Mercury Players of the Air. Original stories and adaptations are to be used in the series. Cast, headed by Welles, will include Arline Francis and Paul Stewart, Will Orborne’s orchestra, Joan Edwards, soloist, and others. Program was auditioned by NBC yesterday for possible sponsors. Scripps-Howard Appeal Hearing for Scripps-Howard application for a Washington outlet is set for May 4. The Toledo request which was turned down is to be appealed. No date has been set as yet, but it is not believed that the case will be heard before fall. RCA Stock Changes Washington Bureau, RADIO DAILY Washington — RCA’s $5 cumulative preferred no par value stock has been changed to $5 cumulative B preferred no par value, the SEC reported Tuesday in its monthly supplement. The value of United States radio apparatus exports for 1937 showed an increase of 24 per cent over 1936.