Radio daily (July-Sept 1937)

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RADIO DAILY: Thursday, July 1. 1937 Vol. 2, No. 1 Thurs., July 1, 1937 Price 5 Cts. JOHN W. ALICOATE : : Publisher DON CARLE GILLETTE : : : Editor MARVIN KIRSCH : : Business Manager Published daily except Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays at 1501 Broadway, New York, N. Y.( by Radio Daily Corp. J. W. Alicoate, President and Publisher; Donald M. Mersereau, Treasurer and General Manager; Chester B. Bahn, Vice-President; Charles A. Alicoate, Secretary; M. H. Shapiro, Associate Editor. Terms (Post free) United States outside ot Greater New York, one year, $5; foreign, year, $10. Subscriber should remit with order. Address all communications to RADIO DAILY, 1501 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Phone Wisconsin 7-6336, 7-6337, 7-6338. Cable address: Filmday, New York. Hollywood, Calif— Ralph Wilk and Verne Bailey, 6425 Hollywood Blvd. Phone Granite 6607. Entered as second class matter April 5, 1937, at the postoffice at New York, N. Y., under the act of March 3, 1879. FINANCIAL Z^^^ (Wednesday, June 30) " NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE Am. Tel. & Tel. Crosley Radio . . Gen. Electric . North American RCA Common RCA First Pfd RCA $5 Pfd. B Stewart Warner Zenith Radio . . High Low Close 1663/4 161 16634 Net Chg. + 5'/8 NEW YORK Hazeltine Corp. Majestic Nat. Union Radio 53 513/8 527/8 22 3/4 22 223/4 8>/„ 734 8'/8 66 1/2 64'/2 66 Vs (79 Bid) 17V4 17 171/g 32V2 321/4 321/2 CURB EXCHANGE + 1% + % + % + 1V4 + Vs + Vi IVi 2S/8 21/2 1 Vz 1 Vi 1 Vi + Vi OVER THE COUNTER Bid CBS A '. . . . 27 CBS B 261 2 Stromberg Carlson 13 Asked 28V2 277/8 15 Lowell Thomas Expands Use of Guest Stars Lowell Thomas, commentator over NBC-Blue network stations at 6:45 daily except Saturday and Sunday, is going in for more frequent use of guest stars. Last night Thomas had Robert H. (Bob) Davis, formerly a noted fiction magazine editor and now a New York Sun columnist. Davis is just back from the far east and is headed for Alaska. Earl Nielsen to Hawaii Phoenix, Ariz. — Earl A. Nielsen, for the past 15 years manager of KOY, will leave soon for Hilo, Hawaii, where he will become manager of KPHC. He will be accompanied by Mrs. Nielsen. DON KERR Master of Ceremonies WMCA Fox-Fabian Amateur Hour Harlem Amateur Hour Paramount Professional Parade KSTP Airs Evidence of Farm Prosperity St. Paul — With plenty of moisture for the first time in five years heralding the prospect of a bumper crop and a boom year for the northwest, KSTP has been combing the fields for a tangible piece of broadcast material that would put the story across. The result was the discovery that, for the first time since the drouth began to plague the northwest, a manufacturer of an all-purpose harvester, Allis-Chalmers Co. of Minneapolis, was shipping into the territory an entire trainload of its farm machinery. The station put its mobile short-wave unit into service and carried a broadcast direct from the train, with interviews with farm leaders, firm and railroad officials, emphasizing the agricultural prosperity angles. Talent from 6 Stations At Kentucky Homecoming Six stations will provide talent for the Annual Bacusburg Homecoming and Music Festival to be held between Mayfield and Murray, in Western Kentucky, on Saturday. Heretofore only talent from WSM, Nashville, has been used, but this year C. R. Dowland scouted midwestern radio stations looking for talent for the occasion. The result was more than 100 artists from WSM, Nashville; KMOX, St. Louis; WTJS, Jackson, Tenn.; WPAD, Paducah; KFVS, Cape Girardeau, and WEBQ, Harrisburg, 111. The Bacusburg Homecoming and Music Festival draws thousands of former Kentuckians and friends, and boasts the greatest crowds in Kentucky, outside of the Kentucky Derby. "The Solemn Ol' Judge", originator of WSM's "Grand Ol' Opry", has been in charge of the entertainment, but this year the Homecoming Association has appointed Eddie Wise, announcer of WEBQ, Harrisburg, 111., as chief master-of-ceremonies, to be assisted by G. W. Gower. Aside from station talent from these various radio centers, Mexico and Hawaii send their representatives in the person of Angelina and her accordion and Val Morsii and his Native Hawaiians. The day's entertainment will begin at 8 a.m., and continue until sundown, featuring songs, dances, comedy, music, wrestling, boxing and games. Home Builders Sponsor Several Series on WWRL N. K. Winston & Co., Inc., one of the country's largest builders of homes, and who are now nearing completion of their new Astoria and Harman Terrace developments in Astoria, are sponsoring interesting 15-minute musical programs twice weekly, on Sunday morning at 8: 15 and Tuesday evening at 6:45, over WWRL, in connection with these developments. In addition to these two broadcasts, Winston uses spot announcements on all foreign language programs, and on the "Community Builder's" program which is a regular weekly feature of WWRL on Friday evening at 10. Jolson Re-Signs Ettinger West Coast Bureau, RADIO DAILY Los Angeles — Eddie Ettinger, writer, gag man and fictioneer, has been re-signed as editor and scribe for the Jolson fall series of broadcasts, beginning Sept. 7. Ettinger first wrote for Jolson on Broadway and moved to the West Coast to work with him on the "Shell Chateau" air shows. He has been at the helm of the "Mammy Singer's" scripts on the series just completed on June 29. Ettinger leaves immediately for New York, and will return to Hollywood with his family in August. Waring and Heidt to Drake Chicago — Fred Waring's opening date at Drake Hotel has been set for Aug. 27. Contract calls for four weeks. Horace Heidt will probably do four weeks starting July 30. Waring deal set direct through John O'Connor. WMCA News Desk Takes to Air The WMCA News Desk has taken to the air, 1:00 a.m., Monday through Friday, with an informal news program aired from the night desk by news editors Anthony Kay and Michael Horton, who alternate at the microphone. Program consists of a brief preview of the morning headlines, late sporting results and a batch of human interest side-lights and oddities culled from the run of the day's news. Kay has been editing INS copy at WMCA for over a year. Horton joined the news staff last October. NBC Shows Again Get Awards For the second consecutive year NBC has been awarded the 1937 radio prize for the best utility broadcast during the season. In fact two NBC shows got awards, namely "Tales of California", sponsored by Pacific Gas & Electric Co. on KPO. and "Pittsburgh Varieties" sponsored by Philadelphia Co. of Pittsburgh on KDKA. The awards are made by the Public Utilities Advertising Ass'n department of the Advertising Federation of America. WNOX Adds Announcers Knoxville— Paul Allison and Jack Morrison are the two latest additions to the WNOX announcer staff. Allison was formerly with KXYZ, Houston, and Morrison was with WOPI, Bristol, Tenn. "Gang Busters" Film Phillips Lord's "Gang Busters," weekly Wednesday night CBS program, will form the basis of an M-GM feature film. Lord is to supply material. cominc and gomg FANNIE BRICE arrives on the West Coast tomorrow. MARTHA RAYE arrives from Hollywood on Saturday to fulfill a vaudeville engagement at the New York Paramount. JACK BENNY and MARY LIVINGSTONE arrive in Dallas on Saturday from the coast to appear at the expo and come to New York on July 9, sailing aboard the Normandie on July 11. AL JOLSON is expected in New York shortly from Hollywood. MORTON BOWE will commute between Radio City and Cape Cod, where Mrs. Bowe and their two girls are vacationing. MRS. BARRY WOOD and son will leave New York today for Hollywood to spend a vacation visiting the other three Gale Sisters. KELVIN KEECH sails from New York today for Panama, where he'll spend 18 days away from the mikes. SHAW NEWTON, vice-president of Brooks, Smith, French & Dorrance, returned the other day from a month's cruise to Panama and Cuba. BUCCANEERS QUARTET will arrive today from Cleveland, where they fulfilled an engagement at the Great Lakes Exposition. TED LEWIS arrives in New York on Monday to start a four-week engagement at the Astor Roof. JACK WHITING, who does a guest shot tomorrow night on WHN, sails shortly for London to appear as dancing partner with Jessie Matthews in a new GB musical film, "Sailing Along". E. H. SCOTT, Chicago radio manufacturer, is en route to England to arrange for manufacture of his sets there. JUDGE A. L. ASHBY, NBC vice-president and legal counsel, sails for England on July 7. L. S. MITCHELL, manager of WDAE, Tampa, is in New York. CARL CANNON and FRANK NESBITT, NBC pages, arrived in Washington last night after a hurry call from NBC-Washington office for personnel to handle Boy Scout Jamboree broadcasts. TED HUSING and JIMMY DOLAN left New York yesterday for Chicago via TWA plane. WLTH Jewish Amateurs Biggest Mail Getters Victor Packer's Original Jewish Amateur Hour, sponsored for two years over WLTH by J. Rabinowitch Furniture Showrooms, continues to be the heaviest mail puller on the station. Program is put on every Tuesday at 8 p.m. in WLTH's Radio Theater at 105 Second Ave. (the Yiddish Broadway). Visitors have to wait an average of three weeks for tickets. Ted Schneider Joins WHN Ted Schneider will rejoin the WHN program department effective immediately. Schneider resigned from the station some time ago. CELEBS CHOOSE UNITED Film stars, busy execs., fly United to SAN FRANCISCO — LOS ANfiELES. Overnight Mainliner Ivs. New York at 5:55 p.m. — 3 stops — CALIFORNIA for breakfast. 2 other fast flights, 9 to CHICAGO daily. UNITED AIR LINES