Radio daily (July-Sept 1937)

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6 RADIO DAILY Wednesday. August 18, 1937 Gil Babbitt, managing editor of Radio Press, fan weekly, returns to WIP this week to resume his weekly "Broadway to Hollywood" chats. Keystone Automobile Club has William Berry handling the bi-weekly travel talks on KYW. Honey Stewart, formerly associated with the Stewart Sisters, is the newest addition to the WDAS talent staff. Eddie Ludwig, composer and arranger, will accompany. A. W. Dannenbaum Jr., secretary of WDAS, leaves next week for his camp in the Maine woods. Harold Davis, WDAS program director, has turned movie commentator, heard thrice weekly. Pat Stanton, WDAS manager, is expected back from a Nova Scotia honeymooning vacation next week. Taylor Grant, WCAU baseball announcer, auditioned for the football announcing job this fall. Horace Feyhl, WCAU production chief, is spending his vacation fishing in the Atlantic. Boake Carter is back in his downtown office one day each week, but continues his broadcasts from his home. Alma McKenzie, radio actress often heard over WIP, was recently married to George Spittale. Shuman Brothers (furniture) is using a movie chatter period daily on WFIL to promote August sales. Allen Franklin handles the spiels as the Hollywood High Hat. Account handled by Julian Pollock Agency. Wayne Cody, WFIL "Jolly Man" making personal appearances at parks and fairs for Kiddie Day attractions. Henry Patrick, WIP songster and featured vocalist at Ritz-Carlton Hotel, is vacationing. Ray Fitzgerald, who used to warble over WDAS, has started a new series over WMCA in New York. Ray Melinson of WCAU "Noontimers" is readying a new fall series. The Three Naturals of KYW disbanded, with Johnny Fortis scheduled to leave for Broadway. Stewart Sisters, KYW singing duo, are spotted at a new time in a new series at 11:05 nightly. Jerry Moore, former WCAU announcer, is now in Hollywood writing scenarios. Nestle Cocoa Series Starting Next Month (Continued from Page 1) WRC, WTAM, WJR, WGN, WCAE, WCKY, KHJ, KFRC, KSO, WBAL and KSTP. Cecil, Warwick & Legler Inc. placed the account. "Commentator" Time Set "Commentator" magazine program, which starts Sept. 19 on Mutual, has been set in the 10-10:30 p.m. spot. STATIONS CP AMERICA Highlights in the Development of Outstanding U. S. Radio Stations: No. 59 of a Series KGVO— Missoula, Mont. 1260 Kilocycles— 1000 Watts ARTHUR J. MOSBY, General Manager VERN ROWLEY, Chief Engineer VERNE SAWYER, Program Director KGVO, the only station in Missoula, Mont., was established in January, 1931, as a 100-watter. But before long the station was granted a power increase to its present 1,000 watts, recognition of the fine job the station was doing in its territory. In line with progressive plans, KGVO has recently become affiliated with the Columbia Broadcasting System and also contracted for larger space and more modern studios in the fall. During its six-year span on the air, KGVO has become very popular because of its policy of co-operating fully with all local activities. It is not possible for outside stations to be heard during the daytime in its retail trading area, which covers a most diversified cosmopolitan population. In Missoula is located the State University of Montana with over 1,800 students who take an active interest in the station's activities. Licensed to operate on unlimited time, the station is on the air from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. daily from its studios and offices at 240 North Higgins Ave. The transmitter is located four miles west of Missoula on one of the main highways which connect Missoula with all sections of its trading area. Joseph H. McGillvra is the station's representative, while Adrian James Flanter & Associates is promotional counsel. ST. LOUIS "Today's Sports" with Frank Eschen is now a four-times-weekly on KSD. "Don't Be Swindled" is a new Better Business Bureau series over KMOX, being heard Sundays with Ellenwood Players of St. Louis in the casts. Another Sunday program just started on KMOX is "Matching Jobs and Men" under direction of Missouri State Employment Service. "The Land We Live In", historical episodes of the Mississippi Valley, resumes in October on KMOX. Brad Simpson of Daugherty agency will do scripts for Union Electric Light & Power. Billie Ruth Orr, 14-year-old soprano, youngest member on KSD staff, aspires to operatic stardom. Dick Sharp, continuity director, and Wayne Short, announcer, at KSD, writes poetry in spare time — and sells it. KANSAS CITY Harry Clifford, KXBY commercial manager, back from a business trip to Chicago. Mark N. Smith, KMBC research and merchandising director, on twoweek vacation in Wisconsin. Kansas City composers hit the airwaves with two original compositions this week, Al Crocker, manager of a local music shop and conductor of The Rhythmatics, a 15-minute musical program heard each Sunday afternoon via WDAF, contributed "In An Old Fashion Garden" to the Texas Rangers' Sunday morning CBS network show, while Ruth Royal, KCKN musical director featured one of her own compositions, "Empty Rooms," on her daily quarter hour show known as The Girl of a Thousand Songs. SAN ANTONIO Monett Shaw, WOAI vocalist, has a role in the S. A. Civic Opera, "Rose of Algeria," latter part of the month. Joseph Luther has returned from visits to the East and West. Jack True and The Night Owls, heard over KONO, recently waxed two sides for Brunswick up in Dallas. Mrs. Mary Jane Towler, assistant program director at WHKC, and her husband spent two weeks in New York. KMA Chatter: Bill Schomette is now announcing the Falls City Southside Serenaders nightly, while Horace Shelton is punching the mike out at the Olmos Dinner Club. New and nightly feature now running on KABC is titled "Do You Believe in Ghosts?" OMAHA Chief Engineer Mark Bullock of Central States Broadcasting Co. is supervising installation of KOIL's new RCA transmitter even though the new transmitter house is not ready yet. A temporary roof has been built over the uncrated machinery. Grand opening now set for Sept. 13. Happy Green, production manager of KMOX, St. Louis, and Mrs. Green are visiting here. Mrs. Green formerly lived in Omaha. Vic Bodine, KOIL news writer, will walk up the aisle Sept. 13 with Lois Mundenhof of Sioux City, la. SAN FRANCISCO Pinch-hitting for Dresser ("Death Valley Days") Cahlstead is Jimmy Matthews. Donald Thornburgh, CBS v. p., here conferring with Phil Lasky, KSFO g. m. Josephine Avis, KYA program department, vacationing. Boston Alice O'Leary has been signed by the First National Stores for a Fall radio series. Sheila Barrett due in at Boston's Club Mayfair starting on Sept. 15. The Bachelors — Tony, George, Oscar and Gus— the Colonial network's novelty male quartet, have been banging thme out in harmony for the past fifteen years. They are now heard two mornings a week over a Mutual coast network. Cy Young, office manager at WBZ, taking two-week vacation trip by motor through Quebec and eastern Canada. Mildred W. Carlson, WBZ's Home Forum director, has given up the recipes for two weeks, while visiting her folks down in Wethersfield, Conn. Del Castillo, production manager at WEEI, back at his desk after a vacation trip. CBS Sales Promotion Moving CBS sales promotion department is getting the boot again. This time department will move down to the 12th floor, taking over the space used by Radio Sales and the typing department on the same floor. Everybody but Victor Ratner, the department head, will be shifted downstairs. Sales promotion is now located on the 18th and 19th floors. Radio Sales is moving down to the ninth floor. Viola Flowers at WAVE Philadelphia — Viola Cawood Flowers, who conducted the "Famous Philadelphia Women of the Week" programs over WIP, has been appointed radio director of one of the largest department stores in Louisville. She will supervise and announce all the store's programs over WAVE, also conducting WAVE'S daily Musical Clock. KFAB-KFOR Staff Changes Lincoln — Marvin Damme of Cook, Neb., formerly with WJAG and KGBZ, has joined KFAB-KFOR as operator. Chet Gowan, announcer, has replaced Carl Saunders, who is going to KFXM, San Bernardino, Cal. Deanna Durbin Signed Deanna Durbin, juvenile soprano, has been signed as a regular member of the Texaco program when Eddie Cantor takes over the helm again on Sept. 12 over CBS. Daughter for Wallington West Coast Bureau, RADIO DAILY Los Angeles — James Wallington is the father of an eight-pound daughter, born Monday night. Garrett Leaves WNEW Joseph C. Garrett, announcer and production man at WNEW, has resigned and leaves for the west coast today.