Radio daily (Oct-Dec 1949)

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Wednesday. November 30. 1949 RADIO DAILY 3 * AGENCY NEWSCAST + FRANK BRADEN, top advance man for the Ringling BrothersBarnum & Bailey circus, has been engaged by Paramount to do radio and press promotion work for the picture, "Samson and Delilah" in key center cities. J. A. MAURER, INC., Long Island City, New York, manufacturers of 16 mm. professional cameras and other camera accessories have appointed J. M. Hickerson, Inc., New York, for advertising, publicity and public relations effective Dec. 10. JOSEPH FIELD has been appointed publicity director of Compton Advertising, Inc. THE HOUSE OF WESTMORE, Inc., New York and Hollywood, has announced the appointment of the Harry B. Cohen Advertising Co. as advertising agency for Westmore Cosmetics. The appointment is to take effect immediately. The 1950 campaign will feature full page, four-color advertisements in leading magazines. WILSON A. SHELTON has been name vice-president in the creative department of Dancer-FitzgeraldSample, Inc. He was formerly associated with Kenyon & Eckhardt, B.B.D. & O., and The Biow Co. CLARK-WANDLESS-MANN, Inc. take pleasure in announcing their appointment as exclusive United States representatives for WAPA, San Juan, Puerto Rico. ARMY AND AIR FORCE recruiting programs are to be handled by Grant Advertising Inc., Chicago. GEORGE F. SWARTZ has been named an assistant to the president in charge of advertising and promotion for Textron, Inc. CHARLES C. RADOW, former business manager and promotion director of the Columbus (O.) Philharmonic Orchestra Assn., has joined the Cye Landy Advertising Agency, Columbus, O., as an account executive. PATRICIA M. RANDOLPH has been named director of radio and television for the Adrian Bauer Advertising Agency, Inc., Philadelphia. Miss Randolph was formerly assistant radio and television director of the agency. CHARLES ADAMS, Detroit theatrical and TV producer, has been appointed executive producer of West Hooker Telefeatures, Inc., West Hooker, president, has announced. Adam's Detroit office merges with the Hooker organization with plans now under way for a New YorkDetroit operation. As executive producer for Hooker, Adams takes charge of all TV productions. PHILIP F. BERNE has been appointed to succeed Ralph Easton as account executive of Kal, Ehrlich & Merrick, Inc., advertising agency, Washington, D. C. Berne has been with Goldenberg's department store as advertising director for the past four years and prior to then with the U.S. Treasury Department's publicity staff and the New York newspaper PM. RUTH HAVILAND, former New York sales promotion and advertising manager of United Air Lines, has joined the Tanis Company marketing, to co-ordinate New York affairs. She will work out of the main office in Philadelphia. Studio Transmitter Links Getting FCC Approval (Continued from Page 1) sharing with other services and with the understanding that they must accept interference which might develop from medical equipment, even though it is not likely such interference will amount to much. STL's for FM stations would be continued in the 940-952 mc. band, and where the frequencies are available both types of stations would be permitted to use STL's both at their main studios and at other studios. Mutual Will Broadcast All-Star Football Game New Gardiner Series Don Gardiner has been signed by ABC for a weekly five-minute news summary on Monday evenings starting December 19. He will precede Henry J. Taylor's analytical news comment which will move into the 8:30 to 8:45 p.m. (EST) time slot on that date. (Continued from Page I) will be played for the benefit of the San Francisco Shrine Hospital at Kezar Stadium, San Francisco. Broadcast time has been set for 5: 10 p.m. (EST) . Foot Clinic On Coast ABC Los Angeles — "Flying Feet," a program of interviews, will be sponsored by the Hiss Clinic on behalf of its foot clinic starting December 3 over five California stations. Booked for 52 weeks over ABC owned and operated stations KECA and KGO, the program will also be heard over KFMB, KITO and KARM. Pat Withrow Hospitalized Charleston, West Va. — Pat B. Withrow, Jr., national director of Veterans Hospital Programs, entered Charleston General Hospital Saturday for a gall bladder operation. He Doesn't Let It Grow Under His Feet Manicuring the lawn with a mechanized mower or trimming the ears off a "shilly-shallying fuzzy-duzzy," he is a tireless worker who cuts through grass and the complexities of big government with equal facility. As a widely listened-to network news commentator, he brings his intense energy to bear nightly on "the top of the news as it looks from Washington." His aggressive reporting has built a weekly audience estimated at 13,500,000, great numbers of whom regard him with esteem akin to religious fervor. Currently sponsored on more than 300 stations, his broadcast — the Fulton Lewis, Jr. program — is the original "news co-op." It offers local advertisers network prestige at local time cost, with pro-rated talent cost. Since there are more than 500 MBS stations, there may be an opening in your city. If you want a ready-made audience for a client (or yourself), investigate now. Check your local Mutual outlet — or the Co-operative Program Department, Mutual Broadcasting System, 1440 Broadway, NYC 18 (or Tribune Tower, Chicago, 11).