Radio daily (Oct-Dec 1949)

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2 RADIO DAILY Thursday, December 1. 1949 Vol. 49, No. 40 Thur., Dec. 1, 1949 10 Cts, JOHN W. ALICOATE Publisher FRANK BURKE : MARVIN KIRSCH : : : Editor Business Manager Published daily except Saturdays. Sundays and Holidays at 1501 Bror.idway, New York, (18). N. Y.. by Radio Daily Corp., J. W. Alienate, President. and Publisher; Donald M Mersereau, Treasurer and General Manager; Marvin Kirsch, Vice-President; Chester B. Bahn, Vice-President; Charles A. Alico£.'te, Secretary. Terms (Postage free) United States (other than California) $10.00 one year; California, $15.00. Foreign, $15.00. Address all communications to Radio Dailv. 1501 Broadway, New York (18), N. Y. Phone Wisconsin 7-6336, 7-6337, 7-6338. Cable address: Radaily, New York. WEST COAST OFFICES Allen Kushner, Manager 6425 Hollywood Blvd. Phone: Gladstone 8436 WASHINGTON BUREAU Andrew H. Older. Chief 6417 Dahloneoa Rd. Phone: Wisconsin 3271 CHICAGO BUREAU Hal Tate, Manager. 612 N. Michigan Ave. Phone: Superior 7-1044 SOUTHWEST BUREAU Paul Girard, Manager Tower Petroleum Bldg., Dallas, Texas Phone: Riverside 3518-9 Entered as second class matter, April 5, 1937, at the postoffice at New York, N. Y., under the act of March 3, 1879. New Chicago Address RADIO DAILY is moving its Chicago offices today to 612 N. Michigan Avenue. The new telephone number is SUperior 71044. Hal Tate is manager of the Chicago office. FINANCIAL — (November 30) 5 NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE Net Low Close Chg. ABC Admiral Corp. Am. Tel. & Tel. . CBS A Philco Philco pfd RCA Common Stewart-Warner . . Westinghouse Westinghouse pfd. Zenith Radio High 7 29% 14714 1 29% 84 12'/2 28 101 1 28% 7 7 — 291/4 291/4 + 46% 147 24'8 291/4 83% 24% — 29% — 84 12% 123-fe 115/g 115^ _ 27% 27% + 00% 10034 . . 28% 28% 4 Va NEW YORK CURB EXCHANGE Hazeltine Corp. 15% 15% 15% + 3/„ Nat. Union Radio 25/8 2% 2% — % OVER THE COUNTER Bid Asked DuMont Lab 135/r 145/8 Strombcrg-Carlson 13% 14% RCA INSTITUTES, INC. A Service of Radio Corporation of America One of the l*-a<liiig and oldest schools of Radio Technology in America, offer* it* Irainrd Radio and Television technician* to the Broadcasting In dnMry. Our graduate! have 1 Ml CtaMH T ftftphnnm i.icmnt*. Address inquiries to Placement Director RCA INSTITUTES, Inc. 350 W. 4th St., New York 14, N. Y * COflillNG AND GOING * ARTHUR CHURCH, general manager of KMBC, Kansas City, Mo., a visitor yesterday at the offices of CBS, with which the station is affiliated. CHARLES C. BARRY, vice-president of the American network in charge of programs, returned to New York yesterday following an extensive trip to the West Coast. EUGEN SHARIN, president of Ambassador Films, Inc., producers of musical shorts, tomorrow will leave via Pan-American Airways for a trip to London, Munich and Vienna. He'll be gone two months. STANTON KETTLER, general manager of WGBS, Miami outlet of CBS, is in New York on station and network business. ERIC SEVAREID, Washington correspondent for CBS, on Sunday will be in Montevallo, Ala., to speak on the subject, "The World From Washington" at the Alabama State Women's College. PAULA CARR, of Roberts & Corr Productions, is back from a business trip to West Virginia and Ohio, where she signed additional stations for the ET-show, "From Your Home Town to New York." HERBERT ANDERSON, of NBC network sales, today will go down to Washington for tomorrow's meeting of the Association of American Railroad Officials. HAROLD FISHER, whose weekly news program is heard on KNBC, San Francisco, has left on a round-the-world trip. He will represent the American Institute of Pacific relations at the India Conference. WORTH KRAMER, assistant general manager of WJR, Columbia network affiliate in Detroit, was in conference here yesterday with officials of the web. JOHN T. MADIGAN, American network's director of news, today is in Erie, Pa., to produce the Martin Agronsky program, which will originate at that point. He'll be back in New York tomorrow. TESS MASE, assistant to Nancy Craig, femme commentator on ABC, is back at the network following a five-day "Thanksgiving Week-End" house-party at her country place in Wilton, Conn. MARGARET WHITING hos returned to Hollywood after having spent three days in Cincinnati. Bristol-Myers To Appeal FTC Ruling On Ipana (Continued from Page 1) introduced the views on an infinitesimal minority of the dental profession who argued that massage was not beneficial or that Ipana toothpaste, with the action of its essential oils, was of no material benefit to the massage." The Commission also requires the company to discontinue ads claiming that Ipana is used by twice as many dentists -or recommended by more of them to their patients than other dentifrices. iBristol Myers has 60 days in which to comply with the FTC order or announce its intent to appeal in the Appellate Courts. Airline Will Use Radio And TV In Eight Cities (Continued from Page 1) year, but television is being used for the first time. Four New York TV outlets and one in Chicago will start spots about first of the year. TWA has used radio stations and Puerto Rican Migration, Subject Of NBC Program "Living — 1949" will devote its next Sunday afternoon stanza to a study of "the biggest free migration of a people in recent years" when a drama-document concerning the migration of Puerto Ricans to the continental U.S. will be aired. Ben Grauer will narrate a script by Lou Hazam entitled "Immigrant Citizens." Opening at a Puerto Rican airport as 50 persons board a converted war plane which will carry them to the U.S., an eight-hour journey costing $50 per bucket seat, the narrative will follow an immigrant family in its search for adjustment here. Sales Training Program Motorola, Inc. has started a sales training program for its television retailers to explain new selling methods. The manufacturer has spent more than 85 thousand dollars to supply training material to its regional managers and distributors. Films and booklets have been used in many sessions to put the new tec hniques over. Secrets of Love UN To Honor Sarnoff With Special Citation (Continued from Page 1) the event will be telecast by NBC from 5: 15 to 5: 45 p.m. The ceremony will be followed by a roundtable discussion on "Freedom of Information." Brig. Gen. Carlos Romulo of the Philippines and president of the UN General Assembly, Dr. Gerrit Jan Van Heuven Goedhart. Netherlands representative to the UN, and General Sarnoff will take part in the discussion. Benjamin Cohen. UN assistant secretary general in charge of Public Information, will be the moderator. Will Be Broadcast The event will be rebroadcast over NBC on Sunday, December 11 from 1:30 to 2:00 p.m. as the "University of Chicago Roundtable." The freedom to listen concept was first proposed by Sarnoff on April 4, 1946 at a dinner in honor of Dr. Quo Tai-Chi, then head of the Security Council, and Trygve Lie, UN Secretary General. television in New York in the past for regular promotion. The "Quickie Vacation" plan is also being carried in newspapers, magazines, and other media. BBD&O is the agency. This pussycat is pretty lavish with her affections for her pal. the puppy dog. And she looks for all the world as if she's whispering sweet secrets into his receptive ear. Let us whisper a great big fact about Baltimore radio into your ear. The big bargain buy for low-cost sales is W-I-T-H. Yes, sir! W-I-T-H delivers a BIG audience to you at LOW cost! W-I-T-H regularly provides more listeners-per-dollar than any other station in town. That's why you can do so MUCH on W-I-T-H for so LITTLE money. So if you're in the market for low-cost results from radio in Baltimore, call in your Headley-Reed man today and get the full W-I-T-H story. BALTIMORE, MARYLAND Tom Tinsley, President • Represented by Headley-Reed 4