Radio daily (Oct-Dec 1949)

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2 RADIO DAILY Tuesday, December 20, 1949 Vol. 49, No. 53 Tues., Dec. 20, 1949 10 Cts. JOHN W. ALICOATE : : Publisher FRANK BURKE : MARVIN KIRSCH : : : Editor Business Manager Published daily except Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays at 1501 Broadway, New York, (18), N. Y., by Radio Daily Corp., J. W. Alicoate, President. and Publisher; Donald M Mersereau, Treasurer and General Manager ; Marvin Kirsch, Vice-President; Chester B. Bahn, Vice-President ; Charles A. Alicoate, Secretary. Terms (Postage free) United States (other than California) $10.00 one year; California, $15.00. Foreign, $15.00. Address all communications to Radio Daily. 1501 Broadway, New York (18), N. Y. Phone Wisconsin 7-6336, 7-6337, 7-6338. Cuble address : Radaily, New York. WEST COAST OFFICES Allen Kushner, Manager 6425 Hollywood Blvd. Phone: Gladstone 8436 WASHINGTON BUREAU Andrew H. Older, Chief 6417 Dahlonega Rd. Phone: Wisconsin 3271 CHICAGO BUREAU Hal Tats, Manager. 612 N. Michigan Ave. Phone: Superior 7-1044 SOUTHWEST BUREAU Paul Girard, Manager Tower Petroleum Bldg., Dallas, Texas Phone: Riverside 3518-9 Entered as second class matter, April 5, 1937, at the postoffice at New York, N. Y.. under the act of March 3, 1879. FINANCIAL (•December 19) NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE Net High Low Close Chg. 87/8 83,4 87/8 173/4 17l/2 i7i/2 _ y4 1465/g 146V2 1465/g 27 V, 27i/8 271/4 — l/8 ABC Admiral Corp. Am. Tel. & Tel.. . CBS A Philco RCA Common . StewartWarner . . Westinghouse Westinghouse pfd Zenith Radio . . 32V2 125/8 121/2 3134. 102 . 313/4 32 121/2 12 32 12V2 121/2 '2 31 1/4 31 1/4 102 102 313/4 313/4 — 1/4 OVER THE COUNTER Bid Asked DuMont Lab 145/8 155/8 Stromberg-Carlson 11 12% Marparet Truman Fanfare Includes ABC Promotion (Continued from Page 1) special press conference was held for the President's daughter yesterday afternoon at Carnegie Hall. The broadcast tonight will include organ music by Nies Berger, organist of the New York Philharmonic Orchestra, selections by the Robert Shaw Chorale, and the orchestra under the direction of Frank Black. Jack Banner and Ed Grief handled sponsor press relations for the appearance of Miss Truman. American Oil Co., is the sponsor. AVAILABLE C +i i ' f Engineer's job on aggressive 250 watt Rocky Mountain AEC affiliate opens December 31. Must be combination man and have car. Send disc and photo wi(h complete details in application letter to Box 294, RADIO DAILY, 1501 Broadway, N Y C. WINS Sale Will End Most Jobs— Pope, Jr. (Continued from Page 1) their meeting October 13th with Pope at the offices of WHOM. The affidavit was filed because of an error by counsel for the WINS employes, who objected earlier this month to the proposed sale of the station on the ground that it would cost them their jobs. The objection stated that spokesmen for the employes had conferred on the matter with GenerOso Pope, Sr., and counsel for Pope countered with an affidavit by the elder Pope that he had not discussed the matter with anyone representing WINS' employes. Young Pope is general manager of WHOM, and fully qualified to speak of the plans for operation of WINS, said James Lawrence Fly, representing the employees. Fly Clarifies Statement Obviously stung by quotations from his own wartime utterances on the value of foreign language broadcasting, Fly modified his earlier comments ion the matter of foreign language programming. He insisted his earlier opposition did not raise the question of the merits of foreign language broadcasting in the abstract. "Such questions cannot be determined in vacuo," he said in yesterday's reply to comments by Pope's counsel on the original Fly objection. "Here we say that in the year 1949, in the New York area and in the light of the present facilities for foreign language broadcasting balanced against the present need, it is not a sound public policy to subtract this particular facility from those being devoted to general purpose service and add it to those serving the foreign-language need. "No amount of flag-waving rhetoric can submerge the fact that this is a question of public importance. "Moreover, it is a question to be determined by this Commission in the light of present conditions. Such a determination is not faciliated by quotations from former members of the Commission, speaking under wholly different circumstances. "The question is not that James Lawrence Fly has said about foreign language broadcasts in time of war. It is what does this Commission say about this concrete proposal. We say that question requires a hearing." More Than 1,800 Stations In "Democracy Contest" (Continued from Page 1) scholarships to the students who write and voice the best broadcast scripts on the subject, "I Speak for Democracy." It is sponsored by the NAB, the RMA and the U. S. Junior Chamber of Commerce. Activity Diversified Activity of radio stations in the contest ranged from spot announcements and preliminary promotion, including the scheduling of five model broadcasts by eminent speakers, to the producing of the final transcriptions by which community winners are judged in the state and national competitions. Most of the stations involved are NAB members, although many nonmember stations received special authority of the Voice of Democracy Committee to participate. New CBS Daytime Series For Babbitt Starts Jan. 9 (Continued from Page 1) will be heard from 3-3: 15 each weekday, but the new list of 149 stations represents an increase of almost 100 outlets over the old hookup. "David Harum" now heard at that time, will move to NBC and be heard on that network at 11:45 a.m. to 12 noon, EST, Monday Record Holiday Biz Reported By Dealers (Continued from Page 1) tially over last year's sales as most dealers have been able to supply the demand for sets until now. The radio receiver sales, however, may fall below the 1948 holiday season due to the shortage of sets. Dealers have spent more money this year in seasonable radio advertising that any time in the history of the business with spot campaigns being used to sell both radio and television sets. Miller Joins WPAT Signing of Dave Miller, widely known New Jersey disc jockey to a five-year contract, was announced yesterday by Herman Bess, executive vice-president of WPAT, Paterson. Miller, heard for the past nine years on WAAT, began a new series of programs on WPAT yesterday. through Friday, beginning January 9. "Lora Lawton" currently heard on NBC at 11:45 a.m., EST, ends its present series Friday, January 6. "Nona From Nowhere" was conceived and will be produced by Frank and Anne Hummert. Duane Jones is the agency in charge of the Babbitt account. aniai TOP E K A «EN IUDY G*n«ml Manager "Hey, Mom, can I go Swimming?" € That seems to be the question the baby polar bear is whispering to its mother. The cub is just two months old, and feels that it's high time to take the first plunge. Are you ready to plunge into the rich Baltimore market for profitable sales? There's an easy, economical way to do it, you know — by advertising on W-I-T-H. A little bit of money goes a long, long way on W-I-T-H. For this is the station that delivers more listeners-per-dollar than any other station in town. Your Headley-Reed man will glady give you all the dope. BALTIMORE, MARYLAND Tom Tinsley, President • Represented by Headley-Reed