Radio daily (Oct-Dec 1949)

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14 RADIO DAILY Wednesday. December 21, 194J Nine CBS Programs In Top Hooperatings Continued from Page 5) and Charlie McCarthy, 17.3. Eight of the top ten spots were CBS with NBC taking the other two. Big Town at 16.8; Walter Winchell with 16.7; People Are Funny, 16.1; This is Your FBI, 15.9; and Mr. Keen, 15.8 completed the list. The daytime programs found Ma Perkins leading with 7.7 followed by the Romance of Helen Trent, 7.6; Arthur Godfrey, 7.1; Aunt Jenny, 7.1; and Guiding Light, 6.8. NBC Tuesday; ABC Friday Average program Hooperatings show CBS ahead of the other networks on Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday nights with NBC on top on Tuesday and ABC on Friday. O'D. Wedding On MBS Inside, Outside Church (Continued from Page 5) arrived Silvers' broadcast an on-thespot report and then turned the mike over to his wife, who was covering inside the church. She described the arrival of Miss Simpson and then the actual wedding ceremony began. Virtually all of Stuart's 3,000 people turned out to watch the arrival and departure of the Mayor and his bride. Robinson Guesting Jackie Robinson, Brooklyn Dodgers second sacker, will appear on the Dec. 27 broadcast of ABC's "Town Meeting of The Air" where he will discuss "Can Youth Have Faith In The Future." Vtvp Jtlerrp Cf)ri£tma£ j From MARGARET I ETTINGER ( Indies Of Metropolitan Area All Join In Salute To Xmas (Continued the major part of the special programs have been scheduled for this Saturday and Sunday, December 24 and 25. On the night before Christmas, many stations will carry candlelight services and Masses from the city's churches. The first of these will be broadcast by WOR from St. James Protestant Episcopal Church from 5:30 to 6 p.m. WOR will follow with the Midnight Mass from St. Patrick's Cathedral from midnight to 1:55 a.m. Francis Cardinal Spellman will preside. Carol singing from the Cathedral will be broadcast by WNEW before the Mass from 11:35 to midnight. The choir for men and boys under the direction of Dr. Charles M. Courboin, the college choir and the boy's choir will be heard. A Mass from the Church of the Blessed Sacrament will be carried by WMGM from midnight to 1:30 a.m. The Right Rev. Msgr. Fulton Sheen will deliver a sermon on "Christmas." WHOM will carry the midnight Mass from the Church of the Sacred Heart and St. Stephens in Brooklyn and WOV, the Mass from the Paulist Fathers Church, both beginning at 11:30 p.m. The candlelight service from the Bedford Park Congregational Church in the Bronx will be heard on WBNX from 10:30 to 11 p.m. Many Musical Features While awaiting Santa, New Yorkers will have a wide variety of musical programs and features. WINS will run four hours of "music to trim the tree by" from 8 p.m. to midnight. Round the tree is the WEVD event on Christmas Eve from 11 to 12. WWRL's Trimming the Tree will be heard at the same hour. Christmas music from 9:30 p.m. to 1 a.m. will be aired over WQXR, on December 24. Handel's The Faithful Shepherd Suite is included. WLIB will run carols and other programs throughout the day on the 24th. The Y Hour and The House That Jack IBuilt from 7 to 9: 30 a.m., The Polish Show and the Spanish Program in the afternoon, will highlight the day's festivities. WMCA will tell Kate Douglas Wiggin's story, The Bird's Christmas Carol, on the day before Christmas from 9:03 to 9:30 p.m. Will Present The Messiah Handel's great oratorio, The Messiah, will be heard in full over WQXR from 3 to 6 p.m. on Christmas Day. WMCA will give excerpts from The Messiah on Xmas morning from 8:03 -to 8:30 a.m. WNYC will also broadcast the full selection on the 25th from 2 to 4:30 p.m. The Long Island Choral Society will use parts of it from 2:35 to 3 p.m. over WHLI. A Prelude to Christmas on WBNX from 11 to 12 Christmas Eve also includes excerpts from the Messiah. Christmas stories will be drama from Page 5) tized by New York's stations. Among these is The Story of the Nativity featuring Walter Hampden to be broadcast over WHLI from 2 to 2:30 p.m. and over WNEW from 3:35 to 4 p.m. on Christmas Day. The Christmas Carol narrated by Basil Rathbone will be heard over WNEW on the 25th from 5:00 to 5:30 p.m. WOV will go to White Plains on Christmas Eve at 8:45 to pick up the narration of Christmas Story from the Cardinal McCloskey School. A program of carols from the same school will be carried by WBNX at 9: 45 a.m. on December 24. The Old, Old Story will be told over WWRL on Christmas morning by the Rev. Thomas S. Field of the First Baptist Church of Flushing. A Christmas play in Italian will be broadcast by WHOM on December 25 at 6:00 p.m. "Littlest Angel" Programmed A dramatization of the U. S. Army and Air Force, My Son is a Wise Man, will be a WEVD feature from 10 to 10:30 a.m. on the morning of the 25th. The Littlest Angel with Loretta Young will be a WMCA feature from 8:30 to 9 a.m. WMCA will carry in addition the Nativity dramatization from 6:30 to 7 p.m. on December 25. Humperdinck's opera, Hansel and Gretel, as recorded by the Metropolitan Opera, will be carried by WQXR on the night of the 25th from 8:05 to 10. Music for children with recordings from Peter and the Wolf, will also be heard on WQXR on Saturday morning from 8:05 to 9 a.m. Other unusual broadcasts have been prepared. Jesus Christ and Karl Marx, a broadcast made last Christmas by the late Pulitzer Prize winning commentator, H. R. Knickerbocker, will be presented again on WOR on Christmas Day from 8:45 to 9 p.m. In addition, WOR will broadcast the annual Christmas message by King George VI of England from 10:15 to 10:30 a. m. on December 25. Under the Christmas Tree with John Gambling is still another WOR morning feature from 8:30 to 9. Christmas legends the world over Mutual Wk/s Billings Close To $3,000,000 (Continued from Page 5) Fair" originating in Chicago. About 410 stations will carry the program under Miles sponsorship. Wade Advertising Co. is the agency. Anahist Co., Inc., represented by Foote, Cone and Belding, has agreed to sponsor two one-half-hour, weekend programs starting in January in behalf of the company's anti-histimine cold killer. Programs are: an audience participation show for which the format details are now in the working stages, at 5:30 (EST) on Saturday, and "Adventures of The Falcon" over the full web on Sundays, 7 to 7:30 p.m. (EST). "Rebuttal" is the title of a new 15minute weekly news correction program which has been signed by Muntz-TV to plug Muntz television sets at 9: 15 p.m. on Sundays. Michael Shore is the agency. Another sponsor whom Mutual has signed is Bowey's Inc. in behalf of Dairi-Rich flavoring extract. Program to be sponsored is a 15-minute Radie Harris Hollywood News show starting in January. Agency is Sorensen and Co., Chicago. Mutual recently signed a number of new sponsors for one-shots, including Capehart-Farnsworth, Paramount Pictures, 20th Century-Fox, and the Faydrex Corporation. Economic Progress ReviewFeatured By Adv. Council (Continued from Page 5) explains why Americans live better, how machines make jobs, standards of living and concepts of freedom and security. A 10-point platform for all Americans endorsed by the council's public policy committee is given. The council is urging a mid-century ad campaign to local and national advertisers. Four agencies, BBD&O, McCann-Erickson, Inc., J. Walter Thompson Company, and Young & Rubicam, Inc., are donating their services in behalf of the drive. will be told over WVNJ in Newark on Christmas Eve from 11 p.m. to midnight on the program, Christmas, 1949. WVNJ will also carry stories behind world-famous carols on Christmas Day from 10 to 10:30 p.m. jHerrp Ct)ri£tma£ and a ^appp Jgeto J9ear CHARLOTTE ROGERS Publicity 6627 FRANKLIN AVE. HOLLYWOOD, CALIF.