The radio dealer (Apr-Sept 1922)

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The Radio Dealer THE RADIO TRADE JOURNAL Edited and Published at 1133 Broadway, New York, N. Y. FOR THE RADIO RETAILER VOL. 1. NO. 3 JUNE, 1922 ONE DOLLAR THE YEAR Outline Work for National Association Plan Presented for Workings of the Proposed National Association of Radio Dealers By AMPLIFIER AL " What will a National Association of Radio Business Men do?" is the most frequently heard question when this association is under discussion. Who will be members? How will the association operate? All these questions must be settled by a majority vote of the membership of the association. Several plans and propositions will likely be offered, but no one plan covers all the possibilities. We've adopted something from suggestions embodied in several hundred letters received from radio business men all over the country who want to help this national association idea go over big. Here's the first line-up of the work of the National Association of Radio Dealers : ( 1 ) Organization : National in character. Membership composed of retailers, jobbers and manufacturers. Sectional organizations, affiliated with the national organization, forming divisions for the various cities where sufficient members wish to meet together regularly for discussion of business problems. Jobbers Section that would meet with the association at its national meetings, holding one or two special private meetings where problems of the jobber would be discussed. Manufacturers Section that would meet with the association at its national meetings, holding one or two special private meetings where problems of the manufacturer would be discussed. (2) Regulation: Supervision of shows, co-operation with amateur bodies in movements for the betterment of the science of radio. A technical service to give the mark of quality and endorsement of the association's laboratory to products made by manufacturer members. (3) Information: Special patent service such as that conducted by other national associations. Bulletins from the national headquarters regularly posting members on the progress of the various lines of work undertaken by the association, etc. (4) Publicity : Co-operation with existing mediums for the information of the public and aiding members in getting all the possible publicity for the industry through their local connections. (5) National expositions: A national exposition at the time of the annual association meeting where manufacturers could exhibit their new lines for the benefit of the dealer and jobber only. Very successful with other national associations. (6) Legal committees: Advice on questions of radio law for members. Aid in combatting unfair legislation, etc. These six points cover the main suggestions made for the foundation of the association. The editors of The Radio Dealer want every reader of this article to write us his opinion on these points, and if possible suggest another way in which this national association can be of direct benefit to the industry at large. Volunteers are also wanted for aid in organization in various sections of the country. A great many firms have already offered their assistance in this partictilar. More are wanted. About Advertisers THE Radio DEALER has made every effort to scrutinize the advertising matter printed in this paper. We believe every advertiser is reliable and will make good in his printed word. The RADIO DEALER will do its utmost to keep dishonest advertisers out of these columns — the fly-by-night chaps, the stock-selling folks and the fakers generally cannot buy space in THE RADIO Dealer. Advertisers must make good, and we want every reader to feel that he is trading with honest, reliable business men when he trades with our advertisers. If any reader finds a dishonest advertisement in this paper we will deem it a pleasure to see to it that the advertiser makes good. The laws of New York State protect buyers against fraudulent advertisers, and The Radio DEALER will support the Associated Advertising C lubs in any campaign they make to cleanse the radio trade of irresponsible and dishonest advertisers.