The radio dealer (Apr-Sept 1922)

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20 THE RADIO DEALER June, 1922 Jobbers and Dealers— Audion Receiver 2 Step Amplifier List Price, $80 Birch wood — neatly finished Get your orders in now for the new quality line of Savoy Radios Ready for Immediate Delivery FIVE Different Sets ranging from a practical crystal detector set to a high quality loud-speaker of exceptional merit. FULL LINE of radio accessories and parts including rheostats, couplers, etc. Get your name on our books for initial shipment — Write us your wants and we will ship immediately. SAVOY MANUFACTURING COMPANY 115 East 24th St. Savoy Building New York City DEALERS AND JOBBERS— ATTENTION ACE WIRELESS "B" BATTERIES For small portable sets where light weight and small space 1b essential. Initial voltage 22% volts, size 3%"x2"x2%", weight 1 lb. Equipped with special lock nut binding posts or. two flexible coil wire leads. No. 115 Designed for longer service life with low current drain variable type construction 16% to 22% volte. Best for vacuum detector tubes, bulbs, etc. Sdze 6%"x4x3, weight 4% lbs. Equipped with special lock nut binding posts. No. 127 For various amplifying tubes where higher voltage Is required. Contains 27 cells with tlx voltage taps for variations of 18 to 40% volts, giving a wide range of plate circuit control. Size Il%"x4x3, weight 7>4 lbs. Equipped with special lock nut binding posts. Designed primarily for theaters, auditoriums or outdoor use where the message must be carried to the longest distance required. Capacity 108 volts, size 17"x9"x3%", weight 20 lbs. Equipped with special lock nut binding posts. IF YOUR JOBBER CANNOT SUPPLY YOU, MAIL ORDER DIRECT TO US-IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ASSURED THE CARBON PRODUCTS COMPANY LANCASTER, OHIO Manufacturers of Dry Batteries and Carbon Products