The radio dealer (Apr-Sept 1922)

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June, 1922 THE RADIO DEALER 43 DOSSERT CONNECTORS The evolution of Dossert Connectors has kept pace with progress in methods of generation and distribution of electricity. That's the opening paragraph in the bulletin issued by Dossert & Co., of which concern H. B. Logan is president. The bulletin is useful to purchasers of Dossert Connectors, and offers real information. MICA IN INSULATION Mica and its many users are treated in Catalogue No. 85, issued by the Mica Insulator Company, indicating that in the search for insulators for commutators and armatures, possessing suitable electrical, thermal, chemical and mechanical properties, a great variety of substances have been tried, but of all known insulating materials, Mica has been found unique in having so many of the properties essential in an insulator. HOMCHARGER EXPLAINED The June bulletin issued by the Automatic Electrical Devices Co. explains the development of the automatic re-charging of batteries. The Homcharger is especially designed for radio. MARKO BATTERIES Marko batteries are designed for wireless and radio work and have been properly developed by the makers — not hastily, but with proper attention to every detail. Guaranteed unreservedly for two years. They're sold to the trade by the makers — the Marko Storage Battery Co. GUARANTEED APPARATUS Parkin Radio apparatus are guaranteed to be exactly as represented in their catalogue or replacements will be made or money refunded. The Parkin Mfg. Co. thereby prove their reliability. MORSCAN SPECIALTIES The Morscan Radio Company make a specialty of properly equipping new radio stores or radio departments in quick time. They make good on their promises. VALLEY BATTERY CHARGER The Valley Electric Co. pamphlet, is interesting to This concern makes the Valley Battery Charger. Did You Ever? users of storage batteries VARIOCOUPLERS VARIOMETERS REOSTATS TRANSFORMERS VARIOMETER TRANSFORMER Designed in the Atwater Kent research laboratories and manufactured complete in this plant from moulding of the condensite forms to winding of the fine wire coils — an assurance of quality. Highest grade materials are used in construction thruout each unit and a very complete final test is a guarantee of 100% performance. Correspondence Solicited ATWATER KENT MANUFACTURING CO. 4941 Stenton Ave. radio department Philadelphia