The radio dealer (Apr-Sept 1922)

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62 THE RADIO DEALER June, 1922 RMS RADIO ELECTRIC SERVICE Our Radio Department is conducted by electrical engineers which assures you with dependable and highly efficient Radio equipment, either in complete sets or separate units, such as Head Receivers, Varicouplers, Variometer, Cabinets. Detectors, Antennas, Rotary Spark Gaps, Sliders. Panels, Dials, Knobs, Condensers, Grid Leaks, Contacts, Galena Crystals, etc. For a popular home receiving set we recommend the RESODON. This set comes in a beautiful mahogany finished cabinet. Write for literature. PAUL G. NIEHOFF & CO., Inc. Electrical Laboratories and Manufacturers 238 E. Ohio Street Chicago Ask Our Service Bureau PHONOTACH Makes Your Phonograph a Radio Loud Speaker I'titent Ais/ilied For Adjust it in a minute A NEW AND BETTER LOUD SPEAKER at a very low cost The PHONOTACH connects the receivers with the tone arm of your Phonograph. No damage or alteration to the phonograph Utilizes the Scientifically designed tone amplifier of the talking machine to secure mellowness and beauty of tone in Musical programs received over radio apparatus. Price— $3.00 Advertised in Leading Radio Papers Liberal Discount to Dealers Order at once to insure prompt delivery WM. A. MILLS Manufacturer 103 Park Ave. New York Radio Broadcasting Its Evolution and Revolution, and the Lesson It Inculcates By MARK CASPER, 32° Editor, Masonic Review The invention of wireless radio is in line of evolution and was to have been expected when we look back and recall the day when the telephone was first introduced, and were able to communicate by means of wire with people many miles away, we hailed the invention with unbounded joy and predicted the time-saving convenience and pleasure in recognizing the voices. Not content with communicating by means of wire, Marconi set about experimenting without wire, basing his assumptions that the thing could be done on the Hertzian wave theory. When after vexatious trials Marconi succeeded in flashing across the ocean to the banks of Newfoundland the letter " S," the newspapers treated the matter as ridiculous. Marconi, the scientist, however, undaunted, kept on with his experiments, and after a while succeeded in sending across " words." From that time on further experiments and improvements enabled him to send out whole sentences. No longer did the " wise " ones scoff. They have been " shown." And now, as over-night, Phoenix-like, we are face to face with radio broadcasting. Music, lectures, news, bargain prices of goods, all are broadcasted to the four winds of heaven and to the people in the four quarters of the globe, sitting at their fireside and with ear muffs fixed and perchance puffing a cigar, " inhale " the sweet strains of music wafted from afar or near or listen to soul-stirring orations or get the latest prices of merchandise. This is evolution. From a wire to wireless ; and revolution from the old world to modern time saving methods ! Radio proves the truth of the omnipotence and omnipresence of the Almighty. When the Bible tells us God is omnipresent and sees all we do and knows all our thoughts — we can now better realize that if we, mere humans, can "listen in " and hear people talk all over the earth with a radio set, a foot or two long, what power must wre ascribe to the Almighty ! Can we longer doubt His omnipresence and omnipotence ! Behold, the All-seeing eve!! Ask Our Service Bureau PAT E IS T your ideas. Protect your rights bv TJ. S. and Foreign Patents and Trade-Marks. Moderate rates. CAIX. WItirE or send us your invention. May one of our repre sentatives call on you FREE CONSULTATION MANUFACTURERS D PATENT CO. Phone Vanderbilt 7212. for^SEO FIFTH AVE. NEW YORK ' WE OFFER Cory Phones, 2000 Ohm. . List, $8.00 This Phone the same as Baldwin C type Connecticut Phones, 3000 Ohm. List, $8.00 HINTZE BROS. 459 Central Ave. Newark, N. J. BETTER PROFITS Selling the Jacobus Vacuum Aerial Protector HAS THE ADVANTAGES EVERYBODY WANTS Can Be Installe 1 Inside or Outside Automatic ; will not interfere with set : eliminates ground switch and lasts indefinitely— t u e simplest, most efficient lightning protection available. Nationally Advertised Great demand created through national radio magazines and leading newspaper radio sections of the country. Get your share of the profits. Write today for discounts. Type J.S.W. $QOO ^List Approved by Under writers to replace the Ground Switch APEX ELECTRICAL SPECIALTY CO. Inc. 77 Orange St. Newark, N.J. Echophone Loud Speaker Sets IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Discounts to jobbers and dealers AERIAL WIRE. 19 strand tinned silicon bronze VARIABLE CONDENSERS 11-21-23-43 Plate EISEMANN HEAD PHONES Super-sensitive Variometers Variocouplers Binding Posts Contact Points General Auto Electric Co. 281 Halsey St. Newark New Jersey