The radio dealer (Apr-Sept 1922)

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66 THE RADIO DEALER June, 1922 ELECTRICAL ENGINEER STARTS RADIO COMPANY P. & E. Brewer Co. of N. Y., recently incorporated under the laws of New York State, are now in full production of complete radio sets. They have a baby crystal set with a twenty mile range; also one with forty miles. The vacuum tube sets are from one to three stages, giving excellent results. , Mr. Ernest Brewer, president of the company, has been a well-known patent attorney, electrical engineer and inventor. He claims to get the best results in amplification without distortion. The company is now ready to make deliveries throughout the country. STANDARDIZING MEET Arthur Wiesenberger, of the National Retail Dry Goods Association, and a representative of the electrical testing laboratories of New York, conferred on May 26th with officials of the Bureau of Standards at Washington, and they discussed plans for standardizing radio equipment. GOOD LEADERS The Radio Electrical Supply Co. of Boston are distributing radio products on a large scale. Their salesmen, covering the entire New England section, insure proper representation and distribution of their products. The leaders of the company are R. H. Edgar and F. Danforth, who started with the old United De Forest and Marconi Co. CONFIDENCE IN BUSINESS A small dealer in Radio supplies has printed in the corner of his showcase a notice that " all sales on Radio supplies are final." Evidently a case of "Caveat Emptor." Thornton Audio Frequency Amplifying Transformers Sup rente Test Transformer These transformers are supplied in either mounted or unmounted types. Special attention paid to the manufacturer of receivingsets. Thornton Transformer Co. Inc. 30 Church Street New York City RADIO DEALERS We are Jobbers for many manufacturers of high class Radio Apparatus and Supplies CITY SUPPLY CO. 56 Warren St. New York City Tel. Barclay 6613 Newman's Blue Prints Showing How to Make and Hook-up Every Type of Set SELL LIKE HOT CAKES Special Reductions and Propositions for Jobbers and Dealers S. NEWMAN & COMPANY 74 Dey Street New York City Dealers Helps NOW Ready Increase Your Sales of Parts by Selling These Plans DREYFUSS PHONES (Concert Tye) Supreme quality, super-sensitive Phones. Of rigid construction. Can be used as loud speakers. Deliveries Within 3 Days Bought throughout the country for their known quality. Order a sample pair today ! Compare them with any other Phone on the market, for fine workmanship, quality material, and general excellence. Aluminum backs, rubber caps. Retail Price, 2,000 ohms, $8.00 per pair Retail Price, 1,000 ohms, single head band set, $4.75 each P. M. DREYFUSS CO., INC. 150-152 Chambers St., New York City