The radio dealer (Apr-Sept 1922)

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70 THE RADIO DEALER June, 1922 SHELLTONE MARVELOUS RADIO LOUD SPEAKER The designer of Shelltone Loud Speaker, according to a recent announcement of the company, is a man of wide telephone, patent and business experience, and knowing the vastness of the radio possibilities, studied the situation and soon realized that one element was lacking by the fact that designers and inventors o f loud speakers jumped at the conclusion that there were great possib i 1 i t i e s ahead, as the demand was here, but lost sight of the fact of what others had done in phonographs, telephones, etc., as well as of the patent art. When horns or megaphones were abandoned, the phonograph business became one of the greatest industries in the United States. The designer of Shelltone Loud Speaker took all these conditions under consideration so as to gain knowledge and be guided thereby, and then had a thorough search made of the patent situation to learn what had already been done, with the result that the Shelltone Radio Loud Speaker now makes its appearance along original and basic acoustic principles. CO-OPERATION DEALERS FOR The Henley Publishing Company of 2 West 45th street, New York City, have recently issued to their dealers some attractive window display posters advertising the Henley line of radio books. Printed in two colors on attractive tinted paper these posters are eye-catching, and should be of great value to the dealers who handle the fast selling line of radio books published by this company. Service such as this will always aid the manufacturer, and many makers of radio equipment can pattern after the Henley company in giving closer co-operation to their dealers. NEW BROADCASTING STATION The Shepard Norwell Co., one of Boston's largest department stores carrying a complete line of Radio equipment are to have a broadcasting station to be ready about the ist of June. (This will be a Western Electric Set.) ANOTHER NEW DISCOVERY B. F. Miessner, radio engineer of Chicago, according to the daily press, has perfected a receiving set using only a few yards of indoor aerial tacked on the back of the cabinet. According to the published reports this set is equipped with a superamplifier, giving a magnification of the sound equal to fifty times that of a threestep set. Q. S. T. Q. S. T. Radio Company of New York are sole selling agents over the entire continent for the manufacturers of Winner A, one tube detector receiving set which is sold to retail jobbers and dealers in large quantities only. The company also produce the winner Jr. crystal detecter, also sold on a large scale. The company guarantees these sets, and claims that experts have pronounced them the best on the market. IN THE 5 AND 10 A chain of retail stores, featuring articles retailing at from five cents to one dollar, are putting in a line of radio equipment, featuring 'phone caps at 25 cents ; switch levers, 50 cents; sliders, 25 cents, etc. They operate eight stores. Announcement In order to devote its efforts exclusively to serving its dealers throughout the country, the 20th Century Radio Corporation, national distributors of Westinghouse and other high-grade radio apparatus, has decided to offer for sale its chain of retail stores. These stores are advantageously located and may be purchased singly or in group. This is a Very exceptional opportunity for the progressive investor to obtain a Wellestablished, profitable and widely advertised retail radio business. 30 IS CENTURY Straus Building, Suite 710 565 Fifth Avenue, New York Other Essex Radio Products Sure-Sellers Immediate Deliveries Attractive Discounts ESSEX LIGHTNING Arrestor — -Improved Type In big demand wherever it's sold. Simplest, easiest to install, safest. Yet the price is the lowest. List $1.50 THE ESSEX SLIDER Amateurs like this slider because it makes its own groove in the coil. Continuous spring makes smooth, uniform contact on rods. Tuning Coils, Double Slide Good for loading coils List Price $3.00 Fixed Condensers .001 M.F.D. List Price 70c 3" Metal Dials List $1.00 3/16" Crystal Detectors List Price $1.50 Mounted Crystals List Price 25c x S%" Square Rods List Price 20c Polished Wood Rotors List 50c Aerial Wire, Lightning Arresters, Insulators, etc. Write for Catalog and Discounts Dealers have grown to expect unusual service from Essex. They know the efforts we make to accommodate. Send a trial order and see for y0UrSdf' ESSEX MANUFACTURING CO. 115 Mulberry St. Newark, N. J. Essex Sliders 3-16 Inch LIST 25 Cents Each