Radio mirror (Jan-Oct 1923)

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RADIO DIGEST ILLUSTRATED NEW STATION BOWS TO WESTERN FANS OLD TIMERS GIVE AWAY TO NEWCOMER Dedication Program Presented in Three Parts — Lasting from Eight Until Midnight (Special to RADIO DIGEST) LOS ANGELES, CALIF.— Saturday evening. January 27, will remain a red letter date in the Radio world for sometime, for at the hour of 8 o'clock, the great Examiner-Anthony Central Radio station was formally dedicated to the ether world. It was presented to an unseen audience of millions, located over an area of thousands of miles. The new station is to be known as the Central Radio Station, and from it, programs which will be arranged by the Los Angeles Examiner, Earl C. Anthony, Inc., the Evening Herald, Leo J. Meyberg Company and the "Western Radio Electric Company, will be broadcasted at different hours of the day and evening. Replaces Old Stations The new station will replace in the ether KWH; the old KFI; KOG; and KYJ; all of whom have been familiar for so long to the public and who have completed their work; have passed on as individual broadcasting units, with the exception of KWH, the Los Angeles Examiner, which will continue to operate as an individual station for the purpose of broadcasting weather reports and other Government bulletins on the 485 meter wave-length. The dedication program was presented in three parts. Part One, opening at 8 p. m., was presented by the Anthony Studio. The Second Part was from the Examiner Broadcast station, between 9 and 10:30 p. m., while Part Three from 10:30 to mid-night was from the Anthony Studio. Among those who were presented on the dedication program were: George E. Cryer, Mayor of Los Angeles; William M. Garland, distinguished for city adadvancement work; Len E. Behymer, internationally famous music impr< sario; and Sid Grauman, managing director of the Grauman Theatre interests of Southern California. Radio Products Corp. Fraud Says Canadian Government LONDON, ONT., CAN. — In a list of mail order concerns which have been denied the use of the Canadian mails under a fraud order issued by the Dominion postal department is a New Tork firm styling itself the "Radio Products Corporation of America," with offices at 55 Broadway, New York City. It is alleged that this firm has been offering stock in its various undertakings for sale by mail, and that its character has not been found satisfactory upm investigation by the Canadian postal department. Many Radiophans in London and Western Ontario are said to have purchased stock in the New York concern and as a result of the postal ban on the concern, are now wondering whether they will ever receive any dividends on their investment. Improved Radio Detector Tubes . Improved Radio Amplifiers $2.75 $3.35 Sent on receipt of price, prepaid LUX MANUFACTURING CO. 125 W. LAKE ST. CHICAGO, ILL. ADJUSTABLE COIL MOUNTINGS FOR FLEWELLING CIRCUIT Triple Coil Mounting $5.00 List Double Coil Mountings 3.50 List licensed under TJ. S. De Forest Pat. 1365170 A patented feature locks the coil in place and prevents the coil from being thrown out of a d j u s tment once station is tuned in. Dealers write for special discounts AST0RL0ID MFG. CO., lnc2£,5&A*? Book Reviews The Kadio Amateur's Handbook. By A Frederick Collins. A new revised edition of this book is just out. It is complete, authentic and informative work on Radio. Fully illustrated. Price, $1.50. Vacuum Tube Receivers. By O. F. Heslar. A book that tells how to make a simple set. How to make a cabinet. It includes a 27 by 36-inch layout blue print. Price, 75 cents. The Armstrong Super-Begrenerative Circuit. By George J. Eltz, Jr., E. E. This is a De Luxe edition of this famous circuit. Profusely illustrated and fully explained. Fifty-two pages. Price, $1.00. letters of a Radio Engineer to His Son. By John Mills. A series of interesting letters written to a boy. Each letter is full and complete and the most advanced student can skip over some of the letters and get just the information he desires. Price, $2.00. How to Retail Radio. A new book telling of tested plans and methods and policies for the dealer in Radio. Financing, location, store equipment and arrangement. Price, $2.00. Radio First Aid. Illustrated with working drawings and complete data as to the necessary equipment and cost of constructing from the simplest to the most modern Radio outfits at home. Price, $1. Home Radio — How to Make It. By A. Hyatt Verrill. This book is particularly adapted for the amateur who desires to know how to make Radiophones. Twelve full page illustrations and diagrams. Price, 75c. Radio for the Amateur. By A. H. Packer and R. R. Haugh. The underlying principles of Radio thoroughly explained in simple language and understandable illustrations. This book will teach you how to construct and operate a receiving set successfully. Price, $1.50. Radio Communication. By John Mills. The fundamental principles and methods upon which recent developments are based are emphasized. The vacuum tube is treated in a simple, fundamental and upto-date manner. Present methods and tendencies of the art are explained in a chapter which is non-mathematical. Price $2.00. The book department of the Radio Digest is prepared to send you any of the books on Radio published, whether listed in our Book Review or not. let us know what book you want, send us your check and we will see that the book is mailed to you. Postage stamps in payments for books not accepted. Send money order or check. Radio Book Department, Radio Digest Illustrated, 123 W. Madison St., Chicago, 111. Manhattan Phones 2000 Ohms ($6.00 value). . . .$3.98 3000 Ohms ($7.00 value). . . .$4.98 FEDERAL SALES COMPANY Masonic Temple, CHICAGO, ILL. Radio Tubes Repaired UV 200 — C 300 $3.00 UV 201— C 301 3.50 WD 1 I — or VT 2 4.00 The right filament and proper vacuum. All tubes guaranteed as good as new. Mark plainly. Pack carefully. Radio Supply and Repair Co. US WEST LAKE ST., CHICAGO. ILL. Repair returns 15 days after receipt. Radio Distances Easily Read Use Cram's Detailed Radio Map covering the United States and Canada. Just one hundred miles to the inch. Map plate 30x20 inches, on sheet 34x28 inches. Latest call numbers at sides and bottom. Used by Radio Digest and other Radio Experts. Radio Districts and headquarters and time divisions. New edition now ready. Ideal for the purpose. POSTPAID Pocket Form $o.3S Heavy Paper in Tube....-r; .50 Wall Style Wooden Rollers.... 1.50 On Heavy Board for Tacks.... 6.75 Special quantity prices to trade and advertisers The George F. Cram Co. Ill N. MARKET STREET DEPT. RD CHICAGO, ILL. KHJ and KFI Both Work 400 Meters Broadcasting of Two Class B Stations First Time in History of Los Angeles LOS ANGELES, CALIF.— For the first time in Radio history, two Class B, 400meter broadcasting' stations went on the air in the same city, at the same time and presented their programs simultaneously, when on Saturday evening, January 27, in this city, KHJ, the Los Angeles Times, presented its regular concert and the new KFI, the Examiner-Anthony, Central Radio Station, held its dedication program. The event was made possible through a conference between those in charge of the stations and Maj. J. F. Dillon, federal Radio inspector for the sixth district. Major Dillon believes that this may be common practice soon if Congress will pass the contemplated legislation providing a wider band of wave lengths for stations. He expects that the legislation will give wave lengths sufficient meters apart so that listeners in will have no difficulty in tuning in the station they desire to hear. Forty Meters Necessary KHJ will continue to broadcast on its wave length of approximately 400 meters, and the KFI will broadcast with a wave length near 400 meters. The two stations have tested this plan recently, both being on the air at the same time on wave lengths varying from 15 to 25 meters. With a selective tuning device it was found that ten meters difference did not permit of separation, while 15 meters made it possible to tune the station desired moderately well, although there was found some interference. At a difference of 25 meters, perfect elimination of interference was found. It is therefore expected that a difference of 40 meters will make possible the relatively easy reception of concerts which will be presented by both KHJ and KFI at the same time. .006— 75c SCHINDLER MICA CONDENSERS BIG DISCOUNTS TO Df'ERS DUNGAN RADiO CO! Distributors 68 WEST WASHINGTON ST., CHICAGO "WGM" OLD RELIABLE (Continued from page 5) wooden and steel masts located more than 100 feet above the ground on the roof of the Constitution's building. The wires are No. 6 stranded cables and after six hours of sleet Tuesday afternoon, January 23, these wires were coated with three inches of ice. The tremendous weight of this was too much for one of the wires and " it snapped at the center hoop. Operator Makes Repair Operator A. W. Shropshire lowered the antenna with a view to cutting the dead end of this broken strand and replacing the antenna. The storm was too intense to contemplate immediate repair. Mr. Shropshire had raised the antenna to the top of the masts and had just entered the operating room of Station WGM to retune the transmitter to the changed aerial when the entire antenna crashed down on the roof of the Constitution building. Now Station WGM has an entirely new antenna system since the antenna in falling crashed through the wire counterpoise. According to heads of the Radio Chamber of Commerce, immediate limitation in the number of stations will have beneficial results in every way. HOLD-TITE' • JACKS I ta 5 springs : price 70c to SI. 10 New design; heavy phosphor-bronze springs: no spacer washers required. Write (or Bulletin on these Jacks. "'TXJ-WAY" Plugs and other Carter products. CABTER BADIO CO., 209 s. State St.. Chicago ■ Our Test— Your Opportunity ■ To test out the value of this paper as an advertising medium, readers of Radio Digest are offered an opportunity to obtain THE RADIO TELEPHONE HANDBOOK, by H. G. Cisln. M. E.. at ONE-HALF COST. This most authentic handbook on RADIO has never before sold at less than $1.00. We have sold copies in every state in the Union, in Canada, Mexico, Cuba, Porto Rico, Italy and even New Zealand. We will ship this storehouse of valuable radio information postpaid to any address for 50c (coin or stamps). DEALERS: Send dollar bill for two copies and resell over counter at list price. This exceptional offer will not be repeated after our advertising schedule has been worked out. FREE: A. complete 28-page, 50-ce-nt Radio Dictionary upon receipt of 12c in stamps to cover mailing charges. Be sure to include this ad, together with your name and address plainly marked. ALLIED ENGINEERING INSTITUTE 1400 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Do You Want a Real Headset? The Dictograph Is the Best Headset in the World at Any Price This is the same supreme Dictograph Headset that has always sold for $12 — same in quality, same in guarantee, same in everything but the price — $8 complete. Made by the makers of the world standard Dictograph products — the marvelous "Acousricon" for the Deaf, the famous Detective Dictograph, the Dictograph System of Interior Telephones and the Dictograph Radio Loud Speaker for the Home. Read a few of the many letters we have received from Dictograph Headset users. You, too, can enjoy the utmost in Headsets if you own one. U. S. Marine Hosp. No. 43. Ellis Island. N. T. "The Undersigned has tor the past sixteen years been an amateur, commercial, and government operator, and has used every known make of radio receiver on the market. On April 21st one of your Type R-l 3000 ohm receivers was purchased and it can be safely said without dispute that they are absolutely the best radio receivers on the market today, bar none," C. H. West, TJ. S. P. H. S. Laporte, Ind. "I wish to compliment you on the 3000 ohm Headset you now have on the market retailing at $12.00 (now $3.00). I have been experimenting with the radio game for the past year. In my experience I have tried out 14 different headsets. Including the . which I purchased for $16.50. I at last have found the ideal phone where tone quality excels and harshness is eliminated, and I cannot express myself in words as to the wonderful results I have obtained.'* J. T. Bachman. Go to your dealer's today and listen in with this supreme instrument. Note the difference. Buy two or three Dictograph Headsets and let the rest of the family enjoy your set. Always insist on Dictograph Products*** They are fully guaranteed. If your dealer cannot supply you, order direct from us DEALERS:— The Dictograph is the fastest selling Headset on the market today. Order through your jobber or write direct for names -of authorized distributors. Type R-l, 3000 ohms. For all types of crystal and vacuum tube receiving sets. DICTOGRAPH PRODUCTS CORPORATION 220 W. 42nd Street, New York City Branches in all principal cities