Radio mirror (Jan-Oct 1923)

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■as 9111 RADIO DIGEST March 17, 1923 il RAILROADS IN SOUTH HAVE PLANT TRAVELERS LISTEN IN TO CONCERTS ON TRAIN Ex-College Boys Organize Novelty Orchestra to Furnish Music for New York Limited By Vera Brady Sblpman There are there railroads in the middle south, privately owned, which can boast of the only railroad ownership Radio broadcasting station in the world. These roads, the Atlanta and West Point, the Western Alabama, and the Georgia railroad, are all under the presidency of C. A. Wickersham with his son Frank Wickersham as signal engineer for the three, and director of Radio. The College Park Radio station was originally put in to broadcast train dispatches with the experimental call letters 4XO. The idea of broadcasting programs was developed and the companies' own orchestra was gathered together and placed at College Park in 1921 when the programs were installed for reception on trains running on these roads between Montgomery and Atlanta, on the through New Orleans to New York lines. The receiving set is placed on the diner of the train and the whole train assembles after the evening meal to hear the programs of jazz orches^ tra tunes. Try Various Stunts Interesting combinations have been used by degrees of amplification. In one instance a violin solo was played on the train to the piano accompaniment in the College Park studio broadcasted to the train. Other combinations of orchestral instruments have been effected by train and studio, with exact rhythm and time. The station is in charge of I. Miller and B. W. Benning, whom I met at the Constitution office in Atlanta preparatory to my trip to College Park. The announcer is Gene Curtis, a local College Park lad, son of a local physician. There are five musicians on the orchestra staff programs: Fred Graf, director, playing violin, saxophone and trombone; "Nick" Nickolas, an overseas veteran who combines piano, voice and a rare buzz on a comb; Frank Caldwell, voice and banjo; F. B. Myers, saxophone, and Frank Corts, a genuine Hawaiian steel guitar soloist. Broadcast for Passengers Their programs are broadcasted at 7:30 and 8:30 p. m., and 10:30 and 11:30 p. m., expressly for entertainment of passengers on board the New York limited while running from West Point, Georgia, to Atlanta. WDAJ, as the College Park station calls, is a 500-watt station operating on 3'60 meters in Class A. They have been heard at Buenos Ayres, at sea and in every state and Canadian provinces, according to their map which they proudly display. NAVAL BAND MUSIC WINS RECORD PACT Concert Broadcast from Station KHJ Results in Compositions Being "Canned" LOS ANGELES, CALIF. — Through the advancement made possible by Radio, the music of the naval band of the battleship U.S.S. Oklahoma has been preserved for posterity. A short time ago this band was received at Radio station KHJ, the Los Angeles Times, in their studio to be monitored in preparation for the navalRadio concert which was presented a few evenings later by the officers and enlisted men of the U.S.S. Oklahoma from Radio station KHJ. The harmonious result of this monitor test was so satisfactory that the band was put "on the air." Among those who were listening in to the concert was Theophilus Fitz, president of the Golden Record Company of this city, who immediately completed arrangements with the band to make two records prior to the special naval-Radio concert through KHJ. The records have proven a distinct success and arrangements have been made through the reproducing company to place these records free of charge on every American vessel in naval service. Permission has also been given to place a reproduction in colors of the battleship Oklahoma on the records. Efforts to afford relief to the deaf and dumb by means of Radio are producing encouraging results. One child of twelve had his hearing developed to a point where he pronounced the word "Dog" when a picture was shown — the first word he had ever spoken in his lifetime. REINARTZ ^i^^? COILS *300 E. & O. PRODUCTS P. O. Box 1064, CHICAGO The Only Set Backed by Written Guarantee Winn SCR1 1 WINN Sets were perfected long before the radio craze started — hundreds working successfully when radio was handled by technical men only. They are not experiments — not built of hastily assembled parts gathered haphazard. WINN Sets are scientific — the result of years of study and actual experience. We design and build every one complete — so positive of their built-in quality, precision, performance, that we give a definite, all-covering written guarantee of service and satisfaction with every set. The SCR-ll, shown above, is a remarkably fine set that is guaranteed to operate a loud speaker at any distance up to 1000 miles, without distortion. It is practical, highly sensitive, easily handled, and comes in a beautiful mahogany or walnut cabinet, with engraved bakelite panels. Exceptionally high efficiency— Vernier attachments— balanced condensers — copper shields— may also be used with loop aerial. All at reasonable cost— $155, f. o. b. Chicago. Ask your dealer or write for full details. DEALERS — Write for interesting proposition WINN ELECTRIC CORPORATION Radio Sets and Supplies Transportation Bldg. Chicago GERMANS HEAR WOR'S TRANS-OCEANIC TEST Teutons Listen In on American Concert for First Time NEWARK, N. J. — A cable from Lichterfelde, Germany, a suburb of Berlin, states that Miss Edith Bennett, the young: American soprano who sung for an overseas Radio concert recently from Station WOE, was heard by the Seehof experimental station at six o'clock in the morning, which, allowing for the five hours' difference in time, would be midnight Eastern Standard time. This is the first time Germany has listened in on an American Radio concert, so far as has been reported. Eight high vacuum amplifiers were used in receiving, but only ordinary antenna, eight meters high. Radio Tubes Repaired UV 200— C 300 $3.00 UV 201— C 301 3.50 The right filament and proper vacuum. All tubes guaranteed as good as new. Mark plainly. Pack carefully. Radio Supply and Repair Co. 104S NORTH WELLS ST., CHICAGO, ILL. Repair returns 15 days after receipt. KELLOGG SWITCHBOARD & SUPPLY COMPANY Chicago ORIGINAL NATHANIEL Baldwin Type C HEAD SET Complete SPECIAL PRICE $11.75 Free with each pair of these world's best phones we give absolutely free a $5.00 Sheltone Loud Speaker This is a wonderful Loud Speaker. Both for less than the regular price of the phones. Head set can be used in the regular way as well as on Loud Speaker. Cash with Order or C. O. D. WALTER SCOTT 10 St. Lukes PL, MONTCLAIR, N. J. DON'T GUESS USE A--. Premier "7-in-l" Variable Radio Resistance for AH Tube Sets PRICE 50 CENTS EACH Has seven carefully calibrated values of resistance of approximately Ys megohm each between terminals. Protecting bakelite discs assure permanency of resistance. Don't guess — it is important to have resistances properly adjusted to function with your other apparatus to get the best results from all tube sets. PREMIER UNIVERSAL RADIO PRODUCTS— ARE high grade and efficient. Request bulletin covering complete line. DISTRIBUTORS: Some territory open for live, responsible concerns. Premier Electric Company Manufacturers — Eat. 1905 (Dept. A) 3802-3810 Ravenswood Ave., Chicago, IU. Crown Products For Radi0 Licensed under De Forest Patents List Price $5.00 CROWN "WD 11" Perfection CROWN Coil Mountings especially adapted for Flewelling Circuit Used by manufacturers as standard equipment on sets. For long and short wave reception. A few of its many special features. 1. Special Locking Device to keep the coil in place, thus preventing it from being thrown out of adjustment. 2. Special Adjustable Bearing feature. 3. Special constructed Calibrated Dial, showing the stations tuned. 4. Positive Connections on rear of blocks. 5. Complete with Flexible Leads. The Transformer Designed Especially for Use with "WD 11" Tubes The reputation gained by the Crown "W D 11" with jobbers, dealers and users is evidence that there is no other transformer giving such reliable service in amplifying without distortion. The Crown "WD 11" is mechanically perfect, ruggedly constructed and priced right. It is a transformer all jobbers and dealers can back to the limit. We also manufacture 23 PLATE VERNIER CONDENSER $5.50 43 PLATE VERNIER CONDENSER 6.50 BAKELITE MOULDED VARIOMETER 8.00 BAKELITE MOULDED VARIOCOUPLER 9.00 Audio Frequency, $5.00 Radio Frequency, $4.00 At your dealer's — otherwise send purchase price and you will be supplied postpaid. Croton&abto Jlamrfacturmg Corporation 78 FIFTH AVENUE NEW YORK CITY