Radio mirror (Jan-Oct 1923)

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RADIO DIGEST April 21, 1923 Radiophone Broadcasting Stations Corrected Every Week — Parti AQ6. Canton, 0. 425 only. 500 ml. Hdatrs. 135th Field Artillery O. N. G. Wed, Fri, music. Sun, church services. Eastern. AS6, San Antonio, Tex. 200 mi. U. S. Army, Ft. Sam Houston. Mon, Thurs, irregular. AV7, St. Paul. Minn. 400 only. 500 mi. 6th Inf. Minn. Xat'l Guard, St. Paul Armory. Daily ex sun, 2-2 :30 pm, music, announcements. Tues, 8:30 10 pm. Thurs. 8:30-9:15 pm. Central. BE I, Tacoma, Wash. 400 only. 100 mi. Camp Lewis, U. S. Army. Third Signal Co. Daily ex Sat. Sun. 6-7 pm. music, announcements, lectures. Pacific. CFAC, Calgary, Alta., Can. 430 only. 1,000 mi. Western Radio Co., Ltd., (Calgary Daily Herald). Daily ex Sun. 12:30-1 pm, 3-4. Daily, 7:45-8:45 pm. Mountain. CFCA. Toronto, Ont., Can. 400 only. 500 mi. Toronto Star. Daily ex Sun, 12 m, weather: 2:30-3:30 pm, news, music: 5:30-6, news: S-9, concert. Sun, 5:457:20, 7:45-S:45 pm, concert. Eastern. CFCB. Vancouver, B. C, Can. 440 only. 1,500 mi. Vancouver Daily Province. Daily. 8:30-9:30 pm, reports, news, music. Pacific. CFCE. Halifax, N. S., Can. 440 only. 150 mi. Marconi Co. Mon, Wed, Sun night, music, entertainment. CFCF, Montreal. P. Q.. Can. 440 only. 1,000 mi. Muconi Co. Daily ex Sun. 1-1:30 pm. Mon, Wed, Fri, 7 :30-9 pm. Eastern. CFCH, Iroquois Falls. Ont., Can. 400 only. 200 mi. Abitibi Power & Paper Co., Ltd. Daily, 8 pm, weather and stock reports. Experimental station. Eastern. CFCN, Calgary, Alta., Can. 275, 440 only. 1500 mi. W W. Grant Radio Ltd. Wed, Sat, 10:30-11:30 pm, dance music. Wed. Sat, Sun, after 11:30 pm using test call 9AC. Mountain. CFCX. London. Ont., Can. The London Advertiser. CFPC, Fort Frances, Ont., Can. International Badio Develop. Co. CFTC, Toromo. Ont.. Can. The Eell Telephone Co. CFYC, Vancouver, B. C, Can. Victor Wentworth Odium. CHBC, Calgary, Alta., Can. 410 only. 1,000 mi. W. W. Grant Badio Ltd. (Morning Albertan.) Daily ex Sat, S:45-9:45 pm, news, stock quotations, music. Mountain. CHCA. Vancouver, B. C, Can. Badio Corp. of Vancouver, Ltd. CHCB, Toronto, Can. Marconi Co. CHCF Winnipeg, Man., Can. Badio Corp. of Winnipeg, Ltd. CHCS, London, Ont, Can. London Badio Shoppe. CHCX, Montreal, Que., Can. B. L. Silver. CHVC, Toronto, Canada. 410 only, 200 mi. Metropolitan Motors Co. Dally ex Sat and Sun, 5-5:30 pm, news, concert. Eastern. CHYC, Montreal, Que., Can. Northern Elec. Co. CHXC, Ottawa, Ont, Can. 450 only. 50 mi. J. K, Booth, Jr. Mon, Wed, 8:30-11 pm, music, entertainment. Eastern. CJBC, Montreal, Que., Can. 420 only. 75 mi. DupuisFreres. Wed, Fri, 9-10 pm, music. Eastern. CJCA, Edmonton, Alta., Can. 450 only. 1000 mi. Edmonton Journal/ Ltd. Daily ex Sun, "12:30 pm, weather, markets, 7:30-8 pm. Children's half hour, S:30-9:30 pm, concert, reports. Mountain. CJCB, welson, B. C, Can. 400 only. 100 mi. James Gordon Bennett. Daily, 8-9 pm, music, news, reports. Pacific. CJCD, Toronto, Canada. 410 only. 200 mi. T. Eaton Co. Daily ex Sat and Sun. 4-4:30 pm, concert. Sat 12-12:30 pm, concert. Eastern. CJCE, Vancouver, B. C. Can. 420 only. 150 mi. Vancouver Sun. Daily ex Sun, 8-10, music, news. Pacific. CJCH, Toronto, Ont., Can. United Farmers cf Ontario. CJCI, St. John, N. B., Can. 400 only. 75 mi. McLean, Holt & Co., Ltd. Daily, 8-9 pm, music, news, weather. Eastern. CJCH. Toronto, Out., Can. Simons. Agnew & Co. C1CS, Halifax, N. S., Can. Eastern Telephone & Telegraph Co. CJCY, Calgary, Alta., Can. Edmund Taylor. C1GC, London, Ont, Can. 430 only. S00 mi. London Free Press. Daily ex Sun, 12:30-1:30 pm, news, weather. Daily ex Tues, 7-7:45 pm, music. Tues, 7:30-8:30 pm, special program. Eastern. C1NC, Winnipeg, Man.. Can. 400 only. 1,000 mi. Tribune Newspaper Co. Daily ex Sun, 1-2 pm, Tues, 8-10 pm, Thurs, 7-8 pm. Fri, 8-10 pm. Alternate Sun, 8:30-10 pm. Central. CJSC. Toronto, Ont. Cam Evening Telegram. CKAC, Montreal, Que., Can. 430 only. 1,000 mi. La Presse. Daily ex Sun, 2 pm, weather; 4:30-4:35, reports: 4:15-5:15, dance music. Tues, Thurs, Sat, 7-7:30 pm, bedtime stories; 7:30-8:30, concert; 8:309:30, music: 10:30-11:30, dance music. Sun, 4-4:45 pm, 5-6, music. Eastern. CKCB, Winnipeg, Man., Can. T. Eaton Co.. Ltd. CKCE, Toronto, Ont, Can. Can. Ind. Telephone Co. CKCK, Begina, Sask., Can. 420 only. 1,500 mi. Leader Pub. Co. Daily ex Sun, 10-10:30 am, news, music; 1:15-2 pm reports, music. Mon, Wed, Fri, Sat, 7:30-8:15, music. Tues, 7:30-9, concert Sun, 9 pm, sacred concert. Mountain. CKCR, St John, N. B., Can. 400 only. 75 mi. Jones Elec. Badio Co., Ltd. Daily 4-5 pm, concert, reports. Eastern. CKCZ, Toronto, Ont., Can. Westinghouse Co., Ltd. CKKC, Toronto, Ont, Can. Badio Equipment & Supply Co., Ltd. CKOC, Hamilton. Ont, Can. 410 only. 100 mi. Wertworth Badio Supply Co., Ltd. Mon. Wed, Fri, 8.30-9:30 pm, concert. Sun, church services. Eastern. CKQC, London, Ont., Can. 410 only. 50 mi. Badio Supply Co. Mon, Wed, Fri, 7:30-8:30 pm, music, entertainment. Eastern. CKZC, Winnipeg, Man., Can. Salton Badio Eng. Co. DD5, Denver, Colo. 412 only. 1,500 mi. Eitzsimmons Gen. Hospital. Mon. Wed, Fri, 8-9 pm, music. Mountain, DM4, San Antonio, Tex. 1,500 mi. TJ. S. Army, Kelly Field. No regular schedule. DM7, San Antonio, Tex. 200 mi. V. S. Army, Brooks Field. No regular schedule. DN4, Denver, Colo. 340 only. 200 mi. Colorado National Guard. Daily ex Sun, 8:15 pm, weather, news, concert. Tours, 8:16-9:30 pm, special concert, speech. Mountairf/ KDKA, E. Pittsburgh, Pa. 2,000 mi. Westinghouse Elec. & Mfg. Co. Daily ex Sun, 10-10:15 am, 12:301 pm, music: 6-9:55 pm, news, features, markets, concert: 9:55-10, time. Sun, 10:45 am, church service; 2:45 pm, Bible story; 3 pm, concert; 4:45 vesper service. Eastern. KDN, San Francisco, Calif. 485, 510 also. 500 mi. Leo J. Meyberg Co. Daily, 1-2 pm, 8:30-9, 4:30-5:30, 7-7:15, music, reports, concert. Pacific. KDOW, New York, N. T. S.S. America. Home port is New York. KDPM, Cleveland. O. Westinghouse Elec. & Mfg. Co. KDPT, San Diego, Calif. 500 ml Southern Elec. Co. Daily ex Sun, 7-7:30 pm, news, weather, concerts, lecture. Tues, Sat, 8-10 pm. Pacific. KDYL, Salt Lake City, Utah. 485 also. 1.S00 mi. Salt Lake Telegram. Daily ex Sun, 7-8 pm, news, music, entertainment Mountain. KDYM, San Diego, Calif. Savoy Theater. KDYQ, Portland, Ore. 25 mi. Oregon Institute of Technology. Tues, 9-10 pm, educational lectures. Pacific. KDYS, Great Falls. Mont. 4S5 also. 1.000 mi Great Falls Tribune. Mon, Wed, Sat 8-10 pm, concert. Sun 4 pm, church services. Mountain. KDYW, Phoenix, Ariz. 100 mi. Smith Hughes & Co. Daily ex Sat. 7-7:30 pm. Mountain. KDYX, Honolulu, T. H., Hawaii. 500 mi. Honolulu StarBulletin Co.. Ltd. Daily ex Sun, 12:15-1:15 pm reports; 6:30-7:30 pm, entertainment, music, talks Tues, Fri, 3:45-4:30 pm. Sun, 11 am-12:15 pm, 5-6, Church services. 120th Meridian. KDZA, Tucson Ariz. Arizona Daily Star. KDZB, Bakersfield, Calif. 500 mi. Frank Siefert. Daily ex Sun, 8-9 pm, reports, music. Sun, sacred program, irregular. Pacific. KDZE Seattie, Wash. 501) mi. The Bhodes Co. Daily ex Sun, 10:30-11 am, 3:30-4:30 pm, news, music. Mon, Fri, 7-8 pm, concert. Wed, 8-9 pm, concert. Pacific. KDZF, Los Angeles, Calif. Automobile Club of Southern California. KDZG. San Francisco. Calif. Cyrus Pierce & Co. KDZI, Wenatchee. Wash. 700 mi. Elec. Supply Co. Daily ex Sun, 4:30-5:30 pm, music. Mon, Wed, Fri, S-9 pm, music. Sun, 11 am-12:30 pm, church services. Pacific, KDZK, Reno, Nev. 50 mi. Nevada Machine & Elec. Co. (Nevada State Journal.) Wed, Fri, 7-8 pm. Pacific KDZR, Bellingham, Wash. 200 mi. The Bellingham Pub. Co. Mon, Wed, Fri, 7-8:30 pm, music, news, reports; 7:30-7:45, code practice. Tues, Sat, Sun, 7-8 pm. Pacific. KDZT, Seattle. Wash. Seattle Badio Assn. KDZZ, Everett, Wash. 50 mi. Kinney Bros. & Sep pell. Daily ex Sun, 2:30-3:30 pm. 4:30-5:30, 8:15 9:15. Pacific. KFAD, Phoenix, Ariz. 200 mL McArthur Brothers. Daily ex Sun. 7:30-8:30 pm, news, weather, stock, reports. Mountain. KFAE, Pullman, Wash. 1.500 mi. State College of Washington. Mon, Wed, Fri, 7-9 pm, lectures, music, readings. Pacific. KFAF, Denver, Colo. 3.750 ml. Western Badio Corp. Daily ex Thurs and Sun, 8-9 pm. music, reports, news. Mountain. KFAJ, Boulder, Colo. 800 mi. Univ. of Colo. No definite schedule. Univ. activities. Mountain. KFAN, Moscow. Ida. 200 mi. The Electric Shop. Tues, Thurs, Sat 7:30-8:30 pm, music, reports. Sun, church services. Pacific. KFAP. Butte. Mont Standard Pub. Co. KFAQ, San Jose, Calif. City of San Jose. KFAR, Hollywood, Calif. Studio Lighting Service Co. KFAT, Eugene, Ore. 100 mi. Pac. Badio Co. Mon, Wed. Sat, S-9 pm, lectures, music. Sun, 8:30-9:15 church service. Pacific. KFAU, Boise, Ida. 485 also. 200 mi. Boise H. S. Daily ex Sun, 3-3:30 pm, markets, news: 8:30 pm, weather. Tues. Fri, S-9 pm, concert. Thurs, 7:30 S:15 pm, music. Mountain. KFAV. Venice, Calif. 340 only. 50 mi. Abbot -Kinney Co. Mon, Tues, Wed, Fri. 8:30-9:30 m music. Pacific. KFAW, Santa Ana, Calif. 485 also. 100 mi. Badio Den. Daily ex Sun, 4-4:30 pm, news, reports, music. Mon, Thurs, 6:30-7:30 pm, concert. Pacific. KFAY, Medford, Ore. 485 also. 500' mi. Virgin Badio Service. Mon, Fri, 9-10 pm. Special programs other days. Pacific. KFAZ, Beedley, Calif. 200 mi. C. H. T. Weatherill. Daily ex Sun, 9-9:15 pm, reports, news. Pacific. weather, markets; 11-11:30, news, quotations; 2-3 pm, lectures, concerts. Mon, Wed, Fri, 8-10 pm, concert. Sun, 7-7:30 pm, children's stories. Pacific, KFDC, Spokane, Wash. 25 mi. E. B. Craney. Mon, Wed, Fri, Sat, 7:30-9 pm."' Wed. Sat, 3-3:30 pm. Pacific. KFDD, Boise, Idaho. St. Michael's Cathedral. Sun. 11:15-12:30 nm. 8-9:15 church services. Mountain. KFDF, Casper, Wyo. 4S5 also. 600 mi. Wyoming Badio Corp. Daily ex Sun, 12:30 pm, weather, stocks. Wed, Fri. 8-9 pm. music. Sun. 8-9 pm. sacred music; 11-11:30, music. Mountain. KFDH, Tucson, Ariz. 200 mi. Univ. of Ariz. Tues, Thurs. 7:30-8:30 pm, music, lecture, reports. Mountain. KFD1, Corvallis, Ore. Oregon Agri. College. KFDL. Denver. Colo. Knight-Campbell Music Co. KFDO. Bozeman, Mont H. Everett Cutting. KFDP. Des Moines. Iowa. 300 mi. Hawkeye Badio & Supply Co. Wed, 8-9:30 pm. music, entertainment Sat, 9-10:30 pm, music, entertainment Central. KFDR, York. Neb. Bullock's. KFDS. San Francisco, Calif. John D. McKee. KFDU, Lincoln, Neb. Neb. Badio Elec. Co. KFDV, Fayetteville, Ark. Gilbrech & Stinson. KFDX, Shreveport, La. First Baptist Church. KFDY, Brookings, S. D. S. D. State College of Agri. & Mech. Arts. KFDZ, Minneapolis, Minn. Harry O. Iverson. KFEB, Taft, Calif. 200 mi. City of Taft. Mon, Wed, Fri, 6:15-7 pm, music, news. Pacific. KFEC, Portland, Ore. 25 mL Meier & Frank Co. Inc. Daily ex Sun, 12 m, reports; 4-5 pm, music: 6:30 pm, reports. Thurs, 9-10 pm, concert. Sat, 11 am-12 m, children's hour. Pacific. KFEJ, Tacoma, Wash. Guy Greason. KFEP, Denver, Colo. Badio Equipment Co. KFEQ, Oak, Neb. J. L. Scroggin. KFER. Fort Dodge, la. Auto Electric Service Co. KFEV, Douglas. Wyo. 485 also. 250 mi. Felix Thompson Radio Elec. Shop. Weather reports and special warnings. Mountain. KFEY, Kellogg, Ida. Bunker Hill & Sullivan Mining & Const Co. KFEZ, St. Louis, Mo. American Society of Mech. Engrs. KFFA, San Diego, Calif. 200 ml. Dr. B. O. Shelton. Daily. 6-7 pm, entertainment. Pacific. KFFE, Pendleton, Ore. 100 mi. Eastern Ore. Radio Co. Daily ex Sun. S:30-9:30 pm, music Pacific. KFFO. Hillsboro, Ore. Dr. E. H. Smith. KFFP, Moberly, Mo. First Baptist Church. KFFQ. Colorado Springs, Colo. 250 mi. The Mark Continued THE BBOADCASTING station directory is the most complete and authentic list of Radiophone plants. Letters are being sent various stations every day for information. No other paper or source provides the data given here. The idea is original and a service which Eadio Digest has maintained from the start. Every public service broadcasting station is to be found now, not only in the location index, but in the schedule list. The latter, however is divided, one third appearing this week, the second third to appear nest week, and the last part, together with the state, city, station index, to appear the week following. The station schedules, given here, are listed alphabetically by call letters. Following the call is given the city and state, the wave length (PROVIDING a wave length other than 360 meters is used), the miles range of the station, the owner of the station, the schedule of operating hours, and the kind of time used. The state, city and call list appears with the last third of the station schedules and is merely an index. One wishing to find the calls of the stations in his vicinity, will find this index useful. Three successive issues of Eadio Digest will give one the most complete and accurate list of broadcasting stations obtainable. KFBB, Havre, Mont 485 also. 150 mi. F. A. Buttrey Co. Daily ex Sun, 12:30 pm. agriograms, weather, news. Tues, Fri, 8-9:30 pm, music. Mountain. KFBC, San Diego, Calif. 500 mi. W. K. Azbill. Thurs, Sun, 8-9 pm, Bible lesson, sermon. Pacific. KFBD. Hanford, Calif. 485 also. 200 mi. Clarence V. Welch. Mon. Wed, 3-4 pm, 7 '30-8:30, news, music, agriograms. Tues, Thurs. Sat, 6-7 pm, music. Fri, 3-4 pm, 9-10. news, music. Sun, 7-8 pm, church services. Pacific. KFBE, San Luis Obispo, Calif. 50 mi. E. H. Horn. Mon, Wed, Fri, 4-5 pm. Wed, Fri, 7-7:30 pm. Pacific. KFBG, Tacoma, Wash. First Presbyterian Church. KFBH. Marshfield. Ore. Thomas Musical Co. KFBJ, Boise, Ida. 70 mi. Jenkins Furn. Co. (Owyhee Hotel.) Daily, 8-9 pm. Mountain. KFBK, Sacramento, Calif. 4S5_ also. 300 mi. Kimball-Upson Co. Daily ex Sun, 3-4 pm, 6-6:45, concert, news, codes. Sun, 10-11 am, church service; S-9 pm, concert. Pacific. KFBL, Everett. Wash. Leese Bros. KFBS. Trinidad, Colo. Chronicle News & Gas & Elec. Supply Co. KFBU, Laramie, Wyo. Bishop N. S. Thomas. KFCB, Phoenix, Ariz. 500 mi. Nielsen Radio Supply Co. Mon, Wed, Fri, S-9 pm, music. Tues, 8-10, sports. Mountain. KFCD, Salem, Ore. 100 mi. F. S. Barton. Tues, Wed, Fri, 7-8 pm. Pacific. KFCF. Walla Walla, Wash. Frank A. Moore. KFCH, Billings, Mont. 500 mi. Electric Service Station, Inc. Wed, Fri, Sun, 7:30-9 pm, music. Mountain. KFCK, Colorado Springs, Colo. Colorado Springs Badio Co. KFCL. Los Angeles, Calif. 485 only. 1,500 mi. Los Angeles Union Stock Yards. Daily ex Sun. 10-10:30 am, 12-12:30 pm, 4-4:30, 8-8:20, live stock reports. Pacific. KFCM, Kichmond, Calif. 500 mi. Bichmoncl Eadio Shop. Mon. 8-9 pm, music. Sun, 1-2 pm, music. Pacific. KFCP, Ogden, Utah. Balph W. Flygare. KFCQ., Casper, Wyo. Motor Service Stn. KFCV, Houston, Tex. 300 and 600 also. 300 mi. Fred Mahaffey, Jr. Daily ex Sun, Mon, 7:30-S pm, markets, entertainment. Sun, 2-3 pm, church services. Central. KFCY, Le Mars, la. 300 mi. Western Union College. Fri, 8-9 pm, music, educational. Central. KFCZ, Omaha, Neb. Omaha Central H. S. KFDA, Baker, Ore. 25 mi. Adler's Music Store. Daily ex Sun, 5-6 pm, 7-8, music. Sun, 6-8 pm. Pacific. KFDB, San Francisco. Calif. 400, 485 only. 1,500 mi. Mercantile Trust Co. Dally ex Sun, 10-11 am. sheffel Motor Co. Daily. 4-5 pm. concert. Mon. Wed. Fri. 8-9:30 pm. special program. Mountain. KFFR, Sparks, Nev. Jim Kirk. KFFV, Lamoni, la. Graceland College. KFGB, Pueblo. Colo. Lowenthal Bros. KFGF, Mt. Vernon. Wash. 50 mi. Buchanan. Stevens & Co. Daily ex Sun. 4:30-5:30 pm. Mon. Wed, Fri, 7-9 pm. music. Tues. Thurs, Sat. 7-8 pm, music. Sun, 2-3 pm. Pacific. KFGL. Arlington, Ore. Arlington Garage. KFHA, Gunnison, Colo. Colorado State Normal SchooL KFKB, Hood River. Ore. P. L. Boardwell. KFGH, Stanford Univ., Calif. 500 mi 300 and 410 also. Leland Stanford Junior University. No regular schedule K F H H , Neah Bay, Wash. Ambrose A. McCue. K F H J . Santa Barbara, Calif. Fallon Company. KFHR, Seattle, Wash. Star Elec. & Badio Co KFI, Los Angeles, CaUf. 400 only. 2,000 mi. Earl C. Anthony, Inc. Daily ex Sun, 1-1:30 pm, 5-6 pm, 7-7:30 pm, 8-11 pm. Sun, 10:30-11:30 am. 4-5 nm. 8-11. Pacific. KFIF, Portland, Ore. Benson Tech. Student Body KFV, Takima. Wash. 250 mi. Foster-Bradbury Badio Store. Daily ex Sun, 3-4 pm. Mon, Fri, S-9 pm. Pacific. KFZ, Spokane, Wash. 30O mi, Doerr-Mitchell Elec. Co. Tues. Wed, Fri, 7-8:30 pm, music. Sat, 7-8 pm. Pacific. KGB. Tacoma. Wash. 200 mi. Tacoma Daily Ledger — William A. Mullins Elec. Co. Daily ex Sun, 7-9 pm Sun, 5-7:30 pm. entertainment. Pacific KGG, Portland, Ore. 500 mi. Hallock & Watson Badio Service. Daily ex Sun, 5-6 pm, music, entertainment, 7:30-S pm, reports. Sat, S-9 pm, answers to Radio questions. Sun,' Wed, 9-10 pm, music. Pacific. KGN, Portland. Ore. 100 mi. Northwestern Eadio Mfg. Co. Irregular schedule. KGO. Altadena, Calif. 350 only. 300 mi. Altadena Badio Lab. No regular schedule. KGU, Honolulu, Hawaii. 4S5 also. 150 mi. The Honolulu Advertiser. Daily, 7:30-9 pm. Tues, Thurs. Sat. special program. 150th meridian. (Three hours later than Pacific.) KGW, Portland, Ore. 400 and 485 also. 1,500 mi Oregonian Pub. Co. Daily ex Sun. 11:30 am weather; 3:30-4 pm. woman's program; 7:30, weather Mon, Wed, Fri, S-9 pm, concert. Mon, Fri, 11-12 pm. Hoot Owls. Fri, 7-7:30 pm, lecture. Sun 7-8 pm, concert. Pacific. KGY. Lacey. Wash. 250 mi. St. Martins College. Tues, Fri, Sun, 8:30-9:30 pm, news, concert, bedtime story. Pacific. ' KHi, Los Angeles, Calif. 400 only. 2.000 mi. Los Angeles Times. Daily ex Sun. 12:30-1:15 pm, 6:45-7-30 8-9:30. Sum 10-11 am. Pacific KHQ, Seattle, Wash. Louis Wasmer. KJJ, Sunnyvale. Calif. 500 mi. Radio Shop. Tues. S:15-9 pm. Fri, 7:30-8:15 pm. Pacific. KiO, Stockton, Calif. 100 mi. Gould, The Light Man. Daily ex Sun, 5-6 pm, concert. Mon, Wed, 9-10 pm, concert. Sun, 10-11 am. church services Pacific. KJR, Seattle. Wash. 1,500 mi. Northwest Badio Service Co. Daily ex Sun, 5:30-6:15 pm, reports. Mon 7:30-8:30 pm, music. Tues. Fri, Sat, 8:30-9:30 pm' concerts, lecture, bedtime stories. Thurs, 9-10'30 pm. Pacific. KJS, Los Angeles, Calif. 100 mi. Bible Inst, of Los Angeles. Tues, 7-7:30 pm, Thurs, 8-9. sacred music, lectures, etc. Sun, 11:30-12:30, 6-6:45 pm, S-9, church services. Pacific. KLB. Pasadena. Cal. 300 mi. J. J. Dunn Co. Mon and Fri. 7:30-8:15 pm. concert. Sun, 3-4 pm and 8-9. concert. Pacific. KLN, Del Monte, Calif. Monterey Elec. Shop. Daily, 12-1 pm, weather, markets, news; 7-8 pm. concert Pacilc. KLS. San Francisco, Calif. 1,500 mi. Warner Bros Badio Supply Co. Daily, 11:30-1 pm. Fri, 8-9 pm! Sun, 12-1 pm. Pacific. KLX, Oakland, Calif. 500 mL Oakland Tribune Daily ex Sun, 3:30-4:30 pm, 7-7:30, news, entertainment Tues. S-9 pm. Fri. 9-10 pm. Sun 10-11 am, church services. Pacific. KV?' , D™"1". Colo. 200 mi. Beynolds Badio Co. Daily ex Sun, 7:30-8 pm, news, markets, bedtime story. Thurs. S-9 pm, concert. Sun, 8:30-10:30 pm concert. Mountain. KMJ, Fresno, Calif. 300 mi. San Joaquin Lt. & Pr Corp. Tues, Fri, 8-9 pm, music. Sun. C-6 pm, music Pacific. KMO, Tacoma, Wash. 200 mi. Tacoma Times. (Love Electric Co.) Daily ex Sun, 6-7, 9:15-10, concert news, lecture. Pacific. KNI, Eureka, Calif. T. W. Smith. " KNJ, Boswell, New Mex. Temporarily discontinued. KNN, Los Angeles, Calif. 100 mi. Bullock's. Temporarily discontinued. KNT, Aberdeen, Wash. 600 mL Grays Harbor Eadio Co. Daily ex Sun, 5-6 pm, 7-8, news, concert. Pacific. KNV, Los Angeles, Calif, Badio Supply Co. KNX, Los Angeles, Calif. Elec. Lighting & Supply Co. KOB. State College, N. M. 485 also. 500 mi. N M. Agri. & Mech. Arts. Daily 11:55-12 m, 9:55-10 pm, time, reports. Mon, Wed, Fri, 7:30-8:30 pm. concert. Mountain. KOP, Detroit, Mich. 1,500 mi. Detroit Police Dept Daily ex Sun. 1 pm, 6:30, reports, police information, emergency. Eastern. KPO, San Francisco. Calif. 300, 400 and 600 only 1,500 mi. Hale Bros.. Inc. Tues. Thurs, Sat S-10 pm, concert, lectures. Sat. 3-4:30 pm. Sun, 11-12 30 pm, church services. Pacific. KQI, Berkeley. Calif. Univ. of Calif. KQP, Hood River, Ore. Apple City Badio Club. KQV, Pittsburgh, Pa. 300 mi. Doubleday-Hill Elec. Co. Dairy ex Sun, 12-12:30 pm ; 4:30-5, music. Mon, Wed, Fri, 10-10:55 pm, concert. Fri, 4:30-5:15 pm, children's program. Eastern. KQW, San Jose, Calif. 345 and 4S5 only. 500 mi. Chas. D. Herrold. Daily ex Sun, 1-1:30 pm. Wed, 8-9 pm, concert Pacific. KOY. Portland, Ore. 200 mi. Stubbs Elec. Co. Wed. Thurs, Fri, 6-7 pm. Mon, Tues, Sat. 9-10 pm. Pacific. KRE, Berkeley, Calif. 200 mi. Maxwell Elec Co. Wed, 9-10 pm. Sun, 5:30-7:30 pm, concert. Pacific. KSD, St. Louis. Mo. 400 and 485 only. 1,500 mi. St. Louis Post Dispatch. Daily ex Sun, 3:40 am, 10:40. 11:40, 12:40 pm, 1:40, 2:40, 4, 8. Thurs and Sun, silent nights. Mon, Fri, 11:30 pm, concerts. Central. KSL, San Francisco, Calif. 50 mi. The Emporium. Temporarily discontinued. KSS, Long Beach, Calif. Prest & Dean Badio Co. No regular schedule. KTW, Seattle, Wash. 500 mi. First Presbyterian Church. Sun, 11-12:30 pm, 3-4:30. 7-9:30, church service. Pacific. KUO. San Francisco, Calif. 485, 525 also. 1.500 mL San Francisco Examiner. Daily ex Sun, 9-10 am, concert, chat to housewives; 11-12, reports; 2:303:30 pm, lecture, news; 5:15-6:45 pm, concert; 9 am, 12 m, 6:45 pm, weather reports. Wed, 3:30 pm, health bulletins. Sun, 9-10 am, 2-4 pm, 5-6 concert, news. Pacific. KUS, Los Angeles, Calif. 300. mi. City Dye Wis. & Laundry Co. Daily ex Sun, 7-7:30 am, setting up exercises; 12-12:30 pm, concert, time. Mon, Thurs, Fri, 2-2 :3C pm, features. Tues, Fri, 4-4:30 pm. code practice. Wed, Fri, 6-6:45 pm, concert. Pacific. KUY, El Monte, Calif. 500 mi. Coast Badio Co, Wed, 4-4:30 pm. Sat, 3-4 pm. Pacific. KWG. Stockton, Cal. 1,500 mi. Portable Wireless Telephone Co. Daily ex Sun, 4-5 pm, news, concert, markets. Tues and Fri, 8-9 pm, concert Sun, 2-3 pm, concert. Pacific. KWH, Los Angeles, Calif. 485 also. 250 mi. Examiner Daily ex Sun, 1:30-1:40 pm, 5:30-6. 6-6:15, S:20-9. reports, entertainment Sun, S:30-9 pm, church service. Pacific. KXD, Modesto, Calif. 100 mi. Modesto Herald Pub. Co. Daily ex Sun, Mon, 6:30-7 pm. Mon. 7-9 pm. Sun 1-2 pm. Pacific. KYI, Bakersfield, Calif. Bakersfield Califomian. KYQ, Honolulu, Hawaii. Electric Shop. No definite schedule. KYW, Chicago, 111. 400 and 485 only. 2,000 mi. Westinghouse Elec & Mfg. Co. Daily ex Sun 9 30 am, 10, 10:30, 11. markets: 11:05, weather; 11-30 news; 11:35, table talk; 12, 12:30, 1, 1:20 2-15 2-30' markets; 3, 3:30, 4, news; 4:15, markets; 4:30 5news; 6:30, markets; 6:50 bedtime story; 8, concert' 9, speciaL Sun, 11 am, 3:30 pm, 7, church services Central. KZM, Oakland. Calif. 200 mi. Western Badio Institute (Hotel Oakland). Daily ex Sun, 6:45-7 pm, news. Pacific. KZN, Salt Lake City, Utah. 485 also. 1,000 mi Deseret News. Daily ex Sun, 3-4 pm, reports, music, 8-9:30 pm, music, news, bedtime stories etc. Mountain. KZV, Wenatchee, Wash. 485 also. 200 mi. Wenatchee Battery & Motor Co. Daily ex Sun. 3:30-4:15 pm weather. Mon. Wed. Fri. 1st to 15th each month, 8:45-9:30 pm; 15th to last each month, S-S:45 pm. weather. Sun, 1st to 15th each month. 7:30-9 pm ■ 15th to last each month, 11 am-12 :30 pm. church Sfr'Tices. Eastern. NAA. Radio, Va. 710 only. 2.000 mi. U S Navy Dept. Daily ex Sun. 9:45-10:40 am, 12:25-12-40 pm, 1:45-2:20, markets, weather; 2:45-3, (Tues. only) Dept Interior; 3:25-4:40, 5:05-5:20, markets. weather; 10:05-10:20. weather. Mon, 6:45-8:20 pm Dept programs. Tues. 7:05-8:40 pm, Dept. programs. Wed 7:25-7:40 pm, Dept programs, 8 :05-9 :40._ Marine Band. Thurs, 6:45-8:40 pm, Dept. programs. Fri, 8:05-8:40 pm, band concert. Eastern. OA. Ottawa, Ont.. Can. Dept. of Marine & Fisheries PWX. Havana, Cuba. 400 only. 1.500 mi. International Tel. & Telg. Corp. Wed, Sat, 9-11:30 pm. music. Eastern. WAI. Dayton, O. McCook Field. U. S. Army. WAAB, New Orleans, La. Valdemar Jensen. WAAC, New Orleans, La. Tulane 1'nir. WAAD, Cincinnati, O. 200 mi. Ohio Mechanics Inst No regular schedule. Central. WAAF, Chicago, 111. 485 also. 300 mi. Chicago Daily Drovers Journal. Daily ex Sat and Sun, 8:40 am. 10:30, 10:45. 12:30 pm, 12:45, 3, 4:30, live stock and weather reports. Sat, same ex no program at 3 and 4 :30 pm. Central. WAAH, St Paul, Minn. 500 mi. Commonwealth Elec. Co. Tues, S:30-10 pm, entertainment. Sun, 10:30 am, 3:30 pm. church service. Central. (XOTE— The seoond part of the station schedule list will appear next week.