Radio mirror (Jan-Oct 1923)

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July 7, 1923 RADIO DIGEST The Week's Advance Broadcast Programs Tuesday, July 3 n CFCA (Eastern, Daylight Saving. 400). 8:00-9.00 P. M.. "Swiss Echo Soiuj." Edna Chi nif Roth, violinist; "Moment Musical." Pul elncUo." Orchestra; "Lo Little Gift oi los; "II. M. s. l'lnafore." Or tra; "My re." K>tns Charles: "Pi ■ Song" from "The Melsterslnger." Orchestra. . KHJ tPacinc. 395), 12:39-1:15 P. M.. Concert. Bais Irchestra; 2:30-3:30 P. M.. Musical matluee: 6:45-7:30 P. M.. Children's Hour. •■Uncle John;" 3:00-10:00 P. M., Program amused raph Co. KSD (Central. 546). 8:00 P. M., Concert, Grand Tl\eater talent. ..»„»-« „ KYW (Central. Daylight Saving, 345). 8:00-8:58 P. M.. il program; Laura Grossmi Miriam reader; Karl Wetto lande. pianist ; (\>p< Orchestra: Wendell W. Hall. KYWs Music Maker. WBAP (Central. 476). 9:30-10:45 P. M.. Concert. Krej > s Hotel Orchestra. . WDT (Eastern. Daylight Saving. 405). 12:00-1:00 P. M.. "Care of the Hands." Vaughn De Loath: John Martell; Popular songs. Will Von : Banjo solos. John Martell. WFAA (Central. 476). 12:30-1:00 P. M., Address. De\v::t McMurray. 8:30-9:30 P. M.. Musical program, Elk's Quartet; 11:00-2:00 P. M.. Musical program under auspices of Lester Guust Co. WGI (Eastern. Daylight Saving: 360). 3:00 P. M.. Amrad Women's Club; 5:00 P. M.. "Twilight Tales." David: 8:30 P. M.. Business report, Boger W Babson: Instrumental concert. WGY (Eastern, 380). 1:00 P. M.. Address, "Old Glory " Mrs Margaret Tucker; 7:45 P. M., Musical program: "Los Sylvains." Earl Hermance. pianist: "l.a N-ilt Monte." Helen B. Beeler, soprano: "Ave Bernardino Cazcrra. coruetist : "Just You." Samuel E. Beeler, Jr. ; "Reverie. Opus 32. No. 2." Eugene Scultto. violinist: "Ave Maria." Harry Bannister, tenor; "At Dawning," "His Lullaby," Mary Roberts, contralto; "Spring Song." Bernardino Gazerra: "Slumber Song." "Revery." Helen B. Beeler; "Mother." Samuel E. Beeler. Jr. ; "La Capricieuse." Bernardino Gazerra. violinist; "A Dream." Harry Bannister: "Where'er You Walk." from "Semelee." Helen B. Beeler; "Scotch Poem." Earl Hermance. pianist. WHAS (Central. 400). 4:00-5:00 P. M.. Concert. Mary Anderson Theater Orchestra; 7:30-9:00 P. M.. Concert, The Junior Historical and Nature Study Society of New Albany. Indiana; Beading, "An Insting Historical Episode." WJAX (Eastern, 390). 7:30 P. M., Concert. Cleveland News. WLW (Eastern. 309), 10:00 P. M., Concert. "Sonata in A Minor." Norma Rath, pianist, Rubin Phillips, violinist; Comedy, "That Blessed Baby," Mr. & Mrs. Harry J. Plogstedt; Papillons." Norma Rath; Rubin Phillips, violinist; "Chant d'Amour," "Waltz in C Sharp Minor," "The Magic Fire Scene," Norma Rath. WMAQ (Central. Daylight Saving, 447). 7:00 P. M., Babson report: Talk. "American Indians." Mrs. Flora Warren Seymour; The Benson children, violinist and soprano; 9:15 P. M., Instrumental concert. The Schubert Trio. WMC (Central. 400). 8:30 P. M., Musical program, Marjorle Lamkin; Mr. Gulp; Hiram Fulsom; Louise Strickland. WOC (Central. 484). 3 30 P. M., Educational talk, A G. Hinrichs; 5:45 P. M., Chimes concert. WOR (Eastern. 409), 2:30 P. M.. Recital. Pupils of vvlma I. Germain, pianist; Talk, A. R. Nelson. Educational Director of Y. M. C. A. ; Songs, Ar:h\r G. Balcolm: Selections by pupils of Alma T. Germain; Arthur G. Balcolm: Excerpts from "An American Bible." Elbert Hubbard: 6:16 P. M.. Talk, "Psychology of Humor," Leon Mones; Children's stories: Recital, Mary Fitz Simmons, soprano; George E. Patten, tenor. WWJ (Eastern. 517). 3:00 P. M.. Concert. Schmeman's Band; 830 P. M., Concert, Detroit News Orchestra; The Town Crier; Musical program. Pupils of Mrs. Earl F. Chase. Wednesday, July 4 CFCA (Eastern, Daylight Saving, 400), 8:00-9:00 P. M.. Concert. "Raymond," Star Orchestra: "If Thou Wert Blind," Muriel Lomax, soprano; "The Rosary." Jacques Sterin, cellist; "Berceuse," Orchestra: "Calm as the Night," Muriel Loma.x; "Passpied." Orchestra: "Air," Jacques Sterin; Selection from "Tannhauser," Orchestra;. "Scent of Lillies," Muriel Lomax: "Somewhere a Voice is Calling," Orchestra. KHJ (Pacific. 395). 12:30-1:15 P. M., Music; 230-330 P. M., Matinee musicale; 6:45-7:30 P. IH., Children's Hour, "Uncle John;" 8:00-10:00 P. M., De Luxe program. KSD (Central, 546), 8:00 P. M., Concert, Band and Glee Club of the Junior Order American Mechanics' Orphans' Home of Tiffin, Ohio. KYW (Central Daylight Saving. 345), 8:00-8:58 P. H.. Musical program, courtesy of Bock Island Railroad; Cope Harvey's Orchestra. WBAP (Central. 476). 9:30-10:45 P. M.. Concert, HIlo Five Hawaiian Orchestra. WDT (Eastern. Daylight Saving. 405), 12:00-1:00 P. M.. Program under auspices of American Legion, courtesy of Col. Simmons. WFAA (Central, 476). 1230-1:00 P. M., Address. "Rights, Liberties and Duties," M. B. Bogarte, headmaster of Terrill School for Boys. WGI (Eastern, Daylight Saving, 360), 8:30 P. IH., Talk. "Science Up to Date," Scientific American; Band concert. WHAS (Central. 400), 4:00-5:00 P. M., Concert. Mary Anderson Theater Orchestra; 7:30-9:00 P. M.. Concert. 10th U. S. Inf. Reg. Band: Address. General Dwight Altman; Reading, "An Interesting Historical Episode." WHK (Eastern. 360), 8:00 P. M., Lecture; Concert; Babson's Radio Release. WLW (Eastern, 309), 8 P. M.. Patriotic songs, Roulman School of Expression; Excerpts from the Declaration of Independence;, Bugle calls. Private Ward of Gettem While the Gettins Good Everybody can use an extra pair of Re cetvers. Limited quantity. 2200 Ohms Supersensitive. Regular... $5.00 Well known ECONOMY quality ECONOMY RADIO COMPANY 132 Nassau Street New York, N. Y. Send for complete list of Bargains. Fort Thomas Mill! u P I Popular Bishop; "Nocturne" "Kondlno." Mitchell Humphrey, i ill Me Back, Pal O" Mine." "When the ':>>M Turns to day." "Old Fashioned ■ w I o] Ian; 'Ai la," M Itchi n ttumphroj ; "Ah, So Purel'' ■:. Harris, tenoi : "The Old 6V Irani." .Mitchell Humphrey, violinist: "God TtHiehed the Ross," "Woman i Fickle," Q. Harris; "Ave Humphrey. WOC (Central, 484). 8:00 P. M.. Recital. Erwhl Bvrlndell, organist; 10:00 P. M., Musical program. WJAX (Eastern. 390), 8:00 P. M., Recital. Vincent II. Porcy, ori WLW (Eastern. 309). 10:00 P. M., Concert. The Gensral Protestant Orphans' Home Bond, tSdward Schatli, director: "Thi Btar-Spangled Banner," "Military Escort," Band: Aria from "Fuorza del Dlstlno." Ida Blackscnlagsr; "Overture," Hand; Address, Niil'l II. A I.en-nian; "\[r;llrv Nrhvlinn." Hand: "To He Near You," "Tho Slave Song," Ida "The Last Rose of Summer." "Old Folks at Home," Ida Blackschloger. What Time Is It? Pacific Mountain or Pacific Daylight Saving Central or Mountain Daylight Saving THE above clock dials are shown to clear up the misunderstanding which the various time bands and the Daylight Saving plan are creating. Although each dial registers time one hour ahead or behind of its neighbor, the exact period indicated on each dial is the same as that on every other. This chart will aid in the use of the advance programs and the schedules in the Radiophone Broadcasting Station Directory, both of which give the hours stated in the particular kind of time in use at each station. Only features are listed in the advance programs below. Much additional data and such parts of station schedules as are regular features week in and week out, will be found in the station directory which appears serially continuously on page eight. Ladies' Glee Club of Palmer School of Chiropractic. WOR (Eastern, 409). 2:30 P. IYI.. Patriotic program; Songs, Helen Mohr: Richard E. Stout, violinist; Talk. "Independence Days on the Trail," King Stanley: 6:16 P. M., Irene Owens, soprano; Talk. William E. Hicks; Talk. "Radio for the Layman." Albert E. Soun: 8:00 P. M., Address, "The Meaning of Independence Day," Dr. Allen; Bianci Randall, soprano; Address, "Significance of Our National Banner," Alice D. Stueck; Address. "Citizen's Responsibility," Mayor Geo. K. Weston; Mrs. Ralph Bud, soprano; Accordion selections. Michael Carcacere; 10:00 P. M., Production of "Cavalleria Rusticana." Thursday, July 5 CFCA (Eastern, Daylight Saving, 400), 8:00-9:00 P. M.. Concert. "In tire Tavern," Star Orchestra; Selection from "Manon," Nellye Gill, soprano; "Indian Lament," Harry Adaskin, violinist; "Graceful Dance." Orchestra; "The Spirit Flower," Nellye Gill; "Solvieg's Song," "Russian Serenade." Orchestra; "On Wings of Song," Harry Adaskin: "When Irish Eyes are Smiling," Nellye Gill; "Soldier's Chorus." from "Faust," Orchestra, KHJ (Pacific, 395), 12:30-1:15 P. M.. Music: 2303:30 P. M., Musical matinee; 6:45-7 30 P. M., Children's Hour. "Uncle John;" 8:00-10:00 P. M.. Musical program, .Raymond Harmon, tenor; Mrs. Elwell, soprano. KYW (Central, Daylight Saving, 345), 8:00-8:58 P. M.. Musical program, Lyon & Healy Artist Dept. ; Cope Harvey's Orchestra; 9:05-9:25 P. M., "Twenty Minutes of Good Reading." Rev. C. J. Pernin. WBAP (Central, 476), 9:30-10:45 P. M., Concert, under auspices of Will Foster, organist. WDT (Eastern, Daylight Saving, 405). 12:00-1:00 P. M., Talk. "Care of the Hair," Vaughn De Leath: Songs, Jimmie McHugh & Co., Songs, Vaughn De Leath; Songs. Jimmie McHugh & Co. WFAA (Central. 476), 12:30-1*0 P. M., Address. "What Is Law?" Judge Eugene B. Muse: 830-9 30 P. M-, Program arranged by Masonic Service Committee of the Grand Lodge of Texas Masons; 113012 SO P. M.. Netto Male Quartet WGI (Eastern. Daylight Saving, 360), 5:00 P. M.. "Twilight Tales." Uncle David; 830 P. M., Songs, Dean Winslow Hanscom, tenor; Thrift talk, conducted by American Bond and Mortgage Co: Concert. WGY (Eastern, 380). 1:00 P. M.. Address, "The Mentally Retarded Child in the Public Schools," Eleanor A. Gray; 7 35 P. M.. Talk, "Fly Fishing for Black Bass," Jud Landon; 7:45 P. M., Musical program; "Les Papplllons," Wilfred Lebuis, pianist: "O. Canada," Chorus Franco-Canadien; "Poeme," Mme. Chantermerle, reader; "A la Claire Fontaine." "Bergeretta," "Le Jeune Fillette." Alphonse Girard, baritone; Address, "French Canadians and Their Music," Prof. Jos. Brodeur; "Ou va la jeune Hindoue," from "Lakme." Lucille L. Hebert; "Soirs au Quebec," Chorus; "The Music Box." Wilfred Lebuis. pianist; "Bereceuse." from "Jocelyn," Edward Froment, tenor; "Obstination." "Je vous donnai mon Coerrr," Mile. Beatrice Girard, soprano; "1/ Illusion," Mme. Chantermerle. reader; "Tes Yeux," Edward Froment. tenor; "L'Allouette," "Bon Soir, mes Amis," Chorus. WHAS (Central, 400), 4:00-5:00 P. M., Concert. Mary Anderson Theater Orchestra; 730-9:00 P. M., Concert. Howard Hardaway. director: Angeline McCrocklin. contralto; Sue Bettinger, Grace Hardaway, ukuleles: William Fries, flutist; Howard Hardaway, guitarist; Reading, Joseph Hill, Mary Margaret Hill: Mildred Schirmer, pianist; Byron Holloway, baritone: Sunday School lesson: Talk, "Kentucky State Board of Charities and Correction," Mrs. Charles B. Semple. Amsco Rheostats Guarantee an unusually uniform and steady contact. For base or panel mounting. Condensite base, high-grade resistance unit, attractive knob. Adjustable shaft to any thickness panel. 6 Ohms $1.00; with dial $1.25 20 Ohms 1.2S; with dial 1.50 (For UV-201A Tubes) 50 Ohms 1.38; with dial 1.55 (For UV-199 Tubes) At All Good Dealers AMSCO PRODUCTS, INC. Broome A Lafayette Sts., New York City WMAQ (Central, Daylight Saving, 447), 7:00 P. M.. Talk, "Auto Trails," Rockwell Stephens; Talk to Boy Scouts, Stanley Graham; Gene Granville, soprano; 9:15 P. M., Musical program, Anne Kelley, soprano. WMC (Central, 400), 8:30 P. M., Concert, Hotel Chisca WOC (Central. 484), 330 P. M., Educational talk. Karl G. Stephan; 5:45 P. M.. Chimes concert: 6:30 P. M., Sandman. WOR (Eastern, 409), 2 30 P. M., Musical program; Estelle Furstenberg. violinist; Henry Cohen, pianist; Talk; 6:16 P. M., Concert, Willon Tenan Dance Orchestra; Playlet, "The Fast Set," The Mabel Brounwell Players. WWJ (Eastern, 517), 3:00 P. M., Concert. Schmeman's Band; 8:30 P. M.. Detroit News Orchestra; The Town Crier; Concert, Schmeman's Band. Friday, July 6 CFCA (Eastern, Daylight Saving. 400), 8:00-9:00 P. M., Concert, Selection from "Carmen," Orchestra: Aria from "Louise," Mrs. Douglas Raymond, soprano; "Spanish Dance." Mannie Roth, violinist; "My Dreams," Orchestra; "Radiant Night." Mrs. Douglas Raymond; "The Blue Danube," Orchestra: "Londonderry Air," Mannie Roth; "Salut D'Amour," Orchestra: "The Bird of Love Divine," Mrs. Douglas Raymond; "Coronation March," Orchestra. KHJ (Pacific, 395). 1230-1:15 P. M-. Music; 2:30330 P. M., Matinee musical; 6:45-730 P. M., Children's Hour, "Unc;e John;" 8:00-10:00 P. IH., De Luxe program. KSD (Central, 546), 8*0 P. M., Opera, "Sweethearts." Municipal Theater. KYW (Central, Daylight Saving, 345), 8:00-8:58 P. M.. Musical program, Lucille O'Brien, soprano; Dan Toomey, tenor; Agnes Mullen, soprano; Hilda B. SPECIAL Direct From Manufacturer to Consumer Save the Difference LOUDSPEAKER GENUINE WOOD FIBRE HORN 10-inch Bell with Standard Attachment; Complete. Height 24 inches. Colors, Black, Mahogany and Olive Green. Price — $5.00 Delivered to any part of the United States and Canada. Send Money Order EMIL DECLYNE 15 Park Row Room 2525 NEW YORK CITY Dept. B. D Barclay 6298 DOWT PASS THlS-BUYf ff*A VorlctRauio Batteries SAVE YOU 50% vVFlJTTErt ZYftCUAR. WRITTEN 2 cYEAlsl Every World User Is a Booster because you deal direct with a manufacturer who is responsihle for the performance and quality of the Battery. World-Radio-Batteries Volts — 40 Amps., $8.50 Volts — 60 Amps., $10.00 Volts — 80 Amps., $12.50 Volts— 100 Amps,( $14.50 6 Volts $16.00 120 Amps. Full Rating Guaranteed MAIL YOUR ORDER TODAY. WE SHIP EXPRESS C. O. D., SUBJECT TO INSPECTION, OR WILL ALLOW 5% FOR CASH WITH ORDER. ALL ORDERS SHIPPED SAME DAY AS RECEIVED. WORLD BATTERY COMPANY, 60 E. Roosevelt Rd., Dept. L, Chicago, HL Parr, pianist; Copo Harvey's Orchestra; 0:05-9:25 P. M.. Book review. WBAP (Central. 470), 0:30-10:45 P. M., Concert, Mra. Pool I Calhoun !>n\ i . BOD] ■ WDT (Eastern, Daylight Saving. 405). 12:00-1:00 P. M.. Musical .n i . i; & Dunn: Miller & Brad loi.l; Stem & Waters; Keller Sisters & Lynch; ETarrUan; (iiivo Bares & .lack smith; Al lleilau; 11:00-12:00 P. M., Mu Adams, cellist; It. Mudro, violinist; o, Black, plan1st, WFAA (Central, 476), 12:30-1:00 P. M., Address. Dr. stuart Byer, Southern Methodist Unl 8:30-9:30 P. M.. K.c.ial. Edith iJiillmr/.. -. and agisting entertal WGI (Eastern, Daylight Saving, 360), 3:00 P. M., amrad Women's club; 5:00 P. M., "Twlllgil Eunice L. Randall; 8:30 P. M., "SUversmll rles." David ,\i. Cheney: Concert, WGY (Eastern, 380), 1:00 P. M., Talk, "Pad Hata;" 7:35 P. M., llealth talk, "Dog Fights and D tys," siat. Dept ol 11 alth; 7M5 P. M.. Musical program; "Twilight." Boland Davis, i "Llfo," "Dance tho Romaika," Mrs. BVred 1 soprano; "Concerto No. 4. Allegro Mov Georgette Manny, violinist; "Daneo of tuo Butterflies," Boland Davis; "More Grand Ills llutnhlo Estate," Airs. Fred Ellison; "Concerto .No. 4. Andante Cantabilo," Georgette Manny; "Hearts Wish." Roland Davis; "Allah." "A Juno Morning." Mrs. Fred Ellison; "Minuet." Georgette Manny; "Valse Impromptu," Roland Davis; 10:30 P. M., Musical program; "Walu Lulllull," Schenectady Hawaiian Trio; "I Love a Little Cottage." Mae Maefarrol BOprano; "Lonesome, That's All." Quartet; "Aloha Oe." Hawaiian Trio; "At Parting," Mao MacCarrol: "The Story of a Tack," "Bill's Nanny Goat." Quartet; "Hawaiian March," Trio: "The Green Cathedral." Mae MacCarrol; "Sing Mo a Song of the South," Quartet. WHAS (Central, 400). 4:00-5:00 P. M.. Concert, Mary Ajidersou Theater Orchestra; 7:30-9:00 P. M.. Concert, Resta Trio: Maurice Mcnnen, saxophonist; Gregor Balough, violinist; Reading, "An Interesting Historical Episode." WMAQ (Central, Daylight Saving, 447), 7:00 P. M.. Children's program, arranged by Mrs. Frances Ford; 9:15 P. M., Helen Howe, contralto. WMC (Central, 400), 8:30 P. M., Concert. Union Avenue Methodist Church Orchestra. WOC (Central. 484), 3:30 P. M., Educational talk. C. E. Wilent; 5:45 P. M.. Chimes concert; 6:30 P. M., Sandman. WOR (Eastern, 409), 230 P. M., Florence Robrocht. soprano: Talk. "The Simple Life," Karl E. Termohlen; Talk, "Broadway and Broad Street." Walt K. Suezey; Sophia Komcoss, pianist; 6:16 P. M.. Arthur C. Comly. baritone; Children's stories; Arthur C. Comly, baritone. WW1 (Eastern, 517), 3:00 P. M., Concert. Schmeman's Band: 8:30 P. M., Concert, News Orchestra; The Town Crier; Thomas B. Rhodes, tenor; Edward C. Dent, baritone; Aline Huck, pianist. Saturday, July 7 CFCA (Eastern, Daylight Saving, 400), 8:00-9:00 P. M., Concert, "Scenes Poetiques," Orchestra: Fred Rogers, tenor; "Ship o' Dreams." W. Woods, cometist; "The Merry Widow," Orchestra; Fred Rogers; "Serenade," Orchestra; "A Mother's Croon," W. Woods: (Continued on page 9.) mm)1i&Wjakg BLUEPRINTS for the construction of a Reinartz Receiving Unit and two step amplifier. INSTRUCTIONS FOR ASSEMBLY Description of apparatus and accessories and details of tuning. WINDING A REINARTZ COIL Cabinet Dimensions Panel Layouts List of Parts Send only money or ders — no checks or stamps. Coins at your own risk. Book Department Radio Digest 123 West Madison Street CHICAGO. ILL.