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July 28, 1923
Six British Phone Broadcasters, Three
French, One Belgian and One
Dutch Operate Daily
Do you think your set will reach to Europe? If so the following information will be of use to you. At present there are eleven phone broadcasters on the continent and the British isles, ranging in wave length transmitted from 353 to 3,100 meters. Better buy some big duo-lateral coils before you start on tho European DX hunt but, then, the hunt will be worth it!
Let's take them in turn.
Now there's Great Britain for example. Sis stations fill the air every evening. If we assume the evening hour to be 7:30 p. m. over there, the time expressed as Eastern Standard would be 2:30 in the afternoon or in Mountain time, 12:30 p. m.
The plants and the wave lengths used in Great Britain are: 2L,, London, 369 meters; 5IT, Birmingham, 420 meters; 2ZT, Manchester, 385 meters; 5NO, Newcastle, 400 meters; 5WA, Cardiff, 353 meters; 5SC, Glasgow, 415 meters.
Across the Channel
How about crossing the channel and tuning in France? Well there's FL, the Eiffel Tower, Paris, on 2,600 meters. If you use Eastern Standard time, you can hear him on the following schedule:
7:06 a. m., weather reports, ten minutes; 2:11 p. m., weather reports and concert, thirty minutes; 6:01 p. m., weather reports, ten minutes.
Then down on 1,780 meters there are the Radiola concerts in Paris every day, the schedule is: 1:00 p. m. (Eastern Standard time) news; 1:06 to 1:51 p. m., concert; 4:36 p. m., news; 4:51 to 5:51 p. m., concert.
Then still in Paris the station of L'Ecole Superieure des Postes, Telegraphes et Telephones can be heard Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:36 to 5:51 p. m., Eastern Standard time. The plant is also on the air Saturdays, 12:21 to 3:21 p. m.
Lyons, Prance, puts 1,500 good watts and phonograph records on the air daily except Sunday from 6:36 to 7:06 a. m. The wave length of Lyons, 3,100 meters, is the highest of any phone broadcaster in Europe.
Holland and Belgium at It Too
The little country you heard so much about in the world war, Belgium, also does its bit. Brussels, BAV, 1,300 meters, has 1,000 watts in its antenna. Its operating schedule is Tuesday and Thursday, 12:43 p. m-. Eastern Standard time.
Then Belgium's equally famous neighbor, Holland, has a station at the Hague. The wave length is 1,050 meters. If you can reach the Hague, Station PCGG, you will hear him as follows: Sunday, 10:40 a. m. to 1:20 p. m. (Eastern Standard time), concert; Monday and Thursday, 4:20 to 5:20 p. m., concert. The Monday concerts are sometimes given on 1,300 meters, notice being given the previous Sunday (so you'll have to hear him both times.)
The time difference makes quite a peculiar situation. Concerts broadcast there in the evening are heard here in the early afternoon, while early morning European broadcasts (if there were any) would be heard here the evening before. But don't let the difference in time worry you. Just listen In regularly at the hours given above. Europe hears our big stations but the European broadcasting plants have been heard very few times in this country. Let's put them on our string of DX scalps.
-By E. T. Flewelling
(Editor's Note. — This department is written by Mr. Flewelling, the inventor of the famous super circuit. From the questions sent him each week care of Radio Digest, he picks the one considered most informative for all and answers it in this column.) (Submitted by G. H. D., Ontario, Canada.) Getting' Sid of Body Capacity
Question. I am able to report very successful results with the Flewelling circuit so far as reception is concerned but find that hand capacity effects are terrific. Is there no way by which this trouble may be overcome ?
Answer. Hand capacity effects with any Radio set seem to depend almost entirely
will take any type of Flewelling set in working condition, remove the phones and in their place connect the primary of any audio frequency transformer and connect the phones with the secondary posts of the transformer you will find that, with no other change, the capacity effects have been eliminated for all practical purposes. This helps to overcome even the trouble which is caused by the interleaving plate condensers.
I say connect the primary in place of the phones and the phones with the secondary of the audio transformer. Please remember that conditions have been noticed where the reverse gave better results;
on the design of the apparatus used. It is the writer's opinion that the time has come when some manufacturers will awaken to the fact that we are still using approximately the designs and ideas in our Badio apparatus of today that were prevalent 15 to 20 years ago. One of the greatest offenders from most any angle is the interleaving plate condenser which is in such common use. One may say that this type of condenser is responsible for ninety per cent of our Radio sets failing to give us maximum results. This is beoause of hand capacity troubles and poor electrical efficiency. It is a great puzzle to the writer why so many of these condensers are in use when it is so easy to purchase a condenser of a type that will practically spell the elimination of hand capacity effects. One answer to this may be that the public finds it difficult to obtain a condenser of this type — one built mechanically good. Were our apparatus properly designed we would not be bothered in any way by hand capacity effects. This means that there would be no need to shield our sets, with the accompanying bother and trouble that this work entails. However, radio is traveling very fast indeed; it will be only a short time before very radical improvements will be offered by the manufacturers of sets and parts.
However, if we must use the interleaving plate condenser we are still able to eliminate hand capacity effects from the Flewelling circuit. Incidentally, it may be well to bear in mind that the more sensitive a Radio set the greater will be the hand capacity effects, dependent of course to an extent on the layout and design of the apparatus and set. If you
C-300 or TJV-200 $2.75
C-301 or UV201 3.08
C-302 or UV-2C2 3.50
C-301A or UV201A 3JJD
WI>-11 or WD-12 3.50
Moorehead Detectors 2.75
Moorehead Amplifiers 3.00
DV-6 or DV-6A 3.00
AIbo the new TJV-199 S.50
An tubes guaranteed to work like new.
Mail Orders Given Prompt Attention
"24 Hour Service"
55 Halsey Street Newark, N. 3.
■p • . to.^ 7 A complete Receiver in an roint i>i0* ' attractively finished walnut
cabinet, with compartments for all necessary
Just One of its Seven Points of Satisfaction
Ask Your Dealer
A.H. GREBE &. CO., Inc. Richmond HU1.N.Y.
that is, the secondary of the transformer "was connected in the circuit and the phones were connected with the primary of the transformer. Note also that the use of a .001 mfd. stopping condenser may be used here in the usual manner depending on your own set. Sometimes it is better to leave it out. The transformer connection is shown in the accompanying diagram. It is often very handy but the writer prefers to use on his own set such apparatus by means of which the hand capacity effects are eliminated without the use of the audio transformer and the incidental expense, space in the set, and the like that its use means.
Rural Sections Look to
WSY for Sunday Sermons
BIRMINGHAM, Ala. — One of the popular features of Station WSY, the Alabama Power Company, is the broadcasting of sermons and special church music. Small towns and rural sections, as well as the cities of Alabama, look for these sermons and musical programs with much regularity, from Birmingham's well known ministers of the various denominations.
Tells Kiddies by
Air How to Swim
'V Instructor's Directions Broadcast to Pool
CINCINNATI, O. — Stanley Brauninger recently completed his series of swimming lessons from Station WW, Crosley Manufacturing Company here, by giving a practical demonstration of the use of Radio in teaching children how to enjoy the natatorial art. The children were in the pool at the workhouse and Mr. Brauninger, swimming director of the T.M.C.A., got the children to line up in the pool. By means of a Radio receiving set and an amplifying horn, he told them from WLW studio just what to do. This is the first time on record that swimming lessons have been given by Radio. The test was successful in every way.
All Lightships to Have Sets
DETROIT. — George H. Putman, local commissioner for lighthouses, states that all lightships and lighthouses in the near future will be equipped with apparatus. He has been particularly interested in the effort of WWJ, the Detroit News, along these lines.
maximum volou,
minimum distortion
100 teb cent shielded
mounts anywhere
PRICE $3.50
RATIOS — 1 to 3, 1 to 4, or 1 to 5
The Most Efficient, Compact Transformer ever designed. Ask Your Dealer for the Premier "Hegehog."
Full Specifications on Request
Qrrmitr V\?siv\t X.Qmv&Mi
*■ *^ Est. 1905 *^
3810 Ravenswood Avenue, CHICAGO, ILL.
List Our
PHONES Price Price
ACME — lias no peer for receiving clear. $ 8.00 $3.95
Western Electric 12.00 7.95
N & K.. 6000 Ohms 16.00 6.50
Rico. 3000 Ohms 6.50 S.95
Dictagraph, 3000 Ohms 8.00 6.50
Ambassador, 3000 Ohms 3.98
Nathaniel Baldwin, Original 12.00 8.75
Nathaniel Baldwin, Single, with Com 6.00 4.45
Brandes Genuine 8.00 6.75
Queens 5.00 1.95
Fisher 5.00 1.95
Raven 5.00 1.95
Tuska with Dial 6.00 2.95
Pathe 6.00 2.95
Columbia 6.50 3.95
Workrite 6.00 2.95
Eagle Bakelite 8.50 4.95
Fisher. Large 6.50 2.95
Pearlco Bakelite 6.S0 4.45
3 Plate 200 1.25
II Plate 3.50 1.75
17 Plate 4-00 1.95
23 Plata 4.00 1.95
43 Plate 5.00 2.25
II Plate Vernier 6.00 3.25
17 Plate Vernier 6.00 3.25
23 Plate Vernier 6.60 3.50
43 Plate Vernier 7.50 3.95
All American 3.95
Earla Reflex 4.56
Thordarson 2.95
Marie 4.00 2.95
Acme Audio or Radio 3.75
Tri-Coii Radio 1-50
List Our
Tungar 5 Amp £28.00 $22.50
Tungar 2 Amp 18.00 14.95
Mica Diaphragms 2.00 1.25
Cutler Hammer l.OO .85
With Vernier 1.50 1.25
C. H. Potentiometer L50 1.25
Klosner Vernier 1.50 1.20
Aeriola Jr. (Westinghouse) 18.00 5.95
Cutting & Washington 3-Tube Type 11.125.00 55.00
Tuska Regenerative 35.00.. 22.50
Crosley Regenerative 19.00
Crosley 2-Step Amplifier 17.00
2-Step Amplifier, Assembled 11.95
General Radio I -Step Amplifier 8.00 6.95
Magnavox Type R3 35.00 24.95
Atlas 25.00 17.50
Western Electric 56. 00 Special
Music Master 30.00 24.95
Wooden Horn 8.50 5.75
Aluminum Horn , 10.00 4i!5
UV-199. UV-20I-A, WD-12, WD-ll.
All Genuine 5.75
VT-2 Western Electric 7.95
De Forest DV-6 3.75
UV-200 4.50
Oe Forest DV-6A 4.75
Flewelling Circuit 13.95
Reinartz Circuit .... 11.95
Neutrodyne Circuit 35.00
Cockaday 13.95
2-Step Amplifier 9.95
Fada Neutrodyne Parts 25.00
Sbc New York Retail Stores
Add Parcel Post
59 Cortland St., NEW YORK CITY
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