Radio mirror (Jan-Oct 1923)

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September 1, 1923 RADIO DIGEST — Illustrated The Week's Advance Broadcast Programs WWJ (Eastern. 517). 12:05 P. M.. Concert. Detroit News Orchestra; 3:00. Concert, Schmemaa'a Band; 830, Concert, s.-hraeman's Concert Band; Concert, Detroit NeWS Orel. CFCA (Eastern, 400). 8.-0O-9.-O0 P. M.. Selections. "Tiie Tales oi Hoffman." ' I. '5; ujma " "Serenade." "1. 1 Caanne." "F 1." Sur Concert OiYhrstr.L : I ways." "A Barque at Mldnisht." '•Whore tin Abai. j contralto ; " H u ngar Ian Dance.*' "Serenade," Blannla Both, violinist. KDKA (Eastern. 326). 11:30 A. M.. Music, vlctrola. 3:15 P. M.. Pinner concert. Grand . . 6:45. The children's period; 7 20. I Geo. Resell sburcer, soprano; Cht-s , baritone; Hunan Diamond, riolinlst. KGW (Pacific. 492). 10:00-11:00 P. M.. Dance music iu-su*. KHJ (Pacific. 395). 230-3:30 P. M.. Matinee muslcale; 6:45-730. Children's profTam. bedtime story. Dade John; 8:00-10:00. l>e Luxe program. Klournoy's Caiifornlans; Naomi Sweeney Brown, whistler. KPO (Pacific. 423). 8:00-10:00 P. M.. Program arranged by Wilej B. Allen Company. KSD (Central. 546). 8:00 P. M.. Orchestral concert, organ rvritd. vocal and instrumental specialties, uri Theater. KYW (Central. Daylight Saving. 345). 1:35-2:00 P. M., Lyon and Healv Concert Dept. ; 5:50. Children's bedtime story; 7:00-7:58. Musk-al program; Frances Dwyer. soprano; Elise Colgram >. contralto: Theo. S. Bergey. baritone; Ewald r; Elva Sprague. pianist; Cope Harvey's College Inn Orchestra. WBZ (Eastern. Daylight Saving. 337}. 6:45 P. M.. Organ recital. Elsie Bobbins -Gross, organist ; 8 -00. Musical concert. Mme. Alfred Duquette, mezzosoprano; Frederick Boy. tenor; Esther ForristalL pian WDAR (Eastern. Daylight Saving. 395). 12:00-12:45 P. M., Organ recital. Stanley Theater; mus: . Arcadia Cafe Concert Orchestra; 2:00-3:00. Children's hour. talk on "Care of Children"; 4 30-5:55. Musical features; Betsy Logan will talk on "Affairs of the Heart." WDT (Eastern. Daylight Saving. 405), 12:10-12:55 P. M-. '"Ten Ten Tennessee." "Pickles," Billy Xewsome. soloist; Jimmy Clark, accompanist; "My Sweetie Went Away," "Harlem Street," Tom Waller pianist; "That "Old Gang of Mine," "You Know Tou Belong to Somebody Else," Joe Griffeth, soloist; Jimmy Clark, pianist: "Am I To Blame'?'* "Wet Tour Thumb." Tom Waller, pianist: "Lore. My Heart Is Calling You." "When You Walked Out Someone Else Walked Bight In," Billy Newsome and Joe Griffeth. soloists; piano medley. Jimmy Clark; "Indiana Moon." Billy Newsome and Joe Griffeth. soloists; "Classicso Piano Ragicso." Tom Waller, pianist. WFAA (Central. 476). 1230-1:00 P. M.. Address. Will H. Evans: 8 30-9 30. Musical program, conducted by W. H. Evans, presenting Wesley Male Quartet, pianist, saxophonist and vocalists; 11:00-12:00, Gibson Mandolin and Guitar Club. WFI (Eastern. Daylight Saving. 395). 1:00 P. M.. Dinner music. Meyer Davis Bellevue Stratford Concert Orchestra; 3:00 P. M.. Concert; 630. Dinner music. Meyer Davis Bellevue Stratford Concert Orch^tra; 7*0-7 30. Children's own half hour, stories by Cousin Sue; 8:00, Boy Scouts Badio Corps, special program; 830. Song recital; 1030, Dance music, Meyer Davis Bellevue Stratford Dance Orchestra. WGR (Eastern. Daylight Saving. 319) 11:45 A. M-. Special weather forecast for Lakes Erie and Ontario marine and aviation interests: 12*0-12 30, George Albert Bouchard, organist; 12 35-3 30, Produce and live stock market reports. Chicago Board of Trade. New York Stock Exchange: 6 30-7:00. George Albert Bouchard, organist; 7:00-8:45, Digest of the day's topics of scientific interest; 11:45. weather. WGY (Eastera, 380), 1:00 P. M., Music and reading, "Out of Doors." Margaret Tucker; 7:45. Musical. "Sunbeams." Mrs. Edwin Xewkirk, contralto; Mrs. Alfred Heller, accompanist; "Forgotten." Mary Burns. pianist; "J Love a Little Cottage," Mae MacCarroll, soprano; "With You," "The Morning Wind," Mrs. Edwin Xewkirk. contralto; "Afterwhiles," Mary Burns, pianist; "Sleep. Why Dost Thou Leave 5Te?*\ Mae MacCarroll, soprano; "The Bird Census." address; "Morning," "Sonny Boy," Mrs. Edwin Xewkirk. contralto; "Herald of Spring." "Xocturae," Mary Burns, pianist; "Carmeca," Mae MacCarroll, soprano. WHAS (Central. 400), 4*0-5:00 P. M.. Concert by the Mary Anderson Theater Orchestra; OUie Jones, conductor; 730-9*0. Mrs. Carl D. Jones, soprano; concert, Sylvian Trio; Fannie Elizabeth StoU. violinist; Myrl Chrisman, flutist; Evelyn Kaiser, pianist ; reading. "An Interesting Historical Episode." WJAX (Eastern, 390), 730 P. M., Dance orchestra and musical specialties, arranged by the Cleveland XewsLeader. WJAZ (Central. Daylight Saving. 447.7), 10*0 P. M.2*0 A. M„ Orchestra selections; "Song of SteeL" "Danny Boy." R. G. Ball, baritone; Solos, Lucille Gutelius. soprano; "The Prison," "Sea Shade," Irma Lloyd, contralto: "Major Concerto," Sylvia Wemstein, pianist: "On the Boad to Mandalay." "The Eagle." B. G. Bail; Orchestra selections; "Juba Dance," Sylvia Weinstein; "Trade Winds," "Port of Many Ships," "Hear Me Ye Winds and Waves." B. G. BalL WLW (Eastern, 309). 10:00 P. M.. Selections, "SunKist Rose." "Dream Daddy." "Somebody Else," Circle Orchestra; Solo, Howard Hafford, tenor; BiBy Waterworth, accompanist; "Jeanne d'Arc," "April Mora." Gladys Helen Woerz. soprano; "Steering for Erir-." Howard Hafford, tenor. WMAQ (Central, Daylight Saving. 447). 9*0-9:15 P. M., Music. Hotel La Salle Roof Garden Orchestra; E. E. Sheetz; director; Carl Crave, tenor. W0C (Central, 484). 330 P. M.. Educational program, A. G. Heinrlchs; 5:45, Chimes concert. Wednesday, August 29 CFCA (Eastern, 400). 8:00-9:00 P. M.. Selections, "The Magic Flute," "Serenade for Strings," "Entrance of Stock Exchang© and Chieaco Board of Trade: 6:307 :00, GeorRc Albert Bouchard, organist : 7 :00-8 :45, of the day's n^ws; 9:00-1130, Concert, diof .1. I*. Quinn; 11:45. Weather. WHAS (Central. 400). 4:00-5:00 P. M., Concert by the Mary Anderson Theater Oivhostra; 01! i conductor: Organ Selections. Roy C. Parks; 7309:00. Concert by Mrs Jane Webster Murrell; Reading. "An Interr&ting Historical Episode." WHK (Eastern. 360). 8:00 P. M.. Musical selections by WHK Trio; Bauson's Radio release; Automobile Road Report.. What Time Is It? Mountain or Pacific Daylight Saving Central or Mountain Daylight Saving Eastern or Central Daylight Saving THE above clock dials are shown to clear up the misunderstanding which the "various time bands and the Daylight Saving plan are creating. Although each dial registers time one hour ahead or behind of its neighbor, the exact period indicated on each dial is the same as that on every other. This chart will aid in the use of the advance programs and the schedules in the Radiophone Broadcasting Station Directory, both of which give the hours stated in the particular kind of time in use at each station. Only features are listed in the advance programs below. Much additional data and such parts of station schedules as are regular features week in and week out, will be found in the station directory which appears serially continuously on page eight. the Boyers," "Amina," Star Concert Orchestra; "From the Land of the Sky-Blue Waters." "Pale Moon," "I Heard a Thrush at Eve," Xeva Deeton. soprano; "Chant of the Minstrel," "Kondo," Jacques Sterin. cellist. KDKA (Eastern. 326). 5:15 P. M.. Dinner concert, KDKA little Symphony Orchestra; 6:45. The Children's Period; 7:20. Concert. KDKA Little Symphony Orchestra, under direction of Victor Saudek ; W. O. Williams, tenor; Prof. E. E. Drake, accompanist. KHJ (Pacific, 395). 1230-1:15 P. M., Concert, presenting Dr. J. W. Wallace, baritone; 230-3:30, Matinee musicale; 6:45-7:30. Children's Hour, "Uncle John"; 8:00-10:00. De Luxe program. KGW (Pacific. 492). 3:00-4:00 P. W., Children's program, music and story by Aunt Nell: 8*0-9*0, Concert by Columbia Theater AllArtist Orchestra : Harry Linden, director: 10:00-11*0. Dance music by George Olsen and his orchestra. KSD (Central. 546). 8:00 P. M„ Mrs. William Bobinson. soprano. Sarah Kline, soprano; Dorothy Piekert, violinist. KYW (Central. Daylight Saving. 345), 5:50 P. M.. Children's bedtime story; 7:00-7:58, Musical program: La Gourgue Quartet; Lucille DeMert, soprano; C. Lagourgue. tenor; Ethel Murray, contralto: Louis DeMert. bass; Cope Harvey's orchestra, College Inn. WBZ (Eastern, Daylight Saving. 337). 6*0 P. M., Dinner concert. WBZ Trio; 8*0. Musical Program: Alvryn B. W. Bach, baritone, assisted by the WBZ Trio. WDAR (Eastern. Daylight Saving, 395), 12*0-1234 P M-. Organ recital, Stanley Theater; dinner music, Arcadia Cafe Concert Orchestra; 2:00-3:00. Musical selections: Arcadia Cafe Concert Orchestra: 4305:55. Short talks: 7 30, Bedtime stories. Dream Daddv; 8:00, Special musical features. WDT (Eastern, Daylight Saving, 405). 12*0-12:50 P. M-, "Do Tou," 'Xaughing Saxophone." Gladys Taylor, composer-pianist ; "Barber of Seville," William Struber. baritone; "I Know a Dewey Garden." "In Poppy Fields." Gladys Taylor and Vaughn De Leath: Songs by William Struber, baritone; "Where the Sacramento Biver Flows," "Susan." "Cause It's Tou." Gladys Taylor, pianist; 7*0-730, "Balade in C Minor," "Polonaise in A Flat Major," "Valse in A Flat Major," Jasha Samoos, pianist: "The Two Grenadiers," "At the Mill," "The Volga Boat SoDg." H. Kotylansky, baritone; "Love Is a Song," "Arcadia," Elsie De Groode, violinist; Piano recital, by J. Samoos. WFAA (Central, 476). 12:00-1*0 P. M., "Fancied Trips and Keal Ones." William G. Lex. WFI (Eastern, Daylight Saving, 395), 1:00 P. M., Dinner music. Meyer Davis Bellevue Stratford Concert Orchestra; 3:00, Song and piano recital; 630, Dinner music, Meyer Davis Bellevue Stratford Concert Orchestra. WGR (Eastern, Daylight Saving. 319), 11:45 A. M„ Special weather forecasts for Lakes Erie and Ontario marine and aviation interests; 12:00-1230 P. M.. George Albert Bouchard, organist: 12 35-3 30. Produce and live stock market reports. New York WILLARD RADIO COMPANY 291 BROADWAY NEW YORK CITY FLEWELLING CIRCUIT Cog£lte Baseboard, twe honeycomb coils, mountings and coil plugs, 3 .006 condensers. .002 nhone condenser, variable grid leak, and condenser, grid leak ','2 meg, 23 plate variable condenser, vernier rheostat, tube socket. 3" dial, 8 binding posts. 16 ft. bus bar, PANEL ALREADY DRILLED, TOGETHER WITH DIAGRAM AND INSTR :am and c»i 1 or? uctions $1 l.yo REINARTZ CIRCUIT Co^este Baseboard, Reinartz coil increased, wave length, tube socket, vernier rheostat, 23 plate and 13 plate variable condensers, 3 inductance switches, 2 3" dials, variable grid leak and condenser, .002 phone condenser, 16 ft. bus bar, 23 switch points, 29 nuts, 6 stops. 8 binding pests. PANEL ALREADY DRILLED. TOGETHER WITH D1A CIA QC GRAM AND INSTRUCTIONS $1U.J70 Parts for TWO-STAGE AUDIO FREftUENCY AMPLIFIER, for either of above circuits. (11 nf\ with drilled panel and book of instructions r? tplliUU ALUMINUM LOUD SPEAKING HORN, nickel plated, high polish, list $8.00 $3.75 3000 OHM TELEPHONE HEADSET, list $8.00 . . V. 3.50 AUDIO-FREQUENCY TRANSFORMER, designed for use with W. D-. II tube, also'excellent for all other tubes, list $4.50 2.75 VARIOCOUPLER. Litz wire wound secondary. 150-600 meters, list $4.50 2.25 Trials Coil Mounting $3.35 Double Coil Mounting 2.45 Multiple Point Inductance Switch with knob and dial (15 points) 1.45 Reinertz coil, increased wave length 1.55 Honeycomb coil, mounted 50 turns $0.95 Honeycomb coil, mounted 75 turns 1.00 Freshman var. grid leak and cond 75 Freshman variable grid leak 60 V. T. Socket 40 3 13 23 43 13 23 43 Plate Plate Plate Plate Plate Plate Plate CONDENSERS ....$1.05 1.20 1.35 1.95 3.75 4.00 4.25 Ball bearing inductance switch 25 Single circuit jack, list 65c JO Double circuit Jack, list 90c .45 Lightning arrester, approved by underwriters... .90 3" dials, high finish, heat resisting 30 2" dials, high finish, at 25 Filament rheostat, 6 ohms 65 Filament rheostat, 20 ohms 80 Filament rheostat, 50 ohms .90 Rheostats with 2" dial, 15c extra Every article we sell is guaranteed by the manufacturer and us — Mail orders filled immediately — Postage prepaid on all orders of $5.00 or more, east of the Mississippi River only. Ail others include postage. WIP (Eastern. Daylight Saving, 509), 3:00 P. M., Artist recital; 6:00-630, Dinner music, Dick Kegan's WIP Concert Orchestra, final baseball scores: 7:00, Bedtime stories. Uncle Wip; 8:00. Short talk: 8:15 P. M., Musical selections; 9:00, Artist recitaL WJAZ (Central. Daylight Saving, 447.7). 10*0 P. M.2:00 A. M.. Orchestra selections: "A Dream," "'I Love Tou Truly." B. F. Elliott, tenor; "Nina." "Non so pis'cosa son," Clara Louise Becken, soprano; Orchestra selections: "The Bridesmaid Rose," "At The Winds Direction," R. F. Elliott, tenor; "Adagio." "Monnet," Gladys Welge. violinist: "Whither." "Hedge Roses," Clara Louise Becken, soprano; "Joy in Summer," "My Heart Is a Lute," Merleta Davis, soprano ; Orchestra selections. WMAQ (Central. Daylight Saving. 447). 9*0-9:15 P. M., Music. La Salle Roof Garden orchestra; H. P. Dahlquist, baritone. WLW (Eastern, 309). 8*0 P. M„ Selections, The Aichele Novelty Dance Orchestra; "Wanda," "She's Got That Too." "Somebody Else," Marv Elizabeth Green. Louise Raseh, accompanist; Radio Wedding From Music Hall, The Bride. Alice Hazenfield. Bridegroom, William F. Maine, Lillian Plogstedt. organist W0C (Central, 484). 3 30 P. M., Educational Program. Clyde G. Kern; 6 30, Sandman's Visit; 8*0, Pipe Organ Recital, Erwin Swindell, organist; 10:03, Musical, John McGreevy, baritone: Mrs. John McGreevy, contralto; Allouez Council, K. of C. quartette; Edna Sonneville, pianist and soprano; "Tourists' Road Report." WOO (Eastern, Daylight Saving), 509), 11:00-1130 A. M., Organ recital. Mary E. Vogt; 12*0-12:55 P. M., Luncheon music, Tea Room Orchestra; 4:455:00. Organ recital, Mary E. Vogt; 7:30, Sports results and police reports. WWJ (Eastern. 517), 12:05 P. M., Concert. The Detroit News Orchestra; 3:00, Concert. Schmeman's Band; 830, Concert. Schmeman's Concert Band Concert, The Detroit News Orchestra. CFCA (Eastern. 400). 8*0-9*0 P. M.. Selections. "MiKiiuii." "Minuet," "Amlna," "Moment Musical," "Blue Danube," Star Concert Orchestra; ■'Selected," Florence Walzman. soprano; "Indian Lament." "Tambourln Chlnols." Hariy Adaskln, violinist. KIKA (Eastern. 326). 5:15 P. M.. Dinner Concert. Grand Symphony Orchestra; 6:45. The Children's 7:20. Concert. KDKA Little Symphony Orel)' stra, KGW (Pacific. 492), 10*0-11*0 P. M., Dance'muslc by George Olsen and his orchestra. KHJ (Pacific. 395). 12:30-1:15 P. M., Concert; 2303:30. Matinee Musical.-; 6:45-7 30. Children's Hour, "L'ncle John." 8:00-10:00, De Luxe Program. KPO (Pacific. 423). 8:00-10:00 P. M.. Organ recital. Gladys Salisbury, Sequoia Trio. KYW (Central. Daylight Saving. 345), 135-2*0 P. M., Afternoon concert. Lyon and Ilealy Concert Dept ; 7:00-7:58, Musical Program. Lyon & Healy concert and artist dept.. Cope Harvey's orchestra. WBZ (Eastern, Daylight Saving, 337), 6:45 p M Organ Recital, Elsie Bobbins-Gross, organist 8:0o' Musical concert; Marion E. Woodward, violinist Ruth Dickinson, accompanist. WDAR (Eastern. Daylight Saving, 395), 12:00-1234 P. M., Organ recital from Stanley Theater dinner music, Arcadia Cafe Concert Orchestra; 2*0-3 :00 popular dance music; 430-5:55. Short talks and musical program. WDT (Eastern, Daylight Saving. 405), 12:00.1:00 P M., Program through the courtesy of Mr. WIdmer of the Lyceum Theatre (Bayonne, New Jersey) ■ selections to be announced by Radio. WFAA (Central, 476), 12:30-1*0 P. M.. "Why Education Helps a Career." Dr. J. F. Kimball; 830?.:?,?•. H^.zel Sparks, mezzo-soprano, George E. \\ llkins. Tenor-baritone. WFI (Eastern. Daylight Saving, 395). 1 :00 P M Dinner music. Meyer Davis Bellevue Stratford Con£ert* Orchestra: 3:00, Piano recital. Loretta Kerk: 630. Dinner music, Meyer Davis Bellevue Stratford Concert Orchestra: 7*0, Children's Own Half Hour stones by Cousin Sue; 8:00, Song recital; 830^ Dance music. WGR (Eastern, Daylight Saving, 319), 11:45 A. M.. Special weather forecast for Lakes Erie and Ontario marine and aviation interests; 12*0-12:30 P M George Albert Bouchard, organist; 1235-3 30 Produce and live stock market reports, Chicago Board of Trade. New Tork Stock Exchange; 6 30-7:00. George Albert Bouchard, organist ; 7 *0-8 :45, Digest of the day's news. Boy Scout Radiograms Employment Bulletin; Evening (time indefinite)'. Ball room music and festivities of the grand ball convention of International Association of Printing House Craftsmen. Hotel Statler; 11:45, Weather. WS,Yr ,(.Eastern. 3«0). 1:00 P. M.. Music and address Making Over the Children." Modern Priscilla ■ 7:45 Musical, Holding Hands." Beutling's Imperial Orchestra; '"111116." Orchestra: "Drifting Back to Dreamland, Arthur Gunn. baritone; "Whv Don't My Dreams Come True!" Orchestra: "Grand Daddy" Take a Look at Molly." "Sun Kist Rose," "Sometune, Td Rather Fox Trot Than Waltz," "Oh: lou Little Sun uv-er-Gun," Orchestra; "Climb on Top of Tour Trouble," "Sunset Alley," Arthur Gunn baritone. ^^ WHAS (Central, 400). 4:00-5:00 P. M.. Concert by the Mary Anderson Theater Orchestra; Ollie Jones' ™°ductor; Organ Selections. Roy C. Parks 730rriffl.i, fce? «yK Henrietta Everett and Elwynne Griffith, of Scottsburg. Indiana. Saturday, August 25 WIP (Eastern, Daylight Saving, 509), 3*0 P M Piano and violin recital: 6*0. Final baseball scores '7*0. Bedtime stories. Uncle Wip; 8*0, Short talk,' (Continued on page 8) RADIO SETS AND PARTS MADE TO ORDER COXTRACT MANUFACTURING Send us blue prints and specmeatlona for price quotations. LINCOLN RADIO CORP. 224 North. Wells Street, CHICAGO, ILL. Coast to Coast on One Tube and No Body Capacity These popular hook-ups use UV-199, VVD-11 or WD-12 Tubes. One hook-up gives selectivity and 1500 miles with absolutely no body capacity, while the other gives the remarkable distance of coast to coast. Both prints postpaid for 50 cents or any of the above tubes postpaid $5.45. Formerly operated by C. W. Kautz. We welcome his customers. No stamps accepted. Radio Outfitting & Supply Co. Box 1107 LANCASTER, PA If You Enjoy Fishing for live points on any crystal, B-Metal loud Talking Crystals, price SOc will save your patience. It is the best crystal to be had at any price but it you want the best detector in existence, one that is always set, one' that makes the broadcaster seem but a few feet away, improving any <*ood crystal set several hundred percent, then order a B-Metal type "C" crystal tube detector, price $2.50, from your dealer or from us if he cannot supply you. outILnHe'i^,^,.!^terJe| °r .rheostat1; is ,alj™ys on the right spot, never wears or burns out, and is guaranteed for six months, although it will last for years. send^gditthback!etterS ^ *** °US yourself Yon cannot lo!* anything but the postage B-SXetal Refining Co.. Detroit, Michigan Chicago, m., June 23rd, 1923. ^P^^S^i^SnSS.TSSS lo «3 faS^inn^deLTor^Th^ri?^.^ Tours truly. E. G. PETEBSOX. B-Metal Refining Co., Concord N IT Detroit, Michigan. concord, >. h. a™ He,ilt«en?e.n,.:TIJ1-ve v"3^ yonr type "c" detector on my 3-tube Reflex and am satisfied that it is the best thing out. It is far superior to my (mentions a well known make) and galena detectors in every way. (mention* Sincerely. ROBT. A. GEORGE. <■-, rr?r/er fron5 your ^ealer toda>' or >f he cannot supply you, send ?L.50 for ten-day trial. We refund the price the day we get the detector back if not entirely satisfied, and ask no questions? • r, You.are to be *he Judge and jury. Why not have the best there is r and now Send us : and symbols. Type "C" $2.50 B-Metal Refining Co. 3134 Trumbull Avenue DETROIT, MICH. Send the Coupon B-Metal Refining Co., 3134 Trumbull Ave., Detroit. Michigan. Send me one type *'C" Detector— enclosed And $2.50 — on ten days trial. My $2.50 to be refunded the day I return the Detector if I am not completely satisfied with, the work. i ADDBESS.