Radio mirror (Jan-Oct 1923)

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^X'ffi RADIO DI G E S T — Illustrated Radiophone Broadcasting Stations Corrected Every Week — Part III -The third part of the schedule list appears uj is completed below. Tbe fourth l-art consists of the slate. city-station index and will appear next wtek, ) WJD. GraiiTine. O. Ml meter*. 190 n>L Deolsoo Kn. Sal. ."-o pm, music, educational lectures. Central. WJH. Washington. D. C. 273 meters. 200 mi. Wm. V liuyer Co. Daily ex Sun. 3. 4 pm. markets, reports, music. Tubs, 7.15-1* pm. concert Sun. 8 pm. church services. Eastern. WJX. New York. N Y. 360 meters. D» Forest Radio Telephone 4 Te!.-i:raph Co. WJY. New Tort City. 405 meters. 1500 ml. B. C. A. Dally ex Sun. 1-9 pm, entertainment Tuea, Thurs. Kri ::30-ll 30 pm. concert. Sun. 2:39-5 pm. 6-6:30. Eastern Djvuchi Saving. WJZ. New Tart City. <:•*■ meierv 1500 mi R. C. A. Daily ex Sun. 3-6:30 pm. entertainment : 7:30-11 pm. special program. Sun. 10:30 am-1 pm. church service: 10:30 pm. Eastern Daylight Saving. WKAA. Cedar Rapids. la. 360 meters 200 mi. H. F I'aar. Dally ex Sun. 12:45 pm. reports: 5:30. re.LgriogTani* : 6-7. music. Thurs. 11-12 pm. mu>un. 4-5 pm. church servicv. QBOtra], WKAC, Lincoln. Neb. 275 meters. 400 mi. The u Star. Tuea. Fri. 8-9:30 pm. concert, entertainment. Central. WKAO. East Providence. B. I. 240 meters. Charles WKAF. Wichita Falls. Tex. 360 meters. W. S. Radio v Cto. WKAN. Montgomery. Ala. 226 meters. 200 ml. Crated Service Co. Moo, Wed. Fri. 6:30-7 pm, music, news. Central. WKAP. Crandstcn. K. I. 3«u me:ers. WHeni Tlint. WKAO. San Juan. Porto Rico. 360 meters. 1.500 miRadio Corp. of Porto Rico. Tues. Sat. 11 pm-12:30 am. entertainment. Intercolonial. WKAR, East Lansing. Mich. 2S0 meters. Midi. AgrL WKAsf Springfield. Mo. 360 meters. 100 mi. L. E. -: «an. -Queen City of the Osarks." . 13 pm. niusi..'. Central. WKAV, Laeoma, N. H. 360 meters. Laconia Radio Oub. WKAW. Beloit. Wis. 242 meters. 100 mi. Turner I Cycle Co. Daily 12-12:15 pm. 7-7:30. concert. | CentraL , _ WKAX. Bridgeport, Conn. 231 meters. 75 mL Wm J A. Macfariane. WKAY. Gainesville. Ga. 360 meters. 100 mi. Brenan College. No definite schedule. College activities. Thurs. 8:30 pm. concert. Eastern. I WKC Baltimore. ltd. 360 meters. 109 mi. Jos. M. I ytnw.iJri Co. Toes. Thurs. Sat, 7:30-9:30 pm. East ] ern Daylight Savins. WKY. Oklahoma City. Okla. 360 meters. 500 mi. WET Radio Shop. Daily ex Sun. 7:30 pm, sports: 9-11:30 pm. "Raven Frolic." CentraL WL2. Fairfield. O. 360 meters. V. S. Army. WLAC. Raleigh. N. C 360 meters. N. C. State College. WLAG. Minneapolis and St. Paul. Minn. 417 meters, mi. Cutting * Wash. Radio Corp. Slogan. Twin Ci'.v Station in the Land of Ten Thousand L.-ies." Club. "Tooth Brush." Daily ex Sun. 9:30. 10:10 10:30. 10:45, 11:30. 12 m, 12:30 pm. 1:30 pm. 2, 2:30. 4. 4:30, 5. 6, 7:30. 10. reports, lectures. music: 5:30-6 pm. children's program; 8:39. music Wed. Sat. 10:30 pm-1 am. music. Sun. 10:30. 7:45. church services: S 30. music. CentraL WLAH. Syracuse, N. Y. 234 meters. 900 mL Samuel \v lworth. No regular schedule. WLAJ. Waco. Tex. 360 meters. 1.000 ni Waco Elec Supply Co. Daily ex Sun. 9:30 am, 10:3fl. 2:30 pm. music, reports. Tues. Thar. 7:45-8:45 pm, music. Sun, 3 pm, church service. CentraL YVLAK. Bellows, V;. 360 meters. Yermont Farm W LA L. Tulsa Radio Co. 360 meters. Tulsa, Okla. WLAN. Houlton, Me. 283 meters. 500 mi. Putnam Co. WLAP, Louisville. Ky. 360 meters. W. Y\ Jordon. WLAB. Ealamazoo. Mich. 360 meters. 100 na. A. E. Schilling. No .egular program. CentraL WLAT, Burlington, la. 360 meters. Radio and Specialty WLAV. Pensacoia. F'.a. 360 meters. 209 ml Elec. Shop, Inc. Daily ex Sun, 8-9 pm. music, entertamCentraL __ _ WLAW, New York. N. Y. 360 meters. New Tort Police WLAX. Gree^cas-Je, lad. 231 meters. Greencastle Com Broadcasting Station. (Putnam Elec. Co.) WLAZ. Warren. O. 100 mL 248 meters. Hutton & Elec. Co. Wed. 8-9:15 pm. classical concert. Sat, 10:30-11:30 pm, music, sports. Sun, 7:30-9 pm. church services. Eastern. WLW, Cincinnati. O. 2,000 mL 309 meters. Crosier M'g. Co. Slogan, "WLW, In the Queen City of the West." Dally ex Sun. 10:30 am. 1:30 pm, 3. 4. Men. Wed, 8-18 pm. entertainmen'. Tues. Thurs, 10-12 pm, music. Sat. 2 pm, speciaL Sun, :. S. S. services; 1L church services. Central Davlight Saving: _ WMAC, Caxenovia, N. T. 261 meters. 500 mi. C. B. Meredith. No definite schedule. WMAF. Dartmouth. Mass. 360 meters. Bound mils Radio Corp. Slogan, "From the Land of the Pilgrim. Fathers." DaOv ex Sun. 5:3» pm. 7:39-10. Sun, _ -1». Eastern Daylight Saving. WMAH. Lincoln. Xeb. 254 meters. 500 mL General Supply Co. Slogan, "A Call from the Western Plains." Club. "Lincoln Hoot Owls." Daily, 2:15-3 pm. r..u=:c; 8 pm. entertainment. Sun. 10 am, church services, 3:30-4:30, concert, 8. sermon. CentraL VYMAJ. Eansas City. Mo. 275 meters. 6»« mi Kansas Cto Daily Drovers Telegram. Dally ex Sun. 8:15 am, 9:15. 10:15, 11:15. 12:15 pm, 1:15. 2:15. weather, markets, news. Central. WMAK. Loctpcrt, N. Y. 360 meters. 1.500 nu. Nor-ibs. Tues. 8-9:30 pm. music. Sat, 730-8 pm. j; 10:30-11:30. music. Eastern. WMAL. Trenton, >". J. 256 meters. 100 mL Trenton HJwe. Co. Slogan. "The Home of Good Music-" Moo. Thar, 7:33-9 pm. music, lecture. Eastern Daylight Saving. WMAK. Beaumont, Tex. 360 meters. Beaumont Badio iprsextt Co. _ WMAN. Columbus. O. 286 meters. 50 mi. First BaptaKs*. Son. 10 JO12 m, 7:3C-9 pm. church :-s. CentraL WMAP. Easton. Pa. 246 meters. 400 mL Utility BatCo. Daily ex Sun. 4-5 pm. 6-6:45. 8-9:55 pm. entertainment. Eastern. WMACI. Chicair"'. I1L 908 meters. 1.509 mL The Chicago Daily News. Daily ex Sun. Moo. 7-8 pm. 9:15 Sat. Sao. 4:30-3 pm. Central Daylight WHAT. Duluth. Minn. 366 meters. 500 ml Paramount Radio Corp. Daily ex Sun. 11:20 am. 4:20 pm. weather: 6:15-7:30 pm. markets. Tues. Fri. B9:30 pm. concert Central. WMAV. Auburn. Ala. 1.060 meters. Ala. Polytechnic Institute. Daily ex Sun. 10 am. 12. weather, market. Tues. Thurs, Sat, 7:30-8:30 pm. music. Central. WMAY, St. Louis. Mo. 2S > meters 1 .000 mL Kingsbuhway Presbyterian Church. Slogan. "May Every By-Way Hear Kingahigtiway." Sun, 11 am. 8 pm. T -. 7-s pm. church serruvs. Central. WMAZ, Macon. Ca. 268 meters. 250 ml. Mercer University. Daily ex Sun. 5:3'-a pm, 7-7:30. 8:30-9:30. music. Tuea, Wed, Thur. 10:30-11 am, chapel. Eastern. WMC. Memphis. Term. 500 meters. 2.000 mi. Tbe Commercial Appeal Slogan. "Station WMC. Memphis. "Down In Dixie." Club. •Midnight Frolic." Daily ex Sun, 9:30 am. 12 m. 3 pm. weather, markets; 12:30-2 pm. concert; 8:30, music Wed night silent. Tues. Fri. 11 pm. Midnight frolic CentraL WMH. Cincinnati. O. 248 meters. Precision Equipment Co. Temporarily discontinued. WMU. Washington. D. C. 261 meters. 100 mL DouMeday-Hill Elec. Co. Daily. 4:30-5:30 pm. concert, sports. Thurs. 8-9, concert. Eastern. WNAC, Boston. Mass. 273 meters. 200 mL Snepard Stores. Daily ex Sun, 1-2 pm. 4-5. dance music. Wed. Fri. 6:30-7 pm. Tues. Thur. Fri. 8-10 pm. Wed. Sat. 9-11 pm. Sun. 11-12 am. 2:30-4 pm. 6:308:30 pm, church services. Eastern. WNAO, Norman, Okla. 360 meters. 300 mL TTniv. of Okla. Daily ex Sun. 8-9 pm, news CentraL WNAL, Omaha. Nebr. B. J. BockwelL Temporarily off air. WNAN. Syracuse. N. T. 286 meters. 1.000 mL Syracuse Badio TeL Co. Mon. Wed. Sat. 7 JO pm. concert, agriograms. etc. Eastern. WNAO. Charleston, S. C. 360 meters. Charleston Radio Elec Co. WNAP. Springfield. 0. 360 meters. 200 mi. Witten ■m Cnfleae. WMAR. Butler, Mo. 360 meters. 100 mL C. C. Rhodes. WNAS. Austin. Tex. Tex. Badio Corp. (Austin Statesman.) WHAT, Philadelphia. Pa. 360 meters. 500 mL Lennig Bros. Co. Irregular schedule. TSawffrn Daylight Saving. WNAV, Knoxvflle. Term 3SO meters. 1,090 mL People's Tel & Telg Co. Mon, 9-10:30 pm. Tues. Thurs, Sat. 7:30-3:30. Wed. indefinite. Sat, 12:01-1:01. concert. Sun, 2:30-3:30 pm. Fri. silent CentraL WNAW. Fortress Monroe. Ya 360 meters. Henry Eunzmann. WNAX. Yankton, 3. D. 244 meters. 250 mL Dakota Radio Apparatus Co. Daily, 11:30 am. reports: 4:30 Wed, Sat, 9-10 pm, music W?£nama^',1^yPe,x Sun. "STan, *Sj£L rJ£? I "££' ™0W ^^ °' 3C° »""*• *»** ™' rVVllalTo^timei SSJ-?«'»»3 vrRA?.' C^^terPCUy2^mCJtCai«Hmet?rsD ^o„'. pm, music concert. Eastern. Daylight Saving. «;arap". «•».«.«. .™> "nra »iexon a WOQ. Kansas City. Mo. 360 meters. 1.000 ml. Went WRAY. Seranton, Pa 2S» meters. 100 mi. Badio :.idlo Co. Dally ex Sun. 930 am. markets; «ale» Corp. Mon, Wed. Sat. Sun. 8:31.-10 pm, con M 30-11. music, rime signals: 11-J0 am-12J0 pm. wrt Eastern. markets; 2:45-3:15. music; 7-7:20 market. Mon. Wed, WRAZ. Newark. K J. 233 meters. Badio 8hoD of Fri. 7:30-8. music TUcs. Thurs. Sat. 8-9 30. music. I Newark. Sun. 11 am-12:15 pm. 7-7:45. church service.. Ccn WRC. Washington. D. C 469 meters. 1.5*» mL Badio ""• 'A America. W0R. Newark. K J. 405 meters. 2.006 mi. L Bam ' WRK. lluniltoo. O. 360 meters. 566 mL Doron berger & Co. Daily ex Sun. 2:39-4 pm. 6:15-7 :.".•). Bros. Elec. Co. Slogan. 'The Oldest Station In music talks. Mon, Wed. Sat. S-ll pm. music, enter I Eilstenes." Fri. 8:15 pm music lectura. Son °13 tainmrrrt. lectures. Eastern Daylight Saving. ' cm, music CentraL W0S. Jefferson City. Mo. 441 meters. L500 ml. Mis WRL. Schenectady J» T 360 souri State Marketing Bureau. Slogan. "Watch Our State." Daily ex Sun. first 15 min. of every hour from 8 am-2 pm, markets. Daily ex Sat. Sun. 5 pm, markets. Mon. Wed, Fri. 8-9:30 pm. concert. CaBtraL WPAB. State College. Pa. 360 meters. Pa. State Col. Ie*e. WPAC. Okmulgee. Okla. 369 meters. Donaldson Ra i ■ WPAD. Chlcaso. 111. 360 meters. 500 mi. W A. Wieboldt & Co. Daily ex Sun, 12:30-1:39 pm. music Mon. 6:30-7 pm. Tues, Tmirs. 8-9 pm, cencert. Wed. Fri. 9-10 pm. concert. Sun, 2:30-3:30 pm. Central Daylight Saring. WPAF, Radio dub. • rnJ°" Collcg° WRB. TJrbana. DL 360 meters. 399 mL Cniv of III. Mon. Thurs. 8 30-8:58 pm. 9-9 Jo. Cniv. news talks, music. Central. WR?,', DaJJ?s^ Tfer„ 36# »cters. 299 ml. City of Dallas. Daily ex Sun. 12-1239 pm. weather 3-330 555s' '"rtets, news; 7-7:15. police news: 8-8:30.' music Sun, 11 am, cburch service: 7-8 pm. police news, church service. Central. WRW, Tarrjlown. X. Y. 273 racers. 1.000 mi Tarrytovrn Radio Research Laboratory. Slogan "Everything In Radio." Mon. Wed. Fri. 7:30-11 pm. Sun, 7:30-9:30 pm. Eastern Daylight Saving. WSAB. (ate Girardeau. Mo. :*t;o meters. Southeast state Teachers College^ Clemson Council Bluffs, la. 369 meters. Peterson's WPAG. Independence. Mo. 360 meters. Central Badio WS.*0, ?w,maon College" S." C. 50 meters Co Inc t» A^TI ^ ollege. WPAH. Waupaca, -Wis. 360 meters. 3.000 mi. Wis I W£*0' PrortdeI«e. B. I. 261 meters. J. A. Foster WSA'g, St. Petersburg. Fla. 244 meters. Loran T. pm, reports, music CentraL WNAY. Baltimore, Md. 360 meters Service. WMJ. Albany. N. T. 360 meters. Shipowners Radio mL Shotton Radio Mfg. Co., Inc. Wed, S:15 pm, concert. Eastem. WOAA. Ardmore, Okla. 360 meters. 250 mi. Dr. Walter Hardy. WOAB. Grand Forks. No. Dak. 2S0 meters. 50 mi Yalley Radio. Daily ex Sun. 10-11 am. 2-2:30 pm, entertainment, reports. Sun, 3-4 pm. music, church service. CentraL W0AC. Lima. O. 266 meters. Maus Radio Co. WOAD. Sigourney, la. 360 meters. Friday Battery &. Elec Co. WOAE, Fremont, Nebr. 360 meters. Medland College. WOAF. Tyler, Tex. 360 meters. 50 mi. The Tyler Commercial College. Daily ex Sat & Sun. 12 m. weather, markets; S pm, weather, sports, codes: 10:15, I". S". Navy press. Sun, 11 am, 7:30 pm, church serviee. Central. WOAG, Belridere, UL 224 meters. Apollo Theatre. WOAH. Charleston, S. C. 360 meters. 200 mi. -palmetto Badio Corp. Mon, Thur, Sat. Sun. 10 pm-1 am, music. Eastern. WOAI, San Antonio, Tex. 3S5 meters. 1.800 mL Southern Equip. Co. (Evening News-Express.' Daily ex Sun, 10:30 am. 12:15 pm, 3, 7. news, markets. Tues, Sat. 9:30-10:30 pm, concert. Thurs. 7:308 30 pro, concert. Sun, 11 am, church services; 5-6 pm, concert. CentraL WOAJ, Parsons, Kans. 258 meters. 50 mi. C. E. Ervin. Slogan. "Qneen City of the Plains." Thurs, 7-8 pro, music lectures, news. Sun, 3-4:30 pm. Sermon, music, news. Central. WOAK, FTankfort, Ey. 240 meters. Collins Hardware Co. WOAL, Webster Groves. Mo. 360 meters. 300 mi. W. E. Woods. Sun, 3-5 pm. Central. WOAM. Lawrenceburg. Term. 360 meters. 1.0OO mi. James D. Yaugnan. Temporarily discontinued. WOAO, Mishawaka, Ind. 360 meters. 200 mi. Lyradion Mfg. Co. WOAP. Kalamazoo, Mich. 360 meters. Kalamazoo College. Mon. Wed, Fri, 6:30-730 pm. Eastern. WOAQ. Portsmouth, Ya. 360 meters. Portsmouth Kiwanis Club. WOAR. Kenosha, Wis. 360 meters. H. P. Lundskow. WOAT. Wilmington. Del 360 meters. Boyd Marvell K-iz:-. WOAV, Erie. Pa. 242 meters. 669 ml. Penna. Natl Guard. Tues, Thurs. 830-10 pm, music. Fri, 9:1510.45 pm, music Sun. 7:45 pro, church services. Eastern. WOAW, Omaha. Nebr. 526 meters. 1.000 mL Woodmen of the World Slogan. "Gateway to tbe East and West." Men, Tues. Tburs. Fri, Sat. 9 pm, conSun. 9 am, 9 pm, ehuieh services. CentraL WOAX. Trenton. N. J. 240 meters. 309 mi. F. J. Wolff. Intermittent schedule. WOAZ. Stanford. Tex. 360 meters. Penick Hughes Co. WOC, Davenport. la. 484 meters. LOOP mi. Palmer School of Cbiropractic. Slogan. "Where the West Begins and in the State Where the Tall Corn Grows." Daily ex Sun, Tues night. 9 am. markets; 10:55. time; 11, weather; 12 m, chimes; 130 pm, markets; 3 36. talk; 5:45 chimes, ex Wed: 6. 6:30, Sandman, sports; T, concert; 10 pm, concert. Wed only; 9 pm, concert. Sat only. Mon. Wed, Thurs. Fri. 8 pm, music. Sun. 9 am, chimes: 7. organ; 739, snorts; 8. church services: 9. concert. Tues, silent Central. WO I. Ames, la. S60 meters. 200 rrri. Iowa State Ccllege. Daily ex Sun, 9:45 am, 10 -jk>. 12:45 pm, mar-ea'.her talks; 9:30 pm. music, weather. Last Tues of month, 6:45 pm, music CentraL WOK. Pine Blntf. Art. 3S0 meters. 506 mL Art. Ujrrt i. Power Co. Tues. Fri. 9-10 pm, concertCentral. Davis. WSAH, Chicago. UL 24S meters. A. G. Leonard Jr Dailv ex Sun. 5:30-6:30 pm. Fri. 8:45-10. Central Daylight Saving. WSAI. Cincinnati, O. 309 meters. United States Playing Carl Ca Tues, Thurs, S-10 pm. Sat. 10-12 pm. Eastern. ; WSAJ. Grove City. Pa. 360 meters. 700 mi. Grove u.i'lfL Colleee College activities. No definite schedule. IT,!.' Mtddleport, O. 258 meters. The Daily News. WSAL, BrookiOle, Ind. 246 meters. Franklin Elec. WSAN. Allentown, Pa. 229 meters. Allentown Badio Club. WSAP, New York. X. Y. 263 meters. Seventh Day Adventist Church. Sat. 10:45-12:45 am. Sun. 7:30i 9:30 pm. Eastern Daylight Saving: WSAR, Fall Biver, Mass. 254 meters. Doughty & Welch Elect. Co. WSAT. Plainview, Tex. 268 meters. Plainview Elect. Co. WSAU. Chesham, N H field. 229 meters. Camp MarienCurUce & 275 meters. meters. Chicago Badio cousin Dept. of Markets Daily ex Sun. 9:30 am, 1030. 11:30. 12:30 pm. 2:30. 1:30. markets, weather. j news, etc Central. WPAJ. New Haven. Conn. 268 meters. Doolittle Badio Corp. WPAK. Fargo. N. D. 360 meters. North Dakota Agricultural College. WPAL. Columbus, 0. 286 meters. Superior Badio & Tel. Equip. Co. WPAM, Topeka, Kans. 360 meters. Awerbach & Guet WPAQ. Frostburg, Md. 360 meters. General Sales & Engineering Co. WPAR, Beloit, Kans. 50 mi. 360 meters. R. A. Ward. Sun, 11 am, 8 pm, church services; 3 pm, music, talk. CentraL WPAT, El Paso, Tex, 360 meters. Saint Patrick's CathedraL WPAU, Moorhead, Minn. 360 meters. Concordia Col i lege. WPAZ, Charleston, W. Ta. 273 meters. Dr. John R. Koch. WPG. New Lebanon. 0. 234 meters. 150 mL Nus hawg Poultry Farm. Slogan. "The Pulse of Miami Yalley." Daily ex Sun, 12-12:15. news: 6-6:36 pm, | markets. Mon. Fri, 8-9:45 pro, music, farm program. CentraL WOAA, Parkersburg. Pa. 360 meters. 1,500 mL Horace A. Beale. Jr. Temporarily discontinued. Eastern. WOAB, Springfield. Mb. 236 meters. Southwest Missouri State Teachers College. WQAC, Amarillo, Tex. 360 meters. 200 mi. E. B. Gish. WQAD. Waterbury, Conn. 242 meters. 30 mi. The Whitall Elec Co. Mon. Wed, Fri. 5:30-6:45 pm. music* Boy Scout news. Eastern. WQ.AE. Springfield, Vt. 275 meters. 300 mi. Moore Radio Xews Station. Slogan, "Among the Green Hills of Vermont." Dairy, 7-7:39 pm. Sun, 230 4:30 pm. Eastern. WQAF, Sanduslcy. 0. 249 meters. Sandusky Register. WQAH, Lexington. Kv. 254 meters. BrockAnderson Elect. Eng. Co. WQAL, Mattoon, UL 258 meters. 100 mL Coles County Tel & Telg. Co. Slogan. "The Buckle on the Corn Belt." Tues, Thurs, 9-11 pm, music, lectures. CentraL WttAM, Miami. Fla. 369 meters. 500 mL Electrical Equip. Co. Slogan, "It is Always June in Miami" Tues, Thurs, 8 pm. music. Sun, 9-11 pm, music Eastern. WttAN, Seranton, Pa. 280 meters. 309 mL Seranton Times. Slogan, "The Yoice of the Anthracite-" Daily ex Sun, 12:30-1:30 pm. 4:30-5 39, 7:30-830, new3. reports, music Tues. Fri, 3 pro, entertainment. Eastern. WQAO. New York City. IT. T. 360 meters. 390 mL Calvary Baptist Church. Sun. 10 30 am, 7:45 pm, church services. Eastern Daylight Saving. WQAP, Lincoln Near. 360 meters. Am. Badio Co. I WTAW. Cleveland. Ohio. 399 meters. 2.999 mi. YvilwaAQ, Abilene, Tex. 360 meters. 390 mL Abilene • lard Storage Battery Co. Wed. Sat, 8 pm, concert. WSAW. Canandaigua, N. T. McElwee. WSAX. Chicago, UL 268 Laboratory. WSB. Atlanta. Ga. 429 meters. 1.500 mi. Atlanta JoumaL Slogan, "The Yoice of the South." Daily et Sun, 12-1 pm, music weather; 2:30, reports; 4-6 baseball; 8-9, concert; 10:45-12, concert. Sun, 19:5412:15 pm, 5-6 pm, 730-9:15, church services. CentraL WSL, Etica, K T. 273 meters. 500 mL J. & M. Co. Daily ex Sat, Sun, 11-1130 am, 5-6 pm. music, news. Mon. Wed, Sat, 8-9 pm. Sun, 10:39-12 m, 7:30-9 pm. Church services. Eastern. WSY. Birmingham, Ala, 360 meters. 2,000 mi. Alabama Power Co. Daily ex Sun, 930 am, 3 pm. 330, news, weather. Mon, Wed, Fri, 8 pm, music. Sun. 11 am, 8 pm, church services. Central. WTAB. Fall River, Mass. 243 meters. Fall Biver Daily Herald. WTAC. Johnston, Pa. 360 meters. Perm Traffic Co. DaUy ex Sun, 10:15 am, 2:15 pm. Tues. Thurs. 739 pin. Eastern. WTAD, Carthage, UL 229 meters. Boot. E. Comptoc. WTAF, New Orleans. Ea. 212 meters. 50 mL Louis J. GaDo. Tues. Sat, 8-9:15 pm, music. WTAG, Providence, B. L 258 meters. Kern Music Co. WTAH, Beividere. DX 236 meters. Carmen Ferro. WTAJ. Portland, Me. 236 meters. The Badio Shop. WTAK. Stenhenvflle. O. 2SS meters. The SwanBower Co. Daily Reporter. Slogan. "The Capital of West I btS"!,... t Texas." Tues, Thurs, Fri, 8-9 pm Sun am nm WTAS. Elgin, HI. 2<o meters Sun, am, pm church services CentraL WOAS, LowelL Mass. 2>J6 meters. 100 mi. PrinceWalter Co. Daily ex Sun. 19:45-11 am. 2:30-3 pm, music. Mod. Wed. Fri. 6-7 pm. news, concert. Thurs. silent. Eastern WOAV, Greerrrille, S. C. 253 meters. 75 mL Huntington & Guerry, Inc. Slogan, "The Textile Center of the South." Tues. Thurs, 8-9 pm. music Sat, 8-8:30 pm. music. Eastern. WQAW, Washington, D. C. 236 meters. t^uhoBc University of America. WQAX, Peoria. HI. 360 meters. Badio Equipment Co. WQAZ. Greensboro, N. C. 360 meters. Greensboro Daily News. WRAA, Houston. Tex. 360 meters. 400 mL Bice Institute. Mon. 8-9 pro, concert, college activities Sun. 4:30 pm, extension lectures. Central. WRAB. Savannah, Ga. 360 meters. Savannah Board of niouc Education. WRAD. Marion. Kans. 24S meters. Marion Badio Shop. Daily, 12-12:45 pm, 5:15-5:45. markets, m ■!» I Mon, Thurs, S pm, concert. Sun, 5-6 pm. CentraL WRAF, La Porte, Ind. 224 meters. Badio Club. Inc. WRAH, Providence. B. I. 360 meters. Stanley X. Bead. WRAL. St. Croix Falls. Wis. 243 meters. Northern States Power Co. WRA0. St. Louis. Mo. 360 meters. St. Louis Badio Service Co. Daily ex Sur.. 4:15-5 pm, music, sports. Sun. 3:30-5 pm, musir. sports CentraL WRAR. David City. Nebr. 226 meters. 199 mL Jacob C. Thomas. Daily. 6:30-7.30 pm. Toes. Fri. T-9 pm. CentraL WRAS, McLeansboro. UL 350 meters. Radio Supply Co. WRAU. AmariTlo. Tex. 360 meters. 50 mL AmariHo Daily News. Tues, Thurs. S:90-9:»0 pm, music CentraL Chas. E. Erbstcin. 360 meters. Buegy Battery & WTAU, Tecumseh, Neb. Elec. Co. WTAW, College Station. Tex. 254 meters. 200 ml. Agricultural and Mechanical College of Tex. Wed, Thurs, S-S30 pm, music, talks. Sun. 11 am, church services. CentraL ¥fTG. Manhattan, Kan. 360 meters. 75 mi. Kan. State AgrL College. Daily ex Sun. 9:55 am. weather fcodei. CentraL WWAC, Waco, Tex. 360 meters. LS96 mi. Sanger Bros. Daily ex Sun, 11 am, weather; 1:30 pm. entertainment. Wed, Sat, S pm, music, entertainment. CentraL WWAD. Philadelphia. Fa. 360 meters. Wright & Wright, Inc WWAX, Laredo, Tex. 369 meters. 159 mL Weemser Bros. Dairy ex Sim, 439-530 pm, music Men. Sat, 8-9 pm, music CentraL WWB. Canton, O. 268 meters. 390 mL DaUy Sews PT.r-tirig Co. Tues. Tburs. 8-9 pm. Eastern. WWI. Dearborn. Mich. 273 meters. 20* mL Ford Motor Co. Wed, 8-19 pm, music, lectures. Easter. WWJ. Detroit, Mich. 517 meters. 1.500 mL The Jf: troit News. Daily ex Sun. 930-9:45 am. bos«Sra hints: 9:45-19:25, health talks: I9;2S-10:30...^S*I; 1155-12, time: 12:05-12:45 pm, nrusiei_f -3"-*-30; weather; 3:35-405. markets; 5-0, ^?1a' __££*? 22. and every other week. 830-J<, *£• IP^TJTours, 11-12 pm. "midnight sp*£*»t sPn;.-f 25'130, church sexrlces. J1H 1-. "SSt— JUS' concert; Son. 11 am. 530. «»«•■ "7S Tf?*Bn WWL. New Orleans. La. V ™**«. Jf*"*. Cn" , 9KW. Tuinucu. Cuba. S* J?fS». .2? w J^SS H. Jones. Slogan.^*™1 -£^1*5 SS"*,»£? cuckoo you are in £?« T^JSSS^ ^^ ' t^-^'^P^trJ*^ "»«** »*Ti, EmAiS* ■ ^ Rectory exnsJsa of . the state. The Reader's View lions Distance FleweTlrng I read with much interest your articles In the Digest every week. It might interest you to know what success I have had with the Flewelling receiver which I built according' to the descriptive booklet I received from you. This set is positively "spooky." When I use my large antenna and a UV-201A tube it brings in anything or everything in the air loud enough to be heard 40 feet away. However. I usually use a \\ L)-ll tube, and use the set anywhere I want to sit, using whatever is handy for an antenna. If there is nothing handy around to use for an antenna, well, that does not worry the little Flewelling much Sometimes I use the bed spring, sometimes a short length of wire with one « isted around the glass of an elec i trie light bulb. At one time I used a 2-foot [ length of bus bar wire and heard Pittsi burgh. As soon as I took the wire off, howI ever, I heard Schenectady, X. Y., with no I other adjustment The most satisfactory ! antenna, however, I find to be a 2-foot loop | of my own construction. On this I have ! heard ClTvV, Tuinucu. Cuba, TvXAG at ! Minneapolis, and a station whose call let1 ters I did not get, at Colorado Springs. These are the farthest. I have, of course, heard many others nearer. Local broadcasters might as well be in China for all they ■worry me if I do not want to listen to them. My set is an exact reproduction of the picture on the booklet, and with complete equipment cost me less than $45.00. — Douglas Barbour, Atlanta, Ga. Announcing Weather Conditions As a constant listener in on the itadio I have often wondered if it would not be a good idea if the broadcast announcers in the various parts of the country would announce the weather conditions in their [ localities. As an instance: say the/ weather is clear or it is raining or tb»^e is a high wind or it is snowing or Jt ^ very cold, giving the temperate*-6 an<i the like. These are only suggestions; if they would meet the appr^^l of the Radio profession the we-fher would be interesting news for t>" people if it were announced sav abou' twice in an evening. — B. F. Hesso'm, rittsburgh, Pa., DriHin-r Holes in Dry Cell Wax The «nore experienced you are as an ain?<eur Radio operator, particularly the rriore frequently you use your set "parlor" where. are polished floors and expensive furniture, the closer you should keep a bottle of diluted ammonia solution and an old cloth. This is especially necessary if you use a storage battery that has a wooden case, since acid is practically certain to be gnashed over the sides and soaked into the case or run down on the table or floor. Under such circumstances a quick application of ammonia or baking soda solution will neutralize the acid and prevent stains on the woodwork. Since summer is here no doubt there are a number of operators of Radio sets that have noticed that the wax to seal dry cells and B batteries has started to blister. This of course is caused by the heat; inasmuch as there is no place for the gas to escape it will be found that the battery current will decrease. This waste may be stopped simply by taking a small drill and drilling holes in each blister, in other words, making breathers. It will be well to pack absorbent cotton loosely in the holes to keep out the dirt. Many of the tube noises that have a trying sound are caused by the A or B batteries, or both which is a good i: tion that they need recharging or rep!