Radio Digest (Oct 1926-Jan 1928)

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18 RADIO D I G E S T— Illustrated \ WWJ rvtr^.. Mich. (SSTTm-SSOkc). 10 a. m.. First WE Central Time Stations CKY. Wiruiip*c. Can. (JS4.4m.7S0»<c\ '.: .; ■ ley c church: 9-10. n 40.7m-S*Okc . p. m.. ' 3m-6S0kc>. eu Rule KFAE KL ,440.9rn-«$0kc*. '. : a. m.. vk. or >hc-nandc-»h. Iowa (46I.Jm-650k. •ed pro* KM Mo. (2S0.2m-1070kc). 9 r. m.. rOV. S.vS.4m.S60kci. 11 a. m.. Central ■ ccW BAP. Ft. Worth. Texas (47S.9m-630ktl. 11 a. m., Ranisl : ' V,Bir 2S.4ra-1330kc), S-10 p. m.. WCBD. 7 p. m.. mixed lester lJKot. ce Far \VC( 3oli$-St. Paul. Minn. (416.4m-720kc). ■ rcrian church; -1:10 church: 6:20, WEAF; WDAF. K-nu> City. Mo. l3S5.6m-S20kc). 3-4 p. m.. ttFU. Dallas. Trx.n t475.9m-630kO . p. m.. 1-9:30, Jeff anil his banjo quintet. cato. III. (30I.Sm-990kcl. 6:45-7 D. m.. 7-7 20. Mil > almanack en: 8, Aul'i "Our Music Roum": 10. I Buisseret, violinist: orchestra. WHAS, Louisville. Ky. (399.Sm-7S0kc). 10 a. m.. hurch: 4-5:30 i>. m., choral Church cathedral. WHO. Des Moines. Iowa <S26m-S70kc). 11 a. m., ■rum Congregation ; : 7:30-9. Paul Christian rt Des Moines orchestra: 11-12, m. YVJJD. Mooseheart. III. (370.2m-810kc). 7:45 a. m., testant services: 1 p. m., sanist: 2, Bible class: 2:30, 4-5. svmphony orchestra. WLIB. Chicago. 111. (302-8m-990kc). 5-6:15 P. til., Herb-" Lichtenfeld. cellist; •one string quintet. WLS. Chicaro. III. (344.6m-870kc). 12:30 0. m.. Elsie Chicago Church federa1 it tie Brown church. WOAI. San Antonio. Texas (394.Sm-760kc). 11 a. m,. •terian church: 7:55 p. m.. Central church. WO AW. Omaha. Neb. (526m-S70kc) . 9 s. in., services. Omaha Gospel Tabernacle: 1:30 p. m.. Father Flanagan's beys' home period; 2:30, old time songs; 9, chapel service. . . WOC. Davenport. Iowa (483m-620kc). 1 p. m.. Pjlrm nrhuny: 6:30, Presbyterian church; WEAF: 10-11. Palmer Little symphony. WQJ. Chlcafo. III. (447.Sm-670kc). 10:30 a. m. -12:30 p m . Church of Chicago: 3-4, musicale; Luchanski. tenor: Gertrude Hardyman. coniralto' S-10. cornet duets. F. E. Noble, F. M. Herman Techantine: Helen Axtell, soprano; -»t McCullah. contralto: Anton Hassel, tenor. WSB Atlanta. Ga. (428.3m-700kc), 5 D. m.p Lutheran church of the Redeemer sacred concert; 8, Presbyterian church. WSUL Iowa City. Iowa (4S3.6m-620kc). 4 p. m.. si:> orchestra chorus: 9:30. i inns. Mountain Time Stations KOA. Denver. Colo. (322.4m-930kc1. 10:50 a. in.. Church of Christ, scientist; 5:30 p. m., organ rence Sharp; 7:50, Services. First Church :ist. Pacific Time Stations KFI. Los Anseles. Calif. (467m-642kc). 7-8 p. m., ■ : . . Aeolian organ re 0-10, Boh Bottger's Venetians': 10-11, Pack ( rcheslra. K.FWB. Hollywood. Calif. (252m-l 190kc) . 9-11 p. m.. Warner Brothers Sunday uighl movie frolic. KCO. Oakland. Calif. (361.2m-S30kc), 11 a. m.. First yterian church: 4 p, in., vesper service: 6:307:30, Stanislas Bern's Little symphony orchestra; Presbyterian church; 9-10, Stanislas Ben symphony, KCW, Portland. Ore. (491.5m-610kc). 10:25 a. m„ First Presbyterian church: 7:30-9 p. m., Hinson Memorial Baptist church; 9-10, Chevrolet Little hony orchestra. KHJ. Los Angeles, Calif. (405.2m-740kc), 7-S p. m., First M. E. church: S-10. Orpheus Four male ciuarFrederick MacMurray. viola soloist. KNX. Los Angeles. Calif. (336.9m-890kc), 2-4 p. m.. Park Hoard musical program: 4:30. chit-chat; d Unitarian church: 7, First Presbyterian church: 8, Circle theater; 9. feature promum. Monday, October 18 Headliners Today Eastern Central Mountain Pacific S p.m. 7 6 5 W1IAZ (379.5m-790kc), Collar City male quartet. 9 8 7 6 WTIC (475.9m-630kc), Plaut Polyphonians. 9:30 8:30 7:30 6:30 KFAB (340.7m-SS0kc), Zenith quartet. 10:30 9:30 8:30 7:30 KNX (336.9m-890kc), Playlet. W BAP (475.9m-630kc), Old-time fiddlers. 11 10 9 8 KGO (361.2m-830kc), The Gondoliers. WSM (282. Sm-1060kc), Southern Serenaders. Monday, silent night for: CFCA, KFDM. KHJ, KLDS. KPSN. KYW, PWX. WBBM. WCBD, WCFL, WEBH. WEBJ, WENR. WFI, WGBF, WGBS. WGES. WGN, WGY, WHAS, WHT, WIBO, WIP, WJAZ, WJJD, WLIB, WLS, WMAQ, WMBB. WOAI. WOC. WOK, WORD. WQJ. WSAI, WSWS. Eastern Time Stations KDKA. Pittsburgh, Pa. (309.1m-970kc). 6:15 p. m.. Flotilla club orchestra; 7:45. U. of Pittsburgh: 8. KDKA Little symphony orchestra; 11:30, Art Giles and his Everglades club orchestra. WAHG, Richmond Hill. N. Y. (31S.6m-9S0kc). 7:30 p. m.. Walter Iooss. pianist; 8, Helen DeWitt Jacobs, violinist; Jevva Blix, Norwegian contralto; Viola Scherer, soprano; 9, Synchrophase hour; 10:02, Charlie Ferm's entertainers; 10:30. Harry Ash's orchestra: 12.' variety program. WBAL, Baltimore, Md. <245.8m-1220kc), 6:30-7:30 j). m., dinner orchestra; 6:30-8, Frederick D. Weaver, organist; 8-9, Lillian Howard Mann, contralto; Melvin Moritz, baritone; 8-9, talk, Howard W. Jackson, Mayor of Baltimore; 9:10-10, ensemble; 10-11, Roberta Glanville, soprano; George Bolek, ifanist; 11-12, dance orchestra. BZ, Springfield, Mass. (333.1m-900kc), 6:15 p. m., Hotel Lenox ensemble; 6:30, Jackson's Hunters cabin orchestra : 7 :05, Rene Dagenais, organist ; 7:30. "How to See and Read Plays," Prof. Robert E. Rogers; 8, Capitol theater orchestra; 8:30, Julia Cullinane, saxophonist: Anne Cullinane, pianist; w *'*!i*n*?x*%*l^1i^ *>-»-*■ ~J.^ Valley B Power Unit *pi Uses only the J Raytheon Tube icSsor reliable i l reception " Delivers 50 milliamperes at 180 volts Operates without hum or noise — Better than dry batteries The Valley Type TBC Charger, the twin bulb charger. The Valley Type ABC Battery charger, original vibrator type. The Valley B Power Unit takes the place of !! batteries by providing plate voltage from the house lighting circuit for any radio reing set of 12 tubes or less. It will supply the plate voltage necry for a power unit or power tube. We use the Rayth Tube in the Valley B P o w e r Unit because only the Raytheon RADIO DIVISION, VALLEY ELECTRIC CO., Tube gives full wave rectification and has no filament to burn out. Also, it is the only rectifying tube for this service which will deliver full current and voltage continuously over a long period of Mounted in handsome black grained metal case. Comes complete with Raytheon Tube, cord and plug. St. Louis, Mo. District Offices: Boston, Chicago, Cleveland, Indianapolis, Kansas City, Minneapolis, New York, Philadelphia, San Francisco. 9, Aleppo Drum corps: 9:30. Thomas Connors, tenor; 9:45, Banjo Al; Ruth Carroll. WCAU. Philadelphia. Pa. (277.6m-1080kc). 7:30 p. m., Snellenburg recital; 8, Skiler's Skylarks; .8: 15, recital: 8:45, Merry Minstrels; 8:30, La Fonte Sisters, harmony songs; 9:45, New Century brass quartet; 10:15, Maurice Patton, tenor; 10:30, Parodians dance orchestra. WCX. Detroit. Mich. (S16.9m-S80kc), 6-7 p. m.. Clodkette ensemble; 8, studio program. WEAF. New York. N. Y. (491.5m-610kc), 4-12 p. m., Rudie instrumental trio; Margaret Olson Hamilton. soprano; tea music; dinner music; John Parrish, tenor: 9. A and P Gypsies; 10. "11 Trovatore," WEAF Grand Opera company; dance music. WEEI, Boston, Mass. (348.6m-860kc). 6:40, Boston Globe broadcast; 6:45, Big Brother club; 7:30, musicale; S, book talk; 8:15. musicale; 9, WEAF: 10, Republican State committee talk; 10:10, E. B. Rideout. WGY, Schenectady. N. Y. (379.5m-790kc), 6:30 p. m„ Hotel Van Curler. WHAZ. Troy, N. Y. (379,Sm-790kc), 8 p. m.. Collar City male quartet; 9, Domino club orchestra. WHN. New York, N. Y. (361.2m-830kc), 6:30 p. m., WHN Radio Movie club; 7:30. Joe Ward's Swanee entertainers; 8:30. Roseland dance orchestra; 10:30, Kentucky club; 11:30, Cotton club orchestra; 12, Silver Slipper orchestra. WIP. Philadelphia, Pa. (S08.2m-590kc) , 6:05 p. m., Benjamin Franklin concert orcliestra; 7, Uncle Wip's bedtime stories. WJR, Detroit, Mich. (S16.9m-S80kc), 7 p. m., Jean Goldkette's Petite symphony orchestra, soloists; 7:15. Caspar Lingeman entertainers; 7:45, Good Will Oakland, Chief Pontiac; 9, studio program. WJZ, New York, N. Y. (454.3m-660kc), 7 p. m.. Hotel Commodore dinner orchestra; 7:40. Republican talk, Ogden L. Mills; 7:55, John B. Kennedy; 8, Markel's dance orchestra: 8:30, the Del-MarVans; 9:30. Thayer's West Point Cavalier; 10:30. Waldorf-Astoria dance orchestra. WLIT, Philadelphia, Pa. (394.Sm-760kc). 7:30 p. m.. Dream Daddy's bedtime stories; 8, Meyer Davis' dance orchestra; 8:30, recital; 9, WEAF; 10, WEAF. WLW, Cincinnati, O. (422.3m-710kc), 7 p. m., Robert Visconti's orchestra; 7:40, Visconti's orchestra; 8, feature; 9. Calumet Baking Powder company and Rainbo Garden hour; 9:30, Donald Bain; 9:40, Supermusicone trio. WMCA, New York. N. Y. (340.7m-880kc), 6 p. m„ Olcott Vail and his Hotel McAlpin string ensemble; 6:30, Ernie Golden and his Hotel McAlpin orchestra; 8, Christian Science services: 9:15, Hardman hour of music; 12, McAlpin entertainers. WOR. Newark, N. J. (405.2m-740kc) , 6:15 p. m., Jacques Jacobs' Hotel Shelton ensemble; 6:45, Bill Wathey in sports; 7, Jacques Jacobs' Hotel Shelton ensemble; 7:25, Newark Evening News; 7:30. Brooklyn Daily Eagle program; 9, Klein's Serenading Shoemakers; 10:30, Jascha Guerwich's dance orchestra. WRC, Washington, D. C. (46S.3m-640kc), 6 p. m.. Washington Post hour; 8, vesper hour; 9, WEAF; 10, Meyer Davis' Swanee syncopators; 11-12, Lowe's Palace theater. WRVA, Richmond, Va. (2S6.3m-1170kc), 7 p. m.. Boy's Harmonica hour; 8:15, instrumental octet; 9:10, Melody boys; 9:40, quartet; 10, Police instrumental octet; 10:30, Hotel Richmond Winter ' Garden orchestra. WSAI, Cincinnati, Ohio (325.9m-920kc), 9 p. m., WEAF; 10. WEAF. WTAM, Cleveland, Ohio (389.4m-770kc), 6 p. m., Guy Lombardo's Royal Canadians : 7, Allen theater orchestra : 8, Willard concert orchestra ; 9, WEAF : 10, Willard concert orchestra: 11, Emerson Gill and his Bamboo Garden orchestra. WTIC, Hartford, Conn. (475.9m-630kc), 6:30 p. m.. Hotel Bond trio; 7:15, Frances Hoenig, violinist; Betty Kaskes, contralto; Mary Elizabeth Flagg, pianist; 8:30, A. B. Clinton musical period; 9, Plaut Polyphonians; 11:05-11:30. Walter Dawley, organist. WWJ, Detroit, Mich. (352.7m-850kc), 6 p. in., dinner concert; 8, WEAF; 9, News orchestra. Central Time Stations CKY, Winnipeg, Can. (384.4m-780kc), 8:30-9 p. m.. studio program; 9-10, Stewart Warner concert; 10-11, Reliable battery hour; 11-12, Capitol theater revue. KFAB, Lincoln, Nebr. (340.7m-880kc), 8:30-10:30 p. m.. Zenith quartet; Harmony Boys. KMOX, St. Louis, Mo. (280.2m-1070kc) , 6:30 p. m.. children's club; 7,. Buster Brown; 8, Colonel 6121 ; 9. etherlogue; Singing Valentines; 9:30-10. KMOX Radio orchestra. WBAP, Ft. Worth. Tex. (475.9m-630kc) . 7:30-8:30 p. m., concert; 9:30-11, Old time fiddlers; 11-12. musical program. WCCO, Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minn. (416.4m-720kc), 6:15 p. m., dinner concert. Dick Long's St. Paul hotel orchestra; Matt Crawford, tenor; 8 University of Minnesota program; 9, WEAF; 10:10, Dick Long's St. Paul hotel orchestra; Frank Novak, tenor; Thelma Wilson, accompanist; Moser Brothers, yodelers; 11:30, organ recital, Arthur Hays. WDAF, Kansas City, Mo. (36S.6m-820kc), 6-7 p. m., school of the air;*8-9. WEAF: 9-10, WEAF; 11:451, Don Bestor's orchestra; Ted Meyn, organist; Cordsen-Mac's orchestra. WFAA, Dallas. Tex. (475.9m-630kc), 6:30-7:30 p. m„ Shelly Lee Alley's orchestra; 8:30-9:30 farm program. WHAD, Milwaukee, Wis. (27S.lm-1090kc), 6:10 p. m. Arthur Richter, organist; 8:30, popular studio program, Sally and her gang. WHO, Des Moines, la. (526m-570kc). 7:30-8 p. m., Philbreck's Younker tea-room orchestra ; 8-9, Bankers Life trio; Myrtle Williams, soloist; 1112, dance program. WOAW, Omaha, Nebr. (S26m-570kc), 6 p. m., Hugo Heyn, marimba soloist; Emil Hoffmann, pianist;" 6:50, Joe Bauer and his Highway Gardens orchese tra ; 9, program. WSB, Atlanta, Ga. (428.3m-700kc), 8 p. m.. SearsRoebuck agricultural foundation program; 10:45, Charlie Troutts Melody artists' orchestra. WSM. Nashville, Tenn. (282.8m-1060kc), 6:45 p. m., Andrew Jackson hotel orchestra; 8, studio program; 10, Harry Bailey and his Southern serenaders. Mountain Time Stations KOA, Denver, Colo. (322.4m-930kc), 6:30 p. m.. dinner concert, Brown Palace string orchestra; 7:30, Book of Knowledge program; 8 instrumental program, Scheuerman's Colorado orchestra; 8:25, studio program, orchestra, vocal, piano solos; duets, instrumental, readings. Pacific Time Stations KFI, Los Angeles, Calif. (467m-642kc) , 7-8 p. m., Owen Fallon's Californians ; 8-9, semi-classical hour; 9-10, program, Walter M. Murphy Motors company, KPO: 10-11, Meiklejohn Brothers. KGO, Oakland, Calif. (361.2m-830kc), 6-6:55 p. m„ Stanislas Bern's Little symphony orchestra; 8-9. Gondoliers. Arion trio; Erwin Holton, tenor; 9, chats about new books. Joseph Henry Jackson. KGW. Portland, Ore. (491.Sm-610kc), 6-7 p. m.. dinner concert; 7-1: 30, KGW movie club; 7:45-8. talk, N. J. Fuller; 8-9, vaudeville entertainment; 9-10, concert; 10-12, Cole McElroy's orchestra. KNX, Los Angeles, Calif. (336.9m-8e0kc) , 7 p. m.. Pacific Palisades association program; 7:30, playlet, Overell Furniture company; 8. Luboviski trio: 9, features; 10, orchestra; 11, Hotel Ambassador. Tuesday, October 19 Headliners Today Eastern Central Mountain Pacific 8:30 p.m. 7:30 6:30 5:30 WBAP (475.9m-630kc), Navy Day program. WHAS (399.8m-750kc), Zoeller's Melodists. WHB (365.6m-820kc), Ukulele songsters. WLW (422.3m-710kc). Formica concert. WTIC (475.9m-630kc), Symphonic ensemble. No. 98 Portable Voltmeter No. 135-B Panel Mounting Voltmeter Portable and Panel Mounting RADIO INSTRUMENTS Set owners and builders — once you have heard or vised a voltmeter controlled set you will realize the value of an instrument. A voltmeter takes the guesswork out of filament control. It will enable you to get the best from your set and at the same time to burn the tubes at their proper values. Pattern No. 98 is a double scale portable voltmeter having colored scales and correspondingly colored flexible test leads. It is especially adaptable to battery and filament checking. Pattern No. 135-B is a double scale panel mounting voltmeter with push button switch for high scale reading. It is an attractive addition to any set. SEND FOR OUR RADIO INSTRUMENT CATALOG No. 15-C JEWELL ELECTRICAL INSTRUMENT CO. 1650 Walnut St., Chicago 26 Years Making Good Instruments