Radio Digest (Oct 1926-Jan 1928)

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18 RADIO DIGES T— Illustrated B. \ WJAR. WTAG, WCAE, WTAM. WOC. WFI. A:\> hour. Madame Lo:::se Homer, contralto sopi ano E-t Horn. • " tcr R tr. Louise Homer Stires, orchestra. ■ te.iven.Haendel i i the Roses. .. Reinhart Louise IToiner c. Mv Heart Ever Faithful.. . . Bach Louise Homer ami orchestra J i^hI 1 Were a Tender A ssom Old Londonderry Air. Sidl cy Homer « With . Homer Stires What Is Love Rudolph Ganz The r se that Jack Built Sidney Homer Traditional d. Come Down to Kt» Carl Deis mer and acromnanisl a. Whispering Hove Hawthorne b. Last Nijtht the Nightingale Woke Me..Kjerult" C Bi Homer -.■ Homer. sc >:ires and aecom] Ruth Emerson, accompanist. 9:30 S:30 7:30 6:30 K.MA (461." lev. J. W Todd and family. II. Bohaunon. tenor. Old time minstrels. 9:35 S:3S 7:3S 6:35 . ike) "Getting Acquainted with toven." 9:50 8:50 7:50 6:50 Wl.W t42J.3m-710ko string orchestra. 10 9 6 7 W1P (508.2m-590kc) Little symphony orchestra. 10:15 9:15 8:15 7:15 ".-.ippewa Indians. 10:30 9:30 8:30 7:30 KPRC O-<5.9m-101ukc) Canadian Red Jackets. V HAP l-47S.9m-6oOkc) Hick Locke and his Texas hotel OrdM WRR (. kc) R. E. Shepperd. tenor. 12 11 10 9 KOIL (305.9m-9SOkc) Ray-O-Vac twins. SUNDAY, JANUARY 9 Church Services Eastern Central Mountain Pacific 11 a. m. 10 9 8 WHAS (399.Sm-7S0kc) Broadway Baptist church. 12 n. 11 10 9 KTI1S <3,--i.Sm-Swjkc) St. Luke's Episcopal rch. WKK <J-45.Sm-122&kc) First Methodist church. 1p.m. 12 11 10 KNX <336.9m-890kc) First Presbyterian church. 8 7 6 5 WSB (-i;S.3m-700kc) Baptist Tabernacle service. 8:30 7:30 6:30 5:30 KX'OA (299.8m-1000kc) First Baptist church. \\ FAA -630kc) City Temple. 9 8 7 6 KPRC (296.9m-1010kc) First Methodist church. WRR (245.Sm-12J0ko First Methodist church. 9:30 8:30 7:30 6:30 KNX (336.9m-S90kc) Hollywood Unitarian church. 10 9 8 7 KNX (336.9m-890kc) First Presbyterian church. SUNDAY, JANUARY 9 Headliners Eastern Central Mountain Pacific 5 p.m. 4 3 2 (428.3m-700kc) Hamilton Street Methodist church choir. 5:30 4:30 3:30 2:30 WHAS (399.8m-750kc) choral evensong service. 7 6 5 4 KNX (336.9m-890kc) Golden State band. 8:30 7:30 6:30 5:30 KOIL (3O3.9m-980kci Dean Xordin and chestra. 9:30 8:30 7:30 WFAA (473.9m-630kc) Willard B. Muse. WGBS (315.6m-950kc) music drama. 10 9 8 7 KTIIS (374.8m-800kc) Music Lovers hour. WSBC (288.3m-1040ko Sea ballads. Ambrose Wyrick. 10:30 9:30 8:30 7:30 WRR (245.8m-1220kcl George N. Crothwaite. 11 10 9 8 KNX (336.9m-890kc) Circle theatar concert. his 6:30 tenor. Regular Sunday Features Eastern Time Stations CFCA Toronto, Can. (356.9m-840kc) 11 a. m. services; 7 p. m., St. Paul's Anglican church; 8:45, musical urogram. CKAC Montreal. Que., Can. (410.7m-730kc) Capitol theater symphony. ifetleKy Two-Year I Guarantee Bond in Writing Famous the world over for reliable,endurintfperformance. Solid Rubber Cane lasting protection against acid or leakage. Approved and Listed as Standard by Leading Authorities .n(f Radio Newa Laboratoriea, Popular Sri. iDJt. Standards, Pop. Laborfttorfea, Radio Broadcast Laboratories, Radio in the Home and \a-1ix. Inc. Send No Money JoatBt&te number wanted and we will «hip narnt* day order Is received, by C.O.D. Pay expressman after examining batteriea. o% diacount f or order. Remember, yon save XJy . on World Batteriea— ao send yoar order today. WORLD BATTERY COMPANY Dopt. 48 12X9 8. Waba*h Ave., Chicago, III. NEW LOW PRICES Solid Rubber Case Radio Batteries f>VoIt. 100Ampere* ■10.00 G-Tolt, 120 Ampere* $12.00 6-Volt, 140-Amperen $13.00 Solid Rubber Case Auto Batteries a -Volt. ll-PUte $10.00 6 -Volt, 18 -Plate $12.00 12 Volt. 7 PlsU S«t your r&diO'Jiah lit 288.3 me tern for the World Storage Battery SUtlon W3BC. Variety— new talent —always Interesting. Jerry Sullivan, Dir. and Announcer "Cbl^AW-ffo*' SPORTS Saturday, January 1 S p. m. 4 3 2 KVS\ (31S.6m-9S0kc) Stanford-Alabama, football name: also broadcast by KFI, KNX, KOA. KPO. 9:30 > S:30 7:30 6:30 WIT (S08.2m-S90kc) U. of Penn.-Yale. basketball. Friday, January 7 S:30p. m. 7:30 6:30 S:30 KUOA iJ99.Sm-1000kc) Rice Institute-U. of Ark., basketball. Saturday, January 8 8:30 p.m. 7:30 6:30 5:30 KCOA (299.Sm-1000kc) Rice Institute-U. of Ark., basketball. WTAW cro.lm-lllOkc) S. H. U.-A. and M., basketball. KDKA Pittsburgh. Pa. (309.1m-970kc) 6:30 p. m. KDKA Little symphony orchestra; 7:45, service. PWX Havana. Cuba (399.Sm-7S0kc) 8:30-11:30 p. m. Cuban songs and music. WBAL Baltimore. Md. (245.8m-1220kc) 6:30-7:30 p. m. orchestra; S, program. WBBR New York. N. Y. (416.4m-720kc) 10 a. m. music, choral singers: 2 p. m., Watchtower string quartet, vocal, Bible lecture; 8, Watchtoyver violin choir, vocal selections. WBZ Springfield, Mass. (333.1m-900kc) 10 a. m. services; 6:30 p. m. organ; 7, quartet; 7:30, program; S. musical; 9, program. WCAE Pittsburgh. Pa. (461.3m-650kc) 6:30 p. m. orchestra; 7:15, WEAF; 9:15. WEAK; 10:15. play. WCAU Philadelphia. Pa. (277.6m-1080kc) 11 a. m. services. First Unitarian church: 5, recital; 5.15, Undenominational church services; 5:25, sermon. Rev. John W. Stockwell; 6:45, orchestra; 7:45, Cathay Garden orchestra; 8:30, Bonwit Teller Ensemble; 10, Al Zemsay's orchestra. WCX Detroit. Mich. (516.9m-580kc) 7:15 p. m. Central Methodist Episcopal church. WDBO Winter Park, Fla. (239.9m-1250kc) 11 a. m. church; 7:30, service; 9, musicale. WEAF New York, N. Y. (491.Sm-610kc) 6 p. m. program; 7:20, musical program from the Capitol theater, WEEI, KSD. WRC, WWJ, WJAR, WCAE, WTAG; 9:15. Atwater-Kent Radio hour. WEEI, WGR. WRC, WWJ. WSAI. WGN. WCCO. KSD, WJAR, WTAG, WCAE. WTAM. WOC, WFI; 10:15, talk. WEEI Boston, Mass. (348.6m-860kc) 10:50 a. m. Old South church; 2 p. m., program; 4, WEAF; '7:20, WEAF; 9:15, WEAF; 10:15, B. F. Keith's theater. WGBS New York. N. Y. (315.6m-950kc) 9:30 p. m. Old Time minstrels; 10:30 symphony. WGR Buffalo. N. Y. (319m-940kc) 10:45 a. m. service7:45, Central Presbyterian church; 9:15-10:15, WEAF. WGY Schenectady, N. Y. (379.Sm-790kc) 11 a. m. service; 3 p. m. musicale; 5, organ; 9, WJZ. WHK Cleveland, Ohio (272.6m-1100kc) 10 a. ra. Bible association; 5 p. m. twilight musicale; 6. dinner program; 7:30, lecture; 8:45, program. WHN New York, N. Y. (361.2m-830kc) 6:30 p. m. Lihby's Hotel orchestra; 11, orchestra; 12, The Playground. WICC Bridgeport, Conn. (2S5.5m-10S0kc) 10:50 a. m. service; 2 p. m. Sunday atternoon concert. WIP Philadelphia, Pa (508.2m-590kc) 7:15 p. m. evening service; 10, symphony. WJAX Jacksonville. Fla. (336.9m-890kc) 11 a. m. service; 8-9, services. WJR Detroit, Mich. (516.9m-580kc) 10 a. m. First Baptist church; 10 p. m. special song service, First Baptist church. WJZ New York, N. Y. (454.3m-660kc) 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Park Avenue Baptist Church Carillon; 7:20. Hotel Ambassador trio; 8, musicale. WBZ; 9, Hotel Commodore concert orchestra, WBZ, WGY; Godfrev Ludlow, violinist. WKRC Cincinnati, Ohio (325.9m-920kc) 6:45 p. m. Walnut Hills Christian church; 10, classical program; 11:15, Louisville Loons; 12, Marie Turner; 12:15, Louisville Loons. WLW Cincinnati, Ohio (422.3m-710kc) 11 a. m. Seventh Presbyterian church; 3 p. m. organ; 7:30. Seventh Presbyterian church; 8:30, Beethoven program; 8:50, Crosley concert orchestra. WLWL New York, N. Y. <288.3m-1040kc) 8:15 p. m. Paulist choristers. WMAK Buffalo, N. Y. (265.5m-1130kc) 10:25' a. m. service; 3 p. m., WFBL; 7:50, service. WMCA New York. N. Y. (340.7m-880kc) 6 p. m. Romer's Homers ;/ 7, Ernie Golden and his Hotel McAlpin orchestra; 9, Moment musicale; 10, Monte Carlo orchestra. NcwOnHy 3© Days Trial he year's greatest loud speaker bargain — the genuine Radiotone, the very same loud speaker which has sold everywhere for $25.00, now on this special sale at" the amazing cut price of only $9.95, and on terms of only $1.50 a month! A rare opportunity! Seize it while it lasts. $122 down brings it on Only $1.00 with the coupon below brings this Genuine Radiotone loud speaker to your home on approval for 30 days! Use it freely at our risk, on trial for 30 days. See how loud, clear and distinct the Radiotone brings in all stations— better than any other loud speaker that you have ever heard, giving you the best that is in your set. After 30 days trial if you think you can get along without the Radiotone, return it to us and we will refund your dollar plus all transportation charges. The Radiotone is super-sensitive, brings in distant stations with full volume so every one in the room can hear distinctly and easily. Wonderful clearness and absolute purity of tone. No distortion. No vibration. 14-inch horn made of Thorite in one piece without seam or joint, acoustically correct. This eliminates the metallic clang you often hear in other loud speakers. Horn has graceful shape with beautiful black florduline finish. 23 inches high, weighs gnly 15 lbs. No extra batteries needed. Nothing to wear out or get out of order. Sent complete with cord and plug. H52 a Month Straus & Schram, Dept. R4411 Chicago, 111. j Enclosed find SI. Ship special advertised Radiotone Loud Speaker. I am to have 30 days free trial. ■ If I keep the Radiotone, I will pay you $1.50 monthly, total reduced price, $9.96. The Radiotone is . to become my property aa soon as you receive the final payment. If not satisfied, I am to return it " within 30 days and you agree to refund my money and any express charges I paid. ! Radiotone Loud Speaker No. Y872SJA— $9.95. ■ My Name _ 1 (Head of the family must sisn thla order. If you are"not"of" aaV,"nave~your"parent"oY a'u'BVd'iaVordeVforVou.")"* I My Street Address R. F. D. or Box No.. My My Post Office State. My Shipping J have lived in Point this Town ■ ■ .years ■ And bejore that I lived in ., ... Married □ Nationality Occupation it Age or Single □ or Color Give names of merchants who know you personally Name Town. .State.. Name Town State If you have ever bought goods on credit by mail, tell us from whom. If there is anything else you wish to tell us about yourself, write on a piece of paper and enclose it with this coupon. But the coupon alone, fully filled out, ought to do. Thai' *^aJLl W8 want to know and we're ready to ship the goods at once. No formalities. No C.O.D. We trust rich and poor alike when they merely show us that they are honest. If you decide to keep the Radiotone, if you see that it is the peer of any loud speaker you ever heard, giving you the best there is in your set — if you see what a tremendous money saving bargain it is at this special smashed price, start paying only $1.50 a month until you have paid only $9.95. Think of it — a regular $25.00 value! Where can you get a bargain like this? And how easy to pay. Send Coupon NOW We have only a limited number of Radiotones to offer on this special sale. First come, first served, and only one to a customer. So send coupon now — don't be disappointed. Remember— free trial, satisfaction guaranteed, your $1.00 and all transportation charges refunded if you're not delighted. Send now. Straus & Schram Dept. R44ii Chicago. 111.