Radio Digest (Oct 1926-Jan 1928)

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24 RADIO DIGES T— Illustrated WLIB Chicico. HI. OM-»m-990iK> T-t p. m. dinO. i j Sin. orchestras. WLS Chicago. 111. (J44.«m-j70kc S:40 p. m. College lna orch< rolic. _., WMAQ Ckkaco. 111. (W7.Si»-«70k*> 5 p. m. C. ■ Chicago Ii: if ... ^ WMBB Chicaio. IlL U4S.»m-l»0kc) i --S:30 P m Tnanoo ensemble: artists: f):JO-Il. Trianon orchestra. er.<rtnMe. __ _ WMC MiiMhli Tom. >4».7m-600kc) , :30 p. m. daoce mi; anient. WOC Davenport, km »4Sj.Sm-6Mkc) 7-S p. m. WOK! Ch:.ato. III. IMSra-lKOke) t>-. -. P. m. string enser program; 9:30-1,2 WOO Kauai I "Jm-lOSOke) 6:1s p. m. WORD Chicago. III. i:rs.lm-109CJcc) 7 p. m. Webster bote! cvoccrt program: 9. sram. UOW Omaha. N K»-S70ke) 6 P. m literary hour 9. program: li OKlanotnans. WQJ Chkagc. 111. i««:.5m-670Uc> 7-8 B m. Rainbo i Ue. WRR Dallas. Tex. >; S-9 p. m. musi »<B ftll— 1» Ca. (42S.Sm-700kc) S p. m. Atlanta C Chkaa-o. 111. i:.«.3m-1040kc) 6:jO-S p. ni. • WSM ... Tcnn. lail.Sm-IOSOkc) 6:4S p. m. ert. WSMB N.» Orleans. La. I319m-940kc) S:J0 p. m c<-pular program. ... WH 1:45.*m-i:Mkc) S p. in WSW5 Chlcaro. III. (27S.Sm-l090kc) 6 p. rn. dinner program Terrace Garden orchestra: 8. production. lbs-.; Walter Pyckman. bass: 10. nrches; V hantone: ballads. John Ude: 1 mg hour. Mountain Time Stations KOA Denver. Colo. <3Z2.4m-930kc> 10:30 p. DO Colorado orchestra. Pacific Time Stations KFI Lo* Angeles, CaUf. (467m-64;kc) 7-8 p. m. trio: program: 10-11. . Radio club: 11-2 a. m. KFI midnight frolic. KFWB Hollywood. Calll. (2S2m-1190kc) 6-7 P. m. :.c dinner hour: 8-9. program. Mona Motor Oi\ Company; 9-10. taeadltner: 10-11. Warner KCO Oakland. Calif. (361.2m-830kc> 8:15 r>. m. pro•: a. m. Whitcomb band: Frank Gibney. KCW Portland. Ore. (491.Sm-610kc) 6-7 p. m. dinner :artet: 10-lJ. dance music. KHJ Los Angeles. Calif. (40S.2m-740kc) 6 p. m. male quartet: 6:30-7:30 p. m. children's hour; 8-10. varied program. KMTR Hollywood. Calif. (370.2m-810kc) S-9 p. m. concert orchestra: 9-10, studio program: 10-12. dance BBS KNX Hollywood. Calif. (336.9m-890kc) 7:30 p. . m. -?s; 10. Hotel Ambassador; 11. Saturday night frolic. KPO San Francisco. Calif. (4I8-3m-700kc) 6:30 p. m. UKX niUSiC. KPSN Pasadena. Calif. (31S.6m-9S0kc) 8-9 p. m. StarNews instrumental ensemble. Saturday, silent nicht for: CFCA. KFDM. KFDY. KFLO. KLX. KOB. KSWC, KTAB. KUOA. KWWC, WBAL. WCAU WCAU, WCBD. WCOA. WCX. WEBJ WEMC. WCBF. WGCP. WGHB. WGHP. WCR WHA. WHAD. WHB. WHN. WHO. WICC. WJAR. WLWL. W0A1. WOS, WRVA, WT1C, WWJ. Silent /"B' Power -vvitK [World Radio S tova£e " B" B attery \ Lasts Indefinitely —Pays for Itself Dependable. Qnief'B" power, clear without "hum." :r befqae thouRht possible, ng performance. Recharged for almost nothing. Solid rubber caae insures against I Economy yoo have never befqae ■ i'-nce. Outstanding perfoi IVrWm«l IIOLUIIIK JUIIU.MUU. -— ■ leakage or acid. Extra heavy glass jars. Heavy rugged plates. Approved and listed as standard by Pop. ««ito i. Pop S<rl. In.t Staixiards, Eadlo News L»h . I*!*!, Ir.-.. *n : ■ f .r FUd:o authorities. ..ftcn txlrt Ofter: 4 Batteries hi series '96 VoHsl S10.50. CTairv MH MflUrVI just state number of batteneB OtPIU Y\\J lYlUntl I wanted and we will ship same <U> ordar Is ronlrod. P«t after *x»m'n,"«S?""^fw ! oor cant diacoont for caab with order. Send your order todav-NOW I WORLD BATTERY COMPANY 12 19 So. Wabash Ave. Dept. 76 Chicago, 111. Mairrt o/UU FamouM World Radio "A" Simon' Balury Priem: C-vcil. 1W AmpLSlO.Cr,:lto Amp .„■■! ItO An Alt tqvtppcd uuA 8oHd ■ uW-r Com. 110 Amp. S13.Z5. World STORAGE BATTERIES «»?t y nr B»>lIo Dials for UM new looo-wBtt World .r H.ittfif Slatjon. WSaiC. Chicago. Always somethlnif interestir.i/. SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 6 Church Services Eastern Central Mountain Pacific 10 a. m. 9 8 7 KNX First Presbyterian church. WUiO 1226tn-1330kE) Swedish service. Mr. Olaf 10:45 a. ni. 9:45 8:45 7:45 W1P Holy Trinity church. 11 10 9 8 WCATJ (2J ic) First Unitarian church. \\ HAS (399.8m-750lx) Fourth Avenue Presbyterian church. Wl.W (422.3m-710kc) Seventh Presbyterian church. 12 n. 11 10 9 KI'HS (374.8m-800kc) First Baptist church. WIHti (226m-1330kc) St. Lukes Episcopal church. 12:30 noon KOA (322.4m-930kc) Solemn High Mass; 130 voice choir. 1 p. m. KN\ i.;oo.9m-S90kc) First Presbyterian church. 2 1 12 11 KOWW (28Sm-1052kc) First Presbyterian church. 5:45 4:45 3:45 2:45 WCAU (277.6m lOSOkc) "Spiritual Crankiness and Spring Fever," Rev. J. W. Stockwell. 8 7 6 5 KFH (J6Sm-1120kc> First Baptist church. 8:30 7:30 6:30 5:30 WFAA (475.9m-630kc) First Baptist church. 8:50 7:50 6:50 5:50 KPRC (20l).Sni-100()kc) First Church of Christ, Scientist. 9:30 8:30 7:30 6:30 K\\ (336.9m-890kcl Hollywood Unitarian cliurch. 9:45 8:45 7:45 6:45 KOA (322.4m-930kc) Immaculate Conception cathedral service. Headliners Eastern Central Mountain Pacific 3:30 p.m. 2:30 1:30 12:30 WWJ (3S2.7m-S20kc) Detroit svmphony. 4 3 2 1 W'll1 (50S.2m-590kc) "Mind and Medicine." 4:15 3:15 2:1S 1:15 WHAD (275.1m-1090kc) Milwaukee Turneverein Little symphony. 5:30 4:30 3:20 2:30 WEAF (491.5m-610kc) Rafael Saumell, pianist. 6 5 4 3 WCATJ (277.6m-1080kc) Hope Craig Wynkoop, pianist. 7:20 6:20 5:20 4:20 Wl.W" |422.3m-710kc) Ford and Glenn. 8 7 6 5 WCAU (277.6m-1080kc) Edwards Nimble Thimble Boys. Willi) (226m-1330kcl WTBO light opera company. 8:30 7:30 6:30 5:30" WCAU (277.6m-10SOkc) Barry O'Moore, Bonwit Teller ensemble. 9 8 7 6 WCBD (344.6m-870kc) Brass quartet, mixed quartet. 9:15 8:15 7:15 6:15 WEAF New York, N. Y. (491.5m-610kc). WEEI, WGR. WRC, WWJ. WSAI, WGN. WCCO. KS1). WJAR, WTAG, WCAE. WTAM. WOC, WHAS. W'SB. WSM. WGY. WFI. Atwater Kent Radio hour. Titta Ruffo, baritone. 9:30 8:30 7:30 6:30 WFAA (475.9m-630kc) Jack and Margaret Horn. WGBS. (315.6m-9S0kc) Dailey Paskman— WGBS music drama. WIP (308.2m-590kc) WGBS program. 32EE5I Amazing New UNDERGROUND ANTENNA Eliminates All INTERFERENCE Gets Distance Clearly. Here you are, "Distance" fans I Install this new type underground "pick up system." Get distant stations loud and clear like local. SUBANTENNA banishes STATIC and all other air noises. Lets the broadcast come through clean. Power line leaks, arc-light crackles, STATIC and all air noises are filtered out from the broadcast and grounded by SUBANTENNA before the broadcast reaches the set. The greater distance and clarity of your set will amaze you. Nothing Else Like It. ^V^e* Consists of special composition wire differently insulated and sheathed in a lead jacket and containing a series of three "building up" coils. Nothing else will do what SUBANTENNA does. Nothing else in the world like it. TRIAL OFFER ! Wewant test SUBANTENNA. We want you to enjoy the thrill of loud, clear DX reception when your old aerial will give you nothing but STATIC and crackles. Write at once for FREE TRIAL OFFER and scientific explanation of SUBANTENNA. Write NOWI CLOVERLEAF MANUFACTURING CO., 2716-T So. Canal St., Chicago. Uses Filtered Ground Waves. FREE Eastern Central Mountain Pacific 10 p.m. 9 8 7 Kills i374.Sm-S00kc) Music lovers hour. 12 mid. 11 10 9 WFAA (4;5.9m-630kc) La Mariquita's Castilian orchestra. Regular Sunday Features Eastern Time Stations CFCA Toronto. Can. (356.9m-840kc) 11 a. m. services: 7 p. m., St. Paul's Anglican church; 8:45, musical program. K.DK.A Pittsburgh, Pa. (309.1m-970kc) 11 a. m. service: 4 p. m. organ: 4:45, service; 6:30, little symphony : 7 :45, service. WBAL Baltimore, Md. (246m-1220kc) 6:30-7:30 p. m. orchestra. WBBR New York, N. Y. (416.4m-720kc) 10 a. m. music, choral singers; 2 p. in.. Watchtower string quartet, vocal, Bible lecture; 8, vocal selections. WBZ Springfield, Mass. (333.1m-900kc) 10 a. m. sen-ices: 6:30 p. ni. organ: 7, quartet; 7:30, program; 8. musical; 9, program. WCAE Pittsburgh. Pa. (461.3m-650kc) 6:30 p. m. orchestra; 7:15. WEAF; 9:15. WEAF; 10:15, trio. WCAU Philadelphia. Pa. (277.6m-1080kc) 11 a. m. services. First Unitarian church; 5, recital; 5.15, Undenominational church services; 5:25, sermon. Rev. John W. Stockwell; 6:45. orchestra; 7:45. Cathay Garden orchestra; 8:30. Bonwit Teller Ensemble; 10. orchestra. WCX Detroit. Mich. (516.9m-580kc) 7:15 p. m. Central Methodist Episcopal church. WDBO Winter Park, Fla. <239.9m-1250kc) 11 a. m. church; 7:30, service, WEAF New York, N. Y. (491.5m-610kc) 6 p. m. program; 7:20. musical program from the Capitol theater. WEEI. KSU, WRC. WWJ. WJAR, WCAE, WHAS, WSB, WSM. WTAG; 9:15. Atwater Kent Radio hour. WEEI. WGR. WRC. WWJ. WSAI. WGN, WCCO. KSD. WJAR. WTAG. WCAE, WTAM. WOC. WFI, WHAS, WSM. WSB. WEEI Boston, Mass. (348.6m-660kc) 10:50 a. m. Old South church; 2 p. m., program; 4. WEAF; 7:20, WEAF; 9:15, WEAF; 10:15, air cruise. WGBS New York, N. Y. (315.6m-950kc) 9:30 p. m. music drama. WGHP Detroit, Mich. (270.1m-1110kc) 7:30 p. m. First Church of Christ, Scientist. WGR Buffalo. N. Y. <319m-94ukc) 10:45 a. m. service; 7:45, Central Presbyterian church; 9:15-10:15, WEAF. WGY Schenectady. N. Y. (379.5m-790kc) 11 a. _ in. service: 3 p. m. musicale; 5, organ; 7:30, service; 9:15, Atwater Kent hour. WHK Cleveland, Ohio (272.6m-1100kc) 10 a. m. Bible association; 5 p. m. twilight musicale; 6. dinner program; 7:30, lecture: 8:45, program. WHN New York. N. Y. (361.2m-830kc) 6:30 p. m. Lihby's Hotel orchestra; 10, orchestra; 11, orchestra. GteiHita NOISE ELIMINATOR ^k^kfkkktf IMPROVES RADIO RECEPTION— | k BETTER TONE-STOPS DISTORTION New Steinite Invention guarantees to Btop the noises within your set. Nearly all annoyance you lay to static comes from noises created within the set, or from stations interfering:. Steinite Noise Eliminators delight you with the new performance of your radio. Tone quality is improved beyond your expectation, or we will refund immediately every cent of your money. Hundreds of thousands of users have cut out undesirable stations with the Steinite Interference Eliminator and will welcome this r**w Steinite invention. Let thiB new improvement cause you to marvel at the per* rut) w. stein fonuauce 0f your set — mki the limplo leil it once it our risk. Eliminates Noises Within the Set $ 100 For Set of 5 Postpaid ^ With 4 Cabinet Supports Gives Longer Life To Tubes Stop* mechanical vibration; prevents microphonic tt**i bftrk; toven extra added life to the tubca — worth Bev •rmJ tirn«-« tbe prire because of thiB Bavinjr alone. Slip them ovrthT t'jbe* and > on and detect immediately tha improvement they rr, ..,11 kiv: that tru<; tone nnd Bweetnesa 1ft n«u [.«> Trial IS" ■puraulat* To mod esl instrument* arid voice. Iv'lfay 1166 I rial We welcome this simple test fltoar risk and guar> U...„ tK«b Gnir*nioe :" '" ''"' ''' r''.rrrmnf>: of your B<t will convince rTIUnej-BaCK OudidillcE you. rit any tubca— no tools of any kind needed. Send Ord'-rn Today for net of 6 Steinite Noise Eliminators with 4 cabinet supports fdollar bill will do). If you only needttro tninators, price Is 2& cents each. Two Atchison Flanks sroaranteo our reliability. Kojih yoor order. We guarantee prompt ■fafpnMmX ORDER TODAY cta^jg&raa j s<« gtdnlte 7-Tnlx K.kIIo us'-a no batteries of any kind — only %\1V>. Load Complete with tubes $150— nothing to buy. Operates from lii/ht socket le an hour. Write for literature before buying an expensive Battery Set. MHnlte l.oni; T>l«tan<< Crystal Set $fi; (i-Tulie Battery Bet *ir>; Aerlul Klimin.ii'.r $1: Interference EllmlndiffT $1; CryHtula 50 ci-nta e.ieh, 3 for $1. STEINITE LABORATORIES, 360 Radio Bidg., atchison, Kansas WICC Bridgeport, Conn. (285.5m-1050kc) 10:50 a. 111. service; 2 p. ni. , Sunday afternoon concert; 7, Forum. WIP Philadelphia. Pa (508.2m-S90kc) 7:15 p. m. evening service; 10, symphony. WJAX Jacksonville. Fla. (336.9m-890kc) 11 a. m. service; 7-7:30, dinner concert; 7:30-8:30, service. WJR Detroit. Mich. (516.9m-S80kc) 10 a. m. First Baptist church; 5:45, twilight hour; 10 p. m. special song service. First Baptist church. WJZ New York, N. Y. (454.3m-660kc) 9 a. m. children's hour; li-12:30. Park Avenue Baptist church; 3:55-5:30 p. m. vesper service; 7, carillon; 7:30. organ; S, great loves of fact and fiction; 8:30, orchestra; 9:30, Cook's tour; 10, violinist. WKRC Cincinnati, Ohio (325.9m-920kc) 6:45 p. m. Walnut Hills Christian church; 10, classical program; 11:15, Louisville Loons; 12, Marie Turner; 12:15, Louisville Loons. WLW Cincinnati, Ohio (422.3m-710kc) 11 a. m. Seventh Presbyterian church; 3 p. m. organ; 7:30. Presbyterian church; 8:30, Beethoven program; 8:50, Crosley concert orchestra. WLWL New York, N. Y. (288.3m-1040kc) 8:15 p. m. Paulist choristers. WMAK Buffalo, N. Y. (265.5m-1130kc) 10:25 a. m. service; 3 p. m., WFBL; 7:50, First Church of Christ, Scientist. WMBF Miami Beach, Fla. (384.4m-780kc) 7 p. m. dinner concert: 8, popular program; 10, dance music. WMCA New York, N. Y. (340.7m-880kc) 6 p. m. Romer's Homers : 7, Ernie Golden and his Hotel McAlpin orchestra; 9, Moment musicale; 10. Virginians. WOO Philadelphia, Pa. (508.2m-590kc) 2:30 p. m. Sunday School musical exercises; 6, organ recital. Clarence K. Bawden; 7:30. Bethany Presbyterian church. WOR Newark, N. J. (405.2m-740kc) 6 p. m. ensemble ; 7 :45. concert. WPG Atlantic City, N. J. (299.8m-1000kc) 3:15 p. m. organ recital. Arthur Brook; 4:15. community vocal and instrumental recital; 5:30. concert; 9, news; 9:15, concert orchestra; 10, Sunday evening concert. WRC Washington. D. C. (468.5m-640kc) 11 a. m. service: 4 p. 111. chapel; 6:45, vespers; 7:20, WEAF. 9:15, WEAF. WSAI Cincinnati, Ohio (32S.9m-920kc) 11 a. m. Presbyterian church; 3:45 p. m. chimes; 4-5:30. WEAF; 8, sermonette; 9:15-10:15, WEAF. WSKC Bay City, Mich. (260.7m-1150kc) 11-12 noon services WTAG Worcester. Mass. (S45.1m-S50kc) 7:20 p. m. WEAF: 9:15. WEAF. WTAM Cleveland, Ohio (389.4m-770kc) 10:45 a. m. service; 3 p. m. musicale; 6, hotel orchestra; 7, theater orchestra; 8, services; 9:15, WEAF; 10:15, Austin Wylie's VOcalion Recording orchestra. WTIC Hartford, Conn. (475.9m-630kc) 6 p. m. State theater concert. WWJ Detroit, Mich. (352.7m-820kc) 10:30 a. m. service: 3:30 p. m. orchestra; 7:20, WEAF; 9:15, WEAF. 'ustOut 1927 0dd J\ (7) Yes Sir! You can put a new 1927 Westingale Radio in your home and use it to your heart's content on 30 Days' Trial. Listen to music, concerts, news, sports, market reports from stations all over the country. Compare it with old style 3 or 4 dial sets costing more, then if not convinced that Westingale gives you the greatest Radio satisfaction and the best value for your money, you don't have to keep it. NOW! Westingale offers the last word in Radio. Either 1 or 2-Dial Control — easiest to tune and years ahead in powerful reception and tone Newest period type cabinets, two-tone walnut finish. The front panel embossed in dull gold with artistic Spanish Galleon design. Unbeatable for performance, appearance or price^ 2-Dial, 5 tubes HT2 1-Dial,5tubes'57.° Where else can you get go much {or the money on 30 days trial? Why pay more? Why take chances? Why not have the NEWEST Radio when yon can try them at our risk. Before you buy get our L Free Catalog and 30 Day Trial Offer. , Westingale Electric Co. Department 177 1751 Belmont Av.. Chicago, ill. New ONE Dial Radio 00 Retail Price Big Discounts to Agents AGENTS WANTED njrv at TACT nme. Big aiscounc on ursr. see piacea in eacn locality. BUI BlliUal Brgt — write today for dealers' diacoont and full details. Yoor own Radio Free. Get demonstrator set on 30 Days' Trial — make $100 a week easy. Fall or spare time. Big discount on first set placed in each locality. Be . I DIRECT FRO FACTORY NATIONALLY ADVERTISED * /» AC BATTERY CHARGER »||2 Save $10 to $15 V Through a fortunate deal we have purchased the entire factory I surplus of these wonderful 5-atnp. full rate battery chargers, and are passing on the benefit of our immense buying power to you — our customers. Here is your opportunity to own a charger of well known make at a fraction of its regular retail price. While our purchase was tremendous, these chargers are going fast, and if you act at once | and mail in your coupon with $1.00. we can supply you. Latest Design— No Bulbs— No Acids — Automatic] Charges Both A and B Batteries This Charger was designed by experienced electrical engineers who know just what kind of service a charger should render. They have built . the quality into | every charger, used the b e s t | materials that money could buy, and give each one a thorough test to be sure that they would be satisfactory. This charger employs electromagnetic principle and is the most economical | charger on the market. Uses but a few cents | worth of current per week. Charges a battery overnight with its fast 5-amp, rate. Ammeter j indicates charging rate. Safe to use anywhere; I no oiling or acids to spoil your rugs. Pays for itself in a few days' use. C„,,J ffcw*l«r <t1 (\f\ We want you to see this wonoenu \JTliy *pi.UU dorful value before you pay anymoro. When postman delivers charger at your front door,> it, andpay him the balance, $6.95, plus small postage charge. Tens of thousands of these battery chargers are in pn throughout United States and foreign countries. Act today while this offer is good. Remember the saving. Send dollar bill, money order, chock or stamps, sign coupon and mail. Charger will be delivered to you immediately. MAILC0UP0N MONARCH MFG. CO., Dept. RD, 4SS4 Maiden St., Chicago, 111. I enclose $1.00, for which send me one Nationally Advertised Battery Charger. I agree to pay postman $5.95 plus small postage charge on delivery of the charger. Name. Address. City .State.