Radio Digest (Oct 1926-Jan 1928)

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RADIO DIGES T— Illustrated 23 Eastern Central Mountain Pacific <365.6m-820kc). WGY (379.5m-790kc), WHAS (399.8m-7S0kc), VVSM (282.8m-1060kc>. WSB <428.3m-700kc). WMC (49y.7m-600kc), WLW (422.3m-710kc) Crosley program. WHAS (399.8m-750kc) Choral Evensong service. 7:20 6:20 5:20 4:20 ■ WLW (422.3m-710kc) Ford and Glenn, hymn time. 8 7 6 5 KOIL (305.9m-980kc) Princess of the Air, Capt. Kidd and their gang. 8:30 7:30 6:30 5:30 KOIL (30S.9m-980kc) Dean Nordin's orchestra. Mrs. Don Adams, soprano. PWX (399.8m-750kc) Casino orchestra. WCBD (344.6m-870kc) male chorus, celestial bells. 9:15 8:15 7:15 6:15 WEAF (491.5m-610kc), WFi (394.5m-760kc). WEEI (348.6m-860kc). WGR (319m-940kc), WOC (4S3.6m-620kc), WJAR (483.6m-620kc), WCCO (416.4m-720kc), WWJ <352.7m-850kc) (389.4m-770kc), KSD (545.1 m-550kc), (545.1m-550kc), WRC (468.5m-640kc), (461.3m-650kc), WGN (302.8m-990kc), (325.9m-920kc), WHAS (3y9.8m-750kc) <428.3m-7U0kc), WSM (282.Sm-l()60kc). (379.5m-790kc), WMC 499.7m-600kc), Tokalyan, Sylvia Lent. 9:30 8:30 7:30 WFAA (475.9m-630kc) Little symphony. WGBS (315.6m-950kc) Minstrel show. 10 9 8 PWX (399.8m-750kc) Cutourcom artists. WLAC (225.4m-1330kc) Quartet. WMCA (340.7m-880kc) Caravan club. 10:15 9:15 8:15 WCCO (416.4m-720kc) Chippewa Indians. 10:30 9:30 8:30 KPRC (296.9m-1010kc) Frank Tilton, pianist WBAP (475.9m-630kc) Dick Lucke and his Texas hotel orchestra. 11 10 9 8 PWX (399.8m-750kc) Montmartre carnival. WCCO (416.4m-720kc) Hugo Philler Goodwin, organist. 12 mid. 11 10 9 WFAA (47S.9m-630kc) Edmund Boettcher, tenor; Marcel Jones, basso. WTAM WTAG WCAE WSAI , WSB WGY Armand 6:30 7:15 7:30 Regular Sunday Features Eastern Time Stations CFCA Toronto, Can. (356.9m-840kc) 11 a. m. services: 7 p. m., St. Paul's Anglican church; 8:45, musical program. KDKA Pittsburgh, Pa. (309.1m-970kc) 11 a. m. service; 4 p. m. organ; 4:45. service; 6:30, little symphony; 7:45. service; 9:30, KDKA. WBAL Baltimore, Md. (246m-1220kc) 6:30-7:30 p. m orchestra. WBBR New York. N. Y. (416.4m-720kc) 10 a m music, choral singers; 2 p. m., Watchtower string quartet, vocal, Bible lecture; 8, vocal selections WBZ Springfield, Mass. (333.1m-900kc) 10 a. m. services; 6:30 p. m., ensemble; 7, quartet; 7:30, program; 9:30. WJZ. WCAE Pittsburgh. Pa. (461.3m-650kc) 6:30 p. m orchestra; 7:15, WEAF; 9:15, WEAF. WCAU Philadelphia. Pa. (277.6m-1080kc) 11 a. m. services. First Unitarian church; 5, recital; 5.15, Undenominational church services; 5:25, sermon, Rev. John W. Stockwell; 6:45, orchestra; 7:45, Cathax Garden orchestra; 8:30, Bonwit Teller Ensemble; 10, orchestra. WCX Detroit. Mich. (516.9m-580kc) 7:15 p. m. Central Methodist Episcopal church. WDBO Winter Park, Fla. (239.9m-1250kc) 11 a. m. church; 7:30, service. WEAF New York, N. Y. (491.5m-610kc) 6 p. m. program; 7:20, musical program from the Capitol theater, WEEI. KSD, WRC. WWJ, WJAR, WCAE, WHAS, WSB, WSM. WTAG, WMC; 9:15. Atwater Kent Radio hour, WEEI. WGR, WRC, WWJ, WSAI. WGN. WCCO. KSD, WJAR, WTAG. WCAE, WTAM, WOC, WFI, WHAS, WSM. WSB, WMC. WEEI Boston. Mass. (348.6m-860kc) 10:50 a. m. Old South church; 2 p. m., program; 4, WEAF; 7:20, WEAF; 9:15, WEAF; 10:15, air cruise. WGBS New York, N. Y. (315.6m-950kc) 9:30 p. m. music drama. WGHP Detroit, Mich. (270.1m-1110kc) 7:30 p. m. First Church of Christ. Scientist. WGR Buffalo. N. Y. (319m-940kc) 10:45 a. m. service; 7:45, Central Presbyterian church; 9:15-10:15. WEAF. WGY Schenectady. N. Y. (379.5m-790kc) 11 a. m. service; 5:30, WEAF; 7:30, service; 9:15, Atwater Kent hour. WHK Cleveland, Ohio (272.6m-1100kc) 10 a. m Bible association; 5 p. m. twilight musicale; 6. dinner program; 7:30, lecture; 8:45, program. WHN New York. N. Y. (361.2m-830kc) 6:30 p. m. Libby's Hotel orchestra; 10, orchestra; 11, orchestra. WICC Bridgeport, Conn. (285.5m-1050kc) 10:50 a. m. service; 2 p. m., Sunday afternoon concert; 7, Forum. WIP Philadelphia, Pa (508.2m-590kc) 7:15 p. m. evening service; 10, symphony. WJAX Jacksonville. Fla. (336.9m-890kc) 11 a. m. service; 7-7:30, dinner concert; 7:30-8:30, service. WJR Detroit, Mich. (516.9m-580kc) 10 a. m. First Baptist church; 5:45, twilight hour; 10 p. m. special song service. First Baptist church. WJZ New York, N. Y. (454.3m-660kc) 9 a. m. children's hour; 11-12:30, Park Avenue Baptist church; 3:55-5:30 p. m. vesper service; 7, violinist; 7:30, organ; 8, quartet; 9:30, Cook's tour; 10:00, Collier's review, WBZ, KDKA, KYW. WKRC Cincinnati, Ohio (325.9m-920kc) 6:45 p. m. Walnut Hills Christian church ; 10, classical program; 11:15, Louisville Loons; 12, Marie Turner; 12:15, Louisville Loons. WLW Cincinnati, Ohio (422.3m-710kc) 11 a. m. Seventh Presbyterian church; 3 p. m. organ; 7:30. Presbyterian church; 8:30, Beethoven program; 8:50, Crosley concert orchestra. WLWL New York, N. Y. (288.3m-1040kc) 8:15 p. m. Paulist choristers. WMAK Buffalo, N. Y. (265.5m-1130kc) 10:25 a. m. service; 3 p. m., WFBL; 7:50. First Church of Christ, Scientist. WMBF Miami Beach, Fla. (384.4m-780kc) 7 p. m. dinner concert: 8, popular program; 10, dance music. WMCA New York, N. Y. (340.7m-880kc) 6 P. m. Romer's Homers; 7, Ernie Golden and his Hotel McAlpin orchestra; 9, Moment musicale; 10, Virginians. WOO Philadelphia, Pa. <508.2m-S90kc) 2:30 p. m. Sunday School musical exercises; 6, organ recital, Clarence K. Bawden; 7:30, Bethany Presbyterian church. WOR Newark, N. J. (405.2m-740kc) 6 p. m. ensemble ; 7 :45. concert. WPG Atlantic City, N. J. (299.8m-1000kc) 3:15 p. m. oigan recital, Arthur Brook; 4:15, community vocal and instrumental recital; 5:15, concert; 9, news; 9:10, concert orchestra; 10, Sunday evening concert. WRC Washington. D. C. (468.5m-640kc) 11 a. m. service; 4 p. m. chapel; 6:45, vespers; 7:20, WEAF, 9:1S, WEAF. WSAI Cincinnati, Ohio (325.9m-920kc) 11 a. m. Presbyterian church; 3:45 p. m. chimes; 4-5:30, WEAF; 8, sermonette: 9:15-10:15, WEAF. WSKC Bay City, Mich. (260.7m-1150kc) 11-12 noon services. WTAG Worcester. Mass. (545.1m-550kc) 7:20 p. m. WEAF: 9:15, WEAF. WTAM Cleveland, Ohio (389.4m-770kc) 10:45 a. m. service; 3 p. m. musicale; 6, hotel orchestra: 7, theater orchestra; 8, services; 9:15. WEAF; 10:15. Austin Wylie's Vocalion Recording orchestra. WTIC Hartford, Conn. (475.9m-630kc) 6 p. m. State theater concert. WWJ Detroit, Mich. <352.7m-820kc) 10:30 a. m. service": 3:30 p. m. orchestra; 7:20. WEAF; 9:15, WEAF. Central Time Stations CKY Winnipeg, Can. (384.4m-780kc) 11 a. m. Weslev church; 7-8:30 p. m. First English Lutheran church9-10. Royal Alexandre hotel. KFAB Lincoln, Neb. (340.7m-880kc) 9-10:30 p. m. Sunday evening musicale. P. m. Texan M. E. KFH Wichita, Kan. (268m-1120kc) 7 p. m. church service. KFNF Shenandoah, Iowa (461.3m-650kc) 10:45 a. m services; 2:30 p. m. Seed House song service; 3, program; 6:30, Golden Rule Circle. KLDS Independence, Mo. (440.9m-630kc) 8:30 a. m. Bible study; 11, Stone church; 3 p. m. Radio church; 6:30, vespers; 9:15, studio service. KMA Shenandoah, Iowa (461.3m-650kc) 4-5 p. m. sacred program; 7:30-8:30, service. KMOX St Louis, Mo. (280.2m-1070kc) 8 p. m. Fourth Church of Christ, Scientist; 9, Sunday night club; 10:30-12. ballroom. KOIL Council Bluffs, Iowa (305.9m-980kc) 11 a. m. First Congregational church; 7, children's hour; 7:30, program; 11, Paramount orchestra. KPRC Houston, Texas (299.8m-1000kc) 7:30 church service; 9:30, evening concert; 11, theater pipe organ. KSO Clarinda, Iowa ( 405.2m740kc) 11 a. m. church. KTHS Hot Springs National Park, Ark. (374.8m800kc) 11 a. m. -12:15 p. m., service; 9-9:45, Meyer Davis ensemble classic hour concert; 10, organist; 10:30-11:30, Arkansas Traveler Kadio Train. KVOO Bristow, Okla. (374.8m-800kc) 1-2 p. m. Walter Schoggan, Doris Kintner; 5-6. Gospei hour: 6-7. Sophia Osina, pianist; 7-9. services; 12-1, Melody Boys. KYW Chicago, 111. (535.4m-560kc) 11 a. m. Central church service; 4:30 p. m. studio concert; 7-8:30, Sunday evening club; 9:30-11, classical concert. WAMD Minneapolis, Minn. (243.8m-1230kc) 10:20 a. m., service; 6, players; 9:15, Gayle Wood. WBAP Fort Worth, Texas (475.9m-630kc) 11 a. m. First Methodist; 12:30-1:30 p. m. vesper; 5-6, vesper services, Baptist seminary; 9:30-11, SorLnWhite Texas hotel orchestra. WBBM Chicago, 111. (226m-1330kc) 8 p. m. CoonSanders Night Hawks; 9-12. frolic; 12. Nutty club; Coon-Sanders orchestra. WCBD Zion, HI. (344.6m-870kc) 8 p. m. Sunday evening musicale. WCCO Minneapolis-St. Paul. Minn. (416.4m-720kc) 10:50 a. m. services; 4:10 p. m. House of Hope Presbyterian church; 6:20, Second Church of Christ, Scientist; 8:15, WEAF; 9:15, musical program, Chippewa Indians : 10, St. Paul Municipal organ recital, Hugo Philler Goodwin. WCFL Chicago, 111. (491.5m-610kc) 2-4 p. m. fellowship club; 7:45, Belden Avenue Baptist church. WDAF Kansas City, Mo. (365.6m-820kc) 3-4 p. m. Star's orchestra; 4-4:45, vespers. WEBH Chicago, 111. (370.2m-810kc) 10:35 a. m. Seventh Church of Christ Scientist; 5-6 p. m. twilight musicale; 7-9, artists' program. WEMC Berrien Springs, Mich. (315.6m-950kc) 11 a. m. studio sacred services; 8:15 p. m. chapel. WENR Chicago, 111. (265.3m-1130kc) 1-3 p. m. classical program; 8-10, classical program; 12-2, Samovar orchestra. WFAA Dallas. Texas (475.9m-630kc) 6-7 p m. Bible class; 7:30-8:30, services; 8:30-9:30. artists: 11-12, orchestra. WGBF Evansville, Ind. (236.1m-1270kc) 7:30 p. m. services. WGN Chicago, 111. (302.8m-990kc) 6:45-7 p. m. Blackstone string quintet, solo artists; 7, The Millidn Sing; 7:20. Old Fashioned Almanack; 7:30, Drake concert ensemble ; Correll and Gosden ; 8, Auld Sandy; 8:15, WEAF; 9:15. Our Music Room; 10. Sam 'n' Henry; 10:10, Armand Buisseret, violinist; 10:20, Bible reading; 10:25, piano. WHAD Milwaukee. Wis. (275.1m-1090kc) 3:15 p m Turnverein concert. WHAS Louisville, Ky. (399.8m-750kc) 10 a. m services; 4:30-5:30 p. m. choral evensong; 6:20, WEAF; 9:15, WEAF. WHB Kansas City, Mo. (365.6m-820kc) 9:40 a. m Linwood Blvd. Christian church; 11:10-12:30, Independence Blvd. Christian church; 7-7:45, Dr Burris A. Jenkins; 8-9, Westport Methodist church; 11:151, Morrill Moore, organist; Don Anchors, poet. WHO Des Moines, Iowa (526m-570kc) 11 a. m. service; 5-6 p. m. Bankers Life Little symphony; 7:308:30, orchestra; 11-12, musical program. WHT Chicago, III. (399.8m-750kc) 1-12 midnight, Paul Rader. WIBO Chicago, 111. (225.4m-1330kc) 6-7 p. m. ensemble; 7-8, Lorraine hour; 10-12, orchestra WJAZ Chicago, 111. (329.5m-910kc) 6:30-9 p. m. Sunday evening concert. WJJD Mooseheart, III. (370.2m-810kc) 7:45-8:45 a m Catholic services; 9:30-10:30, Protestant services; 1-2 p. m. Howard Peterson, organist; 2-2:30, Bible class; 2:30, Sacred song service; 3-4, popular concert; 4-5, Palmer House Sunday symphony orchestra WLAC Nashville, Tenn. (225.4m-1330kc) 9-10 p m. studio concert. WLIB Chicago. 111. (302.8m-990kc) 5-6:15 p ra Herbert Johnson, pianist; Leon Lichtenfeld, cellist; Tommy Coates, baritone: Blackstone string quintet WLS Chicago. 111. (344.6m-870kc) 10:45 a. m University of Chicago service; 12:15, Elsie Mae Look, organist; 12:30-2:30, chapel service; 6-8, WLS Little Brown church. A Quality Product CHECK your tubes Often Pattern No. 107 Jr. Tube Checker When a radio set starts giving trouble you can be very sure that the tubes or batteries are causing it. There is very little else about the set that will wear out or deteriorate. The Jewell pattern No. 107, Jr. Tube Checker is a small, inexpensive tube tester for the set owner which will enable him to quickly check the condition of the radio tubes in his set, thus locating the bad tubes and either rejuvenating or replacing them. When checking tubes, the tube under test is placed in the socket of the tester and the plug attached to the device is inserted in the tube socket in the set. This obtains the necessary voltages from the batteries of the set and gives results obtained under set operating conditions. Write for our descriptive circular No. 735. Jewell Electrical Instrument Co. 1650 Walnut Street, Chicago "27 Years Making Good Instruments" Must Delight You — Or Your Money Back Here's the announcement you have been waiting for. The amazing new "Perfect" "B" Battery Eliminator makes "B" Batteries obsolete. Costs much less than a set of cells (it's by far the lowest priced Eliminator ever offered) and it ends plate current troubles forever. Hooked Up In 60 Seconds Operates Splendidly on Any Type of Set This wonderful new invention, using a special filter circuit developed after months of experimenting, gives a uniform and constant flow of power that you cannot get from batteries. Special counterpoise effect minimizes "fading" and static. Can be plugged in to any kind of set up to seven tubes. Needs No Attention Once hooked up it works automatically. Just attach it and forget it. Milliampere supply twice as great as any other eliminator. Only our direct sale method, cutting out the retailers' and jobbers' profits, makes this amazingly low price possible. You Take No Chances Thousands of enthusiastic users all over the country testify to the quality of '"Perfect" Eliminators. And our absolute Money-Back Guarantee makes you the sole judge. If, for any reason, you are not satisfied, simply return your Eliminator in good condition within ten days after you receive it and we will refund your money. PROOF!* "We did not know what a good set we had until we hooked up your Eliminator. It is indeed a 'Perfect' instrument. " Louisville, Ky. "AH my friends are asking about my 'Perfect.' It makes my set work better than batteries ever did." St. Louis, Mo. "I was doubtful about an Eliminator at your astonishingly low price. But you certainly do deliver the goods. I congratulate you on the quality of the device and wish you success." New York, N. Y. *Names of writers on No. mechanical knowledge necessary to connect the "Perfect" Eliminator. Hook it up just as your old batteries were connected. And then sit back and get the greatest radio thrill you've had in years. Nothing to do but enjoy the music. No "frying" noises caused by run-down cells. Sharper tuning— more power because of the steady, powerful flow of current through the tubes. Completely Equipped And Assembled — Nothing Else to Buy No "extras" of any kind to buy. The amazingly low price — $4.75 — covers everything. No "bulbs" to break or wear out. No moving parts. A solidly built, permanent addition to your set, all ready to plug in., Works perfectly on ordinary house current, either alternating or direct. Gives power up to 90 volts, using the full wave of the power supply. Operates any set up to seven tubes. Rush Order Today — Ten Days' Trial Pin a dollar bill to the coupon and mail it to us today. The postman will deliver your "Perfect" Eliminator within a few days. Pay him the balance due ($3.75 plus a few cents postage). Plug in the eliminator and use it for ten days. If not more than satisfied with results, return it and get your money back. Act ' NOW and become one of our thousands of enthusiastic users. Reference: Pearl Market Bank, Cincinnati. Perfect Eliminator Co. S-15 National Theatre Bldg. Cincinnati, O. PERFECT ELIMINATOR CO., S-15 National Theatre Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. I attach $1.00. Please send "Perfect" Eliminator to me C. O. D. for balance ($3.75 plus a few cents postage) on your Guarantee as stated above. Name Address , Town State.