Radio Digest (Oct 1926-Jan 1928)

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R\DTO DICES T— Illustrated WTIC HartforA Caaa. lT«. ) 6 p. m. Hub tnuou: trio: 9. ptopu: 10. orchr Central Time Station* CKY WMm. Cu. (3M.«*-TMhc) 9 30-10:30 p. m. UFAB^L^i'" ptSr"iL(34».T 1—u) 8:30-10:30. variety nutiia. KFH Wkalta, Kan. (Mtnt-IIMfcc) 7 XI p. m. irnst* ■nt^tton ill* »■» Who 8 p. m. studio KfWSkmdoO. Iowa Wfct) ." r m music: 11, o&d-tu»c WORD Chicago. 111. U7S.lm-1090kc) 7 p. m. Webster hotrl concrrt program; 9. studio program. WOW Omaha. Neb. tSI£m-s;ukc> t> p. ni. literary ros n»: i'1. fracy-BrowD's Oktaaomans. WQJ Chicago. 111. <447.Sm-«T0kc) 7-S r m. Rairibo orcne>: m. Rauiu. Gardens frolic WRR Dallas. Tex. (2*S.Sro-1220kc) S--> p. m. musi WSB Atlanta. Ga. («28.3m-700kc) 8 p. m.. WEAF; WSBC Chicago. III. (ISS.Sm-lMOkc) 6:30-8 p. m. dinner program; ^-1. entertainers. WSM Nashville. Term. (z81.Sm-IO60kc) o:45 p. m. dir. , S« barn dance. Th* gtytly of the brilliant cafes in San Francisco is being brought to hundreds of thousands of listeners weekly through KPO, San Francisco, by these four excellent opera singers and comedians, the famous Neapolitan Four. la. <461.3m-6S0kc) 9-11 p. KM* I F' «•» trio. KMOX St. Louis, Mo. <ISO.2m-1070kc) 6:30 p. m. sofeui: 7. Little R>-I :-is; 9. procram: 9:30. soloists: 10. program: 12-1. dance KOIL Council Bluffs. la. ( JOS.SmSSOkc) 6 p. m. orchestra: 7:30. program; II, Pi sr-WOw. KPRC Houston. Tex. , 299-m-IOOOkc) 7:30 p. m. Iihle class: 8. concert. II, ii KTHS Hot Springs National Park. Ark. (374.8m?00kc> ' p m, dance irolic: 10-11. specialties: 11'.ce KVOO Brtstow. Okla. (374.8m-800kc) 6-7 p. m. S. S. Ill»ui: 7-8. Gleeman: 8-9. orchestra: 12. Southern crs. KVW Chicago. III. (5JS.4m-S60kc) 6 p. m. bedtime rsl ,-are: 9-10:30. ■cal coocert: 1C ;ri--< carnival. W*MD Minneapolis. Mum. (243.8m-1230kc) 7:10 p. en. movie club. WBAP Fort Worth, Tex. (47S.»m-S30kc) 8-8:30 p. m. • WBBM Chicago. III. <22S<n-1330kc) 8 p. m. CoonSanders' Night HavT* rchestra, artists: 10. Log Cabio 2. theater gang; 12. Nutty club. • ITauks. WCCO Minneapolis. St. Paul. Minn. (416.4m-720kc) 6 IS p. m. Wesley Barlow's Nicollet hotel orchestra: 8. WEAF: 9. program: 10:05. Curtis hotel WCFL Chicago. 111. (491.Sm-610kc) 7 p. m. Brevoort trio: 8. Vaudeville hour: 12. Ren<lez-vnus cafe. WDAF Kuvii City. Mo. (36S.6m-820kc) 6-7 p. m. school o( the air: 8-9. WEAF; 9-10. around the i wn: 11:45-1, Nighthawk frolic. WEBH Chicago. IU. (370.2m-810kc) 7 p. m. Edge Beach hotel orchestra: 11-2 a. m.. orchestra; :e quartet. WF.VR Chltaro. 111. <26S.3m-U30kc) 6-7 p. m. organ ; 8-10. trio; 12-2. orchestra, art-- WFAA Dallas. Tex. (475.»m-S30kc> 6:30-7:30 p. m. er. Ticert : 12-1, ■ WGS Chicago. 111. (302.8m-990kc) 6:35-7 p. m. Drake ensemble; B-9, WEAF: '). Grand upera period: 10. Sam n' Henry: 10:10. The Music FVx: 10:20-11. WHAD Milwaukee. Wis. I275.1m-1090kc) 6:*5 p. m. .•rchestra and vocal selections, Wisconsin hotel; 7, cmldrrn's bom WHAS Lounvllle. Ky. i399.8m-7S0kc) 7:30-9 p. m. studio on EAF. WHT Chicago. III. <2S«. -m-7S0kc) 6 p m. Al Carney. •:art Dawson: 9:30 -ene and Albert : 11. I'at and Al. WIBO Chicago. 111. (225.4m-1330kc) 6-8 p. m. en WJAZ Chicago. III. (329.Sm-910kc) 6:30 p. m. organ; 1 igh lights; 8:30. dance music; 'J, diversified music: 9 30. talk on care of the hair; 9:40, WJJD Moosefaeart. III. f370.2m-8IOkc) 8 p. m. Vic WLAC Nashville. Tenn. (22S.4m-1330kc) 7-8 p. m^ Id time lui WLIB Chicago. III. <3O2.Sm-990kc) 7-8 p. m. din • <-oncert; 11-12:30. organ, orchestras. WLS Chicago. III. (3«4.6m-870kci 6:40 p. m. College Inn orchestra; 7-1. frolic. WMAQ Chicago. 111. (447.5m-670kc) 6 p. m. Chicago rchestra: *. photologue; 8:30. t beater i WMBB Chicago. III. (24S.»m-1200kc) 7-8:30 p. m Tna: -. artists: 8:30-11, Trianon orches W MC Memphis, Tenn. (499.7m-600kc) 8 p. m. synco m paters, WOC Davenport, Iowa (483.6m-620kc) 7-8 P. \F. WOK Chicago. III. (4l0.7m-730kc) 6-7:30 p. m. Tip -• ensemble: 11-1, dance program. WOO Kansas City. Mo. <Z7»m-l080kc) 6:15 p. m. tra ; 10. sr i WSMB New Orleans. La. (319m-940kc) 8:30 p. m. popular program. WSOE Milwaukee. Wis. (245.Sm-1220kc) 8 p. m. \\ hozit. artists. Mountain Time Stations KOA Denver, Colo. (322.4m-930kc) 10:30 p. in Scheuerman's Colorado orchestra. Pacific Time Stations KFI Los Angeles. Calif. (467m-642kc) 7-8 p. m. trio; 8-9, program: 9-10. classical program: 10-11, Packard Radio club: 11-2 a. m. KFI midnight frolic. KFWB Hollywood. Calif. <2S2m-1190kc) 6-7 p. m. Pontiac dinner hour; 8-9. program, Mona Motor ompany; °-10. musicale; 10-11, program; 11-12, orchestra. KGO Oakland. Calif. (361.2m-830kc) 8:15 p. m. program; 9:15-1 a. m. Whitcomb band; Frank Gibney, soloist KGW Portland. Ore. (491.5m-610kc) 6-7 p. m. dinner music: 9-10, quartet; 10-12, dance music. KHJ Los Angeles. Calif. (40S.2m-740kc) 6:30-7:30 p. m. children's hour; 8-10, varied program. KHQ Spokane. Wash. (394.Sm-760kc) 6 p. m.. dinner concert: 7. KFOA program: 10-12, orchestra. KMTR Hollywood, Calif. (370.2m-810kc) 8-9 p. m. concert orchestra: 9-10, studio program; 10-12. dance music. KNX Hollywood, Calif. (336.9m-890kc) 7:30 p. m. features: 10. Hotel Ambassador; 11, Saturday night frolic. KOMO Seattle, Wash. (305.9m-980kc) 7:30 p. m. program. KPO San Francisco. Calif. (428.3m-700kc) 6:30 p. m. States Restaurant orchestra; 8-11, dance music. KPSN Pasadena, Calif. (315.6m-9S0kc) 8-9 p. m. StarNews instrumental ensemble. Saturday, silent night for: CFCA. KFDM, KFDY, KFUO, KLX. KOB, KSWC, KTAB. KUOA, KWWG, WBAL, WCAL. WCAU. WCBD, WCOA, WCX, WEBJ. WEMC. WGBF, WGCP, WGHP, WGR, WHA, WHAD. WHB, WHN, WHO. WICC, WJAR, WLWL. W0AI, WOS. WRVA, WTIC, WWJ. SUNDAY, MARCH 20 Church Services Mountain Pacific 8 7 First Baptist Church of 8:40 7:40 Linwood Blvd. Christian Eastern Central 10 a. m. 9 W.1R <51fi.9m-580kc) Pontiac. 10:40 9:40 Willi (365.6m-820kc) church. 11 10 9 8 KDKA (309.1m-970kcl Calvary Episcopal church. WCAU (277.6m-H)R0kc) First Unitarian church. WGY (379.5m-790kc) St. Peter's Episcopal church. WHAS !3W.8m-750kc) Virginia Avenue Methodist church service. WSAI <325.9m-920kc> Avondale Methodist Episcopal church. 12 n. 11 10 9 KTHS (374.8m-1000kc) First Presbyterian church. WHAP (475.9m-630kc» First Presbyterian church. \\ HO (526m-570kc) B'Nai Yeshurum Congregation. WSM <282.8m-1060kc) First Presbyterian church. 1 p. m. 12 11 10 KNX (336.9m-890kc) First Presbyterian church. KOMO I305.9m-980kc) International Bible Student's association. 2 1 12 11 KFI (467m-642kc) Temple Baptist church. KOA (322. 4m -930kc» First Congregational churcli. KOMO (305.9m-980kc) Plymouth Congregational church. WJK I5l6.9m-580kc) Novena service, Shrine of the Little Flower. Televocal QUALITY TUBES Dependable and a Technical Triumph A RADIO TUBE that is nonrpicrophonic — won't short. Sold in matched units; tested, balanced and plainly marked detector, radio frequency or audio frequency. Aik your dealer for this new and better radio tube tbat costs no more. If he can't supply you with Televocals, send us his name and address on attached coupon. DEALERS AST) JOBBERS — WRITE US Televocal Corp'n. 67 A Fifth Ave. * -* New York /pEJDfr-n .11 II ii 11 11 II— Tl— rr— n ir II II J. J Oealer't Name |J II City 8Uto h 0 (1 Your Namt (J II [I ° ; „P Mountain Pacific 1:10 12:10 James Cathedral noon Eastern Central 3:10 p.m. 2:10 KOMO (30S.9m-980kc) St mass. 6 5 4 3 KFRU (4«9.7m-600kc) Presbyterian church. WSB (428.3m-700kc) Lutheran Church of Redeenier vesper services. 7:45 6:45 5:45 4:45 KPKA (309.1 m-970kcl East End Christian church. 8:15 7:15 6:15 5:15 KKRl" (499.7m-600kci First Baptist church; S:30 7:30 6:30 5:30 KOA (322.4m-930kc) First Congregational church ; Koyco II. .Mintenor. organist. First Christian church. Ervay St. Methodist KI'OA (299.8m-1000kc) \\ 1AA (475.9m-630kc) church service. 8:40 7:40 6:40 WMBD (250m-1200kc) Fifth Church of Scientist. 9 8 7 KPKt' 1 296. 9m101 Okc) Trinity Lutheran cluircl sci vice. 9:30 8:30 7:30 KNX (336.9m-S90kc> Hollywood Unitarian 10:45 9:45 8:45 KOA (J22.4m-930kc) First Congregational service. 5:40 Christ, 6 6:30 wluuch. 7:45 church SUNDAY, MARCH 20 Headliners Eastern Central Mountain Pacific 3:30 p.m. 2:30 1:30 12:30 WIK (516.9m-5S0kc) Detroit Symphony. "4:15 3:15 2:15 1:15 WHAD (27S.lm-1090kc) Turnverein Little symphony. 5 4 3 2 WGY (379.5m-790kc) Dr. Frank Sill Rogers, organist; T. Roy Keefer, violinist. 5:30 4:30 3:30 2:30 WEAF (491.5m-610kc) Crosley Radio feature. 5:45 4:45 3:45 2:45 KFI (476m-642kc), KPO (42S.3m-700kc). KGO (361.2m-830kc) San Francisco Symphony. 6:30 5:30 4:30 3:30 KDKA (309.1m-970kc) KDKA Little symphony. 7:20 6:20 5:20 4:20 WLW (422.3m-710kc) Hymn time, Ford and Glenn. 8:30 7:30 6:30 5:30 WHO (S26m-570kc) Big Four symphony. 8:50 7:50 6:50 5:50 WLW (422.3m-710kc) Crosley String orchestra. 9 8 7 6 KFI (467m-642kc) Russian Academy of Musical Art Trio. WCBD (344.6m-870kc) Vocal trio. Celestial bells. WHAD (27S.lm-1090kc) WHAD conceit company. 9:15 8:15 7:15 6:15 WF.AF (491.5m-610kc), WFI (394.5m-760kc), WEEI (348.6m-860kc), WGR <319m-940kc), WOC (483.6m-620kc), WIAR (483.6m-620kc), WCCO WWJ (352.7m-S50kc). WTAM WSD (545.1 m-550kc), WTAG WRC (468.5m-640kc), WCAE WGN (302.8m-990kc). WSAI WHAS (399.8m-750kc). WSB WSM (282.8m-1060kc). WGY WMC (499.7m-600kc), Giovanni (416.4m-720kc), (389.4m-770kc), (545.1m-550kc), (461.3m-650kc), (325.9m-920kc). (428.3m-700kc), (379.5m-790kc), Martinelli. WEMC (285.5m-1050kc) Radio Lighthouse Choir; Wm. H. Phillips, tenor. 9:30 8:30 7:30 6:30 KWWG (-277.6m-1080kc) sacred music. WCAU (277.6m-1080kc) WCAU violin ensemble. WFAA (475.9m-630kc) Little symphony, Grace Methodist church. WGBS (315.6m-950kc) Dailey Paskman musicdrama. Eastern Central Mountain 10 p. m. 9 8 KFA1I (340.7m-880kc) Romeo and Juliet. KMOX (280.2m-1070kc) Skouras Brothers dav night club. WHAD (275.1m-1090kc) Jean Hammond's Tune Tinkers. \\ PC (299.8m-1000kc) Robert Johns, baritone. 10:30 9:30 8:30 7:30 KPRC (296.9m-1010kc) Frank Tilton; San Jacinto If. S. program. WLAC (225.4m-1330kc) Sacred program, quartet. 11 10 9 KTHS (374.8m-1000kc) request program Seaman, organist. 12 11 10 WFAA (475.9m-630kc) Edmund Boettcher, Marcel Jones, baritone. Pacific rs Sun mixed 8 Sybil 9 tenor; Regular Sunday Features Eastern Time Stations CFCA Toronto, Can. (356.9m-840kc) 11 a. m. services: 7 p. m., church service. KDKA Pittsburgh, Pa. (309.1m-970kc) 11 a. m. service; 4 p. m. organ; 4:45, service; 6:30. little symphony; 7:45, service; 9:30. WJZ. PWX Havana, Cuba (399.8m-750kc) 8:30 p. m. songs; 9:30, orchestra; 11, irolic. WAIU Columbus, Ohio (293.9m-1020kc) 7:20 p. m. church service. WBAL Baltimore, Md. (246m-1220kc> 6:30-7:30 p. m. WBBR New York, N. Y. (416.4m-720kc) 10 a. m. music, choral singers; 2 p. m., Watchtower string quartet, vocal, Bible lecture; 8, vocal selections. WBZ Springfield, Mass. (333.1m-900kc) 10:30 a. m. services; 6:30 p. m., ensemble; 7, organ; 7:30. program; 9:30, WJZ. WCAE Pittsburgh, Pa. (461.3m-650kc) 6:30 p. m. orchestra; 7:15, WEAF; 9:15, WEAF; 10:15, popular music. WCAU Philadelphia, Pa. (277.6m-1080kc) 11 a. m. services. First Unitarian church; S, recital; 5.15, Undenominational church services; 5:25, sermon. Rev. John W. Stockwell; 6, orchestra; 7:30, Cathay Garden orchestra; 8:30, Bonwit Teller Ensemble ; 10, orchestra. WCSH Portland, Me. (499J|m-600kc) 10 a. m. Central Sq. church; 4 p. m., WEAF: 6:30, Twilight trio; 7, organ; 7:30, Baptist church. WCX Detroit, Mich. (516.9m-580kc) 7:15 p. m. Central Methodist Episcopal church. WDBO Winter Park, Fla. (239.9m-1250kc) 11 a. m. church; 7:30, service. WEAF New York, N. Y. (491.Sm-610kc) 6 p. m. program; 7:20, musical program from the Capitol theater, WEEI, KSD, WRC. WWJ, WJAR, WCAE, WHAS, WSB, WSM, WTAG. WMC; 9:15. Atwater Kent Radio hour, WEEI, WGR. WRC, WWJ, WSAI. WGN. WCCO. KSD, WJAR. WTAG, WCAE, WTAM, WOC. WFI. WHAS, WSM, WSB. WMC; 10:15, program. WEEI Boston, Mass. (348.6m-860kc) 10:50 a. m. Old South church; 2 p. m.. program; 4, WEAF; 7:20, WEAF; 9:15. WEAF; 10:15, air cruise. WGBS New York, N. Y, (315.6m-950kc) 9:30 p. m. music drama. WGHP Detroit, Mich. (270.1m-1110kc) 7:30 p. m. First Church of Christ, Scientist. WGR Buffalo, N. Y. (319m-940kc) 10:45 a. m. service; 7:45, Central Presbyterian church; 9:15-10:15, WEAF. WGY Schenectady, N. Y. (379.5m-790kc> 10:30 a. m. service; 7:30, service, 9:15, Atwater Kent hour. WHB Kansas City, Mo. (365.6m-820kc) 9:40 a. m. Linwood Blvd. Christian church; 11:10, Independence Blvd. Christian church; 7, Radio service; 8, Lutheran church; 11:15, Don Anchors, poet; Morrill Moore, organist. WHK Cleveland. Ohio (272.6m-1100kc) 10 a. m. Bible association; 5 p. m. twilight musicale; 6, dinner program; 7:30, lecture; 8:45, program. A difference you can see and hear The premiere development in radio acoustics— the original octagonal cone with rich wine colored silk front and super-powered unit producing matchless tone quality. Hear Sonochorde FIRST Write for the interesting Sonochorde Story. BOUDETTE MFG. CO. CHELSEA, MASS. EE 5tt ^/^M0ISEELIM,MAT0R IMPROVES RADIO RECEPTION' h BETTER TONE-STOPS DISTORTION '■ New Steinite Invention guarantees to stop the noises within your Bet. Nearly all annoyance you lay to static comes from noises created within the Bet, or from stations interfering. Steinite Noise Eliminators delight you with the new performance of your radio. Tone quailty is improved beyond your expectation, or we will refund immediately every cent of your money. Hundreds of thousands of users have cut out undesirable stations with the Steinite Interference Eliminator and will welcome this v pn xxr DTPIU new Steinite invention. Let thiB new improvement cause you to marvel at the per*BED w. BTEIN formance of your set— mako the simplo teil at unce at our risk. Eliminates Noises Within the Set $-f 00 For Set of 5 Postpaid Gives ^ With 4 Cabinet Supports prevents microphonic Stops mechanical vibration, ,, feed back; gives extra added life to the tubes — worth spy Longer Life To Tubes eral times the price because of this Bavin? alone. Slip them over the tubes and tune in your favorite station and detect immediately tho improvement they make. They will (rive the true tone and sweetness 1(1 iiin C.nn T_;a I yoa appreciate m musical instruments and voice. IU-Udy I'lCC llial We welcome this simple test atour risk and guarantee Jthat performance of your Bet will convince Dls Money-Back Guarantee you. Fit any tubes-no tools of any kind needed. Send Orders Today for set of 5 Steinite Noiae Eliminators with 4 cabinet supports (dollar bill will do). If you only need two f\ W% f\ r; n or three Noise Eliminators, price IB 25 ccntB each. \J n\ L# E. Ix Two liig Atchison Banks guarantee our reliability. "■■ fi r* *» «f Kuah your order. We guarantee prompt shipment. I \0 \J t\ ¥ The New Htclnlte 7-Tube Radio nsea no batteries of any kind — only $1£5. Loud Speaker Built In. Complete with tubes $150 — nothing to buy. Operates from light socket lc an hoar. Write for descriptive literature before buying an expensive Battery Set. Steinite Lone Distance Crystal Set $0; 6-Tube Battery Set $45; Aerial Eliminator $1; Interference Eliminator $1; Crystals 50 cents each, 3 for $1. STEINITE LABORATORIES, 360 Radio Bidg., atchison, Kansas