Radio Digest (Oct 1926-Jan 1928)

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12 T. lis no' pla • t . ■ h^Wi Pitman man. New Mi to tl J. Llnoi •'. Lvvt-rs of will rial cor ■ familiar H many beaull beard. On thoffera addri to t Rice W of t: progran p. m. Is the broat nual banque ] sta SUND Chui AtlMtic Eutcrn 10 *-m. * *A1BU OMm-lJJOk II:* I»:tt »:44 ■ -rck. davcA. V.II 1 3<*-2Bi-590kc II ID <J0»JnJ-V7G U:2S 10:2S t»:» ■ u cfcsrcfc. I a.m. 12 i-S7C*ci *m»JW -ck. 2 K l:M •4-Cm-WOJu 1 2 KI.2m-S!Mu 7:J0 f:*0 .•■ «:4S 7.M 7:11 » » •:» I* I faarcfc. II :B 10:15 ■ Imcw SUNDAY, i>. Headliner* AlUniw F.«lmi C»nrral Mountain Pacific » »m 2 I 12 II < 3 2 1 ■I'Ok'i Wanly hand. « 4 | 2 i:¥l 4:Vi 3:30 WIP.O l£2'.r . v,prano. • 5 4 phone I 4:30 • :» WARC I* • ( 7:11 tit} (MS •IS 4IS WA : wea; i Atwater f • :30 4:10 7 'i «;30 5;30 V.BBM 122/; -a Falls." »:4S 8:45 7:45 5:45 V.T.v "What la Happenir,* in China." Ties Lai Huang. •,-.:„;;-" , '"• " ".'"' . ». viuiintsi. m;ka, bJ..w. U1: weekly revue, WBZ, KDKA. K>W; 10. lime. WLIT Philadelphia. Pa. (395m-7C0kc) 11 a. m Scrv ! p m. on hi WI.WI. New York. N. Y. (384.4m-7801<c) 8 D m WMAK Buffalo. N. Y. (399.8m-750kc) 7:50 i, „, < e i . . WMf A New York^ N. Y. (340.7m-880kc) 6-1 ■> mid dti liestra. WICC Bridgeport, Conn. t235m-I280kc) 9:45 a m /''"" n . ' p, rn Keatui Man WNAC Button. Mail. (430.1 m-697kc) 10:55 a In '. on be itra ; 7 JO, evening service: '9:05 ^vmiihuny. Philadelphia. Pa. i508.2m-S90kc) 2:30 p. m. ex hureh ervlci ark, N. J. (405m-740kcl I 10 ,,. „i. ludl er, j ■ WOK Nawai . tram . r, en embli ncert rVPC All.mtk City. N. J. (299.8m-1000kc) 3:15 p m • ' recital: 5 15, twilight hour; w,V«V „, ' ° ",,!V evening mu ilcale. '•'• <545.1m-550kc) 4 p. m. Eastern Standard or Central Daylight Saving Time Station* r.UV.A Pltwburgh, Pa. (309.lm-970kc) 10 a. m serv^ nm -t J7' 3/. "'*:'n' 3 ''r'. vesper service; -. baseball; 5:30, twihght hour; 6:45, iervfee: 1/ KYW Chicago. Ill (536m-S60kc) 11 a. m. Central -: ' R m.,V/; "-'' %' '*"<: 4:3f>-!; », V.J/.. Vl',-11. rl....,,iral ,,... WABQ Philadelphia. Pa. (2Slm-1150kc> 8 p. m. Mort . Night Hawks. WAIU Columbus, Ohio (293.9m-1020kc) 10:30 a m. WBAL Baltimore. Md. <246m-1220kc) f, 30-7:30 v m Bfl orebcatra; 7-8, concert: 8, WJZ. WORD Batavla, 111. (275m-1090kc) 10 a. m. I. B. S. A. service; 2:30 p. m. program; 7. orchestra, lecture. WRC Washington, D. C. (468.5m-640kc) 11 a. m. Luther Place Memorial church; 12 n, WJZ; 1 v. m. WJZ; 2-3, WEAK; 4, Washington cathedral; 6:208:15. WEAF. WSAI Cincinnati, Ohio (325.9m-920kc) 11 a. m. Avondale Methodist Episcopal church; 2:45 p. m chimes: I. WEAF: 8:15. WEAF, WSBC Chicago, III. (288.3m-1040kc) 5-7 p. m. Hugh Swift and his Serenaders; dinner concert: 9-1, popular program. WSEA Norfolk, Va. (516.9m-580kc) 6:30 p. tn. news; 7. dinner (oiucri; io, orchestra WTAM Cleveland, Ohio (389.4m-770kc) 10:45 a. m. I I i Methodist church; 3 p, m, musicale; 6:30, Austin Wylie and his orchestra; 7. Stillman theater program; 8, Kirst Methodist church; 8:15, WEAK; vi1;, Emerson flill and his Bamboo Garden ori he tra. WWJ Detroit, Mich. (352.7m-850kc) 10 a, m services; 6:20, WEAK; 8:15, WEAF, Central Standard Time Stations KFAB Lincoln, Neb. (340.7m-880kc) 8-9 p. m. Mun sells cjuartet; 9-10:30, musicale. KFKX Hastings, Neb. (288.3m-1040kc) 6 p. m. Corn husker dinner concert; 7, studio ensemble. KFVE St. Louis. Mo. (239.9m-1250kc) 5:30 p. m. twilight service musicale. Second Baptist church; 7. Hotel Chase, orchestra; 8, musical. Third Baptist church, KLDS Independence, Mo. (440.9m-680kc) 8:30 a. m. Bible study; 11, studio service: 2 p, m, KLDS string quartet: 3, Radio church; 6:30, vespers, sermon: 9:15, services, choir. KMA Shenandoah. Iowa (461.3m-6S0kc) 4-6 p. m. Men's Gospel team. KOIL Council Bluffs, la. (303.9m-980kc) 11 a. m. First Congregational church; 7:30, Dean Nordin and his orchestra; 11, Paramount orchestra. Ketner; s, gospel nour; b, piano recital; 7:1b, services. WAMD Minneapolis. Minn. (243.8m-1230kc) 10:30 a. m. First Unitarian church services; 3 p. m. popular request program; 6, McPhail players; 9:15, Harmony Hurricane, Gayle Wood. WBAP Ft. Worth. Tex. (475.9m-630kc) 11 a. in. services; 12:30-1:30 p. m. Kiddies' hour; 5-6. vesper hour; 9:30-11, Dick Lucke and his Texas hotel orchestra. WCBD Zion, 111. (344.6m-870kc) 8 p. m. trios, mixed cjuartet, Zion choir. WCCO Mlnneapolls-St. Paul, Minn. (416.4m-720kc) 9:45 a. m. services: 10:50, services; 4:10 v. m. House of Hope Presbyterian church; 6, Second i lunch of Christ. Scientist: 7:15, WEAF; 8:15, musical program; 9:15. musical program; 10, organ recital, Hugo Goodwin. WDOD Chattanooga, Tenn. (2S6.3m-1250kc) 11 a. m. service; 5, Bible forum; 7:30, service; 9:30, concert. WDAF Kansas City. Mo. (365.6m-820kc) 3-4 p. m. Star's orchestra; 4-4:45, vespers. WFAA Dallas, Tex. (475.9m-630kc) 2:30-3:30 p. m. Farmers' hour, musical; 6-7, Bible class; 8-9, services; 11-12, La Mariquita and her Castilians. WFIW Hopklnsvllle, Ky. (217.3m-1380kc) 9:30 a. m. service; 9-10 p. m. service. WGBF Evansvllle. Ind. (236.1m-1270kc) 10:30 a. m. services: 7:30 p. m. services. WHAS Louisville, Ky. (399.8m-750kc) 10 a. m. services; 5:20; WEAF. WHB Kansas City, Mo. (365.6m-820kc) 9:40 a. m. Linwood Blvd. Christian church service: 11, Independence Blvd. Christian church: 7 p. m. Radio service; 8, program: 9, players: 11:15. Linwood theater Radio feature. WHO Des Moines, Iowa (526m-570kc) 11 a. m. services; 4-5 p. m. glee club; 5-6, orchestra: 7:30-8:30, J'aul Christenson^s Hotel Ft. Des Moines orchestra. WOC Davenport, la. (483.6m-620kc) 1 p. m. old folks; 6:30, service; 7:15, musicale; 9:30, symphony. Wjaz; 11:45, Kfwa. Km, Wjjd. Thur 8, Wjr; 9, Whn. WJr, \ Wtas: 9:05, 9:30. Wgbs. 9:35. Wnyc; Wbbm. W« Whn. Wmca. 10:30, Kths. Wgbu, Whn, Wdaf: 12. Knx, Kpo, V Frii 8, WwJ: 9. to Weei. Wgl '■ Wmbb;9:30, 10. Kpo, B Wgcp, Whn, Satu 9, Webh. ^ i k Wnyc, Wreo; E Wip; 9:30. Wor. Wro: E] Koa, Kpo, Ih Wjaz, WJr, 1 <%,, Wor, Wroo, ' ill Wcco; 10:: , 10:45, Wis: K Kpo, Webh, ,r; Wjaz. Woe; »n 11 :45, Wdal &.; Kbw. Knx, (!),■; i?