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Radio Digest (Jan-Oct 1926)

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January 23, 1926 RADIO DIGES T— Illustrated 21 OLD MORALITY PLAY REVIVED AT WGY Thursday, January 28 8:30, studio recital, Glenn Dillard Gunn School of Music; 9:45-10, readings. WQJ, Chicago, III. (447.5m-670kc), ll-12m., "Some Meat Dishes that Are Different," Erna J. Bertrams; "Well Komvn Poems," Mrs. E. B. Ransom; 3-4 p. in., "Sleigh Ride Party," Helen H. Downing; Mrs. George M. Shirk, authority on electric refrigeration; talk, Mrs. Bernard McDevett; 7-8, Rainbo Gardens orchestra; string trio; Kenneth Sterling, baritone; Everette George Opie, reader; 11-1, Rainbo Skylarks; Rose Vanderbosch, soprano; Bert Davis; Ralph Keim, pianist; Lew Butler; Ray Lawson, tenor; 1-2, Ginger hour. WRR, Dallas, Texas (246m-500kc), 12-1 p. m., Roy I. Newman, pianist, old time melodies; Bible talk. Dr. R. S. Hyer; 5:15, bedtime story; 6-7, dinner hour program. Jack Gardner's orchestra; 8-9, varied program, auspices of Indiana club. WSAI, Cincinnati, Ohio (325.9m-920kc). 6:30 p. in.. Charles Dornberger's Victor Recording orchestra; 7, program; 8, Clicquot club program, WEAF; 9, Silvertown Cord orchestra. WSB, Atlanta, Ga. (428.3m-700kc), 8 p. ni., Charles A. Sheldon, Jr., organist. WSOE, Milwaukee, Wis. (246I220kc) . 5 p. m., news and sports reports; 5:30, twilight hour, Agnes Roets, marimba soloist; Olga LaBelle, pianist; "Jimmy the Bootblack"; Aunt Julie, children's stories; 7, news review. Badger crier; 8, Wisconsin Bible conference association service. Dr., J. C. O'Hair, conductor; 9, bridge lesson; 9:30,, old-fashioned musical program. Underwood's Quadrille orchestra of Racine. WSUI, Iowa City, Iowa (483.6m -620kc), 12:30 p. m., Mrs. Preston ;C. Coast, organist; popular physics address. Mountain Time Stations CNRC, Calgary, Can. (434.5m-690kc), 10 p. m., Margaret King, violinist; Gwenllian Biggs, cellist; Edythe Scott, pianist; Miss Chesterfield, Miss Whitehead, Gerald Fitzgerald. KFAU, Boise, Idaho (280.2m I070kc), 8-8:10 p. m., "Banking," Judge Richards; 8:10-10, program. Twin Falls Chamber of Commerce. KFVVA, Ogden, Utah (26lm-l I50kc), 4-5 p. m., organ recital. Paramount theater; 5-6, Ogden Radio Dealers program. KFXF, Colorado Springs, Colo. (250m-l200ke), 9-10:30 p. m., Rosemary Gardens dance program. KOA, Denver, Colo. (322.4m-930kc), 12:15 p. m., Rialto theater musicale; 3:15, relaxing and corrective exercises; 3:30, matinee for housewives; 4, culinary hints; 4:15, fashion review; 6:30, dinner concert. Brown Palace string orchestra, Howard Tillotson, director. . Pacific Time Stations KFI, Los Angeles, Calif. (468.5m -640kc), 5:30-6 p. m., Norman Harvey's orchestra; 6, nightly doings; 6:15, KFI's Seeing California; 6:30, vest pocket program; 6:45, Radiotorial period; 7-8, program by students. University of Southern California; 8-9, program, Rexall stores; 9-10, program, Chlckering hall; 10-11, program. King Collins. KFON, Long Beach, Calif. <233m-l290kc), 4:30-5 p. m., amusement bulletin; 6-6:30, organ, Brayton's theater; 7:30-9, Long Beach Municipal band. KFWB, Hollywood, Calif. (252m-ll90kc), 7:30 p. m., Microphone brevities; 8:45-9, special program for International Tests; 9-10, program, Don P. Smith, Inc., Diana-Moon orchestra, Ashley sisters, Sol Hoopii's Hawaiians; 10-11, Warner Brothers frolic, direction Charlie Wellman, with Charley Uch and his Sunset Country club dance orchestra. KGO, Oakland, Calif. (361. 2m-830kc), 7:15-7:30 a. m., health training exercises, Hugh Barrett Dobbs; 7:45, "Pep Class," Hugh Barrett Dobbs; 8:15-8:30, daily training exercises, Hugh Barrett Dobbs; 8:30, daily strength; 4-5:30, concert orchestra, Hotel St. Francis, Vinton La Ferrera, conductor; 5:30-6:30, George W. Ludlow, "Friend to Boys," assisted by Jane Isabel Curtis, sea stories; 6:55, news items; 9, play, "The Federal Eagle," Wilda Wilson Church, director; music, Arion trio; 11-12. dance music. Hotel St. Francis, Girvin -Deuel's California collegians. KGW, Portland, Ore. (49l.5m-6IOkc), 10:30 a. m.. Town Crier; music; news items and shopping guide; 12:30-1:30, concert, Oregon Radio Trades association; 6-7, dinner concert. Olds, Wortman & King company; 7:30-7:45, news Items and sporting results; 7:45-8, lecture. Catholic Truth society. KHJ, Los Angeles, Calif. (405.2m-740kc), 6-6:30 p. m., Leighton's Arcade cafeteria orchestra. Jack Cronshaw, leader; 6:30-7:30, Dickie Brandon, screen juvenile. Sunny Jane Hughes, Joyce Coad, Jeanne de Bard and Uncle John; history story, Prof. Hertzog; 7:45, health talk. Dr. Phillip M. Lovell; 8:45-9, special international Radio week program; 9-11, program, Los Altos apartment houses. KMTR, Hollywood, Calif. (238m-l260kc)', 5-6 p. m., home hour, Mammy Simmons and naborhood children; 6-7, Starr Piano company studio; 8:45-9, special internation Radio week program; 9-11, KMTR concert hour. Turner orchestra, direction Loren Powell. KNX, Hollywood, Calif. (336.9m-890kc), 5-5:30 p. .m.. Sunny Jim's story; 5:30-6:15 Wurlitzer pipe organ studio; Town Tattler; 6:15, travel talk, W. F. Alder; 6:30-7, Atwater Kent concert orchestra; 7-8, program, H. L. Crockett, Ilya Bronson, concert .'cellist; Corinne Iledd, soprano; H. L. Crockett, baritone; 8:45-9. International test program; 9-10, program, Willys-Overland dealers; 10-11, program, M. Weinsteln, presenting Ray West's Alexandria hotel dance orchestra. KPO, San Francisco, Calif. (428.3m-700kc), 10 a. m., talk on domestic science, Virginia Tappan; 1-2 p. m., Rudy's Seiger's Fairmont hotel orchestra; 2:30-3:30. matinee program; 3:30-4:30, Cyrus Trobbe's Palace hotel concert orchestra; 5:15-6:15. children's hour; 7-7:30. Rudy Seiger's Fairmont hotel orchestra; 9-10, program. Radio Eight Symphony orchestra, George von Hagcl. director; 10-11, Jack Coakley's Cabirians. KTAB, Oakland, Calif. (240m-l250kc), 9-9:30 a. m., prayer service. Rev. G. W. Phillips; 12-1 p. m., luncheon concert program; 9-11, studio program. Friday, January 29 Headliners Today Eastern Central Mountain Pacific 7:15 p.m. 6:15 p.m. 5:15 p.m. 4:15 p.m. WTIC (475.9m-630kc) Robert Burns' anniversary program. 8:15 7:15 6:15 5:15 WGY (379.5m-790kc) "The Law Suit," comedydrama. 8:30 7:30 6:30 5:30 KSD (545.1m-550kc) Commerce hour. Play. WHO (526m-570kc) Herring Motor band. WOI (270m-1110kc) Kansas-Ames basketball game. WJZ (454.3m-660kc), WGY (379.5m-790kc), WliZ (333.1m-900kc) Victor hour. 9:15 8:15 7:15 6:15 WCCO (416.4m-720kc) Odd Fellows program. 9:30 830 730 630 KFAB (340.7m-880kc) 110th Med. Regiment of Crete. WGR (319m-940kc) Crescent Park entertainers. WNYC (526m-570kc) Kcssler ensemble. 10 9 8 7 KTHS (374.8m-800kc) Solo night. WGY (379.5m-790kc) "Everyman," morality play. WTIC (475.9m-630kc) Travelers' quartet. 10 30 930 830 730 KWSC (348.6m-860kc) Aloha harmonjzets. 11 10 9 8 WTIC (475.9m-630kc) Test program. I a. m. 12 m. II p. m, KFI (468.5m-640kc) Ionian quartet. I :30 12 30 a. m. 1130 KGW (491.5m-«10kc) Hoot Owl frclio. 10 p. m. 1030 Friday, silent night for: CFAC, CHIC, CKNC, CKY, CNRC, CNRM, CNRO, CNRR, CNRW, KFAU, KFEQ, KFKU, KFMQ, KFWA, KFXF, KGO, KFAU, KPRC, KUOM, PWX, WAFD, WBBR, WCAD, WCBD, WEAO, WEBW, WGBS, WGST, WHAZ, WIP, WJAZ, WKRC, WLW, WLWL, WNAD, WRC, WREO, WRVA, WSAI, WSUI, WSMB, WTAM. Eastern Time Stations 6KW, Twinucu, Cuba (338-890 kc), 10-11 p. m., American dance music. CNRT, Toronto, Can. (356.9m-840kc), 6:30 p. m., LuiBi Romanelli and his King Edward hotel concert orchestra; 9, Trinity choir. KDKA, Pittsburgh. Pa. (309.lm-970kc), 7:15-8 a. m., morning exercises, O. Shanon, director; 10, domestic science and arts; 12:20, Sunday school lesson, James C. Mace; 5:45, Auntie Jim's letter; 6:30, dinner concert; 8, news items; 8:15, address, "Prevention and Cure of Tuberculosis," Charles Howard Marcy; 9, concert. WBAL, Baltimore, Md. (246m-|220kc), 6:30-7:30 p. m., dinner program, WBAL orchestra, Robert P. Iula, conductor; 7:30-8, WBAL male quartet; 8-9, musical program; Old Plantation melodies, negro spirituals. Post Office glee club, Negro singers. WBZ, Springfield, Mass. (333.lm-900kc), 6:30 p. m.. Little symphony orchestra; KDKA; 7, Leo Reisman's Hotel Brunswick orchestra; 7:30, "Appreciation of Music," Prof. John A. O'Shea; 8, concert, Edwin J. McEnelly and his Victor Recording orchestra; 8:30, Hotel Vendome, Samuel Seiniger, director; group, Boston symphony orchestra; 9, Victor hour, WJZ, WGY. WCAE, Pittsburgh, Pa. (46l.3m-650kc), 10:45 a. m.. Gold Medal talk; 630 p. m., dinner concert, William Perm hotel; 7:30, children's period; 7:45, address, current motor topics; 8:30, concert. WCAU, Philadelphia, Pa. (278m-l080kc), 7:30 p. m., Clarence Seamen's Hotel Pennsylvania concert orchestra; 8:15, Chiropractic talk; 8:30, Singing Groundhog: 8:45, Carolyn Thomas, soprano; 437 American Radio trio; 9:15, Dwight Strickland, "poetician;" 9:30, Sea Isle City Gardens orchestra; 10, Willie Horowitz, songs; 10:30, Jack Myers' musical archi WCX, Detroit, Mich. (5l6.9m-580kc), 6 p. m., dinner concert, Book-Cadillac hotel; 9, studio concert; 10, dance music, Graystone ballroom. WEAF, New York, N. Y. (49l.5m-6IOkc), 6:45-7:20 a. m.. Tower Health exercises, also through WEEI, WCAP; 10:45-11:05, Betty Crocker Gold Medal Flour Home Service talk; 11:05-11:15, musical program; 11:15-11:30, talk. Interior Decoration, New York Federation of Women's clubs; 11:30-12, lecture, "Practical Household Arts," Columbia university; 4-4:15 p. m., Abraham Lipschutz, pianist; 4:15-4:30, Chas. Gordon, baritone; 4:30-4:45, Abraham Lipschutz, pianist; 4:45-5, talk; 6-7, dinner music, Hotel WaldorfAstoria; 7-7:30, Gene Ingraham and his Great Notch Inn orchestra; 7:30-7:45, "Sir Hobgoblin at the Helm," Blanche Elizabeth Wade, story teller for G. R. Kinney company, WOO, WCAP, WCAE, WGR, WJAR, WEAR; 7:45-8, Minnie Weil, pianist; 8-8:30, Happiness Candy Boys; 8:30-9, Eagle Neutrodyne trio; 9-10, Spear and Company's home entertainers; 1010:30, Chamber musicale, Gania Zielinska, soprano; Giuseppe de Benedetto, tenor; 10:30-11. Ben Bernie and his orchestra direct from Hotel Roosevelt; 11-12, silent. International Radio tests. WEAR, Cleveland, Ohio (389.4m -770kc), 9:30 a. m., Goodyear concert orchestra, Ivan Francisci, director ; 3:30 p. m., Goodyear concert entertainers; 7, Wormack's singing syncopators, Far East restaurant; 7:30, children's program, ,WEAF; 7:45, talks; 8:15, program, Mt. Union college conservatory of music; 9, R. T. L. program ; 10, Wormack's singing syncopators. Far East WEBJ, New York, N. Y. (273m-l lOOkc), 7-7:45 p. m., Elmer Snowdens Westerners; 7:45-8, Sara V. Turits, soprano; 8-8:30, Sal Angarolla and Eddie Collins, uke and guitar; 8:30-9, Leon and Ida Fox, concert violinist, accompanied by Norman Hennefeld. WEEI, Boston, Mass. (348.6m -860kc), 3 p. m., talk, Harry J. Broughton ; 5:05, Joe Herlihy's Collegians; 6:15, Joe Rines and his Hunters' Cabin orchestra; 6:45, Big Brother club; 7:30, Whiting's Grade A entertainers; 8, Sager's half hour of hospitality; 8:30, Neapolitan Girls' quintet; 9, musicale; 9:30, Carter's Incas; 10, Scotty Homes and his orchestra. Imperial Marimba band. WFI, Philadelphia, Pa. (394.5m-760kc), 1 p. m., tea room ensemble; 3, recital; 6:30, Bellevue Stratford concert orchestra; 7, Bellevue Stratford dance or WGBS, New York, N. Y. (3l5.6m-950kc), 10-10:10 a. m., timely talks with Terese; 10:10-10:20, Mary Miller, pianist; 10:20-10:30. Bertram Taylor, fashion talk; 1:30-2 p. m.. Atlas string trio; 3-3:10, educational talk, Mr. Redding; 3:40-5, music lesson. Dr. A. G. Robyn; 6-6:30, Uncle Geebee; 6:30-7, Anzell's orchestra. WGCP. New York, N. Y. (252m-l I90kc), 3-3:10 p. m., Samuel Weber, blind pianist; 3:10-3:15, race results and news items; 3:15-3:30, Hugo Angelo, tenor; 3:304:10, Eddie Gellis orchestra; 4:10-4:25, Jack Neal. songs: 4:25-4:40, Clarence Profit, pianist: 4:40-4:50, songs; 4:50-5, Charol de Thomee, pianist; 6:45-7:30, Janssen's orchestra; 7:30-7:55, studio program; 7:558, health talk; 8-8:30, orchestra. WGHP, Detroit, Mich. (270m-l I lOkc), 6 p. m. dinner concert. Hotel Toiler; 10, popular concert. Skylark dance band, Motortown trio; Heckendorn and Mackenzie, Eddie McGrath. WGR, Buffalo, N. Y. (3l9m-940kc), 2:30 p. m., WGR's afternoon program; 6:30, Clef trio; 7:30, jointly with WEAF, Blanch Elizabeth Wade, story toller for G. R. Kinney company: 9:30, Crescent Park entertainers, "The Village Blacksmith Shop;" 10, J. Blosek, pianist; 10:30, Hewitt Humorists, program of Hewitt RubTier company. WGY, Schenectady, N. Y. (379.5m-790kc), 2 p. m.. Asia restaurant orchestra; 2:30, health notes, Dr. C. W. Woodall; 0:30, Sunday school lesson; 7, Eastman theater; WHAM; 7:30, health talk; 7:40, "French by Radio," Leon A. Huguemont ; 8:10, Lawrence W. Corbett; 8:15, "The Law Suit." WGY players;, 9, Victor linur of music. WJZ; 10, "Everyman." WHAR, Atlantic City, N. J. (275-l090kc), 2 p. m., Seaside hotel trio; 8, Seaside hotel quartet; 11:15, Strand theater organ recital. WHN, New York, N. Y. (36l.2m-830kc), 6-6:30 p. in., Llttmann's dinner music; 6:30-6:45, Daddy Dingle and his Jingle Machine; 0:15-7. Llttmann's dinner music; 7-7:30, Harry Richman and his entertainers; 7:30-8, Melody club orchestra; 10-10:311, Rowland dance orchestra; 10:30-11, Everglades orchestra; 12-12:30 a. m.. Silver Slipper orchestra. WIP Philadelphia, Pa. (508.2m-590kc), 6:45 a. m., setting-up exercises; 7, setting-up exercises; 1 p. m., GlinheL tea room orchestra: 3, "The Anthracite Coal Question," Dr. Edward S. Mead; 8:05, Benjamin Frankllp hotel concert orchestra; 7, Uncle Wlp's bedtime stories. WJAR. Providence, R. I. (305.9m-950kc). 10 a . m.. Betty Crocker; 1:05 p. m., entertainers; 7:30, children's stories; 7:1"), musicale; 8:20, speaker; 8:30, Gorman Jolly hour: 9, Hohner harmony hour. WKAQ, San Juan, P. R. (340.7m -880kc), 6-8 p. m., talks, Porto Rican Atheneum. WKAR, Lansing, Mich. (285.5mlOOOkc), 7:15-8 p. m., "Wheat and Chaff," J. F. Cox; "Corn Improvement," J. R. Duncan; "Dairy-Alfalfa Campaign Experiences," L. Kurtz; "Potato Experience of a Quarter Century," Jason Woodman, Paw Paw; 8-9:1!?, basketball same, M. S. C. vs. Michigan State Normal. WLIT, Philadelphia. Pa. (394.5m-760kc), 10:02 p. m., daily almanac; Stanley theater organ recital; Arcadia cafe concert orchestra; 2, Arcadia cafe concert orchestra; 2:30, playlet, students National School of Oratory and Elocution; 7:30, Dream Daddy's bedtime stories; Sunbeam party; 11, Trans-Atlantic tests. WMCA, New York, N. Y. (34O.7m-880kc), 6-6:30 p. m., Olcott Vail and his Hotel MeAlpin string ensemble; 6:30-7:30, Ernie Golden and his Hotel MeAlpin orchestra; 7:30-8:15, Sack's Radio entertainers; 8:158:25, Postal Pen entertainers; 8:25-8:50, Mario Alvarez, tenor; 8:50-9, talk, Broadway association; 910, Hardman Hour of Music; 12-12:30 a. m.. Jack Denny and his Frivolity orchestra. WNYC, New York, N. Y. (526m-570kc), 6:30-7:15 p. m., elementary and advanced French lessons; 7:35-8, Resume of Meeting of Board of Estimate; 8-8:30, lecture, Herman Newman, 9-9:30, song recitals; 9:30-10, Kessler ensemble; 10:10-10:30, lecture. Carter troop. WOO, Philadelphia, Pa. (508.2m -590kc), 11 a. m., organ recital; 12:02 p. m., Golden's crystal tea room orchestra; 4:45, organ recital; 7:30, "Sir Hobgoblin" by Blanche Elizabeth Wade; 7:45, Bitz Carlton concert orchestra; 9, WOO orchestra; 9:25, Fox theater orchestra; 10, organ recital, Mary E. Vogt. WOR, Newark, N. J. (405.2m-740kc), 2:30-2:45 p. m., talk, B. P. Adams, Literary Digest; 6:15-6:17, words often mispronounced; 6:17-6:30, sports talk, Bill Wathey; 6:30-7, man in the moon stories for children. WRC. Washington, D. C. (469m-640kc), 10 a. m., women's hour, WJZ; 12, organ recital. Otto F. Beck; 1 p. m., Meyer Davis' New Willard hotel orchestra; 3:30, concert, United States marine band, Captain William H. Santelinann, leader; 5, Hotel Lafayette trio; 5:45, book talks, Mrs. Nina Reed. WREO, Lansing, Mich. (285.5m-l050kc), 6-7 p. m.. dinner concert. Speed Wagon serenaders and Gold Standard ensemble ; miscellaneous bulletins. WTAG, Worcester, Mass. (268m-500kc), 10:30 a. m., musical selections; 10:45, Mildred C. Thomas, "Food Hints"; 12:05-2 p. m. , noonday luncheon music, WTAG orchestra, Will Hardy, director; 3-5, Tea Dansant music, WTAG orchestra; 7:10, "The Twinkle Twinkle Story Teller"; 7:30-7:45, stories, Blanche Elizabeth Wade, WEAF; 7:45, mechanics of speech, Meta B. Wade; 8, travel talk; 8:30, current events for people without sight or shut-ins, Gwendoline Albee. WTIC, Hartford, Conn. (475.9m -6 30kc), 11 a. m., "The Babies' Full Dinner Pail," Dr. A. Elizabeth Ingraham; 11:15, talk; 11:25, Laura C. Gaudet, pianist; 11:30, home talk; 12:05 p. m., luncheon music; 6:30, dinner concert; 8, "Business Conditions," Prof. W. B. Bailey; 8:15, Robert Burns anniversary; Clan Gordon O. S. C; 10:30, dance music; 11, Travelers male quartet. . WWJ, Detroit, Mich. (352.7m-850kc), 7:30, 8:30 a. m„ setting-up exercises, R. J. Horton; 9:30, tonight's dinner, special talk; 10:45, Betty Crocker home service; 12:05 p. m., Jules Klein's Hotel Statler orchestra; 3, Detroit News orchestra; 6, dinner concert; 8, News orchestra, soloists; 9, dance program. Central Time Stations KFAB, Lincoln, Nebr. (340.7m-880kc), 8:30-10:30 p. m., 110th Med. Reg. of Crete. KFKX, Hastings, Nebr. (288.3m I040kc), 1 p. m., Special farm service day; 5:30, dinner concert, KDKA; 9, instrumental musical program. Burton family, KFMO, Fayetteville, Ark.. (299.8mlOOOkc), 7:30 p. m., U. of Ark.-Contenary college basketball. KFNF, Shenandoah, Iowa (266m-l I30kc), 7 p. m., Sunday school lesson; 7:30. Pipe organ concert. KFVE, University City, Mo. (240m-l250kc), 9:15 p. m.. Woman's National exposition; "Good English and Rhetoric," Prof. Adolphus Watts; Mae Miller, soprano; Mrs. Gertrude Watson, accompanist; Dave George, organist. KLDS, Independence, Mo. (440.9680kc), 6:30 a. m., morning devotional service; 8 p. m., "Problems of Society," M. A. Etzenhauser; 8:15, concert, Bernice Griffith, soprano; Florence Shelly Overholt, harpist; Emily Foley, contralto; Blanche Traynor, pianist; Aileen Pemberton, soprano. KM A, Shenandoah, Iowa (252m-ll90kc) 11:30-12:30 p. m., noonday rural program; seed talk. Earl E. May; music; talk, G. H. Van Houten; 6-7, How-DoYou-Do, Boys; Grady and Doc., Connie Forte and the Slumber boat; 9, Elks band. KMMJ, Clay Center, Nebr. (229m-l3IOkc), 1:30 p. m., factory and office program ; 7 :30, local talent. KPRC, Houston, Texas (286.9m-IOIOkc), 12 m., Frank Tilton, boy pianist. KSAC, Manhattan, Kans. (340.7m-880kc), 9-9:25 a. m., music, inspirational talks, agricultural talks, agricultural primer, calisthenics; 9:55-10:25, readings, backyard gossip, question box; planning today's meals; 12:35-10:05 p. m., readings, question box; "Winter Quarters for Hogs," C. G. Elling; "Self Feeders for Hogs," Walter G. Ward; 4:30-5, lessons in color and design; 6:30-7:30, market review; opportunity talks; travelog: Vocational Education, extension credit course; "What Becomes, of Our Federal Tax Dollar?" T. J. Anderson; "How' Clothing Keeps Us Warm," E. V. Floyd. KSD, St. Louis, Mo. (545. Im-550kc), 6:30 p. m., "Good Will" program, WEAF; 7. "Fur Hour"; concert, St. Louis male quartet; 7:30, "Commerce Hour"; play, Ruth Kelso Renfrow, director. KTHS, Hot Springs National Park, Ark. (374.8m750kc), 12:30-1:30 p. m., farmer's Radio Chautauqua; orchestra; 9-10, solo night, staff artists, Lon Cassy, violin; Edward Richter, cello; Charles Garden, saxophone; Julian Salvatore, trombone and others; 11:1511:30, dance numbers, Eastman hotel orchestra. KYW, Chicago, III. (535.4m-560kc), 6:30-7 a. m., morning exercises, Paul A. Leonhardt; 7:30, morning family worship, Y. M. C. A. ; 11 :15, talk, John C. Cutting; 11:35, table talk, Mrs. Anna J. Peterson, Peoples Gas company; 1, noonday concert, luncheon concert. Congress hotel; 6, dinner music; KDKA; 7:115, bedtime story, Walter Wilson; 9, music hour; 12, Henri A. Keates, organlogue; 1 a. m.. Insomnia club. Coon Sanders orchestra. WAMD, Minneapolis, Minn. (244m-l230kc), 12 n., classical program; Rose Felker Asplen. soprano; Ella Sundstrom Pendleton, accompanist; Donald Mensing, violinist; Wayne Hugaboom, accompanist; Margaret Leemhuis. pianist; 7:05, talk; 7:10, Minneapolis Public school hour; T." P. Glddings, director; Nell Wisely, music director; operetta and orchestra; 8, Reception Five; 11, Skyrocket frolic, George Osborn's Hotel Radisson Skyrockets. WBBM, Chicago, III. (226m-l330kc). 4-6 D. m., Valentino inn orchestra; artists; 8-10, Tip trio; Moulin Rouge orchestra; artists. WBCN, Chicago, III. (266m-l I30kc), 10-10:30 a. m., Penny Wise, "The Shopper's Ready Helper," shopping talk; 5-5:15 p. m.. police bulletins; 7-8, Fireside hour. WBCN hobby club; George R. Cleveland, "Big Boy" Yagle, pianist; Will Rossiter, "The Daddy of the Song Publishers," tenor and songwriter; Harold Johnson, boy xylophonlst; 11-12 m., request program; Midway dancing gardens orchestra; Eddie Matts and Billy Donovan, tenor and pianist; West End Harmony boys. Instrumental duo; Ed Dempsey, "The Silken-Voiced Tenor," Alice McMahon, contralto; "Big Boy" Yagel, penologist. WCCO, Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minn. (4l6.4m-720kc). 10:45 a. in., "Gold Medal Biscuit and Variations," Betty Crocker; 12, Dick Long's Dayton trio: 2 p. in.. woman's hour; 2:30, afternoon concert, Dick Long's Nankin cafe orchestra; 4, readers' club, Mrs. Waller Slovens ; 5:30, court of Gold Medal; 6:15, dinner concert, Wesley Barlow's Nicollet hotel orchestra; 8, health talk: 8:15, program, Independent Order of Odd Fellows; 9:15, musical program; 10:15, international test program; 11, dance program. Emmet Long's Golden Pheasant orchestra. WDAF. Kansas City, Mo. (365.6m-820ke), 10:15-11 a. m., Hetty Crocker, homo service talk; 6-7. the Tell-Mc-aSlory lady; address, Kansas City children's bureau; music, the Trianon onscmble. Hotel Muehlebach; 89:30, "Around the Town with WDAF;" 11:45-1 a. m., the Plantation players. Hotel Muehlebach; Eddie Kuhn's orchestra, Kansas City Athletic club. WDOD. Chattanooga, Tenn. (256m-ll70kc). 8:30-7 p. m., organ music, Tivoli theater; 7-8, Hotel Patten orchestra; 8:15. special features and program; 11, popular requests. WEBH. Chicago, III. (370.2m -8 1 Okc), 11:30-12 m., woman's half hour; 3-4 p. m.. special features; 7-8, Oriole orchestra; Pauline Sachs, soprano; Eleanor Kaplan, violinist; 9-9:45, WEBH Light Opera company; 9:45-10, news; 11-12:30 a. m.. Oriole orchestra; Irene Beasley; Fred Palmiter, Jack Penewell. WENR, Chicago, III. (266m-l I30kc), 6-7 p. m. dinner concert; Rauland-lyric trio; Eric Sager; vocal numbers; 8 :10, All-American pioneers ; Jack Todd, baritone, George Moran and Bill Alt, Hawaiian guitarists; Harmony Four; 12-2 a. m., All-American pioneers; vocalists; twin piano duets. Frank Westphal. WFAA, Dallas, Texas (475.9m-630kc), 12:30-1 p, m., Sunday school lesson, Dr. Horace M. Whaling; music; 3:30-4, Sears-Roebuck agricultural foundation program; 4:30-5, woman's hour, music and literary; 6:30-7:30, Ford's Texas trumpeters; 8:309:30, Mrs. Albert E. Smith, soprano and assisting musicians. WGES, Oak Park, III. (250m-l200kc), 5-7 p. m., duo, mezzo-soprano, quartet, organ; 8-9, orchestra, pipe organ, soprano, tenor, pianist; ll4-! a. m., banjo friends, organ, Coyne orchestra, comedian, "Uke Girl." WGN, Chicago, III. (302.8m-990kc). 11-11:30 a. m., household hints; 11:30-12, fashion discussion; 12-12:40, public service period; 12:40-2:30, luncheon concert, Drake concert ensemble ami Blackstone string quintet: 2:30-3, Lyon and Healy artists; 3-3:25, public service period; 3:25-3:30, Port o' missing men; 3:304:15, tea time music, Marshall Field tea room orchestra; 4:30-5, organ recital, Edward Benedict, Kimball organ; 5:30-5:57, Skeezix time; 6:30-7, dinner concert, Drake concert ensemble and Blackstone etring quintet; 8-9, Cope Harvey's liberty orchestra; 9-10, Ford program, WEAF. WHAD, Milwaukee, Wis. (275m-l090kc), 11 a. m.. pianolog, Andy Hertel ; 4 p. m., Ira Schnell, baritone; 6-7, Arthur Richter, organist; 7, Bill Juhre's Radio Cartoon game; 8:30-10, Wisconsin theater revue; 35piece Wisconsin theater concert orchestra; Dexter's Wisconsin roof orchestra. WHAS, Louisville, Ky. (399.8m-750kc), 1-2 p. m.. Royal Peacock orchestra; 3-3:30, Mrs. Myrtle Fulks Zahn, Jr., organist; editorials; 7:30-9, concert. Greater Louisville Building and Loan association orchestra. WHB, Kansas City, Mo. (365.6m -820kc), 2-3 p. m., Sweeney Radio trio; 7-8, Milo Finely trio; "Taking a Hint from Henry Ford," Dr. George J. Erskin; Boys Hotel Lightning club; talk. Judge E. E. Porterfield. WHO, Des Moines, Iowa (526m-570kc), 7:30-9 p. m., Paul Stoye, pianist; Herring Motor band. Prof. Hiatt, director; 11-12, Corn Sugar orchestra. WHT, Chicago, III. (399.8m -750kc), 10 a. m., women's club. Jean Sargent; studio features; 10:45, home service, Betty Crocker; 11, special features; 12, organ recital, Al Carney; 6 p. m. , classical program; dinner organ recital, Al Carney; Grayling's string trio; Genevieve B. Burnham; Helen Rauli, pianist; 6:30, RayO-Vac classic program; (238m-1260kc), 7:45-9:15, Alamo orchestra; (399.8m-750kc), 9:30, Beulah Ladon, violinist; Clark and Baia, Hawaiian; Helen Rauh, pianist; Al Carney, organist; 10-10:30, Loftis music; 11:30, Chez Pierre orchestra; 12, "Your Hour League," Pat Barnes and Al Carney. WIBO, Chicago, III. (226m-l330kc), 10-11 a. m., shoppers' bureau; 2-4 p. m., popular shut-in program;' 6-8, dinner concert, Walter Preston; WIBO trio ; Rae McKay, Otis Pike Jester. WJAD, Waco, Texas (352.7m -850kc), 8:30-10:30 p. m., program, Mrs. Frank P. Jackson, director. WJJD, Mooseheart, III. (370.2m-820kc), 4-5 p. m., Mooseheart hour; music by younger children; daily assembly of 1,256 children; faculty talks; 6-7, instrumental hour, Howard L. Peterson, playing Geneva organ; Palmer Symphonic players; Palmer House Victorians; 8-9, Mooseheart children's hour, Mooseheart concert band; solos; talk, Matthew P. Adams; 10:1510:30, tests; 12:30-1:30, settin'-up hour, Howard L. Peterson, playing Geneva organ; Palmer House Victorians. WLIB, Chicago, III. (302.8m-990kc), 7-8 p. m., dinner concert; 11-12, popular program; 12-1 a. m., dance program. WLS, Chicago, III. (344.6m -870kc), 12-1 p. m., WLS studio trio; 6:40, Ralph Emerson, organist; 7, lullaby time; Ford and Glenn; 7:15, WLS trio, famous operatic melodies; 7:45, Wallace Bruce Amsbarry, poet corner; 8, concert quintet; 8:30, Ford and Glenn, "School Days;" 9, Parnell Egan, tenor; 9:15, Central Trust company choir: 11, Paul Ash and his gang. WLW, Cincinnati, Ohio <422.3m-7IOkc) 7:30 a. m., healthful exercises, William Stradtman; 8, morning devotions, auspices of Parkway Y. M. C. A.; 12:05 p. m., organ concert; 12:30, concert, Hotel Gibson orchestra, Robert Visconti. director. WMAQ, Chicago, III. (447.5m-670kc),. 12:25 p. m„ Y. M. C. A. forum; 1, Radio farm school; 2, shut-in program; 4, talk on preschool child; 4:15, musical program; 4:30, "Foibles of the Moment," Mrs. Graham Aldis; 4:4o, Child Life stories; 6, organ; 6:20, Family Altar league; 6:30, Wide-Awake club; 8, musical lecture, Mr. and Mrs, M. E. Oberndorfer; 8:30, Whitney trio; 9. lecture, U. of C. ; 9:20, Elizabeth Stokes, soprano; 9:55, U. of Chicago chimes. WMBB, Chicago, III. (250mI200kc), 7-8 p. m., Trianon duo; Frank Bordner, baritone; Frank Chaplin, "The Old Virginia Colonel," semi-classical old home songs program; 9-10, Trianon orchestra, Dell Lampe; Woodlawn theater orchestra, Armin F. Hand ; Babbe and Barr, harmony duo; Jack Armstrong, uke soloist; Eddie Matts and Iiillie Donovan, popular program. WMC, Memphis, Tenn. (499.7m-600kc), 8:30 p. m., Cooper's Hawaiians. WOAI, San Antonio, Texas (394.5m -760kc), 3 p. m., musical program, Kamma's Hawaiians; 8:30, Menger hotel trio. WOAW, Omaha, Nebr. (526mlOOOkc), 12:45 p. m., Sunshine Sunday dinner menu and recipe -service; 1, Randall's Royal Fontenelle orchestra; 6, music review, Hester Bronson Copper; 6:50, Jaffy's string quintet of Brandeis tea room; 9, classical program. WOC, Davenport, la. (483.6m-620kc), 12:15-12:25 p m.. Radio farm school; 3-3:30, Aunt .lane; 4-5, Crescent orchestra; 5:45-6, chimes; 9-10, musical program; 10:15-10:80, international selections in different languages, Harry Y. Mercer, tenor; .leanette Brewbaker, soprano; Mrs. F. W. Elliot, organist. WOI, Ames, Iowa (270m-l I lOkc), 12:30 p. m., college chimes; 12:15, Prof. C. L. Holmes, discussion relating to agricultural economics; 7:30, Kansas university vs. Ames, basketball game. WOK, Chicago, III. (217.3mI380kc), 4:30-7 p. in., Tearney's Town Club Twilight dansant; Capitol theater organ; studio program; 11-1:30 a. in., Tearney's Town club orchestra; Carl terrain's Pershing Palace orchestra; Husk O'Hare's Cocoanut ' Grove orchestra; Capitol theater program; sludio program. WORD, Batavia, III. (275mlOOOkc), 7-7 :ir, p. m., musical program. North Shore line; 7:15-3. Uncle Dan; 9-10, studio recital, 11. W. Barnard, tenor. WOS. Jefferson City, Mo. <440.9m-680kc), X p. m., program, Missouri Fanners' association. WQJ, Chicago, III. (447.5m-670kc), 11-12 m., Sundav dinner, Ted Wilmea; 3-4 p. in., "Third Radio lesson." Helen n. Downing; 7-8, Rainbo Gardens orchestra; Henrietta Nolan, violinist; Otis Pike Jester, soprano; Mary Thrash House pianist; "Bock of Ages," H. W. Bundy; 11-1, Rainbo Skylarks; Dr. II. Lucille Long. Eleanor Terry, Marie Follette; Mclodians; Dean Tcrrill. baritone; Mary Wade, soprano; 1-2, Ginger hour. WRR. Dallas Texas (246m-500kc), 12-1 p. in.. Ethel Smith, pianist; W. \v. MacBeth, harmonica; Sheldon Leachman, tenor; 5:15, bedtime story; 6-7, dinner hour concert. Jack Gardner's orchestra; 8-0. program, Mabel Cranflll, directing, assisting artists; 11-12, organ recital, George Perfect, assisting artists, Phil Pierce studio. WSB. Atlanta, Ga. (428.3m-700kc), 8 n. in., West Point Route band. WSM, Nashville, Tenn. (282.8mI060kc), 6:30 t re, concert. Francis Craig's orchestra; 7, bedtime story; 8. piano selections, Winkler music studios; 8:30, Christine Lamb, contralto. WSOE, Milwaukee, Wis. (246m-l220kc), 5 p. m., news and sport reports. Badger Crier; 5:30, twilight musicale, Caroline Itammiuger, soprano; Alga LaBelle, pianist; Agnes Roets, marimba-soloist; Aunt Julie children's stories; 8:45, book review, M. S. Dudgeon; 9, "Oandygram" review, staff orchestra and soloists; 10:15, international Radio tost program; E. S. (Continued on page 28)