Radio Digest (Jan-Oct 1926)

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D I G E S T— Illustrated, February 6, 1926 17 iPERA COMPANY IN "IL TROVATOPvE" W^ff^'Sp ay party, Wednesday, sts are the Harmony ;ive young ladies bee, left, may be heard very evening1 between le has a fine baritone rht, is the associate ag-le. Every Monday svents of the week at ingrs the fans news i print. *ry 6; Wpg; Wgy; Wmbb, I Kths, Wgbs, Kfve, Wcaf, Wmca, Wreo, Wcco; 10:45. Kfwa, Wfaa. 11:30. if; 12, Knx. Iry 8: Wgbu. Wahg; Wgcp, 10:15, Wgcp, Koil, , Whn, at; 12, ary 9: Wmbb; , Wgy. |>c; 10, Weaf, Whn. 10:15, Whn; Kgw, 11:30, af; 12, Kno. ebruary Webh, I Who. Wtlc; Wbap, Kfve. Wgcp, Wcco; in; 11. Wgbu, 11:45, Knx, ary II : Weei. Wjr, ?: 9:05, Wgbs, Wnyc ; Weaf. . Wpg. Whn. Woo; Kgo, ry 12: Webh, Wgcp, g, 9:30. Kfve, Wgcp, 10:05, >. Whn; £po. KFON, Long Beach, Calif. (233m-l290kc), 6-o-45 p. m.. organ, Brayton's theater; 6:45-7:13, amusement information; 8-9, community service program, Municipal auditorium; 9-11, Echophone artists frolic. KFWB, Hollywood, Calif. (252m1 I90kc), 5-6 p. in., children's hour. Big Brother of KFWB; 7-7:30, program, Osborne, Kelsey company; Sol Hoopii's Hawaiians; Esther White, blues singer; Dan Gridley, tenor; 7:30, program. Dr. Balph Mitchell and the Associated Dentists; Friendly Dentists orchestra; Bill Blake, tenor; 8-9, Bill Hatch and his Oakmont Country club orchestra; Lucille Snyder, soprano; Sol Hoopii's Hawaiians; 9-10, program. Star Motor Car company. Million Dollar Pour orchestra; Ashley Sisters; 10-11, Warner Brothers frolic. KGO, Oakland, Calif. (36l.2m-830kc), 3-4 p. m., musical program; 6-6:55, twilight concert, Wiley B. Allen company; 8, Arion trio; "Chats About New Books," Joseph Henry Jackson; "Better English," Wilda Wilson Church; "Some Queer Cases I Have Known," Dr. Albertine B. Nash; "Short Story Writing— The Plotting of the Story," Bebecca S. Porter. KGW, Portland, Ore. (49l.5m-6l0kc), 7:15 a. m., Y. M. C. A. physical culture exercises; 9:45-11:30, Town Crier; 12:30-1:30 p. m., concert, Oregon Radio Trades association; 6-7, dinner concert. Olds, Wortman and King company; 8, concert, Willys-Overland Pacific company; 9-10, concert. KLX, Oakland, Calif. (508.2m-590kc), 4-5 p. m., women's hour; 5-5:30, Aunt Elsie's sunset matinee; 6:30-7, Athens Athletic club orchestra; 8-9, studio program; 9-10:30, meeting of the Protective Order of Lake Herri tt Ducks. KMTR, Hollywood, Calif. (238m-l260kc), 5-6 p. m., home hour. Mammy Simmons, Margaret Bond, Reeda McCormick, Helen Frances Levy and others; 7:15, Y. M. C. A. program; 8-10, the Turner orchestra, direction Loren Powell, Mine. Lcontine de Ahna, contralto; 10-11. Starr Piano company studio. KNX, Hollywood, Calif. (336.9m -890kc), 5-5:30 p. m„ Sunny Jim's talk; 5:30, First Presbyterian church organ; 5:35, Town Tattler; 6:15, travel talk, W. F. Alder; 6:30-7, Atwater Kent concert orchestra; 7-7:30, Mutual Motors mirth contest; 7:30-8, studio program; 8-9, program, L. W. Stockwell company; 9-10, Glassmobile Minstrels in an old-time minstrel show; 10-11, Goodrich Sllvertown Cord dance orchestra; Lilyan Mav Challenger, contralto; 11-12, Ambassador hotel dance orchestra. KOAC, Corvallis, Ore. (280.2mI070kc), 6:50 p. m., musical selections. KPO, San Francisco, Calif. <428.3m-700ko), 7, 7:30. 8 a. m., daily dozen exercises; 1-2 p. im., Rudy Seiger's Fairmont hotel orchestra; 2:30-3:30, matinee program; 5:15-6:15. children's hour stories. Big Brother; 6:40, Waldemar Lind and the States restaudant orchestra; 7-7:30, Kudy Seiger's Fairmont hotel orchestra; 8-9, organ recital. TJda Waldrop; 9-10, KFI program; 10-11, Jack Coaklev's Cnbirlans. KTAB, Oakland, Calif. (240m-l250kc), 9-9:30 a. m.. prayer service, Bev. E. L. Spauldlng; 12-1 p. m., luncheon concert; 4-5. women's club notes: 8-10, program. Western State3 Life Insurance company. KWSC, Pullman, Wash. (348.6m -860kc) , 7:30-9 p. m., special piano program, F. C. Butterfleld; Frosh vocal quartet; Marlon Shepherd, violinist; "Psychology of Efficiency — No. 9. Cultivating Capacity for Judgment," Dr. F. F. Nalder. Tuesday, February 9 Headliners Today Eastern Central Mountain Pacific 6:30 p.m. 5:30 p.m. 4:30 p.m. 330 p.m. WGBS (315.6m-950kc) Provincetown players. 7:30 6:30 530 4:30 WJZ (454.3m-660kc>. WGY. WBC, XI. 8. Mwrtno band ooneort. 8:30 p.m. 7:30 p. m. 6:30 p.m. 530 p.m. WEAF (491.5m-610kc). WEEI, WF1, WCAE, WGB, WWJ, WOC. WJAB, WCCO, WEAR, KSD. WGN, Gold Dust Twins. 9 8 7 6 WIP (508.2m-590kc) Kaufmann Instrumental trio. WLW (422.3m-710kc) Old-time review. 11 10 9 8 KGO (361.2m-830kc) Metropolitan male singers. KHJ (405.2m-740kc) Collegiate night. KTHS (374.8m-800kc) Hot Springs Kiwanis club. WOC (483.6m-620kc) Whizz Bang orchestra. 12 II 10 9 KOIL (278m-1080kc) Nautical dance orchestra. Tuesday, silent night for: CFCA, CH!C, CKNC, CKY, CNRC, CNRE. CNRM, CNRO. CNRW, CNRT, KFKX, KFKU, KFMQ, KFUO, KFWA, KYX. KOA, KOAC, KOB, KUOM, KWSC. PWX, WABQ, WAHG, WAMD, WBBR, WCAD, WCAP, WGCP, WGST. WHAD, WHAZ, WJAD, WJAZ, WKAF, WKAQ, WLWL, WOI, WRVA, WSUI, WTAM, WTIC. Eastern Time Stations KOKA, Pittsburgh, Pa. (3O9.lm-970kc), 7:15. 8 a. m„ exercises, O. Shannon; 12:20 p. m.. Trinity church institute; 5:45, Daddy Winkum; 6:30, dinner concert; 8:15, "Public Speaking — Conversational Delivery," W. M. Parrish; 8:30, sacred song half-hour; 9, Oratorio evening. Will Rhodes; Little symphony orchestra, Victor Saudek, conductor; 11:35, concert. Grand WAHG, Richmond Hill, N. Y. (3l5.6m-950kc), 12:03 p. m., musicale. WBAL, Baltimore, Md. (246m-l220kc), 6:30-7:30 p. m., dinner program, WBAL string trio; soloists, Philip Jeffreys, pianist; John Wilbourn, tenor; 7:30-8, WBAL male quartet; 8-9, musical program; Louise Cline, soprano; George Bolek, pianist; James Wilkinson, baritone. WBZ, Springfield, Mass. (333.lm-900kc). 6:30 p. m.. Little symphony orchestra, KDKA; 6:45, Hotel Lenox ensemble; 7:30, "Literary Values in Recent Books," Prof. Robert Emmons Rogers; 8, professional hockey game between Boston Bruins and New York, Frank Ryan, announcer; 10:20, fiddlers' contest. WCAP, Washington, D. C. (468.5m-640kc), 6:45-7:45 a. m., health exercises, WEAF. WCAU, Philadelphia, Pa. (278m-t080kc), 7:30 p. m., concert, N. Snellenburg and company; 8, building and loan talk; 8:10, the Three Brothers; 8:25, theater digest; 8:35, WCAU players; 9, Robert Fraser. blind gospel singer, Elizabeth Holtz, pianist; 9:30, The Sea Gulls; 10, Ed. McCauley and his Pals; 10:30, Billy Hayes and his orchestra. WCX, Detroit, Mich. (5l6.9m-580kc). 6 p. m.. Goldkette ensemble; 10-2, Red Apple club. WEAF, New York, N. Y. (49l.5m-6l0kc), 6:45-7. 7:20 a. m., tower health exercises; 11-12, Joe Burns, pianist; lecture. Board of Education; motion picture forecast, Adele Woodard; 4-5 p. m.. Van Vliet trio; 6-12 midnight, dinner music. Hotel Waldorf-Astoria; Alan Harris, songs with banjo accompaniment; Blue Ribbon male quartet; Gold Dust twins; Eveready hour; moment musicale; Vincent Lopez and his orchestra; Ross Gorman and his orchestra. WEAO, Columbus, Ohio (293.9m-IO20kc), 1:15 p. m.. Margaret Gallant, pianist; Manley Seldel School of Music: Miriam Purdy, reader; 7, chimes, Allen McManigal; 7:10. "What Arc Ohio Accredited Chicks," Prof. E. L. Dalian; 7:25, Peter story. Uncle Al ; 7:33, "Vegetables Which Are Scarce in Winter," Prof. L. W. Montgomery; 8, sorority program. WEAR, Cleveland, Ohio (389.5m-770kc), 7 p. m.. State theater vaudeville ; 8, studio program; 8:30. Gold Dust Twins; 9, Eveready entertainers; 10. program, WEAF; 10:30, Vincent Lopez orchestra; 11. Wormack's Singing syncopators. WEBJ. New York. N. Y. (272.6m1 lOOkc), 7:45 p. m„ Isabel Henderson, soprano; 8, talks; 8:15. Fred Gehl■ort, tenor; 8:30, Kenwood Klul) orchestra, Ed. Wally, director. WEEI, Boston. Mass. (348.6m-860kc), 6 p. m.. George Joy, Nell Cantor, popular songs; 6:30, talk, Mrs. Nellio E. Friend; 7:30. musicale; 8. Blue Ribbon male quartet; 8:30, Gold Dust Twins; 9, Eveready hour; 10, moment musicale; 10:30, Vincent Lopez and his orchestra. WFI, Philadelphia, Pa. (394.5m -760kc). 1 p. m„ Tea Room ensemble; 3. recital; 6:30, Bcllcvue Stratford concert orchestra: 7, Bellevue-Stralford dance orchestra; 8, Blue Ribbon male quartet; 8:30, Gold Dust Twins; 9. Eveready hour; 10. concert from WEAF; 10:30, Vincent Lopez and his Casa Lopez orchestra. WGBS. New York, N. Y. (3l5.6m-950kc). 1:30 p. ra.. popular songs, Lee Graber. Hal Friedman; 2. Landers serenaders; 3. Charles Phillips, pianist; 6:30. "The Dream Play," Provincetown players: 7, Arrowhead Inn orchestra; 8, Y. M. H. A. vocational forum; 11, Arrowhead Inn orchestra. WGCP, New York, N. V. <252m-M90ke), 1 p. m., race results; 7, orchestra; 7:30, Clarence Williams' trio; Index to Farmers* Programs Farmer Dinner Concerts Daily Except Sunday CENTRAL, TIME KFNF, 12:15-1:35 p. m. KMA, 12:30-1:30 p. m. KSO, 12:30-1:30 p. m. WLS, 12 noon. Saturday, February 6 Eastern Central Mountain Pacific 1:45 p.m. 12:45 p.m. 1 1 :45 a. m. 10:45 a. rn. WOI (270m-1110kc) Soils, questions and answers. 8 7 6 5 KDKA (309.1m-970kc) Farm program. Sunday, February 7 Eastern Central Mountain Pacific 3:30p.m. 2:30 p.m. 1:30 p.m. 12:30 p. m. WFAA (475.9in-ti3Ukc) Sunday hour for farmers. Monday, February 8 Eastern Central Mountain Pacific 1:15 p.m. 12:15 p. m. 11:15a.m. 10:15 a.m. WOC (483.6m-620kc) Economical Preparation of the Corn for Sows. 1:35 12:35 11:35 1035 KSAC (340.7m-880ke) Are You Running Short on Cow Feed? Ridding Potato Fields of Gophers. 1:45 12:45 11:45 10:45 WOI (270m-1110kc) Dairy Production. WMAQ (447.5m-670kc) Radio farm school. 2 I 12 n. II KFKX (288.3m-1040kc) Talk. 7 6 5 4 WGY (379.5m-790kc) Agricultural program. 7 :45 6 :45 5 :45 4 :45 WSOE (246m-1220kc) Hog Raising. 8 7 6 5 KSO (242m-1240kc) Farm talk. WTAG (268m-1120kc) Feeding and Care of the Breeders. 8:15 7:15 6:15 5:15 KSAC <340.7m-880kc) Exports. Imports and Agriculture. Sorghums for Pasture and Hay. 8:30 7:30 6:30 5:30 KFMQ (299.8m-1000kc) Farmers' night. Plant Good Seed of Good Variety ; Legumes for Livestock and Soil Improvement. Cutting Production Cost with Machinery. Oats. WMC (499.7mr,00kc) Talk. WOI (270m^lll0kc) Keeping the Engine of Your Car in Good Running Order. 8:45 7:45 6:45 5:45 WCCO (416.4m-720kc) The Farm Vegetable Garden. 9. -05 8:05 7:05 6:05 KFAB (340.7m-880kci Climate of Nebraska and Modified Cropping Practices. Making Hotbeds and Growing Plants for Early Vegetables. 9:30 8:30 7:30 6:30 KOB (348.6m-860kc) Concrete on the Farm. Results of Extension Activities. 10 9 8 7 KOAC (280.2m-1070kc) Agricultural question box. Farm Flocks of Sheep in Eastern Oregon. 10:30 9:30 8:30 7 30 KOAC (280.2m-1070kc) Important Potato Diseases. Baby Chicks and What They Represent. Tuesday, February 9 Eastern Central Mountain Paciflo 1 1 30 a.m. 1030a.m. 9:30a.m. 830a.m. KFAB (340.7m-880ke) Factors Which Affect the Hatching Power of Eggs. 1:15 p.m. 12:15 p.m. 11:15 10:15 WOC (428.3m-620kc) The Answer to Some of Your Poultry Problems. 1:35 12 35 1135 10:35 KSAC (340.7m-880kc) Portable Hog House3. Asparagus Culture. 1:45 12:45 11:45 10:45 WMAQ (447.5m-670kc), Radio farm school. WOI (270mlll0kc) Animal Husbandry, questions and answers. 2 I 12 n. II KFKX (288.3m-1040kc) Talk. 7:10 6:10 5:10 p.m. 4:10 p.m. WEAO (293.9m-1020kc) Poultry— What Are Ohio Accredited Chicks? 8 7 6 5 KSAC (340.7ra-8R0kc) Feeding Spring Pigs. Official Testing of Dairy Cattle. 7:15 6:15 5:15 4:15 WKAR (285.5m-1050ke) The Udder of the Cow In Health and in Disease. Feeding the Laying Hen. 735 635 535 4:35 WEAO (293.9m-102()kc) Vegetables That Are Scarce in Winter. 7:45 6:45 5:45 4:45 WKAR (285.5m-1050kc) Types and Breeds of Hogs. 8 7 6 5 KSO (242m-1240kc) Farm talk. WOC (483.6m-620kc) Feeding Steers to Gain Three Pounds Daily. 11:45 10:45 9:45 8:45 KWSC (348.6m-860kc) Controlling Plant Diseases by Treating the Soil. Wednesday, February 10 Eastern Central Mountain Paciflo 1:15 p.m. 12:15 p. m. 11:15 a.m. 10:15 a.m. WOC (483.6m-620kc) The A B C's of Dairying— "A". 135 12:35 11:35 10:35 KSAC (340.7m-880kc) Preparation of Farrowing Quarters. 1:45 12:45 11:45 10:45 WMAQ (447.5m-670kc) Radio farm school. WOI (270m-1110kc) Poultry husbandry. 2 I 12 n. II KFKX (288.3m-1040kc), Dairy day. 7:15 6:15 5:15 p. m. 4:15 p. m. WKAR (285..r>m-10r>0kc) Orchard Fcrlili/.alion and Soil Management. Pruning and Training the Bush Fruits. 8:15 7:15 6:15 5:15 KSAC (310.7m-880kc) Road Material Resources of Kansas. Tire Economy. 9:05 8:05 7:05 6:05 KFAB (340.7m-880kc) The Out-of-Doors In February. Tho Cow-Testing Association — Bookkeeping for Cows. Thursday February 11 Eastern Central Mountain Pacific 1:15p.m. 12:15p.m. 11:15a.m. 10:15a.m. WOC (483.6m-620kc) Sweet. Clover — Once an Enemy, Now a Friend. 135 12 35 1135 10:35 KSAC (340.7m-880kc) Planting Time for Poultry Profits. Stories from the 1925 Account Book. 1:45 12:45 11:45 10:45 WMAQ (447.5m-B70kc) Radio farm school. WOI (270m-1110kc) Farm crops. 2 I 12 n. II KFKX (288.3m-1040kc) Talk. 7:15 6:15 5:15 p.m. 4:15 p.m. WKAR (285.5m-1050kc) Feeding the Dairy Herd. Farm Butter-making. Ice Cream in the Home. 8 7 6 9 KSO (242w-i2<JOko) fgnn talk. 8:30 p. m. 730 p. m. 630 p. nt. 530 p. m. WOI (270m-1110kc) Seed Corn. WEAO (293.9m-1020kc) Getting Ready for Baby Chicks. 9:30 8 30 7:30 6:30 KOA (322.4m-930kc) Farm question box. Friday, February 12 Eastern Central Mountain Pacific 1:15 p.m. 12:15 p.m. 11:15 a.m. 10:15 a.m. WOC (483.6m-620kc) Special farm service day. 135 1235 1135 10:35 KSAC (340.7m-880kc) Common Intestinal Worms of Hogs. Care of the Young Foal. 1:45 12:45 11:45 10:45 WOI (270m-1110kc) Agricultural Economics. 2 I 12 n. II KFKX (288.3m-1040kc) Special Farm Service day. WMAQ (447.5m-670kc) Radio farm school. 7:15 6:15 5:15 p. m. 4:15 p. m. WKAR (285.5m-1050kc) Wheat and Chaff. Lincoln's Agricultural Vision. . Experiments with Beans at the Michigan Experiment Station. Bean Growing. * 7 6 5 KSO (242m-1240ko) Farm talk. 8:45 7:45 6:45 5:45 WCCO (416.4m-720kc) Flower Growing. 10:45 9:45 8:45 7:45 KOAC (280.2m-1070kc) Care of ths Auto's Gasoline Supply System. 1130 1030 9 30 8:30 KWSC (348.6m-8G0kc) Trees for Farm Woodlot and Ornamental Planting. Importance of High Class Cows to Farm Profits. Markets and Weather Daily Except Sunday Eastern Central Mountain Pacific 9:30 a. m. 8:30 a. m. 7:30 a. m. 6:30 a. m. WFAA (475.9m-S30kc) Markets. WOAW (526m-570kc) Markets. 9:45 8:45 7 M 6:45 KDKA (309.1m-970kc) Livestock, grain. 10 9 8 7 WLS (344.6m-870kc) Livestock, markets, fruit. WOS (440.9m-680kc) Hogs. 1030 9:30 8:30 7 30 KFKX (288.3m-1040kc) Weather, hog market, local produce, hay, Chicago Board of Trade futures. KTCL (305.9m-980kc) Weather, sheep, quotations. WFAA (475.9m-630kc) Markets. WOI (270m-1110kc) Weather. 10:45 9:45 8:45 7:45 WCCO (416.4m-720kc) Markets. WMC (499.7m-600kc) Weather, markets. 11 10 9 8 WBAP (475.9m-630kc) Markets, quotations. WOS (440.9m-080kc) Weather, hogs. 11:15 10:15 9:15 8:15 WTAG (268m-1120kc) Markets, weather. 1130 10:30 9:30 8:30 KFKX (288.3m-1040kc) Weather, Chicago Board of Trade, livestock, Chicago and New York butter and egg market, local produce. WCCO (416.4m-720kc) Markets. WEAR (389.4m-770kc) Markets, weather. 11:45 10:45 9:45 8:45 WAAW (384.4m-780kc) Livestock, butter, eggs. 12 n. II 10 9 KDKA (309.1m-970kc) Weather, livestock, grain. WBAP (475.9m-630kc) Weather, cattle, grain. WEAR (389.4m-770kc) Markets, weather. WHAD (275m-1090kc) Weather, markets. WLS (344.6m-870kc) Poultry, dairy, hogs, sheep. WOS (440.9m-680kc) Livestock, poultry, eggs, grain. 1230 p.m. 11.30 10:30 9:30 KFKX (288.3m-1040kc) Livestock, fruit, vegetables, dairy. WEAR (384.4m-780kc) Markets, weather. WFAA (475.9m-630kc) Markets. 1 12 n. II 10 WBAP (475.9m-630ke) Markets. WHT (238m-1260kc) Fruit, weather. WOS (440.9m680kc) Livestock, weather. 1:05 12:05 p.m. 11:05 10:05 KMA (252m-1190kc) Markets and weather. 130 12 30 11:30 10:30 KTHS (374.8m-800kc) Markets, weather. KFKX (288.3m-1040kc) Weather, livestock, patato market, apples. WFAA (475.9m-630kc) Markets. WOAW (526m-570kc) Markets. WOI (270m-1110kc) Weather, livestock. 1:35 12:35 1135 1035 KPO (428.3m-700kc) Butter, eggs, cheese, poultry. 1:45 12:45 11:45 10:45 KOA (322.4m-930kc) Weather, roads, livestock, poultry. 2 I 12 n. II WOC (483.6m-620kc) Weather, grain, livestock, dairy. WOS (440.9m-680kc) Grain. 2:15 1:15 12:15 p.m. 11:15 WAAW (384.4m-780kc) Grain markets. 2:30 1:30 12:30 1130 WCCO (416.4m-720kc) Markets, weather. WFAA (475.9m-630kc) Markets. 3 2 I 12 n. WLS (344.6m-870kc) Livestock, grain, dairy, fruit, vegetables. WOS (440.9m-680kc) Livestock, markets, grain. 3:30 2:30 1:30 12 30 p.m. WFAA (475.9m-630kc) Markets. WMC (499.7m-600kc) Markets, weather. 3:50 2:50 1:50 12:50 WWJ (352.7m-850kc) Weather, markets. 4 3 2 1 KFKX (288.3m-1040kc) Weather. Chicago Board of Trade futures, Kansas City cash grain report, Omaha grain, livestock. WCCO (410.4m-720kc) Markets. WCX (516m-580kc) Stocks and grain. 4:30 3:30 2:30 130 WKAR (389.4m-770kc) Markets, weather. WFAA (475.9m-630kc) Markets. 5 30 4:50 3 30 230 WDAF (365.6m-820kc) Markets, weather, road reports. WHAS (399.8in-750kc) Markets. 630 5:30 4:30 3:38 KSAC (340.7m-880kc) Markets. 6:45 5:45 4:45 3:45 WIP (508.2m-590kc) Livestock, markets. 6:50 5:50 430 3:50 WHAD (275m-1090kc) Markets. 7:30 6:30 5:30 4 30 KMA (252m-1190kc) Markets and weather. KSAC (340.7m-880kc) Market review. 7:45 6:45 5:45 4:45 KFWA (261m-1150kc) Market reports. 8 7 6 5 KFKX (288.3m-1040kc) Weather, livestock, Boston wool. Omaha grain. KOA (322.4m-930kc) Sheep, markets, livestock, poultry. 9 8 7 6 WAAW (384.4m-780kc) Marketgrams and talks. II 10 9 8 WCCO (416.4m-720kc) Weather, grain.