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RADIO DIGES T— Illustrated
February 20, 1926
I Sa
Saturday, February 20
WDAF, Kansas City. Mo. (365.6m-820kc), 6-7 p. ra.. Pantages theater organ; the Trianon ensemble; 11:131 a. m. , Ted Weeni's Victor Becording orchestra : Billy Adair's Kansas City club orcliestra; Eddie kuhn's Kansas City athletic club orcliestra.
WEBH, Chicago, III. (370.2m-8IOkc), 3-4 p. ra., special features; 7-S, Oriole orchestra*; Howard Neumiller, pianist; 9, Oriole orchestra; 9:45, James Murray, tenor; Marie Kelly, reader; 11-12, Oriole orchestra; Wayne Myers, Frank Greif; 1-2 a. m., Marie Kelly, reader; Kay Bonayne, songs.
WENR, Chicago, III. (266m-ll30kc), 6-7 p. m.. dinner concert, Bauland-Lyric trio ; instrumental and vocal numbers; 8-10. popular program, All-American Pioneers; G. W. Toss, basso; James Beaumont, banjoist; 12-2 a. m., midnight frolics, Ail-American Pioneers; Frank Westphal; Art Bilquist; Mary Beiber; Bita McFawn: Hal Lalge, saxophone solos.
WFAA. Dallas, Tex. (475.9m-630kr), 12:30-1 p. m., Jeff J. Sandel, pianist; 3:30-4, Tom Fowler, violinist; 4:30-5, J. H. Seay, singer, with ukulele; 6:30-7:30, Baker hotel orchestra, dinner music; 8:30-9:30, program. Woodmen of the World, R. H. McDlll, director.
WGES, Oak Park. III. (25Om-l2O0kc), 5-7 p. m., baritone, basso, pipe organ solos; 8-9, orchestra, organ, contralto; 11-1 a. m., organ, comedian, tenor, features.
WGN, Chicago, III. (302.8m-990kc), 10-10:15 a. m., good health period; 10:15-10:45, entertainment for shut-ins; 11-11:30, morning organ concert, Chicago theater. Dean Fossler; 12:01-12:30 p. m., noon hour entertainment for children; 12:40-2:30, luncheon concert music; 2:30-3. Lyon and Healy artist recital; 3:25, Port o' Missing Men; 3:30-4:15, tea time music; 4:30-5, syncopation matinee, Edward Benedict, organist; 5:30-5:57, Skeezix time; 6:30-6:45, dinner concert music; 6:45-7, old-time favorite songs; S-10, musical program; 10-10:10, "Sam 'n' Henry," Badie comic strip; 10:10-10:15, old-time favorite songs; 10:15
11, dance music; Correll and Gosden, Freda Leonard and Jewell Bamett, songs.
WHAS, Louisville, Ky. (399.8m-750kc), 1-2 p. m.. Benson trio; 3-3:30, Mrs. Myrtle Fulks Zahn, Jr., organist; 4-5, concert, Susie Elvira Williams, director; Music Box; Martha Pope Bobinson, reader; 7:30-9, Town club, Ellen Bachus, director.
WIBO, Chicago. III. (226m-l330kc), 2-4 p. m., program for shut-ins; Ted Fiorito, pianist; Dan Busso, violinist; Marie Tully, soprano; Wayne Meyers, reader; Pearl Holzman, pianist ; Lenore Friedman, soprano ; 6-8, dinner concert; Walter Preston's open request night; WIBO string trio; Elsie Orr, soprano; Ruth Ford, contralto; Mr. Leonard, baritone.
WJAZ, Chicago, III. (322.4m-930kc), 9-2 a. m.. Spike Hamilton's and Al Katz' opera club.
WJJD, Mooseheart, III. (370.2m-8l0kc), 12-1 p. m., Palmer house symphonic players; Palmer house trio; 2-3. Howard L. Peterson, organist; 4-5, Palmer house quintet; 6-7, Palmer house symphonic players; Howard L. Peterson, organist; Palmer House Victorians; 8-9, auction bridge, Charles T. Adams; Palmer House Victorians; 10-11, Garnd studio; Palmer House Victorians; 12-1, Garod studio; Palmer House Victorians; Jack Kelson.
WKAF, Milwaukee, Wis. (261m1 loOkch 10-11 p. m.. Trixle Ann. Troy and her Koyal Hawailans; HI Coleman's dance orchestra.
WKRC, Cincinnati, Ohio (422.3m-7IOkc), 10 p. m., Marion McKay and his orchestra; Jack Tllson; 11, Eugene Perazzo, violinist; 11:15, Marlon McKay and his orchestra; 11:45, request piano program.
WLIB, Chicago. III. (302.8m-990kc), 7-8 p. m.. musical program; 11-1 a. ra., dance music; Correll and Gosden, Freda Leonard and Jewell Bamett, songs.
WLS Chicago, III. (344.6m-870ke), 12-12:25 p. m., , Wittich, pianist; 7, Ford and Glenn, lullaby time; 7:30, national barn dance, George Goforths Gold band; WLS barn dance trio; Buth Etting; Ford and Glenn; 11. WLS twin wheeze. Ford and Glenn and Ralph Emerson.
WMAQ, Chicago, III. (447.5m-670ke), 5:15 p. m., TopsyTurvy time; 6, collegiate glee club; 8, Frederick Daw and Russell Pratt; 9, Chicago theater revue.
WMBB, Chicago, III. (250m-l200ke). 7-8 p. m., Trianon duo. Velio Cook, contralto; Beatrice Story, violinist; Edwin House, baritone; Preston Graves, pianist; semiclassical miscellaneous program; 9-11, Trianon ortra, Dell Larope; Woodlawn theater orchestra, Walter Klpps; "Maggie Murphy's Home" presentation; Fannie Fuerst. reader; Jack Warner, character songs; Dolllgner and Lyerla, guitar duo; Bob Bennett, popular program.
WMC. Memphis, Tenn. (499.7m-600ke), 8:30 p. m.. Memphis plectrum orchestra.
WOAW. Omaha. Nebr. (526m-570kc), 6 p. m.. orchestra and soloists; 7, after dinner hour musical program; 9, leal; 10:30, Frank Hodek and his Nightingale orchestra; 11, Arthur Hays' organ jubilee.
WOC, Davenport, Iowa (483.6m-620kc), 5:45-.8 p. m.. chimes concert; 0:30-6:50, sandman; 9-10, musical
Two internationally known artists will entertain during the Atwater Kent hour, Sunday, at 8:15 p. m. Eastern time on the WEAF chain. tea Luboshutz, left, is a violinist of note. B e n n o Moiseiwitsch, above, is a young; Russian pianist, who shows unusual skill.
program, Broadway Presbyterian church; 11-12, LeClaire hotel orchestra.
WOI, Ames, la. (270m-l I lOkc), 12:30 p. m., college chimes; 2:30, high school finals wrestling tournament; 3, swimming meet, Washington university vs. Ames.
WOK, Chicago, III. <2l7.3m-l380kc), 4:30-7 p. m., Capitol theater organ; Howard Will, tenor; 10-1, Tearney's town club orchestra; Carl Lorraine's Pershing Palace orchestra; Husk O'Hare's Cocoanut Grove orchestra; Capitol theater program; program.
WOQ, Kansas City, Mo. (278m-l080kc), 8-9 p. m., musical program; 10-11, musical healing service.
WORD, Batavia, III. (275m-IO90kc), 7 p. m., Webster hotel orchestra and concert program; 9, Capt. Royall N. Allen's "Little Journey No. 7"; Webster hotel concert trio and solo artists.
WOI, Chicago, III. (447.5m-670kc), 3-4 p. m., koffee klatsch; 7-8, Bainbo Gardens orchestra; Prof. Ascan W. Kittner, baritone; Anne Keim, mezzo-soprano; 10-3, Bainbo Skylarks; Jerry Sullivan; Kose Vanderbosch. soprano; Hal Lansing; Everett George Opie, reader; Clarence Theders. tenor; Joe Warner, character songs; Oxford girls; Bita McFawn, Mary Bieber; George Thurn, kazoo.
WSAI, Cincinnati, Ohio (325.9m -920kc), 7:30 p. m., children's stories, Mrs. Ethel Knapp Behrman; 7:50, chime concert, Bobert Badgley; 8:15. Bicycle Playing Card sextet; 12 midnight. Freda Sanker's orchestra.
WSB, Atlanta, Ga. (428.3m-700kc), 8 p. m., Atlanta Atwater Kent hour; 10:45, Hired Help skylark.
WSM, Nashville, Tenn. (282.8mlOOOkc), 6:30 p. m., concert, Francis Craig's orchestra; 7, bedtime story Interlude; 8, barn dance program; features.
Mountain Time Stations
KFWA. Ogden, Utah (26lm-l I50kc), 4-5 p. m., organ recital; 5-6, Ogden Badio dealers' program; 9-10:30, music, Paramount theater; 10:30-12 midnight, dance music, Olie Beeves and his orchestra.
KFXF, Colorado Springs, Colo. (250m-l200kc), 8:3011 p. m., Wilhelm Schmidt, director; Cleora Wood Schmidt, soloist; Mary Schnitzius, pianist; Cecil Bodgers, tenor.
KOA, Denver. Colo. (322.4m-930kc), 12:15 p. m., Bialto theater musicale; 9, Harmony Peerless orchestra; 10:30, Scheuerman's Colorado orchestra.
Pacific Time Stations
KFI, Los Angeles, Calif. (467m-642kc), 5:30-6 p. m., Jose Arias and his Mexican entertainers; 6, Nightly doings; 6:15, KFI's Seeing California; 6:30. vest pocket program; 6:45, Radiotorlal period; 7-8, Norman Kobler and his dance orchestra; 8-9, All-American string quartet; 9-10, varied program; 10-11, Packard Badlo club, featuring popular song hits; 11-3 a. m.. midnight frolic, Don Meany, master of ceremonies.
KFOA, Seattle, Wash. (454.3m-660kc), 9:30-11 p. m.. Jackie Souders' club.
KFON, Long Beach, Calif. (232.4m I290kc), 6-6:30 p. m., Brayton's theater organ; 6:30-7, amusement information; 7-8, Burt Pederscn's orchestra; 8-9, PressTelegram studio; 9-11, KFOX artists frolic.
KFWB, Hollywood, Calif. (252m-M90kc). 8-9 p. m., Warner Brothers syncopators; Eunice Wynn, soprano; Ray Kellogg and Bill Hatch, jazz twins; Ashley Sisters; 9-11, program, Reeve-Gartzmann, Inc., presenting the Oakland Six dance orchestra; Charlie Wellman, tenor.
KGO. Oakland. Calif. (36l.2m-830kc), 7:15-7:30 a. ra.. health training exercises, Hugh Barrett Dobbs, Wil
liam H. Hancock, accompanist; 7:45, Pep class: 8:158:30, exercises; 8:45, songs, William H. Hancock; 11:30-1 p. m., Sherman Clay and company luncheon concert; 4-5:30, concert orchestra. Hotel St. Francis, Vinton La Ferrera, conductor; 8:10, "Olivette," comic opera, Edmond Audran; Beginald Travers, Harry Brown Wood, directors; 10-12, dance music, Girvin-Deuel's California Collegians.
KGW, Portland, Ore. <49l.5m-6IOke), 12:30-1:30 p. m., concert; 6-7, dinner concert; 9-12, dance music; intermission piano solos. Curt Kremer.
KHJ, Los Angeles, Calif. (405.2m.740kc), 6:30-7:30 p. m., history story. Prof. Hertzog; Henrietta Poland, Dolly Wright, Donald Cooper and Uncle John; 8-10, program. Motor Transit company; announcement of the Treasure Hunt.
KJR, Seattle, Wash. (384.4m-780kc), 1:30-3 p. in., daily matinee program; 8:30-10, studio program.
KMTR, Hollywood, Calif. (238m-l260ke>. 6-7 p. m., Starr Piano company studio; 8-10, KMTR concert orchestra, Loien Powell, director; Mme. Leontine de Ahna, contralto.
KNX, Hollywood, Calif. (336.9m -890kc). 5-5:30 p. m.. Sunny Jim's talk; 5:30-6, Leighton's Arcade cafeteria orchestra; 6, Town Tattler; 6:15, travel talk, W. F. Alder; 6:30-7, Atwater Kent concert orchestra; 7:15, church announcements; 7:30-8, popular musicale; 8-10, KNX feature program; 10-11, Ambassador hotel dance orchestra; 11-2 a. m.. Filmland Frolickers.
KPO, San Francisco, Calif. (428.3m-700kc) 7, 7:30, 8 a. m., daily dozen exercises; 12, scripture reading; 1-2, Budy Seiger's Fairmont hotel orchestra; 2:303:30, Bead Givens, tenor; Carlton Peters, pianist', 3:30-5:30, Cyrus Trobbe's Palace hotel concert orchestra; 6:35-7:30, Waldemar Lind and the States restaurant orchestra; 8-12, Fairmont hotel dance orchestra, Reg. Code, director.
KPSN, Pasadena, Calif. (3l5.6m-950kc), 8-9 p. m., concert; 9-10, dance orchestra, Maryland hotel.
KTAB, Oakland, Calif. (240m-l250kc), 9-9:30 a. m.. prayer service, Bev. E. L. Spaulding; 12-1, luncheon concert
Sunday, February 21
Headliners Today
Eastern Central Mountain Pacific
3:30 p.m. 2:30 p.m. 130 p.m. 12:30 p.m.
WTIC (475.9m-630kc) New Haven symphony orchestra. 6 5 4 3
WBAP (475.9m-630kc), Old Gray Mare band. 7:20 6:20 5 20 4:20
WEAF (491.5m-610kc) Capitol family.
8 7 6 5 WLWL (288.3m-1040kc). Paullst Choristers.
8:15 7:15 6:15 5:15
WEAF (491.5m-610ko), WEEI. WCAP, WJAB.
WEAR, KSD, WTAG, WOO, Atwater Kent
program. WGY (379.5m-790kc) Musical program.
830 7:30 6:30 530
WCAU (277.6m-790kc), Bonwit Teller Light Opera.
9 8 7 6 KTHS (374.8m-800kc). Classic hour.
1130 10:30 930 830
KFI (467m-642kc) Classic hour.
Eastern Time Stations
KDKA, Pittsburgh, Pa. (309.lm-970kc), 11 a. m.. church service; 4 p.m.. Dr. Charles Helnroth, organist ;
4:45, Shadyside Presbyterian church; 6:30, dinner concert; 7:15, chimes. Calvary Episcopal church; 7:45, church service.
PWX, Havana, Cuba (400m-750kc), 8 p. m., Cuban military band; 9:15, Cuban Military band.
WBAL, Baltimore, Md. (246m-l220kc), 6:30-7:30 p. ro.. twilight program, WBAL concert orchestra, Gustav Klemm, conductor; 7:30-8:30, artists' recital, Margaret Rabold, soprano; Pasquale Tallerico, pianist.
WBBR, New York, N. Y. (273m1 lOOkc), 10 a. m., Watchtower instrumental trio; 10:15. Sunday school lesson, S. M. Van Sipma; 10:35, I. B. S. A. choral singers; 10:45. Watchtower instrumental trio; 10:55, L B. S. A. choral singers; 11, "Melchisedec — Catholic, Mason or Baptist?" E. J. Coward; 11:30, choral singers; 11:40, instrumental trio; 11:50, singers; 2 p. m., Watchtower orchestra; 2:30, L. Marlon Brown, soprano: 2:40, topical Bible study; 2:50, L. Marion Brown, soprano; 3, "Our Lord's Beturn," Bible lecture, E. J. Coward; 3:30, L. Marlon Brown, soprano; 3:40, Watchtower orchestra; 9, brass quartet; 9:15. Bible questions and answers; 10, Watchtower brass quartet.
WBZ, Springfield, Mass. (333.lm-900kc), 10:45 a. el. Church of the Unity; 7 p. m.. Copley Plaza orchestra; Raymond Simonds; 8, 'Talestine's New Message." Maurice Samuel.
WCAP, Washington, D. C. (468.5m-640kc>, 11 a. m. Petworth Methodist church service, Bev. Edward Hayes, pastor; 4, Bethlehem chapel service; 6:20-7:20, chamber musicale, vesper string ensemble; 7:20, musislcal program, Capitol theater, Major Edward Bowes, director; 9:15, Atwater Kent hour, WEAF.
WCAU, Philadelphia, Pa. (277.6m1 080kc), 5 p. m., recital; 5:15, undenominational church services; 6:45, Clarence Seaman and his Hotel Pennsylvania orchestra; 7:45, Cathay Tea Garden concert orchestra; 8:30, Bonwit-Teller Light Opera company; 9, Potash and Perlmutter.
WCX, Detroit, Mich. (5l6.9m-580ke), 7:15 p. m.. Central Methodist Episcopal church service. Dr. Lynn Harold Hough, pastor; Guy C. Filklns, organist.
WEAF, New York, N. Y. (49l.5m-6IOke), 2-3 p. m.. Sunday Badlo service, auspices of the Greater New York Federation of Churches, Rev. Herbert F. Laflamme, field secretary, presiding; address by Rev. Arthur F. Mabon, pastor Hamilton Grange Reformed church. New York city; music, Lotta Madden, soprano; Mildred Bryars, contralto; Albert E. Miller, tenor; Arthur Billings Hunt, baritone, and George Shaekley! pianists; R. Huntington Woodman, composer, at the organ; 3-4, Young People's Conference, under the auspices of the Greater New York Federation ot Churches direct from the Marble Collegiate church. New York city; address. Dr. Daniel A. Poling; 4-5 :3u, men's conference in the Bedford Branch Y. M. C A. Brooklyn, WEAF, WEEI, WTAG, WCAE. WSAI address. Dr. S. Parkes Cadman; 7:20-9:J5, musical' program. Major Edward Bowes and the "Capitol Family." WEAF, WEEI, WCAP, WJAR. WTAG WWJ. WCAE; 9:15-10:15. "Atwater Kent Radio Hour,' Leo Lubschutz, violinist, and Benno Moseiwitsch, Russian pianist, WEAF, WEEI, WCAP WJAB, WGR. WCAE, WSAI, WWJ, WOC, WrCCO! WEAR, WGN, KSD. WTAG, WOO.
WEAR, Cleveland, Ohio (389.4m-770kc), 3:30 p. m.. Goodyear concert orchestra afternoon musicale; 7, Lowe's theater orchestra; 7:45, Fireside hour; 8:30, Vincent Percy organ recital; 9:15, Atwater Kent hour, WEAF.
WEEI, Boston, Mass. (348.6m -860kc), 10:50 a. m., Old South church service; 2 p. m.. Golden Rule hour; 3, Louis Weir, organist; George Edmund Dwight, baritone; 4 Dr. S. Parkes Cadman; 5:30. Italian marine band; 6:20, Ecker concert group; 7:20, Major Edward Bowes and his Capitol family; 9:15, Atwater Kent hour.
WFI, Philadelphia, Pa. (394.5m-760kc), 10:20 a. m.. Arch Street Methodist Episcopal church; 4:30 p. m,
...&& I).r. William J Hutchins. president Beren college.
WGBS, New York, N. Y. (3l5.6m-950kc). 3:30 p. m..
â– Crystal Palace; 9:30, Moscow Art Musical studio party.
WGCP, New York. N. Y. (252m-ll90kc), 2:45 p. ro., dance orchestra; 3:30, Edgar Duffy, baritone; 3:45 Isabelle Henderson, soprano; 4, Leslie McLeod, tenor; 4:15, dance orchestra.
WGR, Buffalo, N. Y. (3l9m-940kc), 10:45 a. m., Westminster Presbyterian church service; 7:45 p. m., Central Presbyterian church service; 9:15, jointly with WEAF, Atwater Kent program.
WGY, Schenectady, N. Y. (379.5m-790kc), 10:45 a. m.. First Church of Christ; 3 p. m., musical program. WFBL; 5, Dr. Frank Sill Rogers, organist; T. Boy Keefer, violinist; 8:15, musicale.
WHAR, Atlantic City, N. J. (275m-l090kc), 10:45 a. m., morning services, Chelsea Baptist church; 2:15 p. m., sacred recital. Seaside hotel trio; 2:45, sermon; 7:50, Chelsea Baptist church; 9. "With the Classics." WIP, Philadelphia, Pa. (508.2m-590kc), 10:45 a. m.. services. Holy Trinity church; 4, "Personality and Vocation." religious talk by Edward Amherst Ott.
WJAX, Jacksonville, Fla. (336.9m-890kc), 11 a. m.
and 7:30 p. m., church services. WLIT, Philadelphia, Pa. (394.5m -760kc), 2 p. m., Arcadia cafe concert orchestra; 6:30, Benjamin Franklin organ recital; 7, Benjamin Franklin hotel concert
WLWL, New York. N. Y. <288.3m-l040kc). 8 p. m..
Paullst choristers : sermon by Rev. Michael Rellly.
WMAK, Buffalo, N. Y. (266m-l I30ke), 10:25 a. m.. First Presbyterian church services. Rev. Stewart M. Robinson, pastor; 7:30 p. m.. Churchill tabernacle services, Clinton Churchill, pastor.
WMBF, Miami Beach, Fla. (384.4m-780kc), 7-9 p. m., Fleetwood Radio orchestra; 10-1 a. m., Gene Fossick and his orchestra; Fleetwood Radio orchestra.
WMCA. New York, N. Y. (340.7m -880kc), 11 a. m.. services from Fifth Church of Christ, Scientist; 3 p m., Minot Simons, D. D., "What to Think in Religion," All Souls church. Unitarian; 5:30, Woodmansten inn orchestra; 6 p. m., Roemer's Homers; 7, Ernie Golden and his Hotel McAlpln orchestra; 7:30, Olcott Vail and his Hotel McAlpin string ensemble; 8:15, Garod musical program; 8:45. Masters Cleaners & Dyers banquet; 9:45, Donald Flamm's frolickers; 11. Jack Denny's orchestra.
WOO, Philadelphia, Pa. (508.2m-590kc), 2:30 p. m„ Sunday school exercises, Bethany Presbyterian church: 6:05, organ recital, Clarence 8. Bawden; 7:30. services, Bethany temple; 9:15, Atwater Kent hour of music.
WPG, Atlantic City, N. J. (299.8m-l000kc), 3:15 p. m., Arthur Scott Brook, organist; Mrs. Edwin Wilson, soprano; 4:15, recital, St. James Episcopal church; 9:15, Hotel Ambassador concert orchestra; 10, Arthur Scott Brook, organist; Rose Newman, soprano; Alice Warren Sachse, pianist; William Uncles, bass.
WREO, Lansing, Mich. (285.5m1 050kc), 10 a. m., chimes; 10:30. First Baptist church; 7 p. m., Central M. E. church.
WTAG, Worcester, Mass. (268m-H20kc), 4-5 p. m., men's conference, H. Walter Riland presiding; music, Gloria Trumpeters and George Betts, chime soloist; Sir. and Mrs. Howard WTade Kimsey, baritone and accompanist; 7:20-9:15. musical program. Mai. Edward Bowes and the Capitol family; 9:15-10:15. Atwater Kent hour. Lea Luboshutz, violinist; Benno Moiseiwitsch, Russian pianist.
WTIC. Hartford, Conn. (475.9m -630kc), 3:30 p. m.. New Haven Symphony orchestra.
WWJ. Detroit, Mich. (352.7m-850ke), 11 a. m., Temple Beth El services; 2 p. m., Detroit News orchestra; 4, organ recital; 7:20, Capitol theater family; 9:15, operatic stars.
Central Time Stations
CKY. Winnipeg, Can. (384.4m-780kc). 7 p. ra., services.
Fort Rouge United church; 9. studio program. KFDM, Beaumont, Tex. (3l5.6m-950kc), 11 a. m. and
7:30 p. m.. First Episcopal church services. KFNF, Shenandoah, Iowa (263m-H40kc), 10:45 a. m..
morning worship. First M. E. church; 2:30 p. m..
Golden Bule song service: 3, Men's Gospel team;
6:30, services. Golden Bule circle; 7:30, Christian
church services. KMMJ, Clay Center. Nebr. (229m-l3IOke), 2*0 p. m.,
sacred concert; S:45, religious services.