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February 20, 1926
RADIO DIGES T— Illustrated
Wednesday, February 24
A. Fey, lyrio tenor; 9:30, the Four Gondoliers; 10:03, Phtlipp A. Fey, lyrio tenor; 10:20, Frank Lapeire's Collegians. WBZ, Springfield, Mass. (333.lm-900ke), 6:30 p. m., KDKA Little Symphony orchestra; 6:45, Hotel Kimball dance orchestra; 8, Lillian Clark, harpist; Ethel Vanneman, soprano; Pierian trio; 9, Angelus quartet. WCAU, Philadelphia, Pa. (277.6mI080kc), 6:45 p. m., Parodians dance orchestra; 7:30, recital, N. Snellenburg and company; 8, talk; 8:10, Kane's Musical Adventurers; 9, Eigo's Royal Gypsy band; 9:30, Jones' Jolly Four; 10, fashion talk, Murray Elgart; 10:05, Interfraternlty dance orchestra; 10:45, Frank Cook, old-time songs: 11, Artie Britton's Cheer-Ups. WCX, Detroit, Mich. (5l6.9m-580kc), 6-7 p. m., dinner program, Goldkette ensemble; 8-9, program. WEAF, New York, N. Y. (49l.5m-6IOkc). 6:45, 7 and 7:20 a. m.. Tower health exercises to* WEAP, WEEI, WCAP; 7:45-8 a. m., morning prayer services, auspices of Greater. New York Federation of Churches; 11:05, Evelyn Wight, soprano; 12 n., chapel services, Columbia university; 4, Marguerite Cartwright, soprano; 4:15, Juliette Glassman, pianist; 4:30, Ben Gordon, tenor; 4:45, story hour of New York public library; 5:00, Vincent Lopez and his orchestra from tea room of Kitz Carlton hotel; 6, dinner music, Hose room of Hotel Waldorf-Astoria; 7, synagogue services, auspices of United Synagogue of America; 7:30, concert, United States Army band, direction of William J. Stannard, WEAF, WCAP, WJAK, WOO; 8:30, Davis saxophone octet. WEAF, WOO, WCAE. WSAI, WCAP, WTAG, WEEI, WGR; 9, Ipana Troubadours to WEAF, WEEI, WCAP, WWJ. WCCO. WGB, WSAI, KSD; 10, Boxy and his gang to WEAP, WEEI, WTAG, WCAP, WWJ, WJAE, WGN; 5, Vincent Lopez and orchestra from Tea room of RItz-Carlton hotel; 6, dinner music. Rose room of Hotel Waldorf-Astoria; 7, Gene Ingraham and his Great Notch Inn orchestra; 7:30, "Sit Hobgoblin's Cherry Tree," Blanche Wade to WEAP, WOO, WCAP, WCAE, WGR, WJAR, WEAR, WTAG, WOC; 7:45, Modena Scoville, pianist; 8, the Happiness Candy Boys; 8:30, Eagle Neutrodyne trio; 9, cities service quartette and orchestra, WEAP, WEEI, WOO, WEAR, WGN, KSD; 9:30, Irvine players, one act radio plays; 10, Whittall Anglo Percians, WEAP. WCAP, WJAB, WOO, WEEI, WGR, WTAG, WCAE, WOC, WCCO, WWJ, KSD, WEAR; 10:30, Chamber musicale, Genia Ziellnska, soprano and Carl Rollins, baritone; 11-12 p. m., Ben Bernie and orchestra from Hotel Roosevelt WEAO, Columbus, Ohio (293.9mI020kc), 4:10 p. m., story hour for shut-ins. Prof. Sada Harbarger; 8:15, music; 8:45, vocal; 9, two-piano recital. WEAR, Cleveland, Ohio (389.4m -770kc), 7 p. m., Hotel
Cleveland orchestra. WEBJ, New York, N. Y., (272.6m1 lOOkc), 8-8:30 p. m., John Landers and his Royal Aces; 8:45, Esther Mittleman, concert pianist; 9, p. m., Benjamin S. Jarmus, tenor, accompanist, Milton Rubin; 9:15, Rudolph Joskowitz, concert violinist, accompanist, Norman Hennefeld; 9:30-10, Busoni's Neapolitans. WEEI, Boston, Mass. (348.6m -860kc), 6:45 a. m., health exercises; 3 p. m., E. Payson Re and his orchestra; 5, Black and White vaudeville orchestra; 6:15. Joe Rines and his Hunters' Cabin orchestra; 6:45, Big Brother club; 7:30. Nordine Robards, pianist; 8. musical skit; 8:30, Davis saxophone octet, WEAP; 9, Ipana Troubadours, WEAP; 10, Boxy and his Gang, WEAP. WFI, Philadelphia, Pa., (394.5m-760kc), 10:30 a. m., special music; 10:40, Betty Crocker; 1 p. m., tea room ensemble; 3, The Octave, of Haddon Heights; musical readings, Mrs. M. Atlee Ermold; talk. "Care and Maintenance of a Lawn," Warren E. Meixner; 6:30, Bellevue Stratford concert orchestra; 7, Bellevue Stratford dance orchestra. WGBS, New York, N. Y. (3l5.6m-950ke), 1:30 p. m.. Ruth Maschke, soprano; 3, special hospital program for Reconstruction Hospital; 3:15, Sunny entertainers, Charlotte Salisbury singer, composer, actress; 6, Uncle Geebee; 6:30, Julie Wintz, Jersey Collegians; 7, Norbert Lusk, movie sidelight. WGCP. New York, N. Y. (252m-ll90kc), 3 p. m., Lillian Rubin, pianist; 3:20. Bobby Grey, singer; 3:45, Tracey and Mokr; 4:30, Jeanne A'Dair, soprano; 5:10, Charlotte Trystwann, concert pianist; 7, Clarence Williams, trio; 7:25, Charles Coleman, pianist; 7:45, program. WGHB, Clearwater, Fla. (266m-ll30kc), 6:30-7:30 p. m., dinner music; 8:30-9:30, Earl Gresh and his Gang Plank, Columbia Recording orchestra; Frank Wilson, tenor; 11:45-1 a. m.. Radio Ramblers midnight frolic. WGHP. Detroit, Mich. (270m-l llOkc). 6-7 p. m., dinner concert. Hotel Tuller; 7:40-7:50, children's evening chat; 8-10, Little symphony orchestra. Dirk Van Emmerik, conductor; Mme. Gizl Szanto, pianist; quartet; 12-1 a. id., Gerald Marks and his orchestra. Hotel Tuller, assisting artists. WGR, Buffalo. N. Y. (3l9m-940kc) 2:30 p. m., WGR's afternoon program; 6:30, Gospel melodists; 8, Audubon Terrace Meadow Larks; 8:30, jointly with WEAF, Davis saxophone octet ; Ipana troubadours ; 10, program, E. A. Wills Wallpaper company; 10:30, Mrs. Vernon Curtis in variety program; 11:30, Leola Nease Vlckers, contralto, and associate artists ; 12, Club Royale orchestra; 1 a. m.. special all-night frolic program, including the Vincent Lopez Hotel Statler dance orchestra, Harold Gieser, director, and other star performers, lasting until 4:30 a. m. WGY, Schenectady, N. Y. (379.5m-790kc), 6:30 p. m., children's program; 7, Eastman theater orchestra; 8:05, musical program, WHAM. WIP, Philadelphia, Pa.. (508.2m -590kc), 6:45 a. m., setting-up exercises; 7. setting-up exercises; 10, reducing exercises; 1 p. m., Gimbel tea room orchestra; 3:15, recital, Montanl studio; Flora Rlpka. accompanist; 6:05, Benjamin Franklin concert orchestra; 7, Uncle Wlp's bedtime stories; DeCollibrls Instrumental quartet. WJAX, Jacksonville, Fla. (336.9m -890kc), 3:30 p. m.. Hemming park band concert, Vessella's band, Oreste Vessella, conductor; 7:30, music memory contest; 8-10, popular program. WJR. Pontiac, Mich. (5l6.9m-580kc). 7 p. m., Jean Goldkette's Symphony orchestra, soloists; 9, Winter Haven, Fla., Radio hour; 11:30, "The Merry Old Chief" and his "Jewett Radio Jesters." WKAQ, San Juan, P. R. (340.7m -880kc), 6-8 p. m..
municipal band. WLIT, Philadelphia, Pa., (394.5m-760kc), 12.02 p. m.. daily almanac; Stanley theater organ recital; religious service; Arcadia cafe concert orchestra: 2, Arcadia cafe concert orchestra; 7:30, Dream Daddy's bedtime stories ; 8, recital; 10, Arcadia care dance orchestra; 10:30, Dickerson's society orchestra. WLWL, New York. N. Y. (288.3mI040ke), 9:15 p. rn., entertainers; 9:45, McEvoy concert; 10:30 p. m., music and songs. WMCA, New York City, N. Y. (340.7m-880kc), 6 p. ra.. Olcoti Vail and his Hotel McAlpln string ensemble; 6:30, Emie Golden and his Hotel McAlpln orchestra; 7:45, Woodmansten Inn orchestra; 8:20, talk on securities; 9, Coughlan & company entertainers; 11, Hofbrau Haus entertainers; 11:30, Jack Benny's orchestra. WMAK, Buffalo, N. Y. (266m-ll30kc), 7:30-10 p. in.,
musical program. WMBF, Miami Beach, Fla. (384.4m -780kc), 7-9 p. m.. Fleetwood Radio orchestra; 10-1 a. m., Gene Fosdlck and his orchestra; Fleetwood Radio orchestra. WNYC, New York, N. Y. (526m-570kc). 5:45 p. m., Agnes Vernon's Juveniles; 6:20, piano selections; 6:30, elementary and advanced Spanish lessons, V. H. Berlitz; alarms; 7:35, dance program; 8:30, instrumental novelty; 9, joint song recital; 9:30, stringed trio. WOO, Philadelphia, Pa., (508.2m -590kc), 11 a. m., organ recital; 12:02 p. m., Golden's crystal tea room orchestra; 4:45, organ recital; 7:30, Hotel Sylvania dance orchestra; 8, Chamber musicale; 8:30. Davis saxophone octet; 9, concert; 10. Fox theater studio program; 10:30, Bitz Carlton dance orchestra.
WOR, Newark, N. J. (405.2m-740kc), 6:30 p. m., Jacques Jacobs' Hotel Shelton ensemble; 9:30, Weehawken Elks band.
WRC, Washington, D. C. (468m-640kc). 12 n., organ recital, Gertrude Smallwood; 12:30 p. m., Lenten services, Keith's theater; 1, Lee House trio, Sam Udrln, director; 4:15, Meyer Davis Le Paradis band; 5, musical program.
WRVA, Richmond, Va. (256m-li70kc), 8:10 p. in. orchestra and special features; 9:30, Richmond musicians club program, vocal and instrumental numbers; 11, Carry Me Back to Old Virginny.
WTAG, Worcester, Mass. (268m-ll20kc), 10:30 a m., musical program; 12:05-2, noon day luncheon music, WTAG orchestra. Will Hardy, director; 3-4:45, Tea Dansant music, WTAG orchestra; 7:15, "The Twinkle Twinkle Story Teller"; 8:30-9, Davis Saxophone Octet, WEAF; 10-11, Roxy and his Gang, WEAF.
WTAM, Cleveland, Ohio (389.4m -760ke), 6-7 p. m.. Royal Canadians; 8-11, city of Cleveland program; 11-1 a. m., Royal Canadians.
WTIC, Hartford, Conn. (475.9m -630ko), 6:30 p. m„ Hotel Bond trio; 8, Hartford Saengerbund concert; 8:30, Genevieve Rose Faust, soprano; 9:15, Laura C. Gaudet, pianist; 9:30, Esther A. Nelson, organist; 10-11, dance music.
WWJ, Detroit, Mich. (352.7m-850kc), 7:30-8 a. m., setting-up exercises; 9:30, "Tonight's dinner"; 12:0.T, Jules Klein's Hotel Statler orchestra; 3, Detroit News orchestra; 6, dinner concert; 8, News orchestra and soloists; 9, dance program; 10, Boxy and his gang.
Central Time Stations
CKY, Winnipeg, Can. (384.4m-780kc), 7:30 p. m., Canadian National Railway's program. Ft. Garry hotel. CNRW, Winnipeg. Can. (384.4m-780kc), 7:30 p. m., bedtime story. Aunt Grace; 7:50, musical program. Ft. Garry hotel, Irvine Plumra and his orchestra; 8:45, studio program, brass band. Bandmaster J. T. Cocking, director; P. H. Hughes, haritone; 10, supper-dance program, Irvine Plumm and his Ft. Garry hotel orchestra; Al Kilgour, soloist. KFKX, Hastings, Nebr. (288.3m-I040kc), 12:50, musical program, Hotel Clarke studio; 5:30, dinner concert relay, KDKA; 9, musical program, Sinfonia fraternity. KFNF, Shenandoah, la. (263m-H40kc), 7 p. m., concert,
Henry Field Seed company. KMOX, St. Louis, Mo. (280.2m1 070kc), 12:30 p. rn., organ recital, Arthur L. Utt; 3, string ensemble musio with soloists; operalogue, "Marriage of Figaro"; 4, string ensemble music with soloists; 6, organ recital, Arthur L. Utt; 7, little symphony, David Bittner, conductor; Opal Sweagea, soloist; 8, little symphony; Margaret Chapman Byers, oratorio and sacred selections with organ accompaniment; 9, little symphony; Alfred L. Schmied, pianist; 10, popular selections. KPRC, Houston, Tex. (296.9mlOIOkc), 12 noon. Lions' olub luncheon program, I. C. Timmins; 5:30 p. m.. Uncle Judd's kiddies' hour; 7:30, Fatty Martin's End O'Maine dance orchestra; 8:30, Bice Institute band, 60 pieces, Lee Chatham, director; 11, Palace theater orchestra, Charles MacBlain, director. KSD, St. Louis, Mo. (545.lm-550kc), 7 p. m„ Hotel
Statler orchestra ; 8, Ipana Troubadours. KTHS, Hot Springs National Park, Ark. (374.8m-800kc), 9-9:30 p. m., Salvatore Julian, trombonist; Ton! Cochard, soloist, John Heyn, accompanist; grand ensemble, Lon Chassy, director; 9:30-10:15, "Old Breakdown concert," J. E. Smith and his fiddle band; 10:15-11, Southerners Majestic hotel dance orchestra. KWWG, Brownsville. Texas (278m-IO80kc), 12 noon,
music; Beth Sewell, pianist. KYW, Chicago, ill. (535.4m-560kc), 1 p. m.. Congress hotel; 6, dinner music, KDKA; 7:30, Hearst square; 8, Congress hotel concert; 10-12:30, revue; 1-2, Insomnia club. WBAP, Fort Worth, Tex. (475.9m-630kc), 12:05-12:30 p. m.. Dude Vance, pianist; 6-6:30, Chief Gonzales' Texas Hotel Royals. WBBM, Chicago, III. (226m-l330kc). 4-6 p. m., Harry and Sandy; Valentino Inn orchestra; Edna Wheeler Ballard, harpist; Harold Morava, tenor; Johnny Black, Court Banks, Ralph Bottoff; 8-10, barber shop three; Sy Berg and Bob Witt; Moulin Rouge orchestra; Phillip Nilles, tenor; Rudy Winter; Floyd Falch; 122 a. m.. Lew Russell; Charlie Garland; Two Jays, Jeske and Jordan; Harold Anderson, accordionist; Moulin Rouge orchestra ; Spencer, Lavergne and Shayne, xylophone trio; Claire Matthews; Floyd Falch; Ariston trio. WCCO, Minneapolis, St. Paul, Minn. (4l6.4m-720kc), 2:30 p. m., afternoon concert; 4, readers' club, Eleanor Poehler; 5:30, children's hour; 7, midweek church service. Rex. M. K. Hartman, pastor; 8, program, WEAF, Ipana Troubadours; 9, musical program, the Nash -Finch concert orchestra; 10:05, dance program, Wallie Erickson's Coliseum orchestra; 11:30, organ recital. Eddie Dunstedter. WDAF, Kansas City, Mo. (365.6m -820kc), 6-7 p. m.. The Tell-me-a-story lady; The Trianon ensemble; 810, program; 11:45-1, Ted Weem's Victor Recording orchestra. WEBH, Chicago, III. (370.2m -8 1 Okc), 7-8 p. in., Emerson Military band; 9, Oriole orchestra; 9:45, Florence Behrend, soprano; Eugenia Dolberg, pianist; 11, Oriole orchestra ; Irene Beasley ; Frank Bordner, revue. WGN. Chicago, III. (302.8m-990kc), 10-10:15 a. ra.. good health period; 10:15-10:45, entertainment for shut-ins; 11-11:30, organ concert, Chicago theater. Dean Fossler; 12:01-12:30, noon hour entertainment for children; 12:40-2:30, luncheon concert music; 2:30-3, Lyon and Healy artist recital; 3:25, Port o' Missing Men; 3:30-4:15, tea time music; 4:30-5, Skeezix time; 6:30-6:45, dinner concert music; 6:457, old-time favorite songs; 8-9, musical program; 9-10, "Roxy" and his gang; 10-10:10, "Sam 'n Henry," Radio comic strip; 10:10-10:15. old-time favorite songs; 10:15-11, dance music, songs, Correll and Gosden, Freda Leonard and Jewell Barnett; Hawaiian guitar music, Langdon brothers. WHAS, Louisville, Ky. (399.8m-750ko), 1-2 p. m.. Barney Rapp's orchestra; 3-3:30, Mrs. Myrtle Fulks Zahn, Jr., organist; 4-5, Music Box review; 7:30-9, I. & I. orchestra; string division, K. & I. orchestra. WHB, Kansas City, Mo. (365.6m-820ko), 2-3 p. m., ladles" hour program, Morrell Moore; 7-8, Mllo Finley's trio; Walt Filkln, poet; popular songs. Wattle Watkins; Ramona Payne, pianist. WHO, Des Moines, la. (526m-570kc), 2:15 p. m.. Snow White, Marvel trio; 6-7, Bankers Life little symphonic orchestra; 7-7:15, Uncle Dutch stories; 7:15-8:15, Irene Doran and her little symphony orchestra; 8:15-9, Harry Lewis; Norman Broholm, pianist; Kate Miller, whistler; Maude Hughes, accompanist; artists, Capitol theater: 9-12, dance program. WIBO. Chicago, III. (226m-l330kc), 2-4 p. m.. Shutin program; Ted Fiorito, pianist; Dan Russo, violinist; Marie Tully, soprano; Wayne Meyers, reader; Connie Corwln, soprano; Russell Duke, singer; 6-8, dinner concert; old-fashioned songs; Walter Preston; WIBO string trio; Dorothy Rae, soprano; Florence Osterman. contralto; Joe North, baritone; Earl Blgelow, pianist; 10-12, popular program; open request night; Prof. Black, cryptologist; Marie Tully, soprano; Hicky and# Johnson; William Molnaire, tenor; Erwin Cornelius, "uke soloist; Lenore Friedman, soprano; Pearl Holzman, pianist; Irene Beasley, the Jordans. WJAZ. Chicago, III. (322.4m-930kc), 9-1 a. m.. Spike
Hamilton's and Al Katz' opera cluK WJJD, Mooseheart, III. (370.2m-8IOke), 12-1 p. m.. Palmer house symphonic players; Palmer house trio; 2-3, Howard L. Peterson, organist; 4-5, music, children; daily assembly of 1250 children; 5:30-7. Jack Nelson; Palmer house symphonic players; Howard L. Peterson, organist; Palmer house Victorians; 8-9, music, children: 10-11, Garod studio; R. V. Thomas; John Norton; Palmer House Victorians; 12:30, Garod studio; Palmer House Victorians; Jack Nelson. WKAF, Milwaukee, Wis. (26lm-f I50kc), 10-11 p. m..
Campus Skylarks; Al Buoch, sax soloist. WLIB. Chicago, III. (302.8m-990ke), 7-8 p. ra... musical program; 11-1 a. m., dance music, songs. Correll and Gosden; Hawaiian guitar music. Langdon brothers. WLS, Chicago, III. (344.6m -870ke), 6 p. m., WLS trio; 6:40, Ralph Emerson, organist; 7, Ford and
Glenn; 7:20, WLS trio; 8:30, "Our Dallas Trip," Ford and Glenn; 9:30, Jaysee male quartet; 10, Nadel's Hawaiian quintet; 10:30, Tony Corcoran, baritone; 11, WLS circus.
WLW, Cincinnati, Ohio (422.3m-7IOkc) 7:30 a. m.. healthful exercises, William Stradtman, physical department, Y. M. C. A. ; 8, morning devotions, auspices of Parkway Y. M. C. A.; 12:05 p. m., musical novelties, Irene Downing, player-roll artist; 4, Shut-in program, directed by William Duning; 7, dinner hour concert. Hotel Gibson, orchestra directed by Robert Visconti ; Jl :30, address, a representative of the Ohio Farm Bureau federation: 10, concert, Sigma Alpha Iota sorority, Cincinnati conservatory of music; 11, Crosley male quartet; 11:20, Crosley musical news, Johanna Grosse, editor and organist.
WMAQ, Chicago, III. (447.5m -670kc), 1 p. m., Chicago ■ Association of Commerce luncheon; 2, shut-in program; 4:45, pupils. Cosmopolitan School of Music; 5:15, Georgene Faulkner; 6, Chicago theater organ; 6:30, Hotel LaSalle orchestra; 8:35, Marie Sidinius Zendt, soprano; 9, WMAQ players.
WMBB, Chicago, III. (250m-l200kc), 7-8 p. m., Trianon duo; Eleanor Kaplan, violinist; Edwin House. baritone; Preston Graves, pianist; 9-11, Trianon orchestra; Dell Lampe; Woodlawn theater orchestra; Walter Kippa, Cecil and Esther Ward, Hawaiian guitar artists; Bllle Allen Hoff; Kreuger and Delleon, banjoists; Ted and Ned, harmony duo.
WOAI, San Antonio, Texas (394.5m-760kc), 3 p. m . Radio Trades association concert; 8:30, army night program.
WOAW, Omaha, Nebr. (526m-570kc), 12:45 p. ra., Phyllis Griswold, organist; 4:10, Feierman and Abbott.
WOC, Davenport, la. (483.6m -620kc), 4-4:45 p. m., Helen Hughes and her Blackhawk hotel; 5:45-6, chimes; 9-9:30, Erwin Swindell, organist; 9:30-10:30, Augustana college.
WORD, Batavia, III. (275m-IO90kc), 7-7:45 p. m., program, the North Shore Line; 7:45-8. "The Harp of God"; 9, Webster hotel trio, I. B. S. A. choral singers; 11-12, program.
WQJ. Chicago, III. (447.5m-670kc). 7-8 p. m., Rainbo Gardens orchestra; Dorothy Paxton, girl baritone; Jean St. Anne, baritone; Christian A. Grimm, pianist; Jessie Pringle, pianist; Agnes Pringle, violinist; 10-1, Rainbo Skylarks ; Melodlans ; Clarence Theders, tenor ; Joe Warner, character songs; George Thurn, kazoo; Oxford girls; J. Edwin Peterson, bass; 1-2, Ginger hour.
WSAI, Cincinnati, Ohio (325.9m-920kc), 7:30 p. in.. Davis Saxophone octet; 8, Ipana Troubadours; 10:15, Congress Playing Card string quartet.
WSB, Atlanta, Ga. (428.3m-700kc), 10:45 p. m., Biltmore hotel orchestra.
WSM, Nashville, Tenn. (282.8m1 060kc). 6:30 p. m., Francis Craig's orchestra; 7. WSM bedtime story; 8, Mrs. Daisy Hoffman, pianist; Mrs. Robert Luck, violinist; 10, Shriners.
WSMB, New Orleans, La. (3l9m-940kc), 9:30-12:30 p. m., Gallo instrumental quartet; Paul Jacobs quartet; solos.
WSOE, Milwaukee, Wis. (246m 1 220kc) , 5:30 p. m.. twilight musical; children's stories; Olga LaBelle, pianist; "Candygram" entertainers; musical selections. John H. Brown, basso; Mary Heimlich, pianist; H. H. Hague, baritone; J. R. Hickman, one man band.
WSUI, Iowa City, Iowa (483.6m-620kc), 9 a. in.. High School assembly program; 12:30 noon, music; 7:30 p. m.. College of the Air.
Mountain Time Stations
KOA, Denver, Colo. (322.4m-930kc), 12:15 p. m., Marjorle Nash, organist; 6:30, Brown Palace string orchestra; 8, Scheuermann Colorado orchestra; 8:15, Pi Kappa Delta studio program, Colorado Teachers' college male quartet; Carl Crist, baritone; Alexander Emslle, bass; J. Allen Grubb, tenor; Dorothy Becker, soprano; instrumental solos, Editha Todd, Clarence James, violinists; Lester Todd, cellist; Clarence James, violinist; Le»ter Opp, cellist; Louis Jones, pianist, four-violin ensemble, Edith Todd, Dorothy Milne, Myrna, Louise Snyder, Violet Finely; KOA orchestra; Colorado Teachers' college instrumental trio; 10-12, Broadmoor Rhythm Rustlers.
Pacific Time Stations
KFI, Los Angeles, Calif. (467m-642kc), 5:30-6 p. m.. Oriole dance orchestra; 6, nightly doings; 6:15, KFI's Seeing California; 6:30, vest pocket program; 6:45, Radiotorial period; 7, Nick Harris' detective story; 7:20-8, dance music; 8-9. program, Ventura Refining company; Ventura string quartet; 9-10, program, Chevrolet Motor company, Chevrolet ensemble; 10-11, Patrick-Marsh dance orchestra, Betty Patrick, soloist.
KFON, Long Beach, Calif. (232.4m1 290kc), 6-6:30 p. m., Brayton's theater organ; 6:30-7, amusement information; 7-8, Lulu Burnham entertainers; 8-9, Press-Telegram studio; 9-10, progTam, Sam Abrams, the tailor; 10-11, Oriole dance orchestra.
KFWB, Hollywood, Calif. (252m-ll90kc), 5-6 p. m. children's hour. Big Brother of KFWB; 8-9. program, John Wright, The Right Tailor; John Wright orchestra, Sol Hoopil's Hawaiians, Frank Stever, baritone, Esther White, blues singer; 9-9:30 p. m.. Bill Hatch and his Oakmont Country club dance orchestra; 9:30-10 p. m.. Mutual Motors mirth contest; 10-11, Warner Brothers frolic, direction Charlie Wellman.
KGO, Oakland, Calif. (36l.2m-830kc), 7:15-7:30 a. m.. health training exercises, Hugh Barrett Dobbs, William H. Hancock; 7:45, Pep class; 8:15-8:30, exercises; 11:30-1 p. m., Sherman, Clay and company luncheon concert; 3-4 p. m., Beulah Masterson, soprano; Jack Holworthy, tenor; LaLoie Carew, soprano; 4-5:30, concert orchestra. Hotel St. Francis. Vinton LaFerrera, conductor; 5:30, Mr. Fix-it; 6-6:55, Brokaw and his orchestra.
KGW, Portland, Ore. (49l.5m-6IOkc), 7:15 a. m.. health exercises; 12:30-1:30 p. m., concert; 8-9, concert; 9-10, concert, 10-11, concert.
KHJ, Los Angeles, Calif. (405.2m -740kc), 6:30-7:30 p. m., history story, Prof. Hertzog; Dick Wlnslow, juvenile reporter; Vivian Marple, Mickey McBan, screen juveniles: 8, lecture on astronomy, Dr. Mars Baumgardt; 8:30-10:30, Oscar Selling symphony or
KMTR, Hollywood, Calif. (238m-l260ko), 8-10 p. m.. KMTR concert orchestra. Loren Powell, directing; 10-11, Starr Piano company studio. Sunny Jim's talk; 5:30-6, Lelghton's Arcade cafeteria orchestra; 6, Town Tattler: 6:15, travel talk, W. F.
KNX, Hollywood, Calif. (336.9m-890ko), 5-5:30 p. m., Alder; 6:30-7, Atwater Kent concert orchestra; 7-8, feature program ; 8-9, program. Security Tr.ust and Savings bank; 9-10, program, John A. Vaughn corporation; 10-11, dance music; 11-12, Ray West's Cocoanut Grove dance orchestra from Ambassador hoteL
KOAC, Corvallis, Ore. (28p.2m-l070kc), 7:20 p. m.. musical selections.
KPO, San Francisco, Calif. (428.3m-700kc). 7. 7:30, 8 a. m., daily dozen exrecises; 12. scripture reading; 1-2. Rudy Selger's Fairmont hotel orchestra; 2:308:30, program. James Lono's Hawaiians; 5:15-6:15. children's hour stories: 6:40-7, Waldemar Lind and the States Restaurant orchestra.
KWSC, Pullman, Wash. (348.6m-880kc), 7:30-9 p. ra.. Phi Epsllon steel guitar quartet; Vincent Hiden, cellist; Esther Olsen, reader.
Headliners Today
Eastern Central Mountain Pacific
5 p. m. 4 p. nr. 3 p. nr. 2 p. m.
KYW (535.4m-560ko) Wendell Hall, Bed-Headed
Musio Maker
830 730 630 530
WBAP (475.9m-630ko) Harmony club.
8:45 7:45 6:45 5:45 WIP <508.2m-590kc) Institute of Musical Ait.
Daily Except Sunday
Mountain Paelfte
7:45 a. m. 6:45 a. m.
8 7
735 8
Eastern Central
9:45 a. m. 8:45 a. m
KDKA (309.1m-970kc).
10 9 WGN (302.8m-990kc).
10:35 935
WCCO (416.4m-720kc).
11 10 WOAI (394.5m-760kc).
12 n. II |0 9
CFCA (356.9m-840kc) : KDKA (309.1m-970kc) ;
KPRC (296.9m-1010kc). 12:30 p.m. 1130 1030 930
WCAE (461.3m-650kc).
I 12 n. II 10
KGW (491.5m-610kc); KNX (336.9m-890kc).
1:15 12:15 p.m. 11:15 10:15
WOAI (394.5m-760kc). ;.
3:45 2:45 I -A5 p. m. 12:45 p. m.
WHAS (399.8m-750kc).
4 3 2 1
WCX (516.9m-580kc).
4 30 3 30 2:30 130
WCAE (461.3m-650kc) ; WFAA (475.9m-630kc).
6 5 4 3 CFCA (356.9m-840kc).
6:30 530 430 330
WPG (299.8m-1000kc).
7 6 5 4 KOIL (278m-1080kc) ; WOC (483.6m-620kc).
7:15 6:15 5:15 4:15
WMAK (265.6m-H30kc); WOAI (394.5m-760kc).
8 7 6 5 WMBF (384.4m-780kc); WMCA (340.7ra-880kc).
WSAI (325.9m-920kc).
9:30 8:30 730 630
KPO (428.3m-700kc).
10 9 8 7
KLX (508.2m-590kc).
10:45 9:45 8:45 7*5
WEBH (370.2m-810kc).
Eastern Central
8 p. m. 7 p. m. WMAK (265.6m-1130kc).
8:15 7:15
WEBH (370.2m-810kc).
9 8 WPG (299.8m-1000kc).
12 II
KFWB (252m-1190kc).
Mountain 6 p. m.
Paelfle 5 p. m.
KYW, "The World Crier," broadcasts news every half hour from 8 a. m. to 2 a. m.
Eastern Central Mountain Pacific
9 p. m. 8 p. m. 7 p.m. 6 p. m.
KDKA (309.1m-970kc) Glee club, Tamburltza orchestra.
WBZ (333.1m-900kc) Second Anniversary program.
WJZ (454.3m-660kc), WGY (379.5m-790kc), Royal hour. 9:45 8:45 7:45 6:45
WMC (499.7m-600kc) Cortese ensemble. 10:15 9:15 8:15 7:15
KTHS (374.8m-800kc> Spanish classics.
11 10 9 8 KGO (361.2m-830kc) "Richelieu," 5-act play. KHJ (405.2m-740kc) Collegiate night.
KPO (428.3m-700kc) Radio Eight symphony. KYW (535.4m-560kc) Wendell Hall.
12 II 10 9 WGCP <252m-1190kc) At Home party.
Eastern Time Stations
KDKA, Pittsburgh. Pa. (309.lm-970kc), 12:20 p. m.. Trinity church lenten service; 6:30, KDKA Little symphony orchestra; 8:30, Frederic Francois Chopin, Richard Kountz, KDKA Little symphony orchestra; 9, American Croation glee club; Tamburita orchestra; 11 concert
WAHG, Richmond Hill, N. Y., (3l5.6m-950kc), 12:03 p. m.. Grebe matinee trio.
WBAL, Baltimore, Md. (246m-l220kc), 6-6:30 p. m.. children's program. Hazel Knox; 6:30-7:30, dinner program, WBAL orchestra, Robert Iula, conductor; 7:30-8, organ recital, Frederick D. Weaver; 8-10, musical program; Elizabeth Stidman, soprano; Gordon Phillips, tenor; mixed quartet; Clara Ascherfeld, pianist; Helene Broemer, cellist; Cella Brace, violinist.
WBZ, Springfield, Mass. (333.lm-900kc), 6:30 p. m., orchestra, KDKA; 7, Hotel Kimball dance orchestra;
8, Leo Relsman's orchestra; 9, program, second anniversary of WBZ, theatrical stars, WBZ concert company; Arthur Clifton, organist.
WCAU, Philadelphia, Pa., (277.6m1 080kc), 6:30 p. m., Cathay Tea Garden orchestra; 7:30, Snellenburg symphony orchestra; 8, The Mitchell Gondolier; 8:15. Elisabeth Papetina, coloratura soprano; 8:45, The Kandy Kids; 9, Barry O'Moore, Irish tenor; 9:30, The Musical Chefs; 9:45, swimming lessons; 10, SesqnlCentennial Hour; 11, Parodians dance orchestra; 11:30. Club Cadiz revue.
WCX, Detroit, Mich. (5l6.9m-580kc), 6-7 p. m., dinner program, Goldkette ensemble: 8-9, program.
WEAF, New York. N. Y. (49l.5m-6l0kc), 6:45-7:20 a. m.. Tower health exercises to WEAF, WEEI, WCAP; 7:45-8:00 a. m., morning prayer services. Greater New York Federation of Churches; 11, Vivian Sherwood, contralto; 4 p. m., Rlva Madannes, soprano, 4:15, Regina Besner, pianist; 4:30, Edgar M. Cruen, baritone: 4:45, talk; 5, Vincent Lopez and his orchestra from Tea room of Kitz Carlton hotel; 6, dinner music, Rose room of Hotel Waldorf-Astoria; 7, midweek hymn singing. Greater New York Federation of Churches; 7:30, the Smith Brothers; 8, the Larkinltes, WEAF, WEEI, WGR, WWJ. WFI, WTAG, WOC. WCCO, KSD, WCAE, WEAR: 8:30, Hires Harvesters. WEAF, WEEI, WFI. WCAE, WLIB, WSAI, WWJ ;
9. Clicquot Club Eskimos, WEAF. WEEI, WJAR, WTAG. WFI, WCAE, WSAI, WEAR. WGR, WWJ. WOC, WCCO. KSD. WGN: 10, Goodrich SHvertown Cord orchestra, WEAF, WEEI, WCAE. WJAR, WFI. WGN, WGR. WWJ, WTAG, WOC. WCCO, KSD. WSAI, WADC; 11-12, Vincent Lopez and orchestra from Casa Lopez.
WEAO. Columbus, Ohio (293.9mI020kc), 1:15 p. m., M. Robert Coleman, pianist; 8:15, music; 10, Hotel Fort Hayes hour of music.
WEAR, Cleveland, Ohio (389.4m-770kc), 7 p. m.. Hotel Statler concert orchestra, Maurice Spitalny; 8, Larklnlte Four, WEAF; 8:30, Workrlte Radio artists; 9, Clicquot olub. WEAF; 10, Vincent Percy organ recital,
WEEI, Boston, Mass. (348.6m-860kc), 6:45 a. m.. health exercises; 3 p. m., Lou Klayman and his orchestra; 4. St. Regis orchestra; 5:30. Harry Marshad and his orchestra; 6:45, Big Brother club; 7:30, Gevot Monteith soprano; 8, Larkinltes. WEAF; 8:30. Hire's Voyageurs, WEAF; 9, Clicquot club entertainers. WEAF; 10, Silvertown Cord orchestra.
WFI, Philadelphia. Pa., (394.5m-700ko), 1 p. m.. luncheon, Penna. Council of Republican Women, Nicholas Longwortli, speaker of the V. S. Senate, principal