Radio Digest (Jan-Oct 1926)

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February 20, 1926 RADIO DIGES T— Illustrated 21 ORIENTAL PROGRAM FRIDAY AT WFI Thursday, February 25 program, H. L. Crockett featuring Ilya Bronson, concert cellist; 8-9, program, Willys Overland dealers; 9-10, KNX feature program; 10-11, dance music; 11-12, Bay West's Cocoanut Grove dance orchestra fiom Ambassador hotel. KPO, San Francisco, Calif. (428.3m-700kc), 7, 7:30, 8 a. m., daily dozen exercises; 1-2 p. m., Rudy Seiger's Fairmont hotel orchestra; 2:30-3:30, matinee program; 3:30-4:30, Cyrus Trobbe's Palace hotel concert orchestra; 5:15-6:15, children's hour stories; 6:40-7, Waldemar Lind and the States Restaurant orchestra; 7-7:30, Rudy Seiger's Fairmont hotel orchestra; 8-9, program. Radio Eight symphony orchestra; 9-10, program; 10-11, Jack Coakley's Cabirians. KWSC. Pullman. Wash. (348.6m -880ko) , 7:30 p. m., Oregon Agricultural college vs. Washington State college basketball game. r Friday, February 26 Headliners Today Eastern Central Mountain Pacific 3 p.m. 2 p. m. I p. m. IZ noon WFI (394.5m-760kc) Oriental program, fairy tales, songs. 8 7 6 5 p. III. WEAR (389.4m-770kc) "Faust," opera. 8:15 7:15 6:15 5:15 WGY (379.5m-790ke) "The Duchess of Broadway," musical comedy. WTIC (475.9m-630kc) Middletown community night. 9 8 7 6 WBZ (333.1m-900kc) Musical clubs, jazz and Instrumental. WDAF (365.6m-820kc) Recital. WSM (282.8m-1060kc) Vanderbilt U. program. 9:30 8:30 7:30' 630 WMC (499.7m-600kc) Cortese ensemble. 10 9 8 7 KMOX (280.2m-1070kc) Symphony, "With Shakespeare." KTHS (374.8m-800kc) Dixie Melodies. KYW (535.4m-560kc) Wendell Hall. WLIT (394.5m-760kc) Morning Glory club con 10:05 9:05 8:05 735 KDKA (309.1m-970kc) Teaberry time. 1030 9:30 830 730 WGY (379.5m-790kc) Old-time dances. WBAP (475.9m-630kc) Bridgeport quartet. 12 m. II 10 9 KNX (336.9m-890kc) Optimistic Order of DoNuts. Friday, silent night far: CFAC, CHIC, CKNC. CKY, CNRC, CNRM, CNBO, CNRR, CNRW, KFAU. KFEO., KFKU, KFMO, KFWA, KFXF. KGO, KFAU, KLDS, KPRC, KUOM, PWX, WBBR, WCAD, WCBO, WEAO, WEBW, WGBS, WGST, WHAZ, WIP, WJAZ, WKRC, WLW, WLWL, WNAD, WRC, WREO, WRVA, WSAI, WSUI, WSMB, WTAM. Eastern Time Stations CNRA, Moncton, Can. (29l.lm-l030kc), 8 p. m., studio program, "Out to Win," three act comedy, Mrs. Irvine Malcolm, director; 10, orchestra. CNRT, Toronto, Can. (356.9m-840kc), 6:30 p. in., dinner concert, Luigi Romanelli and his King Edward hotel concert orchestra; 9, Radio Raiders In a little of everything, quartet, solos, monologues; 11, dance program, Luigi Romanelli and his King Edward hotel dance orchestra. KDKA, Pittsburgh, Pa, (309.lm-970ko), 12:20 p. m., Sunday school lesson, James C. Mace; 6:30, dinner concert; 9, concert; 10:05, Teaberry time. WAHG, Richmond Hill, N. Y. (3l5.6m-950kc), 12:03 p. m.. Sidney Raphael, pianist; Max Polansky, violinist; 7:30, Professor Richard E. Mayne; 7:45, Cecile LaBlanche, pianist; 8:15, organ recital direct from studio of Skinner Organ company, New York City, Henry Rogers Pratt, organist; 9:00, Walter Leary, baritone; 9:15, Jimmy Smith, banjo king; 9:30, Henrietta Mastin, soprano; 10:03, popular program; 10:20, Bernie Fletcher's orchestra. WBZ, Springfield, Mass., (333.lm-900kc), 630 p. m., KDKA Little symphony orchestra; 7, music story hour, Helen S. Leavltt; 8, Edwin J. McEnelly and his orchestra; 8:30, Hotel Vendome; 9, Bowdoln college musical clubs. WBAL, Baltimore, Md. (246m-l220kc), 6:30-7:30 p. m,, WBAL dinner orchestra, Robert lula, conductor; 7:30-8, male quartet; 8-9, musical program, Grachur club, Hobart Smock, director; 9-10, string trio; John Wil ■, bourn, tenor. WCAP, Washington, D. C. (468.5m-640kc), 6:45-7:45 a. m.. Tower health exercises; 6-12 p. m., dinner hour concert, Mozart string quintet ; "Sir Hobgoblin Stories," Blanche Elizabeth Wade; concert; concert, U. S. Navy band orchestra, Lieut, Charles Benter. leader; dance music, Wardman Park hotel ballroom. WCX, Detroit, Mich. (5l6.9m-580kc), 6-7 p. m., din ' ner program, Goldkette ensemble; 8-9, program; 9-10. dance music, Jean Goldkette's Breeze Blowers and his Victor Recording orchestra. WEAF, New York, N. Y., <49l.5m-6IOk<s), 6:45-7, 7:20 a. m.. Tower health exercises; to WEAF, WEEI, WCAP; 7:45-8:00 a. m., morning prayer service, auspices of Greater New York Federation of Churches; 4 p. m., Dorothea Osborne, soprano; 4:15, Kinur Hansen, violinist; 4:30, J. Morrison Flavelle, baritone; 4:45, Seals and Sea Cows, Ida Mellen; 5. Vincent Lopez and orchestra from Tea room of Rttz-Cartton hotel; 6, dinner music. Rose room of Hotel WaldorfAstoria ; 7, Gene Ingraham and his Great Notch Inn orchestra; 7:30, "Sir Hobgoblin's Cherry Tree," Blanche Wade, WEAF, WOO, WCAP, WCAE, WGR, WJAR, WEAR, WTAG. WOC; 7:45. Modena Scoville. pianist; 8, the Happiness Candy Boys; 8:30, Eagle Neutrodyne trio; 9, Cities Service quartet and orchestra, WEAF, WEEI, WOO, WEAR, WGN, KSD; 9:30, Irvine players in one act radio plays; 10, Whittall Anglo Percians, WEAF, WCAP, WJAR, WOO, WEEI, WGR, WTAG, WCAE, WOC, WCCO, WWJ, KSD, WEAR; 10:30, chamber musicale, Genia Ztellnska, soprano and Carl Rollins, baritone; 11-12, Ben Bernie and orchestra from Hotel Roosevelt WEAR, Cleveland, Ohio (389.4m -770kc), 7 p. m., Wormack's Singing syncopators ; 7 :30, children's program, WEAF; 8, "Faust," WEAR Grand Opera company; 9, cities service program, WEAF; 9:30, studio program; 10, WEAF program; 10:30, Wormack's Singing syncopators. WEEI, Boston, Mass. (34S.Gm-860kc). 6:45 a. in., health exercises; 3:15 p. m., George Joy and Nell Cantor, popular songs; 5, Frankie Ward and his orchestra; 6:15, Joe Rines and his Hunters' Cabin orchestra; 6:45, Big Brother club; 7:30, Whiting Milk company program; 8, musical; 8:30, Neapolitan Ice Cream company program; 9, musical, WEAF; 9:30, Carter's Incas; 10, Sager's hour of hospitality. WCHB, Clearwater, Fla. (266m-ll30kc), 6:30-7:30 p. m., dinner music; 8:30-9:30, Caroline Lee, "The Virginia Girl," and her Spanish guitar; Luther E. Ohls, ukulele; 11:45-1 a. m.. Radio Ramblers' midnight frolic. WGHP, Detroit, Mich. (270m-IIIOkc), 6-7 p. m., dinner concert. Hotel Tuller; 7:40-7:50, children's evening (tat; 10-11, entertainers in playlet, Harry C. Browne, GENERAL TALKS AND SPEECHES Saturday, February 20 Eastern Central Mountain Pacific 8 p.m. 7 p. m. 6 p. m. 5 p. m. WCCO (416.4m-720kc) "Fireside Philosophies," Rev. Roy L. Smith. 8:05 7:05 • 6:05 5:05 WAMD (244m-1230ko) Talk, "What Prominent Outsiders Think of Minneapolis and the Great Northwest." 8 30 7:30 6:30 530 VVMAQ (447.5m-67Ukc) "George Washington," James Edgar Brown. 8:45 7:45 6:45 5:45 WRC (468.5m-640kc) Zuo talk. 9:15 8:15 7:15 6:15 KNX (336.9m-890kc) Travel talk, W. F. Alder. 9:30 8:30 730 6:30 KHJ (405.2m-740kc) History story. Prof. Hertzog. 10:10 9:10 8:10 7:10 WNYC (526m-570kc) Travel talk. Monday, February 22 Eastern Central Mountain Pacific 3 p. m. 2 p. m. I p. m. 12 n. WFI (349.5m-760ke) "George Washington," Mabel Swint Ewer; "Correct Flag Salute," Robert Benner. 4:15 3:151 2:15 I :I5 p. m. WEAF (491.5m-610kc) "Current Events of the Theater," Dr. Montrose J. Moses. WIP (508.2m-590ko) "George Washington," Hon. Orrin E. Boyle. 5 4 3 2 WCCO (416.4m-720kc) Readers' club, Mrs. Walter Stevens. 7 6 5 4 WBZ (333.1m-900kc) "Theatrical Gossip," Sam Wren. WTAG (268m-1120kc) Science talk, Fred D. Aldrich. 7:40 6:40 5:40 4:49 WOAW (526m-570kc) Insurance talk. 8 7 6 5 WHN (361.2m-830kc) "Storage Batteries," H B. Shontz. WOR (405.2m-740kc) Current topics lecture, H. V. Kaltenborn. KFKU (275m-1040kc) "Variations in Business Prosperity," Prof. E. B. Dade. 8:30 730 630 530 WOI (270m-1110kc) Automobile course. Prof. A. Shane. WPG (299.8m-1000kc) Washington's birthday address, Hon. William H. Smathers. , WOI (270m-1110kc) Washington's birthday address, Prof. L. D. J Schmidt. 8:45 7:45 6:45 5:45 WEAF (491.5m-610kc) Tower health talk. 9 8 7 6 KNX (336.9m-890kc) Travel talk, W. F. Alder. WLW (288.3m-1040kc) "The Ideal Washington," Dr. Conde S. Pallen. 9:10 8:10. 7:10 6:10 WNAD (254m-1180kc) "Berichte aus Deutschland" (News from Germany), Prof. W. A. Willibrand. 9:15 8:15 7:15 8:15 KNX (336.9m-890kc) Travel talk, W. F. Alder. 930 8:30 7:30 6 30 WHAZ (379.5m-790kc) "The Lesson of History," Prof. Samuel Rezneck. II 10 9 8 KGO (361.2m-830ke) "A Government Timber Sale," T. D. Woodbury; "Chats About New Books," Joseph Henry Jackson; "Character Training in the Home," Prof. C. E. Rugh. Tuesday, February 23 Eastern Central Mountain Pacific 135 p.m. 12:35 p.m. 1135a. m. 10:35 a.m. KPRC (296.9m-1010kc) Health talk. Dr. A. H. Flickwir. 3 2 I p. m. 12 n. KMA (252m-1190kc) Travelogue, G. H. Van Hou ten. 4 3 2 I p. m. KFAB (340.7m-880kc) Sociology lecture. 4:30 330 230 130 WCCO (416.4m-720kc) "The World of Books," H. A. Bellows. 7 6 5 4 CKAC (410.7m-730kc) Safety league talks. WDAF (365.6m-820kc) Road talk. 7:15 6:15 5:15 4:15 WFI (394.5m-760kc) Banking talk, Norman Stokes. 7:30 8:30 530 4:30 WBZ (333.1m-900kc) "Literary Values in Recent Books," Prof. Robert Emmons Rogers. WGY (379.5m-790kc) "What Is Matter Made Off" Prof. Charles B. Hurd. 7:45 6:45 5:45 4:45 WMCA (340.7m-880ke) Tyrrell's health talk. WTAG (268m-1120kc) "Beauty and Science in a Snowflake," Prof. A. Wilmer Duff. 7:50 6:50 5:50 4:50 WGHP (270m-1110kc) Talk on banking, Raymond H. Berry. 8 7 6 ' 5 WJAK (305.9m-980kc) Safety talk. WCAU (277.6m-1080ko) Building and loan talk. 9 8 7 6 WMAQ (447.5m-670kc) Book talk, Harry Hansen. 9:15 8:15 7:15 6:15 KNX (336.9m-890kc) Travel talk, W. F. Alder. 9:45 8:45 7:45 6:45 WMCA (340.7m-880kc) "How to Drive an Automobile," Harry Rainess. WSOE (246m-1220kc) Movie review, Peggy Patton. 10 9 8 7 WSAI (325.9m-920kc) Historical talk. WMAQ (447.5m-670kc) University of Chicago lecture. 10:30 930 8:30 7 30 KHJ (405.2m-740kc) Talk on dogs, H. M. Robertson. KFMX (336.9m-890kc) "China," Prof. Keith Clark. WGY (379.5m-790kc) "Progress of Broadcast Development," C. J. Young. WCCO (416.4m-720kc) "Outdoors in Minnesota," Izaak Walton league. 10:45 9:45 8:45 7:45 KNX (336.9m-890kc) Health talk. Dr. Robert T. Williams. 11 10 9 8 KGW (491.5m-610kc) Book review; word-cartoon on styles. KPO (428.3m-700kc) Travel talk, Lieut.-Col. H. Edmund Bullis. 12:45 11:45 10:45 9:45 WORD (275m-1090kc) Talk, Ernest G. Wylam. Wednesday, February 24 Eastern Central Mountain Pacific 3 p. m. 2 p. m. I p. m. 12 n. WIP (508.2m-590kc) "Has Geology Anything to Say Regarding Religion?" Dr. J. G. Rodgers. WFI (394.5m-760kc) "Care and Maintenance of a Lawn," Warren E. Melxner. 5 4 3 2 WCCO (116.4m-720kc) Readers' club. WMAQ (447.5m-670kc) Talk, John Hayes Hammond. 7 6 5 4 WDAF (365.6m-820ke) Health talk; meat talk. 7:45 6:45 5:45 4:45 WOR (405.2m-740kc) "Topics of the Day," Spencer Armstrong. WHB (365.6m-820kc) Automotive extension lesson, John Burns. WDAF (365.6m-820kc> "Missouri Night on the Radio," John McQuigg. 8:15 7:15 6:15 5:15 WSAI (325.9m-920kc) Art talk, auspices of Cincinnati Art club, H. H. Wessel; 11, talk, faculty member of University of Cincinnati. 8:30 7:30 6:30 5:30 WEAO (293.9m-1020kc) "Eye Conservation as a National Problem," Dr. H. Minchin. WMAQ (445.7m-670kc) Lecture, Northwestern university. 9 8 7 6 WKRC (422.3m-710kc) Book review, Alice B. Coy. WLWL (288.3m-1040kc) "Accountancy," K. of C. WTIC (475.9m-630kc) "The Governments of Germany, Russia and the Newer States," Prof. Lane W. Lancaster. 10 9 8 7 WORD (275m-1090ko) Talk, L. M. Smith. 10:15 9:15 8:15 7:15 KOA (322.4m-930kc) "The Epic of the Cowboy," W. O. Orr. Thursday, February 25 Eastern Central Mountain Pacific 3 p. m. 2 p. m. I p. m. 12 n. WCCO (416.4m-720kc) "Among the Musicians." H. A. Bellows. 5 4 3 2 p. m. KMA (252m-1190kc) Travelogue, G. H. Van Hou ten. WCCO (416.4m-720kc) Readers" club. 7 6 5 4 WDAF (365.6m-820kc) Book talk, Louis Meeker. 730 630 5:30 430 WEEI (348.6m-790kc) Book chat, L. L. Hopkins. WGY (379.5m-790kc) WGY book chat, William F. Jacob. 7:45 6:45 5:45 4:45 WRC (468.5m-640kc) Smithsonian talk. 8 7 6 5 WIP (508.2m-590kc) "The Sesqul-Centennial," Hon. Harry A. Mackey. 830 7:30 6:30 5 30 WGBS (315.6m-950kc) "Footlight and Lamplight," Oliver Sayler. WTAG (268m-1120kc) Travel talk. WHB (365.6m-820kc> Aviation address, Harry Wimer. 9:15 8:15 7:15 6:15 KNX (336.9m-890kc) Travel talk, W. F. Alder. 9:30 8:30 730 630 WMAQ (447.5m-670kc) Talk. Chicago Association of Commerce; lecture, University of Chicago. 10 9 8 7 WRC (468.5m-640kc) Political situation, Frederick W. Wile. WCAL (336.9m-890kc) Speaker, G. Smedal. WMAQ (447.5m-670kc) Lecture, University of Chicago. 10:10 9:10 8:10 7:10 WNYC (527m-570kc) "Trend of the Times," Sydney Neville Ussher. 10:15 9:15 8:15 7:15 WLW (288.3m-1040kc) "Religion and Science," Rev. John M. Cooper. 10:45 9:45 8:45 7:45 KHJ (405.2m-740kc) Health talk. Dr. Phillip M. Lovell. 11:05 10:05 9:05 835 WCCO (416.4m-720kc) Traffic safety talk. Friday, February 26 Eastern Central Mountain Pacific 3 p.m. 2 p. m. I p. m. 12 n. KMA (252m-1190kc) Travelogue, G. H. Van Houten. WIP (502.8m-590kc) "Idealists and Rogues In Spanish Literature," Dr. J. F. W. Crawford. 5 4 3 2 WCCO (416.4m-720kc) Readers* club. 7 6 5 4 WOAW (526m-570kc) Music review, Hester Bronson Copper. 7:30 630 5:30 4:30 WBZ (333.1m-900kc) "Appreciation of Music," Prof. John A. O'Shea. 8:15 7:15 6:15 5:15 KDKA (309.1m-970kc) Health talk. WCAU (277.6m-1080kc) Chiropractic talk. 8:20 7:20 6:20 5:20 WJAR (305.9m-980kc) Health talk. WMAQ (447.5m-670kc) "What We Hear in Music," Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Oberndorfer. 835 7:35 6:35 5:35 WCCO (416.4m-720kc) Forest conservation talk. 9 8 7 6 KYW (535.4m-560kc) "Twenty Minutes of Good Reading," Rev. C. J. Pernin. WCCO (416.4m-720kc) Health talk. WLWL (288.3m-1040kc) Talk, books. 9:05 8*5 7:05 6:05 KFAB (340.7m-880kc) Bird Life. 9:15 8:15 7:15 6:15 KNX (336.9m-890kc) Travel talk. 9:45 8:45 7:45 6:45 WSOE (246m-1220kc) Book chat, M. S. Dudgeon. 10 9 8 7 KPO (428.3m-700kc) Investment talk, J. C. Wilson WMAQ (447.5m-670kc) Lecture, University of Chicago. 10:10 9:10 8:10 7:10 KPO (428.3m-700kc) Book reviews. Harry A. Small. WNYC (526m-570kc) "Books That Everyone Should Know," Carter Troop. 10:15 9:15 8:15 7:15 WLWL (288.3m-1040kc) "Religion and Science," Rev. John M. Cooper. 10:30 9:30 830 730 KHJ (405.2m-740kc> "Romances of Santa Fe Trail," Gladys De Witt. KOAC (280.2m-1070kc) "Business Digest," Dean J. A. Bexell. 10:45 9:45 8:45 7:45 KOAC (280.2m-1070kc) "Painting, Cleaning and Polishing the Auto," K. F. Coulson. director; 11-12, Skylark dance band; 12-1 a. m., Gerald Marks and his orchestra. WGR, Buffalo, N. Y. (3 1 9m 940k c). 2:30 p. m., WGR's afternoon program; 6:30, Clef trio and Danny Engle; 7:30, jointly with WEAF, Blanche Elizabeth Wade, story teller for G. R. Kinney company; 8:30, Dutch Masters Saxophone sestet; 9, Wlnjjor*» Creicent Park entertainers; 9:30, jointly with WEAF, Scott's Emulsion program; and Whittall's AngloPersians; 10:30, Hewitt Humorists; 11. Vincent Lopez Hotel Sfatier dance orchestra, Harold Gicser, director, John F. Gunderman, Jr. , organist. WGY, Schenectady, N. Y. (379.5m-790kc), 7 p. m.. Eastman theater; 8:15, "The Duchess of Broadway," WGY players; 10:30, old-time dances, WGY orchestra-. WHAR, Atlantic City, N. J. (275m-l090kc), 2 p. m , Seaside hotel trio; 7:30 talk; 8. trio. WJAX, Jacksonville, Fla. <338.9m-890kc), 3:30 p. in.. Hemming Park band concert, Vessella's band, Oreste Vesella, conductor; 7:30, music memory contest; 8-10, popular program. WJR, Pontiac, Mich. (5l6.9m-580kc), 7 p. m., Jean Goldkette's Symphony orchestra; soloists; 7:30, "Arctic Specials"; 9, "Mulkey Celebrities." WKAO. San Juan, P. R. (340.7m.880kc), 6-8 p. m., talks, Porto Rlcan Atheneum. WLIT, Philadelphia, Pa., (394.5m-760kc), 12:02 p. m., daily almanac; Stanley theater organ recital; religious services; Arcadia cafe concert orchestra; 2, Arcadia cafe concert orchestra; 2:30, playlet, members of National School of Elocution and Oratory; 4:30, recital; 7:30, Dream Daddy's bedtime stories; Sunbeam Club; 8. sports talk; 8:15, Arcadia cafe concert orchestra; 8:30, recital; 10, Morning Glory club concert; 10:30, Rufus and Rastus; 11, Arcadia cafe dance orchestra; continuation of Morning Glory club concert. WMCA. New York City, N. Y. (340.7m-880kc), 6 p. m., Olcott Vail and his Hotel McAlpin string ensemble; 6:30, Woodmansten Inn orchestra; 7:00, Jack Denny's orchestra; 8, current events; 9, Tracy Pearl musical program; 10:30, Norman Pearce, readings; 11, Ernie Gclden and his Hotel McAlpin orchestra, WNYC, New York, N. Y. (526m-570kc), 6:10 p. m. market high spots; 6:20, piano selections; 7:35, board of estimate; 8, concert program; 9, dance program. WOO, Philadelphia, Pa., (508.2m-590kc), 11 a. m., organ recital; 12:02 p. m.. Golden's crystal tea room orchestra; 4:45, organ recital; 7:30, Ritz Carlton dance orchestra; 8, WOO orchestra; 9:30, Fox theater features and symphony orchestra; 10, organ recital, Mary E. Vogt; 10:30, Sylvania dance orchestra. WPG, Atlantic City, N. J. (299.8mlOOOkc, 6:45 p. m., Arthur Scott Brook, organist; 7 Hotel Morton dinner music; 8:15, studio program; 9, Hotel Traymore conorchestra; 11, Jean Wiener, organist, cert orchestra; 10, James Salt Water Taffy Boys' dance WTIC, Hartford, Conn. (475.9m-630kc), 11:25 a. m., Laura C. Gaudet, pianist; 12:05 p. m.. Travelers club orchestra; 6:30, Hub trio; 8:15, Middletown Community night. WWJ, Detroit, Mich. (352.7m-850kc), 7:30-8 a. m.. setting-up exercises; 9:30, "Tonight's dinner"; 12:05, Jules Klein's Hotel Statler orchestra; 3, Detroit News orchestra; 6, dinner concert; 8, News orchestra and soloists; 9, WEAF program; 9:30, dance program. Central Time Stations KPRO. Houston, Tex. (296.9m-IOIOkc), 12 noon, Frank Tiiton, boy pianist. KWWG, Brownsville, Texas (278m-l080kc), 12 noon, orchestra music; 6 p. m., Roy Garcia, violinist. KYW, Chicago, III. (535.4m-560kc). 12:05-1 p. m., concert; 1, Joska DeBabary and his orchestra; CoonSanders orchestra; 6-7. dinner music, KDKA; 9, an hour of music 10-12:30, revue, Paul Ash and his orchestra; Coon-Sanders orchestra; 1, Insomnia club. WBAP, Fort Worth, Tex. (475.9m-630ke), 12:05-12:30 p. m., musical program; 6-6:30, Chief Gonzales' Texas Hotel Royals; 7:30-8:30, North Texas Agricultural college band; 9:30-11, Bridgeport male quartet; 11-12, Panther Hawaiian trio. WCCO, Minneapolis, St. Paul, Minn. (4l6.4m-720kc), 2:30 p. m., afternoon concert, Dick Long's Nankin cafe orchestra; 4, readers' club; 6:15, dinner concert, Biley's St. Paul hotel concert orchestra; 8:15, musical program; 9, program, WEAF; 10:05, dance program, Arnold Frank's St. Paul hotel orchestra. WDAF, Kansas City, Mo. (365.6m-820kc), 6-7 p. m.. The Tell-me-a-story lady; The Trianon' ensemble; 89:30, recital, Ella Schutte Clark, soprano; Mrs. Norma Troje Miller, violinist; Elsa Schutte, pianist; Dr. Harry Cooper, pianist; the Star's Radio orchestra; 11:45-1, Ted Weem's Victor Recording orchestra; Eddie Kuhn's orchestra. WEBH. Chicago, III. (370.2m-8IOkc), 7 p. m.. Oriole orchestra; 8, Pauline Sachs, soprano; Eleanor Kaplan, violinist; 9-9:45, WEBH Light Opera company. WGN, Chicago, III. (302.8m-990kc), 10-10:15 a. m., good health period; 10:15-11, entertainment for shut-ins; 11-11:30, morning organ concert, Chicago theater. Dean Fossler; 12:01-12:30 p. m., noon-hour entertainment for children; 12:40-2:30, luncheon concert music: 2:30-4, Lyon and Healy artists' recital; 3:25., Port o' Missing Men; 3:30-4:15. tea time music; 4:30-5, organ recital, Edward Benedict; 5:30-5:57, Skeezix time for children; 6:30-6:45, dinner concert music; 6:45-7, oldtime favorite songs; 8-8:30, Cities Service quartet; 10-10:10, "Sam 'n' Henry," Radio comic strip; 10:1010:15, old-time favorite songs; 10:15-11. dance music: songs, Correll and Gosden, Freda Leonard and Jewell Barnett; Hawaiian guitar music, Langdon brothers. WHAS, Louisville, Ky. (399.8m-750kc), 1-2 p. m., Royal Peacock orchestra; 3-3:30. Mrs. Myrtle Fulks Zahn, Jr. ; 4-5, Music Box concert; 7:30-9, concert, Greater Louisville Savings and Building association. WHO, Des Moines, la. (526m-570kc), 7:30-9 p. m., Drake university conservatory of music; 11-12, Bankers Life little symphonic orchestra. WJAZ, Chicago, III. (322.4m -930kc), 9-1 a. m., dance music, Chez Pierre orchestra, Earl Hoffman, conductor; intermission musical numbers. WLIB, Chicago, III. (302.8m -990kc), 7-8 p. m., musical program; 11-1 a. m., dance music; songs, Correll and Gosden; Freda Leonard and Jewell Barnett, WLS. Chicago, III. (344.6m-870kc), 6 p. m., Ford and Glenn; 6:40, Ralph Emerson, organist; 7, lullaby time; 7:20, WLS trio; 7:50, "Seigfried Sassoon," Wallace Bruce Amsbary; 8:35, Ford and Glenn; 9, Little Symphony orchestra; 10:30, Ford and Glenn; 11, surprise program. WLW, Cincinnati, Ohio (422.3m-7IOkc), 7:30 a. m„ healthful exercise, William Stradtman, phyiscal department, Y. M. C. A. ; 8, morning devotions, auspices of Parkway Y. M C. A.; 12:05 p. m., organ concert; 12:30, concert. Hotel Gibson orchestra, Robert Vlsconti, director. WMAQ, Chicago, III. (447.5m-670kc), 4:45 p. m., stories from Child Life; 6, Chicago theater organ; 6:20, Family Altar league; 6:30, Wide Awake club program; 8:30, Whitney trio; 9:20, music. WMBB. Chicago, III. (250m-l200kc), 7-8 p. in., Trianon duo; Frank Bordncr, baritone; Frank Chaplin, tenor; The Old Virginia Colonel; 9-11. Trianon orchestra; Dell Lamne; Woodlawn theater orchestra; Walter Kipps; Eddie Matts; Billie Donovan; Jack Goodwin, tenor; Ned and Ted. harmony duo. WMC, Memphis, Tenn. (499.7m-600kc), 8:30 p. m., Cooper's Hawaiians; 11, frolic. WOAI, San Antonio, Texas (394.5m-760kc), 8:30 p. m . San Antonio Express Evening News program. WOAW, Omaha. Nebr. (526m570kc), 1 p. in., Randall's Royal Fontenelle orchestra; 6, music review; 6:20, Francis Potter's banjo orchestra and soloists; 6:50. Gilbert Jaffy and his Little symphony; 9, classical; 10:15, Frank Hodek and his Nightingale orchestra. WOC, Davenport, Iowa (483,6m-R20kc), 5:45-6 p. m., chimes; 7:45-8:30, Norine Murray, soprano; Fay Paarman, pianist; Harry Yeazelle Mercer, tenor; 9-9:30, Whittal Anglo-Persian orchestra; 9:30-10:30, travel talk. WQJ, Chicago. III. (447.5m-670kc), 7-8 v\m., Rainbo Gardens orchestra; Henrietta Nolan, violinist; "Sun of the Soul." H. W. Bundy; Margaret Cade, soprano; Madeline Ruff, accompanist; 10-1, Rainbo Skylarks; Ballantlne stringed trio; Madame Castro Leon, Mexican soprano; Dell Eastburn, dramatic tenor; Payo Byannos, Russian bass; Eleanor Terry; Melodlans; Dean Terrill, baritone: Romo Vincent, boy baritone; Merrill Carder; 1-2, Ginger hour. (Continued on page 30)