Radio Digest (Jan-Oct 1926)

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14 RADIO D I G E S T— Illustrated February 27, 1926 WEMC TO OPEN SUPERPOWER STATION Saturday, February 27 brook, soprano; Will Rossiter, Homo Vincent; Johnny Poats. baritone; artists. WRR. Dallas, Texas (246mI220kc), 12-1 p. m„ musical progiam. Helen Culpepper; Dr. Fred Freeland, pianist; John Thorwald, tenor; 6-7, dinner hour concert, Jack Gardner's orchestra. WSAI. Cincinnati, Ohio (325.9m-920kc), 7:50 p. in.. Radio chime concert, Robert Badgley; S:15, Bicycle Playing Card sextet; 12 midnight, Freda Sanker's orchestra. WSB. Atlanta, Ga. (428.3m-700kc), S p. m., Atlanta Atwater Kent hour; 10:45, Rogers Red Head club. WSM, Nashville, Tenn. (282.8m-l06Okc), 6:30 p. m concert, Francis Craig's orchestra; 8, barn dance program and features. WSMB, New Orleans, La. <3l9m-940kc), 9:30 p. m.. Cotton Pickin' twins; Ray McNamara, pianist. WSOE. Milwaukee, Wis. (246m-l220kc), 8:30 p. m., Sunday school lesson; 9, Lakefront studio program; Frank Hegji, violinist; Adolph Suppan, clarinetist; Carl Bauman, pianist. Mountain Time Stations KFWA, Ogden, Utah (26lm-l I50kc). 4-5 p. m., organ recital. Paramount theater : 5-6, Ogden Radio dealers program; 9-10:30, music. Paramount theater; 10:30-12, Olie Reeves and his dance orchestra. KFXF, Colorado Springs, Colo. (250m-l200kc), S:30-ll p. m., musical program. KOA, Denver, Colo. (322.4m-930kc), 12:15 p. m., Rialto theater organ recital Marjorie Nash; 9, dance program. Harmony Peerless orchestra; 10:30j dance program, Scheuerman's Colorado orchestra. Pacific Time Stations KFI, Los Angeles, Calif. (467m -642kc) . 5:30-6 p. m., matinee; 6:15, KFI's seeing California; 6:30, vest pocket program; 7-8, Paul Roberts, pianist; Frank Barry, tenor; 8-9. All-American string quartet; 9-10. program. KFI, KPO; 10-11. Packard Radio club; 11-3 a. m., KFI midnight frolic Don Meaney, master ot ceremonies. KFOA, Seattle, Wash.. (454.3m-660kc), 9:30-11 p. m., Jackie Souders' club. KFON, Long Beach, Calif. (232.4m1 290kc), 6-6:30 p. m., Brayton's theater organ; 8-9, Press-Telegram studio: 9-11. KFON artists frolic. KFWB, Hollywood, Calif. (252m-l I90kc), 8-9 p. m.. Lyric string trio; Eunice Wynn, blues singer; Ray Kellogg and Bill Hatch, the jazz twins; Ashley sisters in vocal duets; 9-11, Oakland Six dance orchestra. Len Nash, leader. KGW, Portland, Ore. (49l.5m-6l0kc), 12:30-1:30 p. m., concert; 6-7, dinner concert; 9-12 midnight, dance music, Multnomah hotel; intermission piano solos. Curt Kremer. KHJ, Los Angeles. Calif. (405.2m-74Okc), 8-11 p. m., program. Motor Transit company with Uncle Remus. KJR, Seattle, Wash. (384.4m-780kc), 8:30-10 p. m., program. I. C. Warner company. KMTR, Hollywood, Calif. (238m-l260kc). 6-7 p. m., Starr Piano company studio; 8-10, KMTR concert orchestra. KNX, Hollywood, Calif. (336.9m-890kc), 5:30 p. m., Leighton's Arcade cafeteria orchestra; 6:30-7, Atwater Kent orchestra; 7:30-8, feature program; 8-10, KNX studio program; 10-11, Cocoanut Grove dance orchestra,. 11-2 a. m.. Filmland frolic. KPO, San Francisco, Calif. (428.3m-700kc), 1-2 p. m„ Rudy Seiger's Fairmont hotel orchestra; 2:30-3:30, matinee program; 3:30-5:30. Cyrus Trobbe's Palace hotel concert orchestra; 6:35-7:30, States restaurant orchestra; 8-9, band music; 9-10, program, for Earle C. Anthony, Inc.; 10-12. Fairmont hotel dance orchestra; Maurice Gunskv. tenor: Merton Bories, pianist. KGO, Oakland, Calif. (36lm-830kc), 4-5:30 p. m., concert orchestra. Hotel St. Francis; 8:10, program. Salvation Army Western Territorial band; Ellen Clark pianist; Roy Gotney, Russian baritone: Jennings Pierce, tenor: 9:15, "A Step On the Stairs," Radio Digest serial mystery play; 10-12, Girvin-Deuel's California Collegians. KPSN, Pasadena, Calif. (3l5.6m-950kc), 8-9 p. m., Star-News concert; Louise Klos trio, other artists, 9-10, dance orchestra. Maryland hotel. KTAB, Oakland. Calif. (240m-l250kc), 12-1 p. m., luncheon concert. Sunday, February 28 Headliners Today Eastern Central Mountain Pacific 5 p. m. 4 p. in. 3 p.m. 2 p. m. KOA (322.4m-93ukc) Music hour. 6 30 5:30 430 3:30 WBAL (246m-1220kc) Max Rosenstein, violinist. 8:15 7:15 6:15 5:15 WEMC (285.5m-1050kc) Opening of superpower station. 9:15 8:15 7:15 6:15 WEAF (491.5m-610kc), WEEI. WCAP. WFI, W.TAR. WGR, WCAE, WSAI. WWJ, WOC, WCCO, WGN. WEAR, KSD, WTAG, Atwater Kent program. 10 9 8 7 KTHS (374.8m-800kc) Classic hour. 1030 930 8:30 730 KPRC (296.9m-1010kc) Minstrel chorus. Sunday, silent night for: CFAC. CHIC, CKNC, CNRC, CNRE. CNRM. CNRO, CNRR. CNRT, CNRW, KFAB, KFAU, KFKX. KFKU. KFVE, KFWA. KFXF, KLX, KMA, KMTR, KOB. KOWW, KSAC. KSO, KUOA, KWSC, WABQ, WAHG. WCAD. WDAF. WEAO. WEBW, WFI. WGES. WGHB, WGHP, WGST WHAS, WHAZ, W1AZ. WJ1D, WJR. WKAF, WKAR, WMAQ. WMAZ. WMC, WNYC, WOI WRVA, WSB, WTAM, WTIC. CNRA. CNRV. KFOA. KOAC, PWX, WEBJ, WHAD, WKAQ. , WRC, Eastern Time Stations CFCA. Toronto, Can. (356.9m-840kc), 11 a. m., St Paul's Anglican church; 7, Timothy Eaton Memorial church. CHIC. Toronto. Can. (356.9m-840kc), 5 p. m., organ recital, George B. Graham. CKCL, Toronto. Can., (357m-840kc), 3-4 p. m., St John's Presbyterian church choir; 4-4:55, Memorial Central V M. C. A. KDKA. Pittsburgh, Pa. (309.lm-970ke), 11 a. m., church Eervice; 1 p. m.. Dr. Charles Heinroth, organist. WBAL, Baltimore. Md. (246m-l220kc), 6:30-7:30 p. m„ twilight program: WBAL concert orchestra; Max Boeautein, vlolini-t. WBBR. New York. N. Y. (273m-ll00kc). 2 p. m. Watchtower orchestra; 2:20, Fred Twarosehk, tenor 2 15, Fred Twarosehk; 8:30, Fred Twarosehk: 3:10. Watchtower orchestra; 9, Watchtower string quartet. 10. Watchtower string quartet. WBZ. Springfield. Mass. (333.lm-9O0kc), 10:45 a. m.. mmunlty church; 8 p. m., Ary Dulfcr, violinist'. Alexander Blackrnan. vlolalst; George Brown, cellist'. Hans Knell, pianist; 7. Copley Plaza orchestra; 8, program, Holv Cross college. WCAP, Washington. D. C. (468.5m-640kc), 11 a. m., First Church ol Christ, Scientist; 1 p. m., Bethlehem chapel. WCAU, Philadelphia. Pa. (277.6mI080kc). 5 p. ra.. rc'; 5:51, undenominational church services, ltev. John w Btockwell, pastor; 5:35, recital; <i:t"», Clarence Seaman and hie Bote] Pennsylvania concert orchestras 7 15, Cathay Tea Garden concert orchestra; 8 :;0. Bonwit -Teller Light Opera company; 9, Potash and I'erlmutter. WCX. Detroit, Mich. (5l6.9m-580kc), 7:15 p. w., serv Crystal Palace orchestra; 3:30, Arrowhead inn tea dance orchestra : 9 :30, Shackley trio. WGCP. New York. N. Y. (252m-M90kc), 3 p. m., Wm. Voelk's Oriole serenaders; 3:30, Milton Yokeman, tenor; 3:15. Kanter. Cohen, Moore, ukulele, guitar, banjo; 4, Sylvia Miller, soprano; 4:15, orchestra. WGR. Buffalo, N. Y. (3l9m-940kc), 10:45 a. m., Westminster Presbyterian church; 7:45 p. m., Central Presbyterian church; 9:15, jointly with WEAF, Atwater Kent program. WGY, Schenectady, N. Y. (379.5m-790kc), 11 a. m., Union Presbyterian church; 12:30 p. m.. Symphony society concert; 3, musical program; 5, Dr. Frank Sill Rogers, organist, assisted by T. Roy Keefer, violinist; 7:30, Union Presbyterian church; 9, program,. WJZ; 10, Godfrey Ludlow, violinist. WHAR, Atlantic City, N. J. (275m.l090kc), 10:45 a. m., morning services, Chelsea Baptist church; 2:15 p. m., sacred recital. Seaside hotel trio: 2:45, sermon; 7:50, Chelsea Baptist church; 9, "With the Classics." WIP, Philadelphia, Pa. (508.2m-590kc). 4 p. m., "The Blight of Bigotry," talk by Arthur Walwyn Evans; 7:15, services, Holy Trinity church; 9:30, Ben Stad and his WIP Little Symphony orchestra. WJAX, Jacksonville, Fla. (336.9m-890kc), 11 a. to.. and 7:30 p. m., church services. WJZ, New York. N. Y., (454.3m-660kc), 12:30 p. m., Sunday symphonic society; 2:30, Radio forum; 4:55, St. George's Vesper service; 7, Hotel Pennsylvania orchestra; 8, Bakelite hour; 9, orchestral concert; 10, Godfrey Ludlow, violinist. A charming' hostess is Anne Louise Lawless, left, 'who receives the visitors and guests of Station WBZ, Springfield. The three bonny gentlemen below are called the Sunny South trio, and are from left to right, Bill Eastwood, banjoist; Hilton Marcour, pianist; Oscar Marcour, violinist. They play during the dinner hour on Mondays, Fridays, Saturdays at WSKB, ices. Central Methodist Episcopal church, Guy Filkins, organist. WEAF, New York. N. Y. (49l.5m-6l0kc), 2-3 p. m.. Greater New York Federation of Churches ; 3-4, Young People's conference; 4-5:30, men's conference in Bedford Branch Y. M. C. A., WEAF, WEEI, WTAG, WCAE, WSAI; 6, George Barrere's little symphony orchestra; 7, moment musicale; 7:20-9:15, musical program, Major Edward Bowes and "Capitol Family" to WEAF, WEEI. WCAP, WJAR, WTAG. WWJ, WCAE; 9:1510:15, Atwater Kent Radio hour to WEAF. WEEI, WCAP. WJAR, WGR, WCAE. WSAI, WWJ, WOC, WCCO, WEAR. KSD, WTAG. WFI, WGN; 10:15, "The Arctic from the Air," Donald B. MacMillan. WEAR, Cleveland. Ohio (389.4m-770kc), 3:30 p. m.. Goodyear concert orchestra afternoon musicale; 7, Loew's theater orchestra; 7:45, fireside hour; 8:30, Vincent Percy, organist. WEEI, Boston, Mass. (348.6m -860kc), 2 p. m., Golden Rule hour of music; 3. Chamber of Commerce organ recital; 7:20, Major Edward Bowes and his Capitol family; 9:15, Atwater Kent artists; London string quartet. WEMC, Berrien Springs, Mich., (285.5m-l050kc), 8:15 p. m., Martha Hutchinson, soprano; Mrs. Lela Beuchel. contralto; Maitland Alfred, tenor; T. H. Madison, violinist. WFI, Philadelphia, Pa. (394.5m-760kc), 6 p. m., George Barrere and his little symphony orchestra; 7, moment musicale; 7:30, Arch St. Presbyterian church. WGBS, New York, N. Y. (3l5.6m-950kc), 3 p. m.. WLIT, Philadelphia, Pa. (394.5m-760kc), 2 p. m., Arcadia cafe concert orchestra; 7, Benjamin Franklin hotel organ recital; 7:30, Benjamin Franklin concert orchestra. WLWL, New York, N. Y. (288.3m-l040kc), 8 p. m., Paulist Choristers, sermon. Rev. J. H. Sullivan. WMAK, Buffalo, N. Y. (266m-M30kc), 10:25 a. m., services, First Presbyterian church; 7:30 p. m., service. Churchill Tabernacle. WMCA, New York, N. Y. (34O.7m-880kc), 11 a. m.. Fifth Church of Christ. Scientist; 3 p. m., Minot Simons, D. D., "What to Think in Religion." All Souls church. Unitarian; 3:30, Donald Flamm's frolickers; 5:30, Woodmansten Inn orchestra; 6, Roemers Homers: 7, Ernie Golden and Ills Hotel McAlpin orchestra ; 7 :30, Olcott Vail and his Hotel McAlpin string ensemble; 8:15, Mayolians; 11, Jack Denny's orchestra. WOO, Philadelphia, Pa. (508.2m-590kc), 10:30 a. m., services, Bethany Presbyterian church; 2:15 p. m., services, Bethany Sunday school; 6, organ recital, Clarence K. Bawden. WPG, Atlantic City, N. J. (299.8m-l000kc). 3:15 p. m., Arthur Scott Brook, organist; 4:15, vocal and instrumental recital; 9:15, Hotel Traymore orchestra; 10, Arthur Scott Brook, organist. WREO, Lansing, Mich. (285.5mI050kc), 6-7 p. m.. dinner concert; Speed-WTagon serenaders; Gold Standard ensemble; 10, dance program. SpeedWagon serenaders. WTAG. Worcester. Mass. (268m-l I20kc). 4-5:30 p. m., music, Gloria Trumpeters; Mr. and Mrs. Howard Kimsey, baritone and accompanist; 7:20-9:15, musical pro Atwater Kent Program, February 28, over WEAF and Chain* London String Quartet — James Levey, 1st violin; Thomas Petre, 2nd violin; H. Waldo Warner, viola; C. Warwick Evans, cello. I. Two movements from American Quartet in F Dvorak (a) Lento (b) Finale II. An Irish Melody Bridge (Londonderry Air) III. Andante from Quartet in A, Opus 18, No. 5 Beethoven IV. Nocturne Borodine V. (a) A Cherry Ripe Bridge (b) Variations from Emperor Quartet Haydn ♦The WEAF chain for the Atwater Kent hour (9:15 p. m. Eastern, 8:15 p. m. Central time) in. -lurks WEAF, WFI, WGR, WCAE, WCAP, WJAR, WTAG, WGN, KSD. WCCO, WQC, WSAI. WEAR, WEEI, WWJ. gram, Major Edward Bowes and the Capitol family; 9:15-10:15, Atwater Kent Radio hour; London string quartet. WTIC, Hartford, Conn. (475.9m-630kc), 3 p. m., concert, Hartford Symphony; 5, organ recital. Central Time Stations CKY, Winnipeg, Can. (384.4m -780kc). 7 p. m., St. Stephen's United church; 9, program. KFAB. Lincoln, Nebr. (340.7m-880kc), 4-5 p. m., vesper service; 9-10, Sunday evening musical. KFDM, Beaumont, Texas (3l5.6m-950kc), 11 a. m., service; 7:30 p. m.. First Presbyterian church. KFMX, Northfleld, Minn. (336.9m-890kc), 7-8 p. m., college vesper service. KFNF. Shenandoah, Iowa (263m-H40kc), 10:45 a. m.. First M. E. church; 2:30 p. m.. Golden Rule song service; 3, Swedish Mission church; 6:30, Golden Rule circle; 7, Christian church service. KFRU, Columbia, Mo. (499.7m -600kc), 7:30 a. m, sunrise service; 9:20. Bible class; 7:30, evening student service. KLDS, Independence, Mo. (44lm-680kc), 11 a. in.. Stone church services : Robert Miller, organist ; Stone church choir; Mrs. Arthur Riddolls, soprano; 3 p. m., sacred program; 6:30, vesper service; KLDS quartet; Mary Fields, soprano; Mrs. Mary Curtis, soprano; Mrs. Frank Gdode, contralto; Gladys Goode, contralto; Irwin Moorman, cornetist; Wingfield Lewis, baritone; sermonet, 9:15, Pauline Becker Etzenhauser, organist; Lillian Green, violinist; Herbert Fraher, baritone; Margaret Gard, contralto. KMA, Shenandoah, Iowa (252m-ll90kc), 12:15-1:15 p. m., sacred song service, Mrs. May; 4-5, church choir music; 5-6, Bible studv. G. H. Van Houten. KMMJ, Clay Center, Nebr. (229m-l3l0kc), 2:30 p. m., sacred program; 8:30, religious service. KPRC, Houston, Texas (296.9m10 lOkc), 9:50 a. m. services Trinity Lutheran church; 8 p. m. Trinity Luthean church services; 9:30 Prairie View State Normal chorus, colored. KSD, St. Louis. Mo. (545.lm-550kc), 6:15 p. m., St. Louis Post -Dispatch concert orchestra. KTHS, Hot Springs National Park, Ark. (374.8m-800kc). 11-12 noon, services. Central Avenue Methodist church; Arthur Platz, organist; 9-9:30, classic hour, Eastman hotel orchestra; 9:30-10, Toni Cochard and Clyde Foley, popular songsters; New Arlington hotel grand ensemble, Lon Chassy, director; 10-11:30, Arkansas Traveler Limited special train frolic, Benny Ford and his DeSoto orchestra. KYW, Chicago. III. (536m-560kc), 11 a. m.. Central church; 2:30 p. m., studio chapel service; 4:30, studio concert; 7, Chicago Sunday evening club; 9:30, classical concert. WAMD, Minneapolis, Minn. (244m-l230kc). 6:15 p. m., George Osborn's orchestra; 6:45, WAMD players; 9:30, Gayle Wood. WBAP, Fort Worth, Texas (475.9m.630kc), 11 a. m.. First Presbyterian church; 12:30 p. m., kiddies' hour; 5-6, Morrow's Family quartet; 9:30-11, Chief Gonzales' Texas Hotel Royals. WBBM. Chicago, III. (226m-l330 kc), 12:30-2 p. m.. classical program; 4-6, afternoon concert; 8-10, Maurice. Silverman; Moulin Rouge orchestra; Vivian Sheffer, contralto; Pauline Stiffler Atlass, violinist; Rudy Winter; Floyd Falch; 12-2 a. m.. Nutty club; Moulin Rouge orchestra. WCAL. Northfleld, Minn. (336.9m-890kc). 8:30 a. m.. Norwegian church; 9:15 p. m., St. John's Lutheran church. WCBD, Zion, III. (344.6m-870kc), 8 p. m., semi-chorus and Hire trio; Arthur Rendall, clarinetist; Richard F. Hire, violinist; Klowann and Studebaker. clarinettists; E. B. Paxton, baritone; Mr. and Mrs. Sparrow, duets; Miss Reynolds and Miss Carey, duets; Mrs. Thomas and Mr. Barton, duets; Eula Myhre, pianist, Mrs. Edna Paxton, reader. WCCO, Minneapolis-St. Paul. Minn. (4l6.4m-720kc), 10:50 a. m.. Hennepin Avenue M. E. church; 3 rJ)Jjw-> Bible study, Lutheran Bible institute: 4:10, House of Hope Presbyterian church; 6:20, Second Church ot Christ, Scientist. WDAF, Kansas City. Mo. (365.6m-820kc), 3-4 p. m., Ottawa, Kan.; 4-4:45, vespers, Our Redeemer Lutheran. WEBH, Chicago, III. (370.2m -8 1 Okc), 10:40-12 noon. Seventh Church of Christ Scientist; 5-6 p. m.. Oriole orchestra; Dr. Alexandra Schur, baritone-bass; 7:15, orchestra; 8:15, news. Oriole orchestra; William Young, pianist; Sidney Ellstrom. WENR, Chicago, III. (266m-l I30kc). 0-7 p. m., dinner concert, Rauland-Lyric trio; Russell Hendriekson, cellist; Frank Westphal, pianist; vocal; 8-10, All-American Pioneers; Archie Rawls, tenor; J. E. Peterson, basso; Dorothy Cutler, pianist; Art Bilquist, singer; Claire Gorska-Geis, soprano; 12-2 a. m., midnight frolics; Frank Westphal and his All-American Pioneers; banjo and saxophone numbers ; vocal. WGES, Oak Park, III. (250m-l200kc), 10:15-12 noon, Austin M. E. church; organ; choir; 5-7:40, Moody Bible school program; pipe organ; 11-12, organ, mezzosoprano; tenor. WGN, Chicago, III. (302.8m-990kc), 11:45-12:45 p. m.. Sunday noon musical hour, Chicago theater; 12:45-1:45, Chicago theater complete performance ; 2-3, Edwin Stanley Seder's organ concert; 3-4, concert. Chicago Philharmonic orchestra; 4-5, musical program; 5-5:15. old-time favorite songs; 7-7:30, musical program; 7:307:45, old-time favorite songs; 7:45-8:15, musical program; 9:15-10, musical program. WHAS. Louisville, Ky. (399.8m-750kc). 10 a. m., services, St. Boniface church; choir, Mrs. A. Molengraft. organist; 4:30-5:30 p. m., evensong choral service, Christ church cathedral; Ernest Simon, organist. WHB, Kansas City, Mo. (365.6m-820kc), 9:40 a. m.. Linwood Boulevard Christian church; 11:15-12:30, In dependence Boulevard Christian church : 8-9 :15, Fourth Church of Christ, Scientist; 11:15-1. Linwood theater Radio features. WHO, Des Moines. Iowa (526m-570kc), 11 a. m., St. Paul's Episcopal church; 7:30-8:15 p. m.. Bankers' Life trio; 11-12, Bankers' Life Little symphonic orchestra. WIBO, Chicago, III. (266m 1 330kc) , 2-4 p. m., Mr. Bute and quartet; Chester Newman, baritone; Bernice Taylor, soprano; Charlotte Edwards, contralto; 6-8, Helen Snyder, soprano; Earl Rigelow, pianist; Henry Corbin. baritone: Fred Noble, cornetist; Laura Remer, contralto; 6, string trio; 10-12, Elsie Orr, soprano; Walter Preston, tenor; Eugene Wallenius, baritone; Marie Tully, soprano; Irene Beasley. soprano; string trio. WJAZ. Chicago, III. (322.4m-930kc), 7-9 p. m., special musical program, Spanish Garden studio. WJJD, Mooseheart, III. (370.2m-8IOkc), 7:45 a. m., Catholic services; 9:40-10:30, Protestant services; 3-4 p. m., Mooseheart Sunday concert. WKAF, Milwaukee. Wis. (26lm-ll50kc), 4-6 p. m. Jean Hammond's Tune Tinkers; Viola Sontag, pianist. WKRC. Cincinnati, Ohio (422.3m-7IOkc), 6:45 p. m.. Walnut Hills Christian church; 10, classical program: vocal and instrumental numbers; 11, dance program. Marion McKay and his orchestra. WLIB, Chicago, III. (302.8m-990kc), 5-7 p. m., musical program. WLS, Chicago, III.. (344.6m-870kc), 6 p. m., prelude: 7-7:55, WLS little brown church in the vale; little brown church choir; Ralph Emerson, organist. WLW, Cincinnati, Ohio (422.3m-7IOkc). 11 a. m., morning worship. Seventh Presbyterian church, Jesse Halsey, minister; 4 p. m., PhiDippus Evangelical church; 7:30. First Presbyterian church; 8:30, concert, H. & S. Pogue company orchestra. WMBB, Chicago, III. (250m-l200kc). 3-5 p. m., Trianon orchestra, Dell Lampe, director; Woodlawn theater orchestra, Walter Kipp; Lucile O'Hara, soprano. Tommie Hughes, baritone; Bob Duffy. Ray Miller. Nina Smiley, mezzo-soprano, popular concert program. 7:40-9. Fifth Church of Christ. Scientist; 9-11, Trianon orchestra, Dell Lampe, director; Woodlawn theater orchestra, WaltfT Kipp: Maxwell Treharne, tenor: Billie Allen Hoff; Ned and Ted: Harmony duo; popular program. WMC. Memphis. Tenn. (499.7m-600kcV 11 a. m., First Methodist church. WNAD, Norman. Okla. (25Jm1 I80kcl. 9:3TJ p. iu., Ernest Sharp, vocalist ; Helen Rubi.i, violinist.