Radio Digest (Jan-Oct 1926)

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20 RADIO DIGES T— Illustrated February 27, 1926 CHINESE MUSIC FEATURE OF WGY Thursday, March 4 non duo; 9-11, Trianon orchestra, Dell Lanipe, director; Woodlawn theater orchestra. Walter Kipp; Lucile O'Hara, soprano; Tommie Hughes, baritone; Bob Duffy, tenor; Clinton Keithley, singer and pianist; Celeste specialties. WMC, Memphis, Tenn. (499.7m-600kc), S:45 p. m., Cortese ensemble. WOAI. San Antonio, Tex. (394.5m-760kc), S:30 p. m.. Mistletoe Melody Maids. WOAW, Omaha, Nebr. (526m-570kc), 12.45 p. m., Gilbert Jaffy's orchestra; 4:15, Adams' orchestra; 6, Dorothy Chenoweth Lowden. harpist; E. M. Mills, trumpet; 6:20, Manna Kea trio; 6:50, Randall's Royal Fontenelle orchestra; 9. de luxe; 10:30, Herb Feierman's orchestra; 12, Roseland Radio frolic; Frank Hodek's Nightingale orchestra. WOC, Davenport, la. (483.6m-620kc), 5:45-6 p. m., chimes concert; 7-7:30. musical program ; 7:30-8, "Plow Boys' quartet": 11-12, Le Claire hotel orchestra; song numbers. Peter MaeArthur, baritone. WOI. Ames, Iowa (270m-l I lOkc), 12:30 p. m., college chimes. WOK. Chicago, III. (2l7.3m-l380kc), 4:30-7 p. m.. Capitol theater organ; program; 10-1:30, Teamey's Town club orchestra; Carl Lorraine's Pershing Palace orchestra; Husk O'Hare's Cocoanut Grove orchestra; Capitol theater program ; program. WORD, Batavia. III. (275m-l090kc), S p. m.. Webster hotel trio: S:15, International Sunday school lesson; 8:30, program. Cosmopolitan School of Music. WQJ, Chicago, III. (447.5m-670kc), 7-8 p. m.. Boston Store hour; concert trio, violin, cello and piano; Clement Laskowski, tenor; 10-1 a. m., Ralph Williams and his Rainbo Skylarks; Ambrose Wyrick, tenor; Jerry Sullivan; Rose Yanderbosch, soprano and pianist; Hal Lansingj uke soloist; Lew Butler; Anne Keim, mezzo-soprano; Bert Davis; Marie Pollitt, and artists; 1-2, Ginger hour, Ralph Williams, the Ginger Man, and Little Skylarks. WSAI, Cincinnati, Ohio (325.9m-920kc), 7 p. m„ musical program; 8, Clicquot Club Eskimos; 9, Silvertown Cord orchestra. WSB. Atlanta, Ga. (468.5m-640kc), 8 p. m., Atlanta Bell Hops orchestra; 10:45, Dr. Charles A. Sheldon, Jr., organist. Mountain Time Stations CFAC, Calgary, Can. (434.5m-690kc), 9 p. m., Mrs. F. A. Maclean, contralto, assisted by the C. N. B. orchestra. KFWA, Ogden. Utah (26lm-ll50kc), 4-5 p. m., organ recital. Paramount theater; 5-6, Ogden Radio dealers program. KFXF, Colorado Springs, Colo. (250m-l200kc), S:30-ll p. m., musical program. KOA, Denver, Colo. (322.4m-930kc), 12:15 p. m., Rialto theater organ recital, Marjorie Nash; 6:30, dinner concert. Brown Palace string orchestra. Pacific Time Stations KFI, Los Angeles, Calif. (467m-642kc), 5:30-6 p. m.. Bamboo Gardens orchestra; 6:15, KFI's Seeing California; 6:30. vest pocket program; 7-8, program by students university of Southern California; 8-9. program, Rexall Stores of Southern California and Arizona; 9-10, program from Chickering hall; 10-11, Packard Six dance orchestra. KFON, Long Beach, Calif. (232.4m1 290kc), 6-6:30 p. m., Brayton's theater organ; 7-7:30, studio program; 7:30-8, Long Beach Municipal band; 8. Hewitt's book chat; 8:15-9, Long Beach Muncipal band; 9-11, dance music. KFWB. Hollywood. Calif., (252m-ll90kc), 8-9 p. m.. Hy Kasch and his dance orchestra, Lola Gill, ballads and Frances St. George, the .Tazzmania girl of KFWB; 9-10, program, Don P. Smith, Inc., Diana-Moon dance orchestra; Sol Hoopii's Hawaiians and Ashley sisters, vocal duets; 10-11, Warner Brothers frolic. Sunset Canyon Country club dance orchestra. KGO, Oakland, Calif. <36lm-830kc), 4-5:30 p. m., Hotel St. Francis concert orchestra; 8, "Interurban," rural comedy; music, Arion trio; 10-1 a. m., Brokaw and his orchestra. KGW. Portland, Ore. (49l.5m-6l0kc), 0-7 p. m.. Olds, Wortinan and King company. KHJ, Los Angeles, Calif. (405.2m-740ko), Jeanne de Bard, Charlotte Palen and Uncle John; 8-10, program, Cochran Bros, with Caswell Coffee orchestra. KJR, Seattle, Wash. (384.4m-780kc), 1:30-3 p. m., Post-Intelligencer program; 7-8:30, Eureka mixed quartet program. KMTR, Hollywood, Calif. (238mI260kc), 6-7 p. m., Starr Piano company studio; 8-10, KMTR concert orchestra, Loren-Powell, director. KNX, Hollywood, Calif., (336.9m-890kc), 5:30 p. m., Leighton's Arcade cafeteria orchestra; 6:30-7, Atwater Kent concert orchestra; 7-8, H. L. Crockett company with llya Bronson, concert cellist; May McDonald Hope, pianist and Conine Redd, soprano; 8-9, program, Willys-Overland dealers; 9-11, KNX feature program; 11-12. Cocoanut Grove dance orchestra. KPO, San Francisco, Calif. (428.3m -700kc), 1-2 p. m., Rudy Heigcr's Fairmont hotel orchestra; 2:30-3:30, matinee program; 3:30-4:30, Cyrus Trobbe's Palace hotel concert orchestra; 6:40-7, Waldemar Liml and the States restaurant orchestra; 7-7:30, Rudv Seiger's Fairmont hotel orchestra; 8-10, Shrine night; 10-11, Cabiria cafe orchestra. KPSN, Pasadena, Calif. (3l5.6m-950kc), 8-9 p. m., program. KQP. Portland, Ore. (3l9m-940kc). s-!i p. ni.. studio program; 9-11, Studebaket Six orchestra. KTAB, Oakland, Calif. (240m-l250kc), 8-10 p. in., studio program. Friday, March 5 Headliners Today Eastern Central Mountain Pacific 8 p.m. 7 p. m. 6 p.m. 5 p. m. WTH' (475.9m-630) Cartoon lesson. 8:15 7:15 6:15 5:15 WGY (379.5m-790kc), Serial play. 8:30 7:30 6 30 5 30 WGHB (2lSflin-lU0kc) The Monkey Man. will; (526m-S70kc) Double quartet. 9 30 8:30 7:30 6:30 WKAA (475.9m-630kc) An Meal Radio program. 10 9 8 7 WJZ (454.3m 660kc), WGY (379.5m -790kc), WBZ (333.1m-900kcl Baldwin hour of music. 10:15 9:15 8:15 7:15 KOA (322.4m-930kc) Elk* quartet. 11 10 9 8 UI.IT (394.5m-760kc) Morning Glory club. 11:25 10:25 9:25 8:25 KTHS (374.8m-800kc) Accordion specialties. WBAL dinner orchestra; 7:30-8. WBAL quartet; 8-9, musical program; Post Office Glee club of negro voices; 9-10, WBAL string trio; John Wilbourn, tenor. WBZ, Springfield, Mass. (333.lm-900kc), 6:30 p. m.. Hotel Kimball orchestra; 8, Edwin J. McEnelly and his orchestra; 8:30, Boston Symphony orchestra artists; 10, Baldwin hour of music, WJZ, WGY, Joseph Szigeti, violinist; Walter Gieseking. pianist. WCAP, Washington. D. C. (468.5m -640kc), 6-12:30 p. m., Mozart string quintet; playlet. WCAU, Philadelphia, Pa., (277.6m-l080kc), 6:45 p. m., Hotel Pennsylvania concert orchestra; 7:30, recital, N. Snellenburg and company; 8:30, The Singing Groundhog; 8:45. The Bryan Girl; 9 recital; 9:30, The Sea Gulls; 10, Willie Horowitz, songs; 10:30, Jack Myers' Musical Architects. WCX, Detroit, Mich. (5l6.9m-580kc), 6-7 p. m., Goldkette's ensemble; 8-9, studio program; 9-10, dance music, Jean Goldkette's Breeze Blowers and his Victor Recording orchestra. WDBO, Winter Park, Fla. (239.9mI250kc), 9-10:30 p. m., Sanlando harmonizers. WEAF, New York, N. Y., (49l.5m-6IOkc), 4 p. m., Harriet Ochn, mezzo-soprano; 4:15, Charles Phillips, pianist; 4:30, John Quine, baritone; Vincent Lopez and his orchestra from Tea room of Hotel Ritz-Carlton ; 6-7, dinner music. Rose room of Hotel Waldorf-Astoria ; 7, William Scotti and Club Florida orchestra; 7:45, Pauline Watson, violinist; 8, Happiness candy boys; 8:30, Eagle Neutrodyne trio; 9, Chamber musicale ; 9:30, Vikings; 10, Whittall Angelo's Persians; 10:30. musical program; 11-12, Ben Bernie and orchestra from Hotel Roosevelt. WEAR, Cleveland, Ohio (389.4m -770kc), 7 p. m., Wor Ont. ; 8:30. Dutch Master's saxophone sextet: 9, Winger's Crescent Park entertainers; 10:30, Hewitt Humorists of Buffalo; 11. Vincent Lopez Hotel Statler dance orchestra; John F. Gunderman, Jr., organist. WGY. Schenectady, N. Y. (379.5m-790kc), 2 p. m., Asia restaurant orchestra; 6:30, international Sunday school lesson; 7, dinner program, Eastman theater; 8:15, "A Step On the Stairs," Radio Digest serial mystery play; 10, Baldwin piano hour; Josef Szigeti, violinist; Walter Gieseking, pianist; 11-12, WGY orchestra; John L. Martin, baritone. WHAR, Atlantic City, N. J. (275m-IO90kc), 2 p. m.. Seaside hotel trio; 8, trio. WIP, Philadelphia, Pa., (508.2m -590kc), 1 P. m., Gimbel tea room orchestra; 6:05, Benjamin Franklin concert orchestra; Astor Singing club. WJAX, Jacksonville, Fla., (336.9m-890kc), 3:30 p. m.. Hemming Park band concert, Vessella's band, Oreste Vessella. conductor; 7:30, music memory contest; 8-10, popular program. WJZ, New York, N. Y., (454.3m-660kc), 1 p. m., Hotel Ambassador trio; 4:30, Hotel Astor tea orchestra; 7, Hotel Commodore concert orchestra; 8:30, bonnie laddies; 10, Baldwin piano company; 11, Hotel Lorraine grill orchestra. WLIT, Philadelphia, Pa., (394.5m -760ke), 12:20 p. m.. religious service; 12:35, Arcadia cafe concert orchestra; 2, Arcade cafe concert orchestra; 8, sports talk; 8:15, Arcadia cafe concert orchestra; 10, Meeting of the Morning Glory club; songs, Carl Zoehrns; Arcadia cafe dance orchestra; 10:30, Bufus and Rastus. WMCA, New York, N. Y. (340.7m -880kc), 6 p. m., Olcott Vail and his Hotel McAlpin string ensemble; 6:30, Ernie Golden and his Hotel McAlpin orchestra; Friday, silent night for: CFAC, CHIC. CKNC, CKY, CNRC. CNRM, CNRO. CNRR, CNRW, KFAU, KFEO, KFKU, KUOA, KFWA. KFXF, KGO, KFAU. KLDS, KPRC, KUOM, PWX. WBBR. WCAD, WCBD, WEAO, WEBW, WGBS. WGST. WHAZ, WIP, WJAZ, WKRC, WLW, WLWL, WMAK, WNAD, WRC, WREO, WRVA, WSAI, WSUI, WSMB, WTAM. EDUCATIONAL FEATURES Saturday, February 27 Eastern Central Mountain Pacific 7:30 p.m. 630 p.m. 5:30 p.m. 4 30 p.m. WHAR (275m-1090kc) Lecture period 8:15 7:15 6:15 5:15 KOIL (27Sm-1080kc) Educational period, University of Omaha. Monday, March 1 Eastern Central Mountain Pacific 6:30 p.m. 5:30 p.m. 430 p.m. 3:30 p.m. WNYC (52fim-570kc) German lesson. 7 6 5 4 WEAF (491.5m-610kc) Columbia university lecture. WNYC (526ni-570kc) Advanced German lesson. WEAR (2S5.5m-1050ko) "As Portrayed in Modern Literature," Irma Gross. 7:30 6 30 5:30 4:30 KSAC (340.7m-8S0kc) Sociology. 8:30 7:30 6:30 5 30 WOI (270m-1110kc) Automobile course. Prof. A. Shane. WSUI (483.6m-620kc) College of the Air. 9 8 7 6 CKY (384.4m-780kc) University lecture. 9 35 8:35 7 35 6:35 KSL (299.8m-1000kc) History of Physics. 10 9 8 7 KOA (322.4m-930kc) Spanish lesson. 11 10 9 8 KGO (361.2m-830kc) "Better English," Wilda Wilson Church; "The New and Old in the Reconstruction," Dr. Willard Smith. KOA (322.4m-930kc) Voice culture. Tuesday, March 2 Eastern Central Mountain Pacific 7 p.m. 6 p. m. 5 p.m. 4 p. m. WKAR (285.5m-1050kc) Nature study. WLW (422.3m-710kc) Historical appreciation of music, Etelka Evans. 7:10 6:10 5:10 4:10 WEAF (491.5m-610kc) French course. WRC (468.5m-640kc) Radio school of international relations. 5:30 4:30 Better speech, etiquette. 7 30 6 30 KSAC (340.7m-880kc) economics. WGY" (379.5m-790kc) James W. Mavor. 9 :05 8 :05 'Organic Evolution," Prof. 7 :05 6 :05 KFAB (340.7m-S80kc) Course — Business English. WEAO (293.9m-1020kc) "Illumination," Prof. F. C. Caldwell. WEAO (293.9m-1020kc) "Public Speaking," Hayes Y'eager. 10 9 8 7 WOC (483.6m-«20kc) Travel lecture, "Around the World in Eight Months in Eight Nights," B. J. Palmer. 10:15 9:15 8:15 7:15 KFVE (240m-1250kc) "Good English and Rhetoric," Prof. Adolphus Watts. Wednesday, March 3 Eastern Central Mountain Pacific 6 p.m. 5 p.m. 4 p.m. 3 p.m. KGO (361.2in-830kc) Speaker from Williams institute. 6 30 5:30 4:30 3:30 WNYC (526m-570l«.O Spanish lesson, V. H. Berlitz. 6 5 4 fr26m-570kc) Advanced Spanish lesson. WMAQ (447.5m-670kc) Lecture, Northwestern university. 7:30 6:30 5:30 4 30 WBZ (333.1m-900kc) Radio nature league, Thornton W. Burgess. WMCA (340.7m-880kc) Prof. Cortina's Spanish lesson. Eastern Central Mountain Pacific 7:40 p.m. 6:40 p.m. 5:40 p.m. 4:40 p.m. WTAG (268m-1120kc) Spanish lesson. Mrs. John de la Parra. 7:45 6:45 5:45 4:45 WJZ (454.3m-660kc) New York university course. 8 7 6 5 WEAO (293.9,m-1020kc) "Color and Color Problems," Prof. Howard D. Minchin. 8:20 7:20 620 5:20 WMCA (340.7m-SS0kc) Talk on securities. 8:30 730 6:30 5:30 WSUI (483.6m-620kc) College of 'the Air. 8:45 7:45 6:45 5:45 WTAG (268m-1120kc) Spanish lesson, Mrs. John de la Parra. 9 8 7 6 WLWL (288.3tn-1040kc) Educational talk. 9:35 8 35 7:35 6:35 KSL (299.8m-1000kc) "The Story of Electricity," Dr. J. F. Merrill. 10 9 8 7 WSOE (246m-1220kc) "Contacts"; "Elcctrospect." WSAI (325.9m-920kc) University of Cincinnati. 9 8 7 6 KUOA (209.8m-1000kc) "Style of Architecture," B. N. Wilson; "Don't Blame tthe Middleman," G. R. Esterly; "Modern Architecture," W. B. Allen; "Democracy and Education," J. R. Jewell; "Location Surveys," W. N. Gladson. Thursday, March 4 Eastern Central Mountain Pacific 7:15 p.m. 6:15 p.m. 5:15 p.m. 4:15 p.m. KOIL (278m-1080kc) Educational period. Public Library. 7:30 6:30 5:30 4:30 KSAC (340.7m-880kc) Music, educational psychology. 8 7 6 5 WEAO (293.9m-1020kc) "The Abuse of Political Phrases," Prof. Francis W. Coker. 8:30 7 30 6:30 5:30 WEAO (293.9m-1020kc) "Illumination," Prof. F. C. Caldwell. Friday, March 5 Eastern Central Mountain Pacific 4 p. m. 3 p. m. 2 p. m. I p. m. KFAB (340.7m-880kc) Science lectures. 5:30 4:30 3 30 2 30 KSAC (340.7m-880kc) Lessons in color and design. 6:30 5:30 430 330 WNYC (526m-570kc) French lesson. 5 4 Advanced French. 5 :30 4 30 "Appreciation of Music," 7 WNYC 7 6 WNYC (526m-570kc) 7:30 6 30 WBZ (333,lm-900kc) Prof. John A. O'Shea. KSAC (340.7m-8S0kc) Travelogue. 7:35 6 35 5:35 WGY (379.5m-790kc) "French by A. Huguemont. WPG (299.8m-1000kc) 9:30 8:30 KOB (348.6m-860kc> New Mexico," Prof. Helps About the Home," G. R. 9 35 8 35 7 :35 KSL (299.8m-1000kc) History of Mathematics. 10:10 9:10 8:10 WNYC (520m-570kc) Board of Education. 10:15 9:15 8:15 7:15 VVTIC (475.9m-030kc) Cartoon lessons. Bud Kingston. WOC (4S3.6m-620kc) Travel lecture. 4.35 Radio," Leon Educational series. 7 30 6:30 A Trip Through Historic Fabian Garcia; "Chemical Hamiel. 6 35 Astronomy and 7:10 Eastern Time Stations KDKA, Pittsburgh, Pa. (309.lm-970kc). 12:20 p. m., Sunday school lesson, James C. B£ace; 6:30, dinner concert; 9, concert; jour,, Teaberrv time. WABO, Havcrford, Pa. (260.7m1 1 50kc), 11 p. m., Ard more theater. WBAL, Baltimore, Md. (246mI220kc), 8:30-7:30 p. m.. mack's singing syncopators; 8:15, program; 10:30, Wormack's singing syncopators. WEEI, Boston, Mass. (348.6m -860kc), 3:05 p. m., George Joy and Nell Cantor, popular songs; 5, Frankie Ward and his orchestra; 6:13, Joe Rines and his Hunfers' Cabin orchestra; 8:20, Louis J. Allard, pianist; 9:30, Carter's Incas; 10:30, Lexington Manor orchestra; 11, American House Marimba band. WEMC, Berrien Springs, Mich., (285.5m-l050kc), 8:15 p. m., chapel service; Lighthouse chapel choir; Thelma Abel, soprano; Mrs. Wayne White, alto; Prescott Fairrhild, violinist. WFI, Philadelphia, Pa., (394.5m-760kc), 1 p. in., Tea room ensemble; 3, Sesqui-Centennial Hour; 6:30, Bellevue Stratford concert orchestra; 7. Bellevue Stratford dance orchestra. WGBS, New York, N. Y. (3l5.6m-950kc), 1:35 p. m., Eva Hodgkins, soprano; 1:45, Chauncey Norther, tenor; 3:10, Edith Gibson, soprano; 3:20, Adele Heyman, dramatic impersonations. WGCP, New York, N. Y. (252m-M90kc), 3 p. m., Ona Welsh, pianist; 3:30, Joe Sherman. Jack Neal, songs; 3:45, Kathcrino Adolphe, Boprano; 4:15, Frankie Meadows, songs; 4:30, Charol de Thomee, pianist; 4:15, Ruby Cowan, songs; 5:10, Clarence Profit, WGHB, Clearwater, Fla. (266m-l I30kc), 6:30-7:30 p. m„ dinner music; 7:30-7:45, Giles W. Quarlcs, "The Monkey Man;" 8:30-9:30, Caroline Lee; 11:45-1 a. m.. Radio Rambler. WGHP, Detroit, Mich. (270m1 1 lOkc), 6-7 p. m., dinner concert. Hotel Tuller; 10-11, entertainers in playlet; 11-12, Skylark dance band; 12-1 a. m., Gerald Marks and his orchestra. WGR, Buffalo, N. Y. (3l9m-940kc). 2:30 p. m.. WGR's afternoon program; 6:30, Joe Stewart's club orchestra; sii, Mr«. Emmellne Miles Ibbot, pianist, Welland, 7:30, Sach's Musical Monarchs; 8, Woodmansten Inn orchestra; 8:30, J. & T. Cousins shoe style talk: 8:50, Broadway association; 9. Hardman Hour of music; 11, Hofbrau Haus entertainers; 11:30, Jack Denny's orchestra; 12, McAlpin hotel entertainers. WNYC, New York, N. Y., (526m-570kc), 6:20 p. m., songs; 8, concert program. WOO, Philadelphia, Pa., (508.2m-590kc), 11 a. m., organ recital; 12:02 p. m., crystal tea room orchestra, Robert E. Golden, director; 4:45, organ recital; 8, WOO orchestra; 9, Hohner Harmony Four; 9:30, Fox theater orchestra, Adelph Korspan, director; 10, organ recital; 10 :30, Sylvania dance orchestra. WOR, New York, N. Y., (405.2m-740kc), 3-4 p. m., Zit's Central Park Casino tea music; 6:15, Bill Wathey's sport talk; 6:45-7:30. Copenhagen quartet. WPG, Atlantic City. N. J. (299.8m lOOOkc). 6:45 p. m., Arthur Scott Brook, organist; 7, Hotel Morton music; 7:30, Hotel Ambassador concert; 8:15, concert; 9, Hotel Traymore orchestra; 9:30, Hotel Traymore dance orchestra; 10, James' Salt Water Taffy Boys' orchestra; 11, Jean Weiner, organist. WRC, Washington, D. C. (468.5m-640kc), 12 noon, organ recital, Otto F. Beck; 12:30 p. m., Lenten services; 1, Meyer Davis' New Willard hotel orchestra: 3:30, concert, U. S. Marine band orchestra; 5, W. Spencer Tupman's Hotel Mayflower orchestra. WTAG, Worcester, Mass. (268m-l I20kc), 12:05-2 p. m., noonday luncheon music; 3-5, Tea Dansant music; 8:15-9:30, concert program. WTIC, Hartford, Conn. (475.9m-630kc) 12:05 p. m.. Travelers club orchestra; 6:30, Hub trio; 8, concert, Coast Guard band; 9, Virginia Cain, contralto; Estelle Grossman, pianist; 10, Frank Farrell, baritone; 11, dance music. WWJ, Detroit, Mich. (352.7m-850kc), 12:05 p. ni., Jules Klein's Hotel Statler orchestra; 3, Detroit News orches tra; 6, dinner concert; 8, News orchestra and soloists; 9 :30, dance program. Central Time Stations KFAB, Lincoln, Nebr., (340.7m-880kc). 5:30-6:30 p. m.. dinner concert; 8:30-10:30, variety program, artists. KFDM, Beaumont, Tex. (3l5.6m-950kc), 8-10 p. m„ Refinery band. KFNF, Shenandoah, Iowa (263m-ll40kc), 7 p. m., Sunday school lesson; 7:30, pipe organ concert. KFRU, Columbia, Mo. (499.7m -600kc), 4:30 p. m., Bella Vista Quadrangle orchestra; 12-1 a. m., Stephens college; 1-2, Bella Vista orchestra. KMA, Shenandoah, l«wa (252m-M90kc), 11:30-12:30 p. m., noonday rural program; Walter Nixon, pianist; 6-7, How-Do-You-Do boys, Grady and Doc; Auntie Blossom and the Slumber Boat; 9-11, George Kerrihard. KPRC, Houston, Tex. (296.9m10 1 Okc), 12 noon, Frank Tilton, boy pianist. KSD, St. Louis, Mo. (545.lm-550kc), 7:30 p. m., recital, Eugene Enzinger, baritone; Mrs. Frank Habig. pianist. KSO, Clarinda, Iowa (24l.8m-l240kc), 7-8:30 p. m., music, F. F. Armstrong. KTHS, Hot Springs National Park, Ark. (374.8m-800kc), 9-9:30 p. m., request selections, staff artists; 9:30, Phil Baxter and his Jack-o'-Lantem Night club frolic; 10:25, accordion specialties, Joe Kountz; 10:45-11:15, dance music, Eastman Eight. KYW, Chicago, III., (536m-560kc), 12:05-1 p. m., luncheon concert; 1-2, noon-day concert. Congress hotel; 6-7, dinner music; 9, music; 10-12:30, midnight revue; 1 a. m.. Insomnia club. WAMD, Minneapolis, Minn. (244m-l230kc), 8 p. m.. Reception Five program; 11, frolic. WBAP, Fort Worth, Tex. (475.9m -630kc), 6-6:30 p. m., Chief Gonzales' Texas Hotel Royals; 7:30-8:30, Postoffice band; 9:30-11, Texas Christian university; 11, Panther Hawaiian trio. WBBM, Chicago, III., (226m-l330kc), 4-6 p. m., Shut-in program; 8-10, Moulin Rouge orchestra; Two Jays; Brewers' Zig Zag trio; Verdi trio; Dave Handler, violinist; Floyd Falch. WCCO, Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minn. (4l6.4m-720kc), 2:30 p. m., concert, Dick Long's Nankin cafe orchestra 6 '15, dinner concert, Dick Long's Nankin cafe orchestra; 8:15, musical program; 10:05, dance program, Dick Long's orchestra. WDAF, Kansas City, Mo. (365.6m-820kc), 6-7 p. m., Trianon ensemble; 11:45-1 a. m., Ted Weems' Victor Recording orchestra; Eddie Kuhn's orchestra; Ben Bernie's orchestra; Jack Little. WEBH, Chicago, III., (370.2m-8l0kc), 3-4 p. m., features; 7-8, Oriole orchestra; brass quintet; Pauline Sachs, soprano; Don Bernard, tenor; Eleanor Kaplan, violinist; 9-9:45, Oriole orchestra; WEBH light opera company; 11-12:30 a. m., Oriole orchestra; Mark Fisher, songs; marimba band; Irene Beasley, Jack Penewell, Fred Palmiter. WFAA, Dallas, Tex. (475.9m -630kc), 12:30-1 p. m„ Sunday school lesson: music; 3:30-4, Sears-Roebuck program; 4:30-5, Ewen Hail, tenor; Noel Shaw, pianist; 6:30-7:30, J. Frank Copeland presentation of singers. WGN, Chicago, III. (302.8m -990kc), 12:40-2:30 p. m., luncheon concert music; 2:30-3, Lyon and Healy artists' recital; 3:25, Port o' Missing Men; 3:30-4:15, tea time music; 4:30-5, organ recital, Edward Benedict; 5:30-5:57, Skeezix time X°r children; 6:30-6:45, dinner concert music; 6:45-7, old-time favorite songs; 8-8:30, Cities Service quartet; 10-10:10, "Sam 'n' Henry," Radio comic strip; 10:10-10:30, play shop; 10:45-11, dance music; songs, Correll and Gosden, Freda Leonard and Jewell Barnett; Hawaiian guitar music, Langdon brothers. WHAS, Louisville, Ky. (399.8m -750kc), 1-2 p. m„ concert, Royal Peacock orchestra; 3-3:30, organ recital. Myrtle Zahn; 4-5, concerts; 7:30-9, concert, Kentucky Music Teachers' association. WHB, Kansas City, Mo. (365.6m -820kc), 2-3 p. m., Sweeney Radio trio; 7-8, orchestra; Harry Kessell, popular songs; Lola Cook, pianist; Milo Finley stringed trio. WHO, Des Moines, Iowa (526m-570kc), 2:15 p. m., George Getsey, soloist; 7:30-9, double quartet, directed by H. C. Olson. George Getsey; Stewart Watson, baritone, Helen Birmingham, accompanist; 11-12, dance program. WJAZ, Chicago, III. (322.4m-930kc), 9-1 a. m.. diversified studio and dance program. Club Chez Pierre. WJJD, Mooseheart, III. (370.2m -8 1 Okc), 12-1 p. m.. Palmer House symphonic players; trio; 2-3, organ hour, Howard L. Peterson; child artists; assembly of 1,250 children; 5:30-7, instrumental hour: Palmer House symphonic players; Jack Nelson; Victorians; 8-9, children's hour; 10-11, feature hour; Senator Harold C. Kessinger; Palmer House Victorians; 12:30 a, m.. Knights of the Burning Candle. WKAF, Milwaukee, Wis. (26lm-ll50kc), 10-11 p. m., program. WLIB, Chicago, III. (302.8m-990kc), 7:30-8 p. m., musical program; 11-1 a. m., dance music; songs, Correll and Gosden; Freda Leonard and Jewell Barnett. WLS, Chicago, III., (344.6m-870kc), 6 p. m.. Ford and Glenn; 6:40, Ralph Emerson, organist;. 7, lullaby time; . 7:20, WLS trio; 7:50. "Seigfried Sassoon," Wallace Bruce Emsbary; 8:35, Ford and Glenn; 9, Little Symphony orchestra; 10:30, Ford and Glenn; 11, surprise program. WMAQ, Chicago, III. (447.5m-670kc), 6 p. m., Chicago theater organ; 8:30, Whitney trio; 9, lecture, U. of C. ; 9:20, Elizabeth Stokes, soprano; 9:55, chimes. WMBB, Chicago, III. (250m-l20Okc), 7-8 p. m.. Trianon duo; Adele Hart, soprano; Frank Chaplin, tenor; "The Old Virginia Colonel"; Frank Bordner, bari . tone; 9-11, Trianon orchestra, Dell Lampe, director; Woodlawn theater orchestra, Walter Kipp; Scotty Welsh and Madison Sisters, "The Golden Harmony Trio"; Joe Warner, character songs; Eddie Matts and Hi Hie Donovan, singer and pianist; Gladys Freeman, "The Wonder Girl of the Ivories": popular program. WMC, Memphis, Tenn. (499.7m-600kc), 8:30 p. m., Atwater Kent program; 11, midnight frolic. WOAI, San Antonio, Tex. (394.5m-760kc), 3 p. m., concert; 8:30, San Antonio College of Music program. WOAW, Omaha, Nebr. (526m-570kc), 1 p. m., Randall's Royal Fontenelle orchestra; 4:15, Blah club; 6, music review, Hester Bronson Copper; 6:20, Francis Potter's banjo orchestra and soloists; 6:50. Gilbert Jaffy, violinist; Nat Young, pianist; Karl Tunberg, pianist; 10:30, Frank Hodek and his Nightingale orchestra. WOC, Davenport, Iowa (483.6m-620kc), 4-5 p. m.. Crescent orchestra; 5:45-6, chimes concert. WOI, Ames, Iowa (270m-l I lOkc), 12:30 p. m.. college chimes. WOK. Chicago, III. (2l7.3m-l380kc), 4:30-7 p. m., Capitol theater organ; Pat Hoster, tenor; 10-1:30 a. m. , Tearney's Town club orchestra; Carl Lorraine's Pershing Palace orchestra; Husk O'Hare's Cocoanut Grove orchestra; Capitol theater program; program. WORD, Batavia, III. (275m-IO90kc), 7 p. m., program. North Shore line: 8, Uncle Dan; 9, recital, Glenn Dillard Gunn School of Music; 11, program, W. A. Sheaffer Pen company. WQJ, Chicago, III. (447.5m-670kc), 7-8 p. m., dinner concert, Ralph Williams and his Rainbo Gardens orchestra; Henrietta Nolan, violinist; Willard O. Johnson, pianist; Margaret Cade, coloratura soprano; Madeline Ruff, pianist; 10-1 a. m., Ralph Williams and his Rainbo Skylarks; Ambrose Wyrick, tenor; Dr. H. Lucille Long, woman harmonica player; Eleanor Terry; Melodians: Romo Vincent, baritone; Merrill Carder; Johnny Poats. baritone; artists; 1-2. Ginger hour. Ralph Williams, Ginger Man, and Little Skylarks. WSB, Atlanta, Ga. (468.5m-640kc). S p. m., Herbert L. Kinsey, tenor; Ralston H. Kinsey, pianist; 10:45, Nunnallys miniature symphony orchestra. WSM, Nashville, Tenn. (282.8mI060kc), 6:30 p. m.. Francis Craig's orchestra; 8, Mrs. W. V. Clarke, soprano; 10, Nashville Kiwanis club. Mountain Time Stations CFAC, Calgary, Can. (434.5m -690kc), 7 p. m., salon broadcast. KFWA, Ogden, Utah, (261m1 I50ke), 4-5 p. m., organ