Radio Digest (Jan-Oct 1926)

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"■"ra),.„-_-77/.' Xational Broadcast Authority 25 LARGEST TIE-UP IN HISTORYjgQADCMTS^RAD^ BANQUET HIGH LIGHTS OF THE AIR THIRTY-THREE Stations, one of the largest lie-ups ever attempted in Radio history, will broadart or all of the program of the Third Annual Radio Industries banquet, to be held at the Hotel Aster. New York, on September 15. Ap. extensive program starting at 7:30 p. m. Eastern daylight saving lime and lasting until 1:43 a. m. will feature many famous speakers and musical favorites, Mary Lewis and Reinald Werrenrath are expected to sing the "Barcarolle" together. Vice President Charles G. Dawes will bo the speaker. The Ararat Shrine Temple chanters, under the direction of Clarence D. Sears, will return to WDAF on Wednesday night, September 15, at •? o'clock. This will be the chantersfirst appearance before the microphone of "WDAF since last May. Mr. Sears has promised programs that should please the most critical audience and, judging from the mail received by the chanters last year, the lisn-ners of WDAF were well pleased. The chanters are scheduled for one concert each month up to and including April, 1927. How many laughs to the wavelength is a poser to be determined in a microphone experiment conducted by Stanley Hall over KOA, Denver. Can the voice, unaided by acrobatic antics, in itself produce streams of chuckles and side-aching laughs? Formerly of the Keith and Orpheum circuits, and known coast to coast as "the man of a million stories," Mr. Hall is chalked up for a thirty minute novelty program, "Wit and Humor of the Age," every Tuesday evening at S:30 p. m. Mountain time. The Rally Day services of the Epworth league, an organization of young people of the Methodist Episcopal church throughout the country, will be given on Sunday, September 13. The services to be given in Pittsburgh will be broadcast by W. stinghouse Station KDKA and those to be held in Chicago will go on the air from KYW. KDKA will go on the air at 4 p. m. Eastern standard time. The program from Chicago will be broadcast at 4 p. m. Central standard time. A Radio style show where the models clothed in their fur cloaks and ht-autiful gowns will depend upon the brilliant descriptions of the announcer will be the feature for the ladies in the WLIT broadcast. Wednesday, September 22. This feature is under the auspices of the National Association of Retail Clothiers and Furnishers. The great Dempsey-Tunney fight is scheduled for September 23 and will go out upon the ether from all stations connected with the Associated Press. The time has not been definitely set, but the fight will probably take place between 4 and 5 o'clock Eastern standard time. Voices never before heard over the Radio will interest listeners Thursday, September 30, from KFI, Los Angeles. A short playlet will be given, the cast of which will be composed of screen artists. Tune in and see if you would know your favorites by voice. Wednesday, September 15 Head liners Today Atlantic Eastern Central Mountain Pacific WHN^WRNV. WLWL. WFBU. W MCA. WNA1), WBOC. Third Annual Radio Industries bamiuet. 7:30 6:30 5:30 4:30 3:30 WAHG, (315.6m-950kc), Radio Industries ban KDKA (309.1tn-9"0ke). Lcfridge trio. WEAF. WEEI, \\ I Ah. WOK, WOO, WRC. WCSH. WTAM. WWJ. KSli, Wui\ WTAG. WCAE, WCCn. WTI.;. V.i.N. WLW. WuDA. WHO, Radii:. Industries program. WDAF <365.6m-S20kc>. Ararat Shrine Temple chanters. 11:25 10:25 9:35 8:25 7:25 KOA [32Mm-930kri. Minstrel players. Wednesday, silent nit-ht for: KGO. KLDS. KMMJ, KOIU KP5N. KTAB. KWWG. WABQ. WBAL, WBAP. WBBR. WCBD. WFAA, WCBF. WCBS, WGCP. WHAR, W1P. WJAZ. WMC, WOAW. WPG, WSUI. Atlantic or Eastern Daylight Saving Time Stations CNRO. Ottawa, Can. (434.5m-690kc), 9 p. m.. French Canadian program, Charles Lamcbo's orchestra; Chateau Laurier dance orchestra. WAHG. Richmond Hill, N. Y. (315.6m-950kc). 7:10 p. m.. special program. Third Annual Radio Indus WCAU, Philadelphia. Pa. (277.6m-1080kc), 7:30 p. m., Sadie . ■ n«rt quartet ; 8:30, recital: 9. Minerva B rano: 9:30, Senator Hassenpieffer; 9:45, Frank Cook, old-time songs; 10. Biltong's Cheer-Cn club. WEAF, New York, N. Y. (49I.Sm-6I0ke), 6 p. m.. Hotel WaldorfAstoria: n.c: 7:XI. T_\ S. Arm-. band. WFI I, V. i.'..,. \\ l.\K. W(,R, WCAE axopnoae octet. WOO. WIAK, . m. WEEI, WTAM. WTAG. WRC; 9. Third Annua) Radio ind as trie* banquet. WEBJ, New York. N. Y. <272.6m-1100ke). 8 p. m.. Karl Wt:-s Peasant band: *:4i>. Terry Alexander, entertainer. >z-;, Turi;;, m.|t;„i..; 9:10, ducts: 9:M>. Sigmund Bruoislav. tenor: 9:4S, William Bisignano, WEEL Boston. Mass. <346.6ra-S60ke), 8 p. m„ WEAF. WFI. Philadelphia. Pa. (394.5m-760kc), 6:43 p. m„. . .-.delphia dance orchestra. WHN, New York, N. Y. <361.2ni-S30kc). 7 p. m.. Radio banquet . WJAR. Providence, R. I. (4B5.1m-618ke), P p m. U. S. Army band concert; 8:30, Davi Saxophone octet: 9. WEAF. WJZ. New York. N. Hotel Madison conce 9. Radio banquet. WLIT. Philadelphia. Pa. (394.5m-760kc), 8 p. m.. Arcadia cafe concert orches tra ; 1 0. Arcadia cafe WMAK, Buffalo. N. Y. (26S.3m-1130kc>. 7:30 p. m.. WMC A. New York, N. Y. (340.7rn-S80kc). 7 p. WNYC. New York, N. Y. <S26m-S70kc>, 7:35 p. : in/] Eastern Standard or Central Daylight Saving Time Stations KDKA. PltUbure-h, Pa. (3O9.1m>970kc), i Edison company; 10:30-12 > Cuba (400B1-75011C), 8-10 p. i ininielil. i., Mili PWX. Haw tare band ..._ WBBM. Chicago. 111. (225.. recital. Elite Hanson. <_ _ Time, staff artists; 12, The Nutty club. WBZ, Springfield, Mass. (333.1m-900kc), 7:30 p. m.. Radio Manufacturing association dinner; 10:05. WCFL. Chicago. 111. (491 .Sm-610kc). 6:30-7:30 p. Horc-ntme -Inng i ri,. ; 7:J0-K.3t>. Arthur Uilin Anderson, tenor and Johnson: 'joe W artrer: Marie Wright; 10-1, Al.mir. , ..•'. ,-.r, h.-stra. WCX, Detroit. Mich. (SlG.9m-SS0kc). 6-7 p. m.. Gold WDBO, Winter Park. Fia. <239.9m-1200kO, 8:15 p. m„ Mrs. B. Harri-on Ulivt. soprano: Mrs. Carrol 1)! pianist; Mildred M ■ ■ I ■ . ■ . , -Til r.,1 t. . WEBH. Chicago, 111. Head. h..i< orehestn -12, M..-1 (370.2m-8I0kc). 7-? Ed Fie F. Beb Paul Sri... 12-12:30 . WCHB, Cle; Methodic _._ WCHP, Detroit. Mich. (270.1m-1110kc), 6pm din ' Toiler; 8:30-9, Little Syiuphon Edgeuater Beach hotel orchestra. ; Fla. O66m-ll30kc), 8:30-10 p. Ho. . •■r. lies tra ; 9-10, WG1IP ... WGN. Chicago, III. <302.Sm-990ke). 6-4<i-7 n Drake concert ensemble; TUa. I . m,,i,p strin*; .iniii 8-30-9. 9-H>. musi.ale; Iu-10-I07 Sam II. my : Mi:l!t-lii:j). Music Ll.-.v : ]o:_',,..|o in. M it. .pram: 10:3(1-12:30 a. in.. 1'cpncr i.;irtv WGR. Buffalo. N. Y. <319m-940kc>. G ■ 30-7 ■ 30 p i. -.-i-l Melodists; 8:30-9, J, Biosek. pianist; 9-11 WGY, Schenectady, N. Y. (379.5m-790kc). 6:30 p. m , Eastman theater orchestra; 7:30, WJZ. WHT. Chicago, III. (399.8m-7S0ke), 7-8:30, Al Carney .■'.;-;iii:-i kivctvi.v, .Mrl,...iy Master^; s:4;.-lii:l>. I. v-m-i.'i.iil.,. i. n.'l.-n ICuli, nrfianist ■ Siu irt It iwsun: 10:30-1, (399.8in-7:0ku. Al and Pat; Riverview WJAZ, CWcago^ III. {329,Sm-9l0kc). 9-12 midniKh., Karl noffmai. .. ._ Captain Donald MacMillen WJR, Ponth IV ider Naki Mich. (51G.9m-S80kc), 7 p. m.. Gold soloists; 7:45, and Chief Pon'tli aml^Jcwi-t*' IT^t,?%r3' Dr(!,lnl&t: u Merry Old Chief WKRC Cincinnati, Ohio (32S.9m-920kc). 6 p. TO., Allah r'"""1-"-" 'f-lv1' ■'-"''" "' ,''''"':r;i^l'':''" 1;' Lookiut WL1B. Chicago. III. (302.8m-990kc). 7-7:05 n m . Million sing; 7:1^-7:1 C..l,|. !■:, . 1,,,.,,,-d Almanack; 7:15y:30, dinner nunc; 7 :M>-. -(F. P.-,tti„,„ Coates, bari a°5iei»Ei?1rr?i-I'-'irry--v,":"list; 7;?"'S' Auld Sandy; 8-8:30, WEAF; 12:30-1 a. m., Ambrose Larseni WLS, ChicaBo, III. (344.6m-870kc). 6:30 p m., organ concert. Al Melgard ; 6:J?. M.uiri. Sherman's Cnllegelun orchestra; 7:20. Hose Sherman, violinist: Mane Ludw.R. harpist; 7:30, organ concert, liaipli Emerson; fi. Surprise time: 8:10. Sherman's College Inn orchestra; S:lli. lord ..mi (lit tin; 9. WLS trio, c concert; 9:30. Fttlt.-m M. E. church choir; 10. lr music: 11, special prosram. Cincinnati. O. <422.3m-7t0kc). 7 p. m,, Robert ..— _.ntts orchestra; 8, WEAF; 11, Pink of pro WMAQ,' Chicago, 111. (447.5m-670kc) , 6 o. m . Chi«-^?*rt *tet' or8an: 8:30, Whitney WLW 9: SO, III. (2S0m-1200kc), 7-8 '•"'""• HllQIgU, III. tisum Tnanon duo; Charlotte John. Blum, tenor; John Everett, b.,rit,.iic: rf.,r,,l.l Thorvc St.-irni..rd. Borden Brothers; John way Garden orchestra: Tearney's Town club '■r. Ik t r r ; Capitol theater procram WORD, Batavla. 111. <275.1m-1090kc), 7pm. pro Bram; 7:45, reading: 9. L Tt. S. A. choral singers WQJ. Chicago, HI. (447.5m.670kc), 7-* ,.. u... dlWr crimen; ](j-2, Joe Rudoliih and bis Rainbo Gardens • r. hetra; Rainlx> Gaie*f" WRVA. Richmond, Va. (2S6.3m-1170kr). folk songs with Melpdian; S die; 10, organ recital, quartet. Shepherd Webh RESPONSIBU (or a program which millions will fcten to are the members, above, of the entertainment commmee for ft, Third Annual Radio Industries Banqu.t wMch is to be broadcast by th,,ree stations. In the picture are Frank Spring, WEAF; Paul Stacy, Eveready hour; C. P Popenoe WJZ; Maj. J. Andrew White, Jack Adams' of Wolfsohn Mniical bureau. Jeanette Hart Plotz, left, ii a soprano who re «,»»,?» made h" debu' from Statin WMCA and is now appearing regularly on their programi. She has the distinction of having song before President Machado of Cuba.. Her training under Walter Damroich, Allexandre Bonce and Franz Proschowiky has well-equipped her to appear before Urge Radio audiences. Marie Branton, right, is the pianist whose solos have pleased fans listening to WGHB, Clearwater. FARMERS' PROGRAM INDEX Farmer Dinner Concerts Daily Except Sunday CENTRAL TIME KFN'F, 12:15-1:35 p. m. KMA. 11 ::i0-12:30 KSO, 12:30-1:30 p. m. Sunday Atlantic Eastern Central Mountain Pacific Wednesday Eastern Central Mountain Pacific 12:45 11:45 10:4S 9:4S 1 447 5m-670kci, 1'raino Farmer farm 12:13 jl:I3 10:1S 10:30 . Korbutk Ajtrkul Atlantic Monday Eastern Central Mountain Pacific 11 10 KMMJ (22S. 9m1 31 Okcl". Poultr WILi (S26m^"kcJ Ri." &n?iOooL "^ 2:30 p.m. 1:30 12:30 11:30 10*30 KMA 1-161 .i„,-n50kc). I-a.m talk. Agricultural Atlantic ■ ■. -, -':'.' talks. 2:13 1:13 WHO <S26-5?okci, Radio (arm school. 2:30 1:30 12:30 11:30 KMA i icii i,,,.r,-iik, I. ;W-n --' -■ WFAA l47S.9nt-6J0kc). St cultural urogram. 2:45 1:45 12:45 11*45 10*41 WOI <>70.1m-1110kc>. Poultry husbandry. T 6 5 market hour. Thnrsday Atlantic Eaatern Central Mountain Pacific 2:13pm 1:13 12:13 11:13 10:13 Willi tSJ6m.S7i.kcl, K...I-,. farm school. .RUB __ I|«. 12:'S 11:15 10:15 WSA1, ClncinnaU, O. (325.9m-920kc). 7:30 p, ra , W'I'.Al: 10. string quartet. WSWS, Chicago, 111. (275m-l090kc). 6-7 p. m.. classical program; ¥-•>, Zola H.nn,--, Ilndt Aspinwall, reader; Georgia ; o rein.-tra : Henri Therrien. tenor; 10-11, Jack Goodwin, ballads: 12-1, witching WTAM, Cleveland O. (369.4m-770kc> . 6;15 p m„ Hotel Cleveland orchestra; 7:30, WEAF; 8, WEAF. WTIC, Hartford. Conn. (475.9m-630kc), 730 p m Hill Jones an.l bis C.n>ii"l tli.-.u..r orchestra; 7:50, ' Pickles," Olea 31. Sands; S, Kadio Industries ban WWJ," Detroit, Mich. ( 3 52.7m -85 Ok c), 6 p. m., dinner ^•VSSi-r?' WEAF: 7-311. Detroit News orchestra; 8, WEAF; 9. Detroit News orchestra. Central Standard Time Stations KFAB, Lincoln. Neb. (340.7m-880ke), 5:30-6:30 p m.. dinner ..micert : 8 :.Hj-1": in, old-time tune nicht KFNF, Shenandoah, la. (4S1.650kc). 7 p. m„ concart Henry Field Seed company KMA, Shenandoah, la. (46I.3m-650kc), 9-11 p. rn., (b: Jiixc nir.cj mti-niil t.rogram. KMOX, St. Louis, Mo. (280.2m-1070kc), 6:30 p m . Jules; 7, Dr. .1, L. Uiscbr.f, Alma Hotter 8:30. KMOX k.-,.ii., ■', -=..]!« cycle 9-30irLWi!?' Varsity 'i r-..ib.-1.l....r ; KM' )\ orchestra. KPRC, Houston, Tex. (23S.9m-lOIOkc), 7:30 p m Jack WUlrich's dance orcl.esfra ; Virginia Willrkh, accord.ontst; 8:1S, Mr-. K,.l.ett E Uoty, vocalist Elise Rosenthal, vu.lmi-t; M.,. K. V. McClanahan '; ''in, I. -on Sdiiro, tenor. KXH?'* Hrot sPrin5s National Park, Ark. (374.8m BOOkc), 9:10-10:30 „. m., Lou Cbassy, violinist 9"S0 Ian -i'ti Reid, organist. WAMD, Minneapolis. Minn. (244m-1230kc). 6 n m 7:15, classical hour'; " ' I banjo In 1 1 ; I 1. t'.be-tr., : Nit-ht Watchman WCCO, Minneapolls-St. Paul vc5a \vi:ai'. }froli, ; G.dden Gate (416.4m-720kc), nd i Wir i' fen,sacoli>. F'a. (222m-1350kc), 7-R:30 p. iV ■■ Stabure-. Vo.ali-t; I,,],,, I i. T „.,.. ,,!,„, 'it: MeNair, tuan Sevene Broad, a (365.6m-820kc), 6-7 p 0. V. Calhoun, i Lira I' r.-nki-l, v. .i a WDAF, Kansas City, School .. Charlie Straight's oreli.-Mra ; 'j-in, Ararat ^brint ur^irt^Si,.11 AF-] "■ '" ^--l"h;,.l, iVnlic ° "rth" i/,!"*' Wi-5' <z'Sm-1090kc). 6:10 p. m.. Wen*S't ^°"'sville' K>" <3M.8m-7S0kO'',n7:30-9 p. rp., WHB. Kansas City, M. (36S.6m-820kc), 7-8 p. m.. !6m-570kc), 6-7 p. m.. Bank 8, W'EAF. I tlotol Fort Delaware . u, WOC, Davenport. Bernard " WHO, Des Moines, la. (! ers Life Little symph liams. soprano; 7-8. P; « 'a", ' l''"m"i '-Tchestra: o, «crtr. WOAI, San Antonio, Tex. (394.5m-760kc), S:30 p. "■' Punch program. t483.6m-620kc), 4-4:45 p. m.. oiiritone; Jeanne de VoKclaere! tenor; 7-8:9). WEAK; 8, WEAF. City, Mo. (440.9m-680kc), 8 p. nj., Wlf-« At.lan'a.' Ga (-l28-3ni-7O0kcV. 10^45 p.'m'., PeerWSM. Nashville.' Tenn. (282.8m.l060kc). 7 p. m., i er concert, trio: S, program; 10, studio program.' kJ M?unlai? Standard Time Stations KOA Denvtr. Colo. I322.4m-930kcl. r..30 |, II, Un.wn '■■'(';nii; orchestra; 8:1S, [ootball; ft:2S, Mi„ F. f>acifi,: ,Sl»n,da'd Time Stations Si |% "! -"•• C"'" l«7m-S<2kc). 7 ,. ,„ West 'atrick-Marsh dance orchestra; 10-11. Charley'Be; . .... 9-10. _ ; 10-11, Warner Brothers KGO, Oakland, Calif. (361.2m-S30ke), 8:30 p. m.. M.nii-.l., l;ein's Liiil.. -.Min.liun. u.ehestra; 9, Kadio talk, Howard D. Kim;. KGW, Portland, Ore. <491.5m-610kc), 6-7 p. m., dinner concert; V-10. concert. KHJ, Los Angeles. Calif. <405.2m-740kc). 8-10 p. m.. Times de lu.\e presciiTati'jii; 10-11, Jerry Grant and bis orchestra. KLX, Oakland, Calif. (S03.2m-590kc), 6:30-7 p. m., Athens Athletic club nrclieiira; S-9, educational program; 9-JO, special program, KNX, HoUywood. Calif. (336.9m-890kc), 7-8 p. m.. feature program: 8-9., Seonity Tru-t and Savin;..- bani, : '.'-In. pri.uT.iii!. El .Sereno Country cliil.; 10-11., yater -lull d.mce orchestra; 11-12, Ambassador hotel dance orchestra. KPO, San Francisco, Calif. (428.3m.700kc), 6:30-7 o. m., States Kevtatirant orchestra; 7-7:30, Rudy Seiger's Fair ,,t hot.:] ...neert onbestra; 8-9, At water Kent artists; 9-10, Cliit hotel dance orchestra; 10-11, Slates Restaurant orchestra, KTAB. Oakland, Calif. <302.8m-990kc>. 8-10 p. m„ Thursday, September 16 Headliners Today Atlantic Eastern Central Mountain Pacific 9 p.m. 8 7 6 5 WLW 1422 ;,n-710kc), Dayton Radio show. 10:30 9:30 8:30 7:30 6:30 KWW'G (27Ni„-lOr-:Oke), Spanish songs. Senorita Margarita Aguerre. kPKO l_!». .'/rM-iiiiiik,), "Tex" Lyimc, whistler. Wr,MC (J9y.>m-7J(;kc), Ve-ey ensemble. 11 10 9 8 7 WQJ (447.>m-r,70kc). Sylvian Four. Thursday, silent night for: KFAB, KFH, KFOA, KFUO, KMOX, KOA. KOB, WAHG, WAMD. WEAO. WEBJ, WGBF. WHAD. WMAK, WOOD. WOR. WOS, WSM. WSUI, WTAM. Atlantic or Eastern Daylight Saving Time Stations CNRM, Montreal, Can. (410.7m-730kc), 9 p. Mai gilt Calct WCAU. Philadelphia, Pa. (277.6m-1080ke>, G:30 p. «■■ Cathay Garden; 7 ; u), SiielleiibuvK symphony orchestra: S, r = Plantation serenaded, 8:30, recital:, i.,i, fir,.c,etter«; 9, Carolyn Thomas, sojinn...: O.Mt. Chefs; OAS, rro fessor Do. .link; m, 11,, ml Hoys. WEAF, New York. N. Y. (491.Sm-610ke), 6 P^ "i; USAI. WW . \\i,U. WTAM. W» Al'.: ■>. "rLI,,V,.-T ...neert. 1 -.1. 1 ■,.,,„. ,,,.,, W'FFI, *K WOC WSAI, WW J. WGR, WTAM: 10, -9>SSS ■Ink Kskimo-. W I II, W I \K. WTAG, WFI. WCAK WSAI, WTAM. WGR, WW'I, WOC. WC< <| FSfWGN; 11, Silvertuuti i..r,l orchestra, WLLl. W 1 '■ Wgdp, Wer. WSAI. WJAR. WGN. WADC. WCS1I; Greenwich \ .lla.u'e Inn orchestra. WEEI. Boston, Mass. (348.6m-860kc), 8-11 p. m.. WFI, Philadelphia, Pa. (39-l.Sm-760kc}. 6-45 p m ll..t«l Vleli.lna danee uiehestia ; S, balon orchestra; .' ■ in, W LAh. WHN, New York. N. Y. (36l.2m-830kc), 7-7:30 p m . Junior Order nid.t; ; 8;30, theater «,°.V.eStU^e' v?ui,evil]e: 11:30-1 J. club orchestra. WJAR, Providence, R. I. (48S.ini ■■>, i -k. >. musical program; 9, WEAF; 10, WEAF. WJZ. New York, N. Y. <454.3m-S60kc), 7:05 n m. Hotel Madison eonteri ...-, .|1L.-r u , h. Voice of the Silent drama: 8:3(1. WMC: •>: Jii. kuval Typewriter Salon orchestra, WGY, WRC; 10:30, Fireside Ik.y.. wi;c, WBZ. WMCA, New York, N. Y. (34O.7m-860kc). 7 p. m„ Monte Carlo by the Sea oreli.-na: S, k.-.eni.-i -■= Homers; 9. Sok.w s.doi-ts; 11, H-id McAlpin ,.r chestra; 12, Broadway niyht. WNYC, New York, N. Y. {S26m-570kc>. 7 p. m„ piano selections; 8, band concert, Prospect park. WOO, Philadelphia, Pa. (5OS.2m-S90kc) , 7:30 lintel Sylvania dance orchestra. WOR. Newark. N. J. (405.2m-740kc). 6:15 laciues I, ie,. !..-.' II I ii.-enikle ; 7, \ Jacohi,1 llotol Shelton eiisemkle ; 7:45, yueen slain 1 orchestra; 8:1" ' Eastern Standard or Central Daylight Saving Time Stations KDKA, Pittsburgh, Pa. (309.1 m-970kc). 5:30 p. in. dinner concert; «, "lii/.et" sympkony players; Winifred Perry, t.mtralto; 11.1:20. ce.ncert. Flotilla club, Fl/i ("..v.iro ami his or. I.e-u a. KYW. Chicago, 111. (535.4m-560ke). 6:30 p. m.. dinnei concert. Congress k..iel: S-y, "Twenty Minutes ol G I Heading": Cl-10: iO, cbs-icil prosram; 10:30-12 niriinielit. Congress Carnival. WBAL, Baltimore. Md. <24S.8m-1220kc). 6:3O-7;30 p m, dinner orcicstra : 7 miv.ed quartet; S-9. WBAL trio: John Wilbourn, tenor; 9-10, dance orchestra. ~ i-90Okc). 6:05 p. m.. m.l Ins Victor Recording or:■ ill. Frank MtGrarhcr. k.iritonc: Joseph Gil.iav. violinist: 9. Mrs, Helen Beckwith Ryan, contralto; 9:15. Leslie Stearns, WCFt!"' Chicago, 111. (491.Sm-GI0kc), 6:30 p. m„ Florentina string tn..; 7 :■■>-• .^\ Ann post, contralto; Joe Warner; 8:30-10, Ha/el Nyuian, accordion^ ? WGY, Schenectady, N. Y. (379.Sm-790kc). 6:45 p. m. ■■■■■■»> ' — ; 7:30, WRC: X, WIZ: 9, Utici male quartet; 10:30, Stephei Inilnsirial Institu K. lioiscUir. WHT, Chicago, III. (399.8m-7S0kc), 7-8:3D p, m.. Al Carney, organist; S:45 (23Sm-12GOkc). Helen Rauh, orcainst; Stuart Haw, on, po.-m- lU'10-1 { 199 Stu750kc), Al Carney. ..rk.lm-i; I'olle Alan HufF, popular songs; Little Joe Warner, character songs; Al and Pat. WJAZ. Chicago, III. <329.Sm-910kc), 9-12 midnight, Uiez Pierre orchestra; Henrietta Nolan, violinist; George Peterson, baritone; Jacob WJR, Pontiac, Mich. <5I6.9m-580kc), 7 I rade !'. ■■. pan ~i,<u [iri>t;rani ■ enlert lint-l (32S.9m-920kc) , lo"p."m.7'Swi's's sonys; 11 :15. Walter in., Detroi' WKRC. Cincinnati. l.oon; WLIB, Chicago. III. (302.8m-990kc), 7-7 I10.1 sinK; 7:ii,.7:|,. OM-Fa-hio.ieJ Ah Drake concert encenilil.. ■ l!l..,:-l... ,.,,,.. 11-11:20, Cc 1)5 1 WMAQ I447.5m-670kcl. Prairie Fan .1 Hortiiulu 8:46 7:45 6:45 5 WS.M (aaZ-Bm-lOMkcl, Poultry ti 9 8 7 fl WOS (440.9m-6K0kc). Livestock 9:30 8;30 7:30 6 -3D Ian KUOA (299,Sm-1010kcl. Sept. 20? 27. Farm WAl'i'ik.orni -mOkvi. Farm talk. 10 9 8 7 g KFNF (161 3m-f.50kc), Poultry talk 10:30 9:30 8:30 T-30 6*30 i2'o^VJ",7.iJ'n^"!0U,'^i,;irs-K<,e,'uck pWram. 1 2 :03a.m. 11:05 10:05 9*05 n-n<i KGO (361.2m-830kc), Agricultural Outlook Tuesday Atlantic Eastern Central Mountain Padflc KMMJ (228.9m-1310kci, Pou!try9talks * 2:13 p.m. 1:13 12:13 11-13 Wild i5_fi-570kcl. Radio farm school Z:IS 1:15 12:15 ills WCCO {416.-tm-7J0kel, lam, ,„..«, ,,,1 2:30 1:30 12:30 llTSO Vm v.-i"1"' ■'".":"'"1:'1 Agricultural aid. t.Vl? (44?*Sm*67()kc>' 1'rairic Farmer farm 2:4S 1:45 12*45 11-45 in-iK WOI (2/O.n-lIlOke). "Animal Husbandry." 7:45 6:45 5:45 4-45 \.*s. WGY (J79.5.-"""-' ..*-:-...*-V__. 9 t KVW 1:1.x -in, -=fii)kc). Amcri 10:30 9;3o 8:30 7.30 KOA (J22.4m-'.'Kikel, Faun ,|nestj„u box 11:10 10:10 9:io B:io 7 WOAW (526-570kc), Poultry, piB troubles, 10:30 WOI (270m-U10kc). 2:30 1:30 12:30 11:30 h^Ar!'16' -'!." ',;0K' '' A'ri. mltural »id. talk H47.Sm-670kti. Trairie Farmer farm 9:30 ' 8:30 7:30 6:30 5*30 WOI (270m-M10kcl, Talk. KYW <5J5.4m-560k.:; .■'.merie-a.^Fp-n, bureit 10:30 9:30 8:30 7:30 6:30 KOA O22.4m-930kc>, Farm Question box. Friday Atlantic Eastern Central Mountain Pacific SlllP1?— * = >?. Sill H:13 10:IS WHO (S26ni-57ul;c), Kadio farm school lit« 11:15 io;15 program. 10:30 2:15 WCCO (lit,.!,,, ;j(ikvi. Fanners 2:30 1:30 12:30 ll:30~ KMA (it.l. hn-.suk.-l. Agricultural ai 10:13 I0:1S 10:30 ■790kc). Agricultural program. 35.4m-560kc). WMAO I-M7 5m-670kc). Pn WOS. (4«.9m-680kcl. Evening Market hour. lJatry questions and answers 3:30 8:30 7:30 6*30 Sin WOC HM.6m-620kc), Question box. Saturday I Atlantic Eastern Central Mountain Pacific KPRC' I2?6.9tn-1010kel,ni Farmers1 educational and musical program. l!« 12:15 11US 10:15 Farm Bur* KMA («1.3m-6S0kc), Agricultural aid. WOI (270m-1110kc), Soils, " 10:30 KDKA iJ09,lm-970ke>. Farm program. K^5C'.,H<;uston' Te)<* (296.9m101 Okc), g:J0 p m Tex Lynn,, whisiler:, *;45. Jane lammack „^PIan<;i 9 boutliern Factlic Lines band. I/iiS', "?' SprlnRS Nat'uual Park. Ark. (374.8m. aoOkc). 9:10-9:45 p. tn., opera classics. New Arling . .. hotel orchcsl.... KWWG, Brownsville, Tex. < 278m108 Okc), 8:30 u m --— Margarita At-uerre; H.4s, it; 9, Mrs. Harry Faulk, contralto; An inn 2:01, dance program, Spanish songs, ,.,N,;;U' '7'"'ink 'Gi"uor : WAMD, Minneapolis, Minn. (244m-1230kc). _ , Kadissoii hotel orchestra; 10, organ. recital. WBAP, Ft. Worth, Tex. (475.9m-630kc) . 9:30-11 p. rr Davis octet ; 11-12 vuliy mandolin and guit: l;r..>:r..,,,. Nmlbcrn Melody Roys. WCBD. ZIon, — kind; !■:. : )h (344.6m-870kc). 9 p. Veatrice H o; Mray Wedc WCCO, 7-9 p. in.. W 1" AF, WDAF, Kansas City, Paul, Minn. (416.4m-720kc), 1.1,-; Lai ol-C.l.l :1,';. "i".1.' ; l-rc.l Hai : Jii Eggert; 10-1, Alamo .. __xel Chri^i dance orchestra. WCX. Detroit. Mich. (516.9m-580kc), 6-7 p. m.. Gold kette ensemble: 8-10, studio pr,.Kram. WDBO. Winter Park. Fla. (239.9m-1200kc), 9 p. ra. Sanford hour of music. WEBH. Chicago, III. <370.2m-810kc). 7-8 p. m., harp recital, Edward Vi 0-9:45. F.ilitewa Carle *" rchest... . _.ach hotel ensemble; 11-1 solos. Hickey HlKL-l.r. ..!i..-.-(l 3fl a. d Johnso WCN, Chicairo. III. <302.Sm-990kc). S-4S-7 p. 111., rc .,,.,-, S-9. WK\T; o-tfi. WEAF; 10-10:10. .:,,„ ■„ INm-v; 1 fl; ICl-1 II : JO. Music l!oX ; 1 (1 :20-l O10. C.reat llom-n'ts from Grand Opera; 10:3(M1. WCN -tiirbo ensemble. WGR. Buffalo. N. Y. (319m-940kc>, S-Il p. m., W'EAF. Meeker's Drake hotel dat orchestra. WLS. Chicago. III. <344.6m-B70kc), 7:20 p. m„ Sherman, violinist; Marie Ln.lwij;. Iiarpi^t; u-lph_ Emerson; 8, Surprise 1 College Inu orchestra; 8:10. Manrie Sbertiian's Arthur llipnioc. barit.. itl, O. (422.3m-710kc), 7 ; WLW. Clnclm "rosley Pups. WMAQ. Chicago, 111. (447.5m-670kc). 6:50 u. m.. orchestra; 8:20, ( ,,rl Cr.iven. tenor; S;S0, WMAQ plaver<;' OtSii. WMAO iir linD WM1 -_, 9:50. WMAQ .... BB, Chicago, 111. <250m-1200kc). 7-8 p. m„ Rus " orchestra; The Lombards, j'.l.n StaiiU'or.l;'Sainly' McTavfslV. WOK, Chicago, Ilk (^17.3m-1380kc), Top In ater organ: K"atz and hi: way Garden orchestra: orchestra; Capitol tlteate WORD. Balavia, 111. (275.1i program; 9, musical nrot WQJ. Chicago. III. (44-7.5m Gardens orchestra ; artis orchestra; Lamb Sister: ( WRC. Washington. D. C. (4E U. S. " Tearnev ';»;,ir _ j). m., Tir 8-12, Capitol ill. orchestra ; Mid (365.6m-820kc), 5-7 p. m, e "tr; 11 4s-l .1 m.. ,\m-1ii b.,« 1 frolic 'Kl'i ^ I'.i miv. ...I; ,,lra; Earl Colcstra; Ken Witlenor, organist, :, Tex. (475.9m-630ke). 6:30-7:30 p. in., Raker hotel orchestra; 8:30-9:30, Lit ?nebadiief WHAS, Louisville, Ky. (399,Bm-750kc), 7;30-9 p. WHO. Des Moines, la. (52Sm-S70kc), 7:30-8 p. Atlantic Eattem Central Mountain Pacific WBAL* (246ta-I230kc), Lilliam Howard iM.m.i. WEEI I348.6m-860kcl. Neapolitan Glrla quintet 9:30 8:30 7:30 6:30 5:30 WOR (319m-940kc). Edna Zalim and frieudv <0 9 8 7 S WLS (344.6m-870kc), Cyrcua Van Cordon, cou WM'aq" (447.5m-760kc), Yom Klppur, Jcsvish KFWn I252m-1190kc), Peggy Mathews, blues WH,\'l'''n;5.')ni-6Ulkcl, Vclmn Dean, blues ,,,,-,., 2:30 1 :30 12:30 11:30 10*30 KGW I49L5m-rilOkc), Hoot Owls. Friday, silent night for: KWWG. WBBR. WCAD. WJAZ. WKRC, WLIT, WLW, ?y.LWk .WW Neb. <526m-570kc), 6:50 1 5:41-6 1 >->:H\ 1 .loll, WSB, Atlanta. Ca. (428.3m-700kc), 8 p. in,, concert 10:45, orchestra. Mountain Standard Time Stations KOA, Denver, Colo. (322.4m-930kc). 6:30 p. m„ flrown Palace string orchestra. Pacific Standard Time Stations KFI, Los Anseles, Colli. (467m-642kc), 7-8 p b'.oi.-. H..y,' orcbeslr.-i. 1 ieoree O'lk.r-, KM " ""■. "»nV| ni-ll, ¥VI_W, WLtVL. Vt WREO. WRVA. WSAI, WSMB, WSUI, W^AM. Atlantic or Eastern Daylight Saving Time Stations WAHC, Richmond Hill, N. Y. I3is.6m-950kc>, 7:30 Edna It... Ii-ieui. pianist; 7:45. Ccrtruile alto; 8. Albert Iteiss, vihraphnne;,, ,ili ; M 1(1, Rmli,, Constance Mcnkcl, Lithuanian, . «:15, Willi., World's ka 7-8 p. m., Rainb, Hamlto Garden; in Fuur; Goldie Tla <FWB. Holly 10-11. , Calif. 9-10, ■I19llkcl 8-9 i Hotel -■ best I WRVA, Richmond, Va. (256.3m-1170kc), 8:45-12:45 well : >.;ht. WSAI, Cincinnati, 6. (325.9m-920kc), 6;45 chime concert; 7-10 p. m.. W'EAF. ■ \ ,. Chicago. III. {27Sm-1090kc), 7-3 1 .M.-.1 "On WTAM. Cleveland, O. (389.4m-770ke). 6 p. m., TIolleaden hotel orchestra: 7:30. WEAF: 8, WEAF: 9. studio program; 11. Emerson Gill and bis Bamboo WTIC, Hartford, Conn. (475.9m-S30kc), 7 p. m„ popular period: 7:30, James Under, hanjoist ; ft. Foran-to Melody Makers am! Jlamhestar ituartet; 9, Coll Park Mimicipal .lance orchestra; 9:30, Emit Heimhereer's Hotel Ti.nirl dance orchestra. WWJ. Detroit. Mich. (352.7m-8S0ke), 6 p. ro., dinner cert; 7, WEAF. Central Standard Time Stations KFNF, Shenandoah, la. (4G1.3m-650kc>, 7 p. m„ Violet Siewers orchestra KLDS. Independence. Mo. (440.9m-6SOkc) , 8 p. m„ prosram. KCO. Oakland, Calif. (361.2m-830kc), 6-fi:5s t>. „,. Hem's Little symphony orcbestr.i ; X-9. Olympic glei cluh; Valencia trio; 9-12, Fhil Umpkui'a Musical KGW. Portland. Ore. (491 -5m -61 Okc). 6-7 p. in., din tier concert; 9-10. vaudeville. KHJ. Los Anftetes, Calif. (405.2m-740kc), 8-10 P, m,, Zoellnc-r .string tjuartat, Harriet Andrews, soprano. "■<l Vr.-cl.eli; o-io, srtidi,. 1. rot-ram: 10-11, fca .,£2,8ri,n: ""' '■ Ainbas "for hood il. ,.!..■ orcbe KPO, San Frand»co, Calif. (428.3m 700kc), 6:30-7 p.m.. States rc-staurant orchestra: 7-7:30, Rudy Seiners Fairmont hotel orchestra; 8-9, studio program: 9-10. studio program; 10-11. Mandarin cafe KPSN, PaudeiM, Calif. (31S.«m-950kc), 8-9 p. WCAU, Philadelphia, Pa., (277.6m-10BOkc). 7:30 p. m . SncllciibiirK iiivimineiitjl tri.,; >'.. Harry O'Moore Irish tenor; 8: JO, Anil:, I.,,,,,., ...,,,.,; H;-ls, Mis, Itanilnna, rnano ac, ord ; ■)., , 1 , Sara Gold, Muri-iuri-iK baritone; lu. Myer'a .Musical WEAF. N(*r York, N. Y. (491.5m-610kc), 6 p. ra.. d.tmer tnnsi, . 7, M.;.,r Itavi.' I'.,, k I.. .,rcl„ tra; 8:30, Wander. ,,k l.nnslrel,, W't .\E; ' I Iranee orchestra. W'KKl. UT,I(, WOO, Ml, Whitralt An,d, .-Persians, WF.KI, W Ki . W"l Mi. WIAK WCAE. WOO. writ . WGR, WliAC. WtfO VVW KSli, WTAM. Wt'SH. WON; In 10. I.„ |, A lb in an j his orchestra; ll-IJ, IV-lham Health Inn orchestra. WEBJ, New York. N. Y. (172.6m-M00kc), 7»n. in. Iruiu I'Y.s.liek i....«, ■j.ii.raiio : It.d, LaiiKtinii tenor 7-}» K.ii.k !,. Cn'll ..,,!„ ,, ,. S. 'llr.-nna,, a,^ Ait.nn-: K:l=.. Sara I ase. ,, ,,,,„. , ; S: ,„, Ltlna'S Mar Hand. WEEI, Boston, Mmi. (348.8m-860kc). 7 30 p m "''■■ --• ^'i; wfcAk"""'k;,'e: 8:M Iphlo, Pa. (394.5m-7S0kc), 6;4G p. m.. W'liii, cb. -Mr. WHN. New York. N. Y. {36I.2m-H30kc) Oivn ■8:30 p. ra.. 11-11 : "I. Strand Roof or n Ilea tra; 12 Friday, September 17 Headliners Today Atlantic Eastern Central Mountain WC& (379.Sm-790kc). Yom Kippur. chc itra; 11 t30-12, RoseUn. 12:30, Silver SlipK'r or,l,e WJAR, Providence, R. music-lie; 10. WKAF WJZ. New York. N. Y. (4S4,3m-Ce0kc), 7:05 p m . George Olsen's IVi.i. -vh -....i. tel orebestra; 9. 1 Laddies., 10:30l (4BS.lm.G18kc), S:J5 p. i i.j>m-76nkc). S p. m., rstra; 'J. ScliickerlniK cafe dance . . (IGs'jm-tlaOkc), 7:30-8:05 Hotel Belleclairc Tower orcbe; WLIT, Philadelphia. Pa, (394.5m-760kc), Arcadia cafe ■ 11," lM-eshman 1 WMAK, Buffalo, r*. ..[., p. rn.. WGY orchestra; S:15-10:.itl, WGY players. WMCA. New York, N. Y. <340.7m-B80kc). 6:30 p. tit., McAlpin orchestra; 7:.<0. M„rltc r.irl,. l,y tl„, Sr., orchestra; R. Midland Beach orchestra; V A",,so*:'*1I*on orchestra; 9:30, Klein's serenading WNYC. * New York, N. Y. (S26m-S70kc), 6 p. m.. I.j France " Sc^'miepnteiiiiial (