Radio Digest (Nov 1930-Apr 1931)

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106 Radio Digest Broadcasting Stations offer fascinating jobs paying from $1,800 to $5,000 a year. Operating on board ship gives yon worldwide travel without expense, and a salary of $85 to $200 a month besides. Spare time set servicing is paying N. R. I. men $200 to $1,000 a year for their spare time. Earnings begin almost at once after enrolling. Commercial Land Stations are being opened very rapidly in our loading cilies. Trans-Oceanic telephony offers many attractive jobs. 3010* Wanted lake your pick of these fine Big Pay Radio Jobs YOU have seen how the men and young men who got into the automobile, motion picture and other industries when they were started had the first chance at the key jobs — are now the $5,000, $10,000 and $15,000 a year men. Radio offers you the same chance that made men rich in those businesses. Its growth has already made men independent and will make many more wealthy in the future. Its amazing growth can put you ahead too. Don't pass up this opportunity for a good job and future financial independence. Hundreds of $50 to $100 a Week Jobs Opening Every Year Radio needs more trained men badly. Why slave your life away for $25 to $40 a week in a no-future job when you can get ready in a short time for Radio where the good jobs pay $50, $60, $75 and $100 a week? And many of these jobs can quickly lead to $150 to $200 a week. Hundreds of fine jobs are opening every year for men with the right training — the kind of training 1*11 give you. I Am Doubling and Tripling Salaries Where you find big growth you always find many big opportunities. I am doubling and tripling the salaries of many men every year. After training with me only a short time they are able to make $1,000 to $3,000 a year more than they were getting before. Figure out for yourself what an increase like this would mean to you — the many things that mean so much in happiness and comfort that you could buy with an additional $1,000 to $3,000 a year. Many Make $10 to $25 a Week Extra Almost at Once The day you start I'll show you how to do ten jobs common in most every neighborhood that you can do in your spare time. I'll show you how to repair and service all makes of sets and do many other jobs all through my course. I'll give you the plans and ideas that are making $200 to $1,000 for my students while they are taking my course. G. W. Page, 107 Raleigh Apts., Nashville, Tenn., writes: "I made $935 in my spare time while taking your course." You Have Many Jobs to Choose From Broadcasting stations use engineers, operators, station managers. Radio manufacturers continually need testers, inspectors, foremen, engineers, service men. buyers and managers. Shipping companies use hundreds of operators and give them world-wide travel with practically no expense and a good salary besides. There are hundreds of opportunities for you to have a spare time or full time Radio business of your own. I'll show you how to start one with practically no capital. My book tells you of other opportunities. Be sure to get it at once. Radio factories employ thousands. Salaries for well trained men range from $1,800 to $5,000 a year. $400 a Month "I spent fifteen years as traveling salesman and was making good money but could see the opportunities in Radio. Believe me I am hot sorry, for I have made more money than ever before. I have made more than $400 each month and if really was your course that brought me to this. I can't, say too much for your school." ,1. G. Dahlstead, 1484 South 15th St., Salt Lake City, Utah. $800 in Spare Time "Money could not pay for what. I got out of your course. I did not know a single thing about Radio before 1 enrolled but I have made $800 in my spare time although my work keeps me away from home from 6:00 A. M. to 7:00 P. M. Every word I ever read about, your course I have found true." Milton I. Leiby, Jr., Topton, Pennsylvania. Seldom Under $100 a Week ■"My earnings in Radio are many times greater than I ever expected them to be. In November I made $577, December $615, January $165. My earnings seldom fall under $100 a week. I'll say the N. R. I. course is thorough and complete. You give a man more for his money than anybody else." E. E. Winborne, 1414 W. 48th St., Norfolk, Va.