Radio Digest (Nov 1930-Apr 1931)

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50 Graham McNamee tar -G azin for Cjrraham Astrologer Finds The Firmament Gives Dean of Elite Announcers A Break — He's Lazy but Lucky % Peggy Hull FOLKS, meet Graham McNamee! Yes, I know you think this introduction is superfluous but just wait a minute before you turn the page, for I am going to tell you some things about him that he doesn't even know himself! He's lazy. Now don't get mad and bury me beneath a ton of protests. Graham just can't help being indolent. His Sun is in the sign Cancer and in this position, vitality is at its lowest ebb. If he had to do something very strenuous to get before the public, it is safe to say he would be content to remain unknown, but Fate was kind to him. Radio was discovered just in time to give Graham McNamee a break. Anyone knows the easiest and most pleasant job in life is talking, and for Graham it was made doubly easy with three planets in the sign of Gemini. Gemini rules speech and words. Its influence makes men and women better conversationalists, better writers and when Mercury occupies this position, it gives extreme fluency. It makes a person fond of travel, of change, of new things, and everyone knows that Graham McNamee flits back and forth across the continent like a flea. You can be certain, there is nothing he likes better than an assignment at the opposite end of the United States. Remember how many people held back when Radio was first announced? Well, Graham McNamee wasn't one of them. No sir, he stepped right up and learned all about it from the very beginning. It was his Mercury in Gemini which caused him to do this. All his life he will be investigating anything new which makes its appearance in our world. While Astrology isn't new, it is having its re-birth and if Graham hasn't taken it up yet, he'll be sure to investigate it some time, for his mind is a broad one and he isn't influenced by the opinions of others and neither has he any preconceived notions about a subject. He approaches any investigation with a wide open mind and he possesses such a shrewd and penetrating judgment that he knows he does not have to rely upon others for advice. His moon in Saggitarius gives him that alert and active personality with which he is associated in everyone's mind who has heard him over the air. And it has a lot to do with the short, crisp way he has of presenting a topic. It makes him fond of animals, especially horses and dogs. It increases his love for sports. As a matter of fact, his success in life depends chiefly upon his association with sporting events and if you stop to recall some of the highlights of his career, you will remember that he first became well known for his broadcasts of baseball and football games. Graham can also tell you about a horse race with such skill and vivid detail that, although you are a thousand miles from the track, your heart will beat faster, your hair stand on end and you will hover over the Radio literally seeing the horses come down the home stretch. Saggitarius rules distance and with the Moon posited therein it is no wonder that his public extends wherever the Radio waves go. This position also tends to create the feeling in people that they know him, once they have listened to him, and further strengthens the influence of Venus, Neptune and Mercury in Gemini. As Gemini rules brothers and sisters and communication, he has literally a great family who feel for him the same warm affection which harmonious kin have for each other. Venus in Gemini gives him the talent for words which make his Radio talks distinguished for precision in describing a situation. When Graham gets through telling you about a fast play on the gridiron, you have a good mental picture of what has taken place. This position of Venus is also responsible for the even and permanent affection of his Radio audience. Unlike Rudy Vallee, whose stars show that people either love or hate him, Graham does not suffer from bitter and uncalled for criticism. If people do not particularly like him, this feeling does not take an active form in invectives, they merely turn the dial and forget him, but there is no such indifference when it comes to Vallee. N. JEPTUNE, the spiritual planet, posited in Gemini, gives Graham unusual mental faculties and a certain . amount of genius. It makes him sensitive to the finer intuitional and inspirational vibrations and gives the gift of oratory and unusual literary ability. There is no field of endeavor where mental ingenuity is required in which Graham could not excel. His Sun conjuncting Mars in Cancer