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makes mm fond of lively places. That is why he is fond of sports and horse races and explains the public's interest in him through his connection with them. Just as Floyd Gibbons' horoscope, with the [Sun and Mars in Cancer, showed that he would become distinguished through revolutions and wars, so Graham's indicates lis fame through sports and the air.
jJATURN in Leo gives him friends among people of the upper classes. Heads of governments, high officials and men and women of the Social Register type are drawn to Graham through these vibrations and their acclaim has added much to the success which his popularity with the masses gave him.
There are many people before the public who enjoy only the plaudits of a certain strata of society, but Graham's horoscope shows that from the masses to their rulers, he is liked and admired.
With his Jupiter in Capricorn there is no doubt about his future. This position .of the beneficiary planet Jupiter makes Graham, self reliant, ambitious and persistent. No setbacks or disappointments will deter him, neither can any obstacles keep him from the limelight very long.
Capricorn is the sign which gives patience and endurance. People born with ; their Sun in this sign can struggle a life ( time for success. They can keep on in i the face of thwarted desires, overwhelming obstacles and they can wait for years 1 to realize their dreams. Graham's Jupiter in this position stabilizes his ambitions ' and gives him a patience he would not otherwise have. It is the guarantor of his future. He may get a few bad breaks now and then, but he will have i the tenacity to keep on trying, to stick I to what he is doing until the adverse period is past.
Of course if Graham suddenly found himself without a spot on the air, he could very soon make his old audience sit up and take notice by turning his hand to writing, for his horoscope shows that he would be equally as successful in this field as he is on the air.
But writing is hard work. It means steady, relentless plugging every day and Graham has no disposition for such labor. It would take a tremendous amount of self discipline on Graham's part, more than I believe he's got, but if he did whip himself into shape . . . what stories he could write!
Albert Payson Terhune, who has long held the title in the dog story world would soon run for cover. Grantland Rice and some of the other topnotchers among the sporting writers would be eyeing their crowns anxiously, for, if there is anything in Astrology, Graham could write rings around them while he was half asleep. Such, dear readers, is the gift the planets have bestowed upon a man who doesn't need it.
It appears that Graham hasn't been enjoying the best of health lately. His
stars would indicate that he has suffered from a lack of nervous energy; that he tires easily and when he is working, finds getting on the job a trial. These conditions will pass as the planets move on but in the meantime he must guard against accidents of all kinds and should take no chances with his life or limbs. His bump of curiosity could easily lead him into an unpleasant encounter with a new invention and this is no time for Graham to test out a new airplane or play with electrical devices.
The aspects which have been holding him back during the past year will have been dissipated in 1931 and when his Sun conjuncts Jupiter all of his affairs will take on new life. He will feel better, too, and respond to opportunities with the old enthusiasm. The year 1932, however, is the one which will bring him the most pronounced benefits. And some of the good things which come to him in the next twelve or fifteen months will be only the outriders of the greater fortune " on the way.
Many people lose their friends when under bad aspects, and they have to travel the road of adversity alone and uncomforted. But not Graham McNamee. He has a buoyant quality which makes it possible for him to conceal from even his intimates his real feelings. He is not the kind who would let his troubles cast a shadow over his associates.
He has quick sympathy for others in distress and is always ready to help, but he can't be fooled. His intuition is too sharp for that. It would be worse than useless for a man to step up to Graham with a hard luck tale, made up out of whole cloth, and expect him to believe it. He can hear tin drop in a proposition a mile away. But he is seldom prejudiced.
ENUS in conjunction with Neptune makes him fond of music, the arts and drama. Beauty in all forms appeals to him strongly and this aspect also increases his popularity with friends and associates. It makes him thoughtful of other people's happiness, polite, full of kindness and sympathy and inclines to bring benefits from large
successful corporations, coming to a conjunction
combines and With Venus with the Sun in Cancer it is safe to forecast an even greater popularity in the future for Graham McNamee than he has yet known. He will be carried on a wave of affection from the public in general to heights he has little dreamed he would scale.
.E WILL have ups and downs throughout his life, but there are none after this particular period through which he is passing at present, which will give him much trouble.
ASTROLOGY , one of the oldest of -^* professions, has made gigantic strides since it has become better known through broadcasting. Read Peggy Hull's monthly horoscopes of your favorite Radio stars. Next month she will tell you what the forces of the sky had to do with the success of Amos V Andy. Don't miss your March Radio Digest.
Precision in announcing is Graham's middle name way the stars made him.
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